.......... nt Eicima a4n Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan OSSVP post: A look at the candidates 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Reuben: Concerned with the student in society - An explnation Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: ZACHARY SCHILLER Fleming: Pulling a fs one As THE SEARCH for a new vice presi- dent for student services lags on, the four candidates currently being consid- ered are as much up in the air about their chances as is the rest of the Uni- versity community. President Robben Fleming was pre- sented with a list of four good prospects by a search committee, but thus far he seems to have made little or no progress toward making a final decision. It rests incumbent upon Fleming to hold extensive discussions with each of the candidates, in order for him to.make an intelligent decision. He must acquaint himself with each of them, discuss with them their philosophies about what the Office of Student Services should entail, discuss possible salaries and then make a decision. Fleming has had some discussion with each of the four being considered. How- ever, he has not had any contact at all Awith any of them since just after it was first announced that they were the can- didates for the job. ONE OF THE candidates however has ceived even more neglect from the University. University of 'Wisconsin As- sistant Prof. Elaine Reuben has not been contacted by Fleming since well before the search committee proposed her name. In fact, she has yet to receive official notification from the University that she is one of the four being considered. Reuben reports she has had no discus- sion with Fleming, and has heard noth- ing about her chances for the job. She is "an excellent candidate for the post, and certainly deserves more of a chance at it than Fleming seems to be giving her. Fleming would have a hard time mak- ing a decision on the post if he had con- ducted the same limited talks with Reu- ben that he has had with the others. However, it is ludicrous for him to ex- pect to make an impartial decision on the matter without having had any dis- cussions at all with one of the candidates the search committee presented him. TWO YEARS AGO when Fleming was considering a vice president for stu- dent services, he postponed discussions with the candidates until two of them had voluntarily dropped out of conten- tion, He in effect rejected the wishes of the search committee and eventually chose a candidate outside the committee's list. This year, Fleming may be attempting the same maneuver. The search commit- tee was formed to provide the president with a list of names, all of which were to be considered. If Fleming does not give serious consideration to all the candi- dates,- including Reuben, he will be vio- lating the trust the University commun- ity has placed in him. Jerry De Grieck, '72, who was a member of the search committee that selected Reuben, said that if Reuben's allegations are true, "Fleming is a liar." He said Fleming had promised to no- tify all the candidates of their selection by the committee, and said that if Flem- ing makes a decision without discussing the issues with all the candidates, the ap pointment should be invalidated. "The fact that Fleming has rebuffed the com- mittee is reprehensible," De Grieck said. Fleming's lack of action may indicate he has already made a decision on the next OSS vice president. He is expected to announce his choice next week so a fi- nal decision can be made this month by the Regents; and unless he makes a con- certed effort to conduct more extensive discussions with all the candidates, he will show that he has not given them all fair consideration. REUBEN SAYS SHE does not know whe- ther she is still being considered, but she has not withdrawn from the contest. She is clearly confused by Fleming's lack of communication with her. "I could change my mind about the post, but who would I tell my decision to?" she asks. The answer to her question should be Fleming, but it seems Fleming does not want to respond. It would be disastrous for the Office of Student Services to continue without leadership for an indefinite period while Fleming takes his time about interview- ing the candidates. Under former Vce President Robert Knauss, the office was transformed into a cohesive, efficient unit. Since his de- parture, the office has become less effec- tive without official leadership. FLEMING MUST act now to discuss the, issues with all the candidates, and must announce his decision soon so the office may again begin to function. -GENE ROBINSON ELAINE REUBEN is a "together" wom- an. She knows what she wants and she knows what she can and can't do. If she is appointed to the Office of Stu- dent Services vice presidency, one draw- back-as she's the first to admit-is her lack of knowledge about the University and specific details involving the office. However, she is sensitive to the basic is- sues the office should be dealing with, and enthusiastic about trying to deal with those issues. Recently denied tenure at the Univer- sity of Wisconsin ("their official position is that I'm a superb teacher, but I haven't published enough"), Reuben spends her time "doing other things than being in the library." "It's not just students against something . . . a lot of these issues are going to have to be fought out on a community level." The "other things" include a deep com- mitment to the women's movement, and she sees that as being carried over into her work with OSS. "I would not be hired to be concerned about women alone," she says, "but that's very much a part of my thinking." "There's a feeling among radical circles that we'll talk about day care and the men can talk about imperialism," she says. Part of her job would be to prove that a wo- man could handle all aspects of the vice presidency. ALMOST MORE than her concern with women's issues, is her concern with the role of the student in society. When asked about student power, 'she says "the issues involved (with OSS) are more than student issues, when we're con- cerned about housing, about health care. about the kind of programming into jobs people are getting." "It's not just students against some- thing." she says, "You are talking about major political issues here." She feels that much of what goes on in OSS should involve more than just the students. She talks about the Univer- sity as a state institution and says "a lot of these issues are going to have to be fought out on a community level-there's a job to be done in getting more people concerned in the University." She feels OSS in its counseling function will have to overlap into academic areas. "There are a lot of college graduates that aren't finding jobs, and the office is go- ing to have to deal with that in some ways." "Traditional kinds of curriculum and changing needs of vocational training" are issues she feels OSS should be involved in. REUBEN IS excited about the idea of working with the policy board, and says! if she disagrees with the board, her job, "by definition is to take the board's de- cision back there (to the administration) and argue for it and fight for it." But, she also says "I don't think I'm the kind of person that wouldn't indicate .at the same time what I though." "I don't think it's possible to live as a role-player which is why I see it as such a difficult job. There's a potential for get- ting killed from both directions." "It's a loaded situation, and the job is just as good as the person in it." Reuben adds. She feels the same way about the policy board - "if they don't represent anyone but the individuals present in the room, there's a certain undercutting about what that (representation) means." REUBEN'S APPREHENSIONS about the way both the policy board and the office itself function the justified, but she doesn't yet have the knowledge of details to sug- gest specific ways of making the office more accessible to those is serves. If appointed, she is asking for one se- mester to get into the vice presidency job, and then a joint appointment in the En- glish department - she feels it's import- ant to teach'at least one course to relate to the student body in that way, "There's a funny sense in which OSS that there's a reasonable amount of good will to make it a good one," she says. Reuben has not only the good will, but the outlook and sensitivity to make OSS at least that. The Office of Student Services vice presidency has been open since Vice President R o b e r t Knauss announced his resigna- tion from that job to become dean of Vanderbilt University's law, school late last summer. Knauss left for his new job ear- ly this term, but several months before that a student-faculty search committee started looking for his successor. The Office of Student Services (OSS) is one of the ,lesser known, offices around campus. While many students are familiar with OSS programs, very few know anything about the office from which they originate. OSS is a collection of semi-au- tonomous units, under the overall direction of the Vice President for Student Services and a student- faculty policy board. , Each of the five units - Hous- ing, Health Service, Office of Spe- cial Services and Programs, Ca- reer Planning and Placement, and Counseliing - have their own policy committees. These commit- tees and the overall policy board are responsible for most of the de- cisions concerning student affairs. Thus, one of the cjhief questions the search committee asked po- tential vice presidents was how he or she felt about working with the policy boards. About three weeks ago, the search committee's list was nar- rowed down to four possibilities and submitted to President Rob- ben Fleming, who said he would make the decision by the April Regents' meeting (scheduled for next Friday). Since then, The Daily has held interviews with all four candi- dates asking a number of ques- tions about the candidates' views on the policy board, on the office's function within the administra- tion, and on other topics relating to OSS. On this page are profiles drawn from those interviews. The piece on Elaine Reuben was written by Tammy Jacobs, the other three by Judy Ruskin. Jackson: Dealing with the students as humans A MURRAY JACKSON is a quiet soft- spoken Juan. Not a particularly dyna- mic speaker, Jackson would bring a sensi- tive, human quality to the Office of Stu- dent Services. His ideas and hopes for the office center aroznd the rather refreshing notion that students are hman beings and should be treated accordingly. Worried about reaching students and including them in the decision m a k i n g process, Jackson is constantly concerned with the thought of treating students as equals. Jackson is afraid that many Universities Ross. Right man but the wrong job? Choosing a vice president THEWCOMMITTEE in charge of finding candidates to fill the Office of Student Services vice presidency did a pretty good job. All four candidates would make an at least adequate vice president, but there are two outstanding candidates who de- serve special mention. Murray Jackson's devotion to the con- cept of a dominant policy board in the of- fice, and his insistence on emphasizing the office's treatment of students as hu- man beings, makes him an excellent choice for the job. Elaine Reuben, too, is an excellent choice, although President Robben Flem- ing seems thus far not to have noticed. Reuben's ability to relate student issues to the community at large and her ex- perience in working with the' women's movement are two important factors of the many that recommend her. Bob Ross is the right man for the wrong post. Although we feel he would do a more than adequate job in certain aspects of the OSS vice presidency, his lack of in- terest in the more mundane facets of the job lead us to feel he doesn't really want it, and wouldn't be happy with it. Henry Johnson, as is said elsewhere on this page, is taking a cautious approach to OSS, and while he, too, would do an adequate job, we couldn't expect any strong support of students, or any bril- liant new programs if he were chosen. BUT, FOR Reuben and Jackson in par- ticular, the search committee is to be congratulated - either would add much- needed leadership to OSS and the Uni- versity. r -TAMMY JACOBS -JUDY RUSKIN ROBERT ROSS is the resident radical on President Fleming's list. With an excellent background in area radical poli- tics - an SDS organizer back in the early sixties - Ross has some fine, totally radi- cal ideas. Ross would probably do a fine job in many University positions. However, he does not appear to be quite suited for the OSS vice presidency. He seems to have little interest in the job, and would pro- bably become bored with it quite quick- ly. Ross believes that the key battles have been won. "You've got the policy board, you've got theutrashing of perietal rules in the dorms, and you have the black ad- missions quota. The point being tha't at least what I used to see the key princi- ples you had to break through on - we've had those break-throughs. Now it is a question of extending them." Ross sees his role in extending these break-throughs as being in an advocate position, "especially in the out-of-classroom life of the student." In addition he would generally push for student self-government and try to extend progressive student in- put into other areas. HE WOULD ALSO see himself trying to open the University to other constituen- cies, primarily the working class. "That's not really part of the vice presi- dent's job description, but that's a role I could see myself taking," he said. "T h e problem with all of this is that in some ways the next vice president for OSS is Johnson: HENRY JOHNSON adopts a wait and see policy towards the Office of Stu- dent Services. Neither an outright stu- dent advocate nor a strong administra- tive supporter, Johnson takes a "cautious route when talking about the job. Perhaps his greatest assets are his en- thusiasm and interest in the position. He has given considerable thought to some of the current programs in OSS and to some of their existing problems. Overly involved with internal technical details, Johnson has at least indicated that he is concerned about OSS. However, he tends to think of the office in limited terms, without having any broad general and colleges- still perceive students in some sort of "master'serf" relationship, and he would like to seestudents recognized as individuals. "Students are much more part of the University than anything else you can think of," he says. "Without students we have no University." "There are many- administrators and faculty who would take issue with me on that. They feel that the University would be a great place if we didn't have, to deal with students," he continued. JACKSON STRESSES that more import- ance must be accorded to the functions of OSS. The student must be able to feel that it's an integral part of his education. Again Jackson is concerned with t h e treatment of students within the Univer- sity. "I think students are fellow human beings trying to find a way to deal with the life situation we find ourselves in, and we are here to help one another try and do that," le says. "We can't do that if I look upon you as a student and .I'm something else and I'm ten times better than you or higher than you." He is not primarily concerned w i t h brilliant new programs but with "human- izing" the office. "One of the big prob- lems of universities and colleges is that people tend not to treat each other as equals, equals as human beings, and that's unfortunate," he stated. "Part of societal difficulties permeate and carry over to the University. Some may say that's not our difficulty but I, don't agree with that." JACKSON IS A total student advocate. He declared, that even if he personally did not agree with a decision of the OSS policy board, he would take that decision "to the wall to make it a reality." He does, however, expect the policy board to be willing to make another de- cision if their original plan did not work out as expected. It is not an unreasonable request. "That's all I would ask," he added. "That's all I would ask of anyone." Bringing with him experiences gained as President of Wayne County Community College, Jackson summed up his feelings by saying "In my view everybody should have the change to do what he can or cannot do, so that they know themselves what they can or cannot do. I think that's what it's all about." od -Daily-Tom Gottlieb going to be maintaining and custodiaring an existing structure. I'm not sure that's the role for a radical. Others could do it as well as I." "If this were a period of high tension, high confrontation, high militancy, then that vice presidency becomes a highly vis- able and highly important role, and I would see my function as defending student rad- and acting as a buffer between them and repression. But that doesn't seem to be the nature of the period." He feels that in the absence of a cul- tural revolution, and under normal condi- tions, an increase in student power will not increase the influence of the vice pres- ident among the other administrators. Only during periods of high confrontation does the influence of the office increase, when others turn to the OSS Vice presi- dent for advice. PART OF THE University's problem, ac- cording to Ross, is that it prepares stu- dents for a future in a society from which they are alienated. "I think a lot of what is wrong with the University is that it leads to the' future," he commented. Because of Ross's radical outlook, it is extremely doubtful that Fleming w ii 1 appoint him to the post. About the policy board Middle of the road candidate OF THE major strengths of the Of- fice of Student Services ,has been its almost-two-year-old student-faculty pol- icy board, which makes joint decisions with the vice president. However, the policy board, needless to say, is' only as strong as its members, and the selection process for members is in desperate need of revision. Student Government Council's most important role, in many ways, is nits au- thority to appoint ,student members of certain committees, including the OSS policy board. But SGC has botched almost every- thing it's attempted in recent months, and its policy board appointments are board, had decided to resign, and then changed her mind). The new applicants were interviewed, and one of the recommended students was told sle was no longer recommended. The SGC president retained her board seat. At that point, questions were brought up about another of the recommended candidates - Dave Schaper, the notor- ious SGC elections director - and his name, too, was bounced from the recom- mended list. Several original applicants were re-interviewed, then told they were not qualified. So there is now one seat still open, plus one Lion-literary college seat that SGC had not interviewed for yet. ON ISSUES with which he does not sup- port the majority view of the policy board, Johnson feels that the best way to repre- sent the opposing views to the administra- tion is through some type of forum. He believes that the contrasting opinions should be expressed with final "arbitra- tion" coming from "higher up" if neces- sary. In the interest of giving all opinions the best presentation possible, Johnson stated that he "would never attempt to take an opposing view to the Regents or the execu- tice council." He would prefer that each side - himself and board - present their own opinions. University," Johnson said. He sees Univer- sity programs for minority students as a two way response, each doing and learn- ing from each other. This would include minority students in the process of de- veloping and implementing programs aside from merely being recipients of existing programs. LISTING HIS priorities for the post, Johnson stated that he would "continue to do those things which are going well and try and find ways of doing different, bet- ter and newer ,things." "I don't want to get in the position with a lot of preconceived notions," he contin- ued. "I'd really like to move out and sort i