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April 11, 1972 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-11

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14 Alfmhan aij
Eighty-one years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



i . wry i

No money for PESC

LAST WEEK, when the executive com-
mittee of the literary college distrib-
uted the money in its $52,000 "innova-
tive fund", the financially-troubled Pro-
gram for Educational and Social Change
(PESC) received nothing.
Most of the "innovative funds" were
used to purchase educational innovations
such as overhead projectors and maps.
That the literary college would deny
"innovative funds" to the truly innova-
tive PESC program, and instead favor
the purchase of overhead projectors is
ironical and absurd.
But not very surprising. Overhead pro-
jectors classify as quiet, predictable in-
vestments. People - especially those who
Editorial Staff
SARA FITZGERALD ............... Managing Editor
TAMMY JACOBS .............. Editorial Director
CARLA RAPOPORT ............... Executive Editor
ROERT $CHtEINER ........... ... News Editor
Ross SUE BERSTEIN.......... Feature Editor
PAT BAUER .............. Associate Managing Editor
LINDSAY CHANEY ............. Editorial Page Editor
MARA DIJN .................. Editorial Page Editor
ARTHUR LERNER............. Editorial Page Editor
PAUL TRAVIS ............... ...... Arts Editor
GLORIA JANE SMITH.......Associate Arts Editor
JONATHAN MILLER.......;.. Special Features Editor
TERRY McCARTHY..........Photography Editor
ROBERT CONROW...............:Books Editor

study needed change in both the Univer-
sity and the larger society - are neither
quiet nor predictable. '
Overhead projectors are tools with a
limited number of uses. But people - like
those involved in PESC - resist limits on
their search for educational innovation.
Most importantly, overhead projectors
cannot irritate University officials, as
PESC can.
PESC WAS attacked at the beginning of
the term by administration and liter-
ary college officials because of its policy
of offering classes free to members of the
community and using non-University
personnel to teach several courses.
The complicated politics of a Univer-
sity asking for money from a tight-fisted
state legislature demand that overhead
projectors take precedence over people
interested in radical change.
Neither conservative legislators in Lan-
sing nor conservative faculty in Ann Ar-
bor would smile on funding groups like
PESC will probably continue, however,
financed out of the pockets of its. mem-
bers. But the refusal of financial support
to a struggling, worthwhile group must be
condemned as a blow against the search
for educational enlightenment.

WASHINGTON - Alexander
Solzhenitsyn, the Nobel Prize-win-
ning Soviet author, has accused
Soviet authorities of harassing
him. He claims the Kremlin has
systematically slandered, investi-
gated and hounded him. The story
has outraged the intellectuals
around the world. No doubt most
Americans believe Solzhenitsyn's
experience could never happen
We might point, out that t h e
White House has directed a sim-
ilar campaign of slander and in-
vestigation against us for the past
several weeks. In an attempt to
discredit us, White House speech
writers have furnished speeches to
congressional leaders blasting us.
Robert Mardian, the Justice De-
partment's internal security chief,
has been running an intensive in-
vestigation of us. Government
gumshoes have staked out my
house from a nearby vantage point
and keep it under surveillance
through binoculars. They tail me
wherever I go, driving about two
blocks behind. We have traced the
license numbers to FBI cars.
The FBI has also prepared a
thick dossier on us, full af :aw, un-
confirmed allegations which has
been turned over to the Justice
Department and the White House
for ammunition against as.
This campaign is beginning to
resemble the Soviet harassment of
Alexander Solzhenitsyn for the
same crime of criticizing the gov-
Roger's Role
President Nixon is taxing extra
pains to give Secretary of State
Bill Rogers a role in planning the
Moscow summit meeting in May.
The President was criticized for
bypassing the State Department :n
his preparations for his Peking
trip. He has made a point, there-
fore, of asking Rogers to prepare
the briefing papers for the Moscow
trip and to coordinate the prepara-
tions inside the National Security
Rogers has assigned the respon-
sibility to Martin Hillenbrand, the
Assistant Secretary in charge of
European affairs. Both Rogers and
Hillenbrand have met privately
with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly
Dobrynin to discuss the trip.
Preliminary papers have already
been submitted by the State De-
partment experts.
One secret analysis warns that
the Soviet Union, despite its lip
A quick

White House

is out to get me

Lawmakers as Lawbreakers
Few people realize htow fre-
quently lawmakers are also law-
breakers. They have become so
puffed up with their own import-
ance that they regard themselves
above the little laws that are in-
tended, presumably, for lesser cit-
izens to obey.
Take, for example, the case of
Congressman John Melcher, (D-
Mont.) He makes his Washington
home in the Maryland suburbs.
Some time ago, Melcher decided
to erect a basketball backboard
for his kids and their neighbor-
hood friends.
Melcher put it up on a curb so
that the kids had to play in the
streets to use it. Neighbors .com-
plained, to no avail. A short time
ago, Melchor moved a few' blocks
down the street and erected ano-
ther basketball net.in thehs:a m e
manner. County officials have in-
structed Melcher to move it. The
congressman has stubbornly re-
fused. It remains in place to this
Or take Congressman PeterKy-
ros, the Maine Democrat. Last
December, while speeding down a
Washington street, he struck a
parked car. It plunged into ano-
ther car ahead of it. Kyros then
drove around the block and hit yet
a third automobile. He than left
the scene of the triple accident.
Unhappily for Kyros, the crashes
were witnessed.
Police visited the congressman,
in his office, but no hit-and-run
charges were filed. Kyros finally
went to drivers' school, but only
after we had exposed what he'd
Such disdain for authority.is by
no means confined to Capitol Hill.
Peter Flanigan, the fixer-without-
portfolio in the White House, has
frequently tried to influence offic-
ials in his home town of Harrison,
N.Y. Once he tried to block A
college housing development near
his home. And about a year ago,
he-wrote to town officials on White
House stationery to try to get
two streetlighs removed. T h e y
were, he said, shinging too bright-
ly into his bedroom window.
@United Features Syndicate, Inc.


This figure may bea
Lockheed may have
vincing the German

realistic, but
trouble con-
public it is

Anderson claims he is being harassed by this man


service, is quietly building up its
armaments while talking disarm-
ament and seeks to exploit relax-
ed tensions to improve its stra-
tegic posture around the world.
Spanish Narcs
Narcotics officials are quietly
studying Spain's success in curb-
ing the narcotics traffic by strict
Spanish customs officials are the
world's best in nailing narcotics
smugglers. Those who are caught
get stiff sentences that discourage
other smugglers from entering
The Spanish enforcement h a s
also caught a number of Ameri-
can teenagers who won't be ^om-
ing home from Spain for a long
while. Typical is the case of 18-
year-old Claudia Barner from
South Pasadena, Calif. She was
arrested for bringing seven pounds
of hashish illegally into Spain.

She will be 23 years old before
she will be released from Span-
ish prison to return home to South
More Lockheed Troubles
Lockheed planes have been
plagued with problems here in the
United States. Now Lockheed's
fabled 104 Starfighter jets appar-
ently are having trouble staying
in the air in West Germany.
The West German government
signed its first contract with Lock-
heed back in 1958. More than 900
Starfighters have now been deliv-
ered to . Germany. A distressing
number, however, have myster-
iously crashed.
The actual number of accidents
is classified by the German gov-
ernment. But my information is
that a startling number - from
150 to 250 - have crashed. The
son of a former German defense
minister was one of the victims.

The planes have come down at
such a rate, in fact, that Melvin
Belli, the famous San Francisco
attorney, has filed suit in behalf
of widows and orphans of German
pilots who have died in SEarfighter
Belli tells me something is wrong
with these planes. They were mod-
ified by the Germans under Lock-
heed supervisin. So many h a v e
crashed, he says, that the pilots
flying them are scared.
Lockheed denies the charges.
First of all, said a spokesman, the
German starfighter is the same
plane that is being used safely by
other NATO countries. Secondly,
Lockheed told me, the accident
rate - even by United States
standards - is a realistic num-
About 17 major accidents occur,
I have learned, for every 100,000
hours the Starfighters are flown.

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'n easy way to make $4 million

After n

LAST WEEK The Daily published the ad- tion and
dresses of the Regents. I would like to friends a
take this opportunity to air my ideas to perplexin
the regental body as a whole. would ul
Recently, a great many words have been leading to
written concerning the financial troubles IT IS'
plaguing the University of Michigan, a have writ
college that operates from funds, allotted But bef
by the state legislature, which ultimately tion. I w
come from the pockets of the populace. permissio
The president of this university, Robben which too
W. Fleming, has openly stated in the Uni- fornia at
versity Record that the monies directed to sible. Sev
the University for the coming year are ducted re
grossly inadequate and that the continua- sexual te
tion of such a financial policy will definite- and after
ly lead to the downfall of this great insti- search an
tution of learning and rseearch, which so human e:
effectively serves this country and its peo- was reach
ple, not to mention the State of Michigan. that if t
One week ago I had a get-together with lavatories
some of my friends in my room, and many tices on
topics were discussed over glasses of Span- per cent.
- n- ada, Pink Chablis, and Catawba, such as Once t
the overcrowded library conditions, abor- the Unive
tion reform, and finally the above men- dered th
tioned topic, which commanded the major- numbered
ity of our time. facilities
Vietnamese hurt,

many fruitful hours of delibera-
intense thought, my coterie of
rnd I arrived at a panacea to this
g problem - a solution which
iltimately have multiple effects
o the demise of this dire dilemma.
TO present, this solution that I
tten you.
More arriving directly at this solu-
ill digress somewhat, with your
n, and discuss an important event
)k place at the University of Cali-
Berkeley in as few words as pos-
eral years ago a study was con-
egarding ways to suppress homo-
ndencies of student populations,
many months of painstaking re-
nd literally thousands of hours of
nergy and technology, a solution
hed. What this study revealed was
he doors of each cubicle in the
were removed, homosexual prac-
campus would decrease by 59.38
hese findings were made public,
rsity of Michigan immediately or-
e removal of such doors, which
d 5,875 (including the Willow Run
and the M Club offices), and,

Phase 3

To The Daily: it has d
I AM WRITING this in response ple but,
to "Why we must cheer for the have do
enemy" by Charles Stein (Daily, -
April 8). While it is commendable
that Mr. Stein realizes what the
defeat will mean in terms of the
program of Vietnamization it is to Thel
incredible to me that somebody IT C
who then pats himself on his back ITaCMa
for opposing "the war for the last that Ma
five or six years" can see it in edy?"s
strictly American terms. the bass
I myself spent two years and quaintas
two months in Viet Nam as an To dsc
advisor to one of the "goddam indeed a
South Vietnamese" (Mr. Stein's ings) w
words) divisions fighting for their havingt
lives north of Saigon. 'the su
While I, too, would cheer the 'Plautus
Viet Cong, this does not mean that rogance
I must not also cry for the ARVN ing'to r
soldier in the field who is getting ng
his ass shot off for a government
he really doesn't care for.
The total lack of compassion for
the Vietnamese (and I can make
no distinction between the people To The
of the south and north) people DIAN
,vhiit y lirv Sanin hi-. or-,

done to the American peo-
what the American people
ne to the Vietnamese.
_7lniari i innUm n '

once removed, these 21/2' by 5' doors were
placed in a specially constructed building
on North Campus.
Having presented this needed informa-
tion, I will immediately propose my solu-
tion to the University's financial crisis with
the hope that you will have retained much
of the preceding information.
FEW THINGS in our present world
are sacred enough to be considered private.
One of these should be the pause 'to relieve
oneself of a heavy burden brought on by
our bodily functions.
When engaging in such an activity, I de-
sire the utmost solitude for the occasion,
for my productivity increases with increas-
ing privacy, and frankly I feel that my
own unique technique should not be ex-
hibited to strangers.
MP proposal, which my friends have hu-
morously labelled a "modest proposal", is
to have a public auction of these cubicle
doors, which I have valued at twenty dol-
lars apiece, so that those people who en-
deavor to excrete in private may, by car-
rying these doors on their person, do so.
In order to be eligible for the privilege
of buying such a door, one must sign a
paper stating that he is not a' homosexual,
and have an accompanying letter from
one's parent or guardian stating similar
facts about thir child.
Such an auction would net the Univer-
sity 117,500 dollars in cash plus a build-
ing that would comfortably have room for
1,352 students; consequently, such a ven-
ture would be worth in the neighborhood
of $4.43 million.
This figure does not include revenue
from the sale of accessories, such as door
bags, similar to the presently popular book
bags, only larger, in which one could carry
the door around with great ease.
AT THIS INSTANCE I will pause a sec-
ond and allow the ,reader to reflect upon
my proposal. A question may have arisen
in your mind regarding the source of my
statistical information; however, here I can
easily put your mind at ease by mention-
ing that my source is none other than
Rocco Corleone, a world reknown numbers
At this time I will also mention briefly
other proposed solutions to this frightful
financial predicament; however, intuitive-
ly realizing that you are in accordance
with my proposition, Ifind that spending
too much time on these is unnecessary. The
aforementioned solutions, here I use the


the bombing of North Vietnam -
as well as his decision not to run
for re-election.

lon peal out the melody
Shall Overcome." It wa
forgettable moment.
-Stuart H. Ganne
Cambridge, Mas
April 5

Arennis 1ec0ma
April 10

AN come as no
arty Porter ("Ror
April 6) wouldf
a "bombasticx
is of his apparen
nce with them.
smiss Roman com
all Greek and Rou
ith a flip phrase
the minimal know
bMect necessary
' correctly, betra
and an ignoran
eaders of your pa
Ellen V. Bruce,
April 6

n, 3 Following Johnson's speech the
Diag was filled by joyous students
celebrating the President's 'abdi-
Porter cation' far into the night.
But on April 4 the Daily's head-
surprise lines, already black with import-
ance, were swept aside by the
nan Coin- blacker, incredible news of the
find t h e assassination of Dr. Martin Luth-
bore" on er King Jr. in a Memphis hotel,
nt non-ac- The elation of the past few days
nedy (and evaporated. Now the headlines
man writ- marching across the Daily's front
, without page told of riots in Washington
wledge of D.C. and of National Guardsmen
to spell being deployed on the streets of
ys an ar- Chicago and Detroit.
ce insult- In the midst of this national
horror show, the University sched-
Grad uled a Memorial Service for Dr.
King. Classes were cancelled for
the day to attempt some assess-
ment of what was happening. Ev-
onneur eryone was bleak and even the
weather changed in unconscious
rt article sympathy with the moment, for a
.. . a freak snowstorm hit Ann Arbor on

To The Daily:.
editorial honestry rather
for any particular politi
I must object to the n
implications in the ar
my God, the hippies ar
(Daily, April 5).
Although the article w
knowledge, otherwise
the Democrats werer
assing the voters.
Contrarywise, all thr
attempted to aid the
workers in processingt
For a paper run by
youth, the Daily has a
to go toward the honest
this democracy lacks a
people demand.

y of "We carcerating them. Stop.
s an un- The stench of STRESS can not
smell better to our nostrils oy the
s '71 prosecution of three of its goons.
s. The whole STRESS unit, must
not be revamped but totally dis-
organized and the brains of its
conceiver should be scattered on
the graves of the Blacks murder-
ed and executed by mad, racist,
sire for log cops who compose the assas-
than love sination squad. Stop.
cal party, What we say is that human life
misleading is more valuable than the few
tidle "Oh dollars at stake in a robbery at-
'e voting" tempt. At least the funeral and
cost of burial vastly exceed the
few dollars taken in any street
as, t my robbery. The revolutionary -posi-
accurate, tion is: STOP STRESS AT ALL
NOT har- COST.

Campus building, I conducted a poll and
the results conclusively reaffirm my prop-
osition, with an overwhelming 69 per cent
in favor of e public auction.
Common responses were, "If I have to
pay forty cents an hour to park my car
on an Ann Arbor street, I surely will pay
twenty dollars to park my body on a Uni-
versity toilet," and "Sure, I'll just ask
father for a hike in allowance."
Many questioned why the University
does not simply reinstall the cubicle doors
so everyone-can enjoy the privacy t) which
they are entitled; however, I logically
pointed out that this is not the way of the
THEREFORE, gentlemen, my arduous
task of compiling and presenting the data
having been completed, I will now relin-
quish my proposition to you in order that
you may carry out the above suggestions,
so that this university can be preserved
in all its just glory.

A1 modest proposal


ee parties
slow poll
the large
long way
nd young

-Bob Higgins
April 7
Rock & Roll
To The Daily:
I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to suggest that what this
campus needs is a Beach Boys'
Concert. Only the most inert indi-

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