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April 12, 1972 - Image 1

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Mild, chance of

VoL LXXXII, No. 147 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 12, 1972 Ten Cents
Ballot analsis ma indicate SGC election

Ten Pages

SGC member Joel Silverstein
yesterday released information
which he claims "will conclusively
prove gross fraud" in last month's
all-campus elections.
In the latest development of a
case presently before the Central
Student Judiciary (CSJ), Silver-
stein released a report on the elec-
tion by chemistry Prof. A. A. Gor-
In the report, Gordus stated
that his analysis of 500 sample
ballots released by the court "im-
plies conclusively that about 400
votes were fraudulently cast for
Silverstein and members of both
the Students' Tenant Union party
and the Responsible Alternative
Party (RAP) have charged "gross
fraud" in the all-campus election
and have accused Elections Di-

Chem. prof.'s report concludes massive stuffing

rector David Schaper, '75 of tam-
pering with ballots.
.Schaper has repeatedly denied
all charges.
SGC members Marty Scott of
GROUP and Curt Steinhauer of
RAP, who are acting as Schaper's
defense counsel, said yesterday
that Gordus' report "does not
prove anything."
Gordus, who will testify at a
CSJ hearing on the election to-
night, stated that his findings
were "based on indications that 37
GROUP ballots in the sample 500
were obviously stuffed."
According to Gordus' report, the
37 ballots were all filled out "in
an extremely similar manner." In
view of the random sampling ex-

amined, Gordus concluded that "a
massive number of ballots in the
total of 5,229 must have been de-
Gordus went on to explain his
findings, pointing to the number
of pencil strokes in each mark on
the ballots and the "completeness"
of each mark.
"The ballot instructions state
that the voter should 'fill in the
slots completely,' " Gordus ex-
plained. "And the typical student
has had past experience, such as
University pre-registration forms
and college board exams, in filling
in the blanks completely."
"The ballots were examined to
determine how many marks on
each were made in such a way
that the mark did not touch one

of the two 5-dash guidelines," he
"On most ballots (70.2 per cent)
none of the marks missed one of
the guidelines, Of the remaining
29.8 per cent, which involved some
misses, a surprising fraction in-
volved more than 50 per cent
misses. Further data showed that
almost all of these ballots involved
a first-choice vote for GROUP."
After further analysis of num-
ber of marks compared Ito num-
ber of misses on the ballots, Gor-
dus concluded that "the only pos-
sible explanation consistent with
these observations is that some
ballots were fraudulently cast for
Gordus went on to state that

of 38 sample ballots filled out with
single pencil strokes rather than
"complete fill-ins," 37 had been
GROUP votes.
"The odds against the very, very
heavy GROUP distribution among
the 38 single-stroke ballots are so
extremely large that again, the
only conclusion there can be is
that fraudulent voting occurred."
The report also included a ser-
ies of charts explaining what it
termed correlations between bal-
lot markings and GROUP votes.
Gordus added that the odds
against the marking patterns on-
the GROUP ballots occurring by
chance "must be better than a
million to one."
Schaper had no comment last

night on Gordus' findings.
Scott argued that "anyone who
has filled out these forms knows
that some people use single
"I "don't think there was any
stuffing," he continued. "You'll
see on Wednesday that the real
fraud is this so-called evidence."
Silverstein said yesterday that
Gordus' testimony tonight would
be supplemented by further unre-
leased findings from a statistician.
Silverstein commented that he
"never had any doubts" about the
possibility of fraud.
"It's a very strong case," he
added. "But naturally, it will be
up to CSJ to decide."
Meanwhile, five SGC members
continue their quorum-breaking
boycott of the Council, maintain-
ing that it would continue "until
all election charges are resolved."


Prof. Gordus



Aid for
* Indians
University officials engaged
in "preliminary" discussions
yesterday over increasing edu-
cational opportunities for
American Indians at the Uni-
versity and throughout the
"The road is now open for
greater communication," said Lar-
ry Martin, an admissions officer
who organized the symposium.
According to Richard Kennedy,
University secretary and assistant
to President Robben Fleming, the
University probed possibilities for
founding its own Indian program.
Kennedy said University officials
also discussed whether it would be
more practical to centralize such a
program in one state school or to
coordinate it among the thirteen
state universities.
A full-time position as an In-
dian recruiter is presently open at
the University, Martin said. He
added, however, that "it's hard
to find a qualified person to fill
it and someone who would be will-
ing to make a long term commit-
University records say there are
46 Indian students in school this
year "but we've never been able to
find them all," Martin said.
In other action at the sympo-
sium yesterday, American Indian
Movement leader Edward Benton
condemned the "irrelevance of the
white man's educational system"
and cited a 68 per cent high school
drop-out rate among Indian stu-
"We will not send missionaries
out to your country, we will not
force you to believe as we do. we
will not throw bombs into Sunday
schools," he said, explaining the;
Indians' new militancy againstI
"second class citizenship."
Paul Johnson, grad, described
his lawsuit against the University
at the symposium. The suit, which
was initiated last August, claims,
that the University owes the Chip-
pewa, Ottawa, and Potowatomy
tribes money and increased edu-
cational opportunities to compen-
sate for the land those tribes gave
to establish the University under
the Ft. Meigs treaty of 1817.

A ir



9 mounts



-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
EDDIE BENTON, a member of the American Indian Movement addresses a University-sponsored
symposium on the American Indian's needs.

Men, planes,
ships sent to
halt N. Vjets
From Wire Service Reports
In the wake of reports that
hundreds of new planes are
being thrown into the air war
in Vietnam, the Pentagon an-
nounced yesterday it will no
longer issue daily reports on
the extent of U.S. bombing
The unprecedented move was
made, according. to Defense De-
partment spokesman Jerry Fried-
heim, to protect U.S. pilots. The
reports, he said, indicate to the
North Vietnamese the level of the
U.S. air effort.
War critics were quick to point
out, however, that the North Viet-
namese - the target of the air
raids - are not dependent on
American news reports to learn of
the extent of the bombing.
The new policy, they charged, is
an attempt to cover up strikes
against the North on an unpre-
cedented scale.
According to an American anti-
war group monitoring the move-
ment of armed forces the U.S. is
moving on a much more massive
scale than officially announced to
bolster its forces in Vietnam.
As many-as 30 war ships, hun-
dreds of planes and thousands of
men, they say,nare now on their
way to emergency assignments in
Bolstered by the increasing U.S.
air presence and buoyed by a suc-
cessful engagement with North
Vietnamese tank divisions, the
Army of South Vietnam (ARVN)
appeared yesterday to have re-
gained its composure for the first
time since the beginning of the
Communist offensive last week.
Reports from Quang Tri Prov-
ince in Northern South Vietnam
seemed to indicate that ARVN has
managed to stall the Communist
thrust which last week had them
reeling in confused retreat.
On the Southern front the 10,-
000 man ARVN force at An Loc
continued to hold out against the
surrounding North Vietnamese
forces who were pinned down by




market I*n

-Associated Press
SOUTH VIETNAMESE airborne troops crowd into a truck on Route 13, 45 miles norht of Saigon,
r They are part of a 10,000 man task force trying to a truck on Route 13, 45 miles north of Saigon
of An Loc.
Protests 'against Indochina war
scheduled for here, Washington

Finding a job in th
summer is going to t
harder than last year
year was a terrible
summer jobs.
If you can travel1
job, the oitlook is b
still not encouraging.
Betty Schuon, a ma
the Michigan Employ
curity Commission, ad

EN dents to "get
e city this couple of frie
be a little for window-w
And last care jobs." Bu
year for mer will be:
employees be
to take a students, she(
etter, but The Univer
Placement Off
inager for ing any more
'ment Se- for summer r
ivises stu- until the end
Forsyth, a su
office, advises
wherever they
rather than fa
employment si

for students
together with a no matter how many ads you
nds and advertise read, no matter how many stor-
ashing and lawn ies you hear, is go to Alaska for
sinesses this sum- a job. Ted Rock, '74, who went
re-hiring laid-off there to find work last summer,
efore considering was met at the border by signs
explained. welcoming tourists and telling
rsity's Temporary job-seekers to turn back.
fice is not accept- After a month of fruitless
job applications searching, supporting himself
positions, at least shig, suppo d self
d of April. John through "shady food stamp
upervisor for the dealings," he finally got a job
students "to go unloading king crabs from fish-
yccan get a job," ing boats. "There are absolute-
ace the tight local ly no jobs left in Alaska," he

In a protest against the expand-
ing air war in Indochina, demon-
strations are set this week both
locally and in Washington, D.C.
The national actions, scheduled
for Saturday by the People's Coa-
lition for Peace and Justice (PC-
PJ), will protest the recent esca-
lation of the war. Demonstrations
here today and tomorrow will de-
nounce local support of the air
At noon on the Diag today, Peo-
ple Against the Air War (PAAW)
will sponsor a rally featuring lo-

cal antiwar leaders speaking out Newly-elected City Councilman
against the air war. Jerry De Grieck (HRP - First
The purpose of the demonstra- Ward) is expected to announce at
tion is to protest alleged contri- today's rally his plans to introduce
butions to the air war by local in City Council a resolution cen-
corporations. Cited by protest or- suring the three local corpora-
ganizers as producing materials tions fo their alleged war i-
being used in the war are the vemet.
Bendix Corp., Hoover Ball and The resolution will call for pro-
Bearing Co., and KMS Industries. hibition of the use of any city
The rally will be a prelude to a facilities to the companies
PAAW-organized march on the In addition to De Grieck's pre-
Hoover company tomorrow to pro- sentation, Rick Hallmark of the
test the company's alleged pro- Vietnam Veterans Against the
duction of steel pellets used in War will give a "strategic expla-
U.S. bombing raids. nation" of the Indochinese air
------- -- war. PAAW member Bob Phillips
will' also address the crowd about
the air war.


now maintains.

The picture for the rest of
the country is not much of an
improvement on the local scene,
if the University's Summer
Placement Service can give any
indication. The placement serv-
ice, which helps students to find
summer jobs outside of Ann,
Arbor, has 'received relatively
few requests for student help
from businesses, according to its
coordinator, Ann Cooper.
Even summer camps and a
statewide ice cream company,
mainstays of the placement ser-
vice, have already finished hir-
ing for the summer. Cooper ad-
vises students without jobs to
contact their relatives and
friends and ask for jobs.
Temporary employment ser-
vices offers one advantage over


Proect Community expands aid

The PCPJ Washington actions
plan to "confront" President Rich-
ard Nixon in a nonviolent sit-in
directly across from the White
House. The protesters will demand
that Nixon end the bombing, re-
sume the Paris Peace Talks and
withdraw support from the Thieu
government in South Vietnam.

"People used to stumble on us
by mistake," says Thomas Moore-
head, director of Project Commu-
nity." " 'Oh, they'd say, 'this is
what you are.'
"This," is 540 student volunteers
working in different community
projects ranging from Black Lib-
eration School to day care centers.
Started in conjunction with the
civil rights movement in the early

free schools and providing re-
sources to help other people design
their own educational alternatives.
Students also volunteer at the
Halfway House, helping mental pa-
tients readjust to the community.
The Black Liberation School,
which the project operates during
the summer, gained national rec-
ognition as a result of its average
attendance of 125 children a day.
Run by parents and black high
school and University students. the



You must register by April 14
to be eligible to vote in Mich-
igan's May 16 primary. It is

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