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April 13, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-13

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:43 a t t4H

Windy, possibility of

Vol. LXXXII, No. 148

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 13, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

No decision,
*made on SGC
fraud charge
After five hours of testimony and cross-examination the
Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) could not reach a decision
last night on charges of "gross fraud" in last month's all-
campus elections.
The hearing, which lasted into the early hours of the
morning, had been called to examine SGC member Joel





bombing continues

Silverstein's allegation of ma
Meanwhile Elections Dir
named as a possible defends
announced that he will file
for "slanderous and libelous r
The suit will deal with an
G;ovt. hits
two firms
, 0
on profits
Price Commission has ordered two
firms it found to have excess pro-
fit margins to roll back prices
within 10 days.
Yesterday's action came a day
after the government said review
of financial reports showed 20
per cent of the nation's biggest
businesses appeared to have high-
er profit margins than allowed
' under current economic controls.
Browning - Ferris Industries,
Inc., a waste - management firm
based in Houston, and Harvest
Markets, Inc., food retailers of
Buffalo, N.Y., were ordered to re-
duce the selling prices of goods
and services.
In addition, the Price Com-
mission ordered International
Telephone and Telegraph Corp.
to make refunds to purchasers of
brake-shoe products put out by
Aimco Industries, Inc., a subsidi-
ary: The commission said refunds
of the difference between the base
price and selling prices must be
made for Aimco sales between
Jan. 3, and Feb. 23, 1972.
Donald Rumsfeld, director of
the Cost of Living Council, said
Tuesday that 24 of 105 quarter-
ly reports studied showed unac-
ceptable profit margins. These
firms, he said, "run the risk of
being found in violation of the
stabilization - program regula-
tions if they are unable to justify
their reports."
The statement by Rumsfeld
seems to back up at least in part
the charges made by critics of
Nixon's economic plan, who have
said that big business is accum-
ulating high profits despite the
price control program.
However, some, of the critics,
including AFL - CIO President
George Meany, have said that
business was accumulating high
profits even while following the
regulations prescribed by the Pay
All firms with annual sales
above $50 million a year are re-
quired to make quarterly reports
to the commission. The spokes-
See PRICE, Page 10

assive ballot-stuffing.
ector David Schaper, who is
ant in the fraud charge, has
a legal suit against Silverstein
earlier statement by Silverstein
-accusing Schaper of ballot-
stuffing in last November's
SGC elections. Silverstein said
his charge was based on state-
ments made to him by former
SGC officer Jay Hack several
weeks ago.
Silverstein and Schaper have
both refused to comment further
on the suit.
Last night's CSJ hearing began
the final series of proceedings in
a month-long controversy over the
validity of the all-campus elec-
The court heard testimony from
chemistry Prof. A. A. Gordus, who
contended that his analysis of 500
sample ballots "implies conclusive-
ly that about 400 of the 5,229 votes
were fraudulently cast for
Gordus said his conclusion was
reached on the basis of "highly
irregular patterns" in the manner
in which certain ballots in his
sample had been filled out.
In cross-examination SGC mem-
bers Marty Scott of GROUP and
Curt Steinhauer of the Respon-
sible Alternative Party (RAP)
cited faults in Gordus' methods.
The defense also claimed possible
political bias on Gordus' part.
Silverstein then called Schaper
to the stand and attempted to
show possible conflict of interest
in his position as Elections Direc-
tor. However Schaper denied "any
possible connection" between his
recent appointment as SGC Treas-
urer and his actions as Elections
Silverstein then presented what
he described as "clincher evi-
dence"-the allegation that several
of the "questionable" s a m p l e
GROUP ballots showed impressions
made from ballots on top of them.
Silverstein contended that sucht
impressions "could not have been
made in the normal voting pro-
Scott and Steinhauer attempted
to further disprove the validity of1
Gordus' findings by presentingt
their own e x p e r t witnesses -1
GROUP member John Koza, who.
has written computer programs for
the last four SGC elections, nuclear
physics Prof. Mark Ross, and as-
sistant Prof. Ed Rothman of the
statistics department.
All three men challenged the
accuracy of Gordus' "random
sample;" Ross claimed that Gor-
dus had drawn a "faulty correla-
tion between marking patterns andt
voting patterns."

---Daily-Jim Judkis
Diag protest
About 150 people rally on the Diag yesterday in response to the recent stepping-up of U.S. air power
in Indochina. The protest, organized by People Against the Air War (PAAW), was a prelude to a
march on the Hoover Ball and Bearing Company today. PAAW alleges that the Hoover company
produces steel pellets used by U.S. planes in bombing raids.
200 MARSH:
CPHA stri~ke conti~nues

From Wire Service Reports - -- - -- - ---- -
SAIGON - As American B52s}4a.
continued rtheir intense bombing
raids on North Vietnam, a column ~
of North Vietnamese tanks and
infantrymen drove into the be->
siegedtprovincial capital of An
Loc today, 60 miles north of
Although sources of the Army of
South Vietnam (ARVN) reported
the town, under siege for a week,>
to be holding, at least two tanks
have penetrated govenment de-
U.S. and S o u t h Vietnamese
bombers attacked what was said
to be a column of 40 tanks, which
moved southward from the district
town of Loc Ninh, taken by Com-
munist forces last week. The
waves of bombers launched heavy
attacks on two sides of An Loc
within one and two miles of the
city limits.
A column of about 20,000 ARVN
troops is trying to move northward
along the highway stretching from
An Loc to Saigon to relieve the
siege on the beleaguered provincial
capital. Their progress 'thus far
however has been slow.
South Vietnamese President
Nguyen Van Thieu has ordered
An Loc to be held at all costs, as
its capture by Communist forces
would pose a direct threat to Sai-
Meanwhile, Communist forces
shelled the Da Nang air base and
Phu Bai, biggest U.S. installations
in the northern part of South
Vietnam, causing at least 17 cas-
ualties and damaging ten aircraft.
There were also renewed at-
tecks on a key northern position Black revolutionary Angela Davis, prepares to
head by forces of the Army of!
Sot V etnam tARV . Amrain as she leaves the Santa Clara County Cou
Rpublican congressional lead Davis is currently being tried for alleged in
ers. sfter meeting with President Soledad Brothers shootout, in which a judge w
Nixon yesterday, said, "we hon-
estly don't know" whether Nixon DEMAND CLASSROOMS:
1il cont.inue withdrawal of U.S.
forces from Vietnam after May 1.
Field reports said Communist
troorm have surrounded Fire Base
Rss+oQne.12 pmiles southwest of
the imperial capital of Hue and
60 miles south of the demilitarized
zone. During the 1968 Tet offen-
save. it was a drive through the
base that led to the capture of
The siege at Bastogne was so,
effective that resupply helicopters By MARTIN STERN the matter. I
were unable to land for the third Eighty demonstrators marched noting thata
day because of anti-aircraft fire. into the offices of five campus ad- ciate Paul Sp
About 100 wounded ARVN troops ministrators yesterday, to protest of finding sp
are reported to be stranded await- what they called a misallocation After again
inU medical evacuation. of facilities at Couzens Hall. port for the g
S U.S. bombers have encountered Tedmntaos l eiet asked to join
rpoor weather conditions in the The demonstrators, all residentsasetoji
past several days over North Viet of the dorm, staged the protest in tily declined t
nas. hamerin dair stre. Ho- opposition to the University's cur- The demon
nam, hampering air strikes. How- rent policy of leasing rooms at to the Admini
ever, the 130 B52s stationed in Couzens to nurses in the Public Vice Presiden
Indochina have continued to fly Health department for offices and fairs Allan S
bombing missions, particularly inclassrooms, testers. Smot]
the An Loc area, hurryassroe
There are now over 700 Amer- The residents say the practice krr t leav
ican planes in Indochina or on is depriving them of needed space wor on e
I nearby aircraft carriers. As a re- for classes being held at Couzens. er of prese
sult of the reinforcements that The key point of the demon- solve a space i
have arrived during the current stration was a visit to President utes with 80
offensive, there are close to 150,- Robben Fleming's office. Richard he declared
000 Americans in Southeast Asia Kennedy, Secretary of the Uni- The group t
or stationed nearby as part of the versity, told the demonstrators lin's office.
Seventh Fleet. Fleming was out of town. overheard th
North Vietnamese gunners have He listened to the complaints announced t
kept up their heavy shelling at- and invited the group to meetto-manngnc C
tacks on government bases in the day with him, and possibly Flem- parties conce
central highlands, about 240 miles ing. up for next T
north of Saigon. The group's protest began at When ask
At Phu Bai, about 100 Amei- the Student Activities Bldg., where takin s Io
can GI's refused to move into an they confronted Director of Hous- deknts'reue
area under attack before finally ing John Feldkamp. mitted last
consenting to do so. They believed In the heated discussion that said that un
the situation to be too dangerous, e n s u e d, Feldkamp repeatedly ignorant of th
Their battalion commander, Lt. maintained that he was on the "We just r
Col. Frederick Mitchell, assailed side of the demonstrators. problem. I Y
newsmen who were present when "We're all with you. However, weeks ago, a
the incident took place. the critical thing is where we can official notifi
"All you press are bastards," find spare room to relocate the ter just las
Ihe said. "I blame you for this and nurses," explained Feldkamp ttd
you can quote me on it."h d One student noted that the Pub- stated.
Two South Vietnamese were lic Health Bldg. had extra space, One studen
See N VIETS, Page 10 and urged Feldkamp to check into See CO

as picket

line expands

By SUE STEPHENSON day, to show just who's really that they would "strike until we
involved." get it."
Entering its seventh week, the G
strike against the Commission on Gathering a r o u n d - in-coming Newly elected Councilman Jerry
Professional and Hospital Activi- cars, strikers shouted, "Scab! De Grieck (HRP-First Ward) was
ties (CPHA) intensified yesterday Scab! Go home, scab!" and chant, an active participant in the picket
as picket lines swelled from a, .Union shop no cops, strike break- lines, while councilmen Lloyd Fair-
usal dozen protesters to around ing s gotta stop." banks (R-Fifth W a r d), Norris
200. When the shifts changed, the Thomas (D-First Ward), and Nel-
ks s gspicketers blocked the driveway exit son Meade (D-Third Ward), and
Workers are striking the hos- until uniformed police officers Mayor Robert Harris said they
pital information company be- marched through in a double were present mainly as observers.
cause of the plant's management's column and split the crowd holding Asked why he was there, and if
refusal to grant them a closed them back for strike-breakers to he supported the strikers, Meade
union shop. pass by. replied that he wanted to see the
Supporting the strikers were: ' The president of the UAW Local situation for himself, and that he
CPHA employes, students, UAW .782 Duke Armstrong, expressed his certainly supported the strikers.
Local 157, UAW Local 782, UAW , feelings on the situation when he
Local 898-itself composed of 4500 saings"Mnathestudoenhe
workers all in support of the said, "Management doesn't have
CPHAer sllrik ndshpprnfstme a God given right to run a scab TIM E IS
CPHA strike-and children, some shop, but we have a goddamni
as young as 10 months. right to strike." I

-Associated Press
enter a drizzling
rthouse yesterday.
volvement in the
as killed.
Feldkamp protested,
administration asso-
r'adlin was in charge
are spaces.
restating his sup-
group, Feldkamp was
the protest. He has-
the offer.
stration next moved
istration Bldg. where
.t for Academic Af-
rmith faced the pro-
h said he was in a
e, but that he would
'equest in the future.
iattacked the man-
ntation. "I can not
problem in ten min-
people in my office,"
hen moved to Sprad-
Spradlin, who had
e talk with Smith,
o the group that a
"ouzens Hall of all
rned has been set
d why his office was
g to act on the stu-
ts, which were sub-
December, Spradlin
til recently he was
he whole affair.
eally learned of the
heard of it a few
nd received my first
cation of the mat-
t Friday," Spradlin
at expressed concern
UZENS, Page 10

Mike Sapiro, a spokesman for
the strikers, explained that the
"women brought their children to-

Sapiro would give
"when our goal of
would be obtained,"

no predictions
a union shop
but he added


You must register by Ap-
ril 14 to be eligible in Michi-
gan's May 16 primary. It is
possible to register in the
Fishbowl from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m., and at the City Clerk's
office until 8 p.m. Friday.

Group links DOD research to war

Dispatch News service
STANFORD, Calif. - A group of Stan-
ford University students has uncovered
evidence that every research project fund-
ed by the Defense Department has direct
military application.
According to the Stanford group, no
research, however "basic," is funded by
the Pentagon unless both military experts
and a joint committee of the National
Academy of Sciences and the National
Research Council agree the project has
direct military relevance.
The Stanford Workshop on Political and
Social Issues (SWOPSI) is the group that
made the disclosure. SWOPSI claims it
was given documents from the Defense
Documentation Center (DDC), a store-
house of information on defense projects.
SWOPSI matched all Stanford projects
to specific military requirements. A Stan-
ford project entitled "Fundamental In-
vestigations of Amorphous Semiconductors
and Transition Metal Oxides" was shown

Radicals have claimed that all federal-
ly-funded research is war-related; and the
SWOPSI findings constitute the first real
evidence to support their claims.
The first volume of the SWOPSI re-
port, published in June, 1971, listed uni-
versity and DDC statements for all 111
defense projects at Stanford. Several
Stanford professors attacked the validity
of the interpretations given their work by
the DDC.
After publication of the first volume,

In those meetings he was given another
set of documents of whose existence the
group was unaware: research objectives
handbooks for each branch of the mili-
tary. These handbooks - the Army's
"Military Themes for Oriented Research
of High Scientific Merit", "The Air Force
Research Objectives," and the "Naval Re-
search Requirements" - are used by mili-
tary contract monitors in dealing with
prospective researchers.
In response to a workshop questionnaire,

Also present to "see for him-
self," Fairbanks said he was -not
sure that he supported the strik-
ers, claiming that he didn't know
enough about the situation.

the police
I'd rather

was there "to see
behave themselves
see it first hand,


Albers says the Pentagon representatives "stressed over and
over again that nothing was funded unless military applications
were expected. One claimed never to have heard the 'science-
for-science s-sake argument."

In a discussion with several of
the strikers, Thomas voiced his
viewpoint that they must "be
careful on whom they impose a
union ship." Going on, Thomas ex-
pressed overall favor of unioniza-
tion, but not necessarily union
shops, which he felt, from per-
sonal experience, did not always
represent those people it was in-
tended to represent.
However when asked if he sup-
ported the CPHA strikers, Thomas
replied, "I sure do."
Approximately 24 uniformed of-
ficers, four plain clothes officers-
one operating a movie camera
during the strike-and one police-

Foreign author barred

A Guatemalan writer on his
way to speak at a conference
here wassdenied entrance to the
United States Tuesday night
when he refused to tell immi-
gration officials whether he was
a communist.
A u g u s t o Monterroso was

told Monterroso was excluded
"on the basis of confidential in-
Kennedy said he verbally ex-
tended an apology to Monterroso
on behalf of the University and
that an official apology will
probably be extended soon.
Monterroso, a professor at
Mexico's National University in

Stanford Associate Dean of Research
William Rambo arranged for the study
group to meet with three members of the
Pentagon research hierarchy, believing, ac-
nn- i r F :r n c ___,mh T~,m l n.,

35 per cent of defense researchers at Stan-
ford said they would rather do other re-
search but are forced to turn to the De-
fense Department for money. Workshop


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