NO MONEY FOR PESC See Editorial Page :Y Sfi!Il &titA4 MOLLIFYING High-55 Law--u5 Fair and mild Vol. LXXXII, No. 146 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 11, 1972 Ten Cents TeICnt Eight Page: LSA committee By DANIEL JACOBS The LSA Curriculum Committee yesterday approved a plan that would allow students to elect any course on a Pass/No Entry basis. Approved by a 4-3 margin, the plan is now subject to review by the literary college faculty and Executive Committee, as well as by the Regents. It offers the following al- ternative grading plans: -Letter grades A through D/No Entry. -Pass/No Entry. A "Pass" would consti- tute the equivalent of a C or better. -Either of the two plans plus a one- paragraph evaluation which would be shown only to the student. Students would be required to designate one of the three plans within two or three weeks of the start of a semester. This repre- sents.a retreat from the original proposal, which had allowed students to change grad- ing systems any time before final exams. Literary College Dean Frank Rhodes last night declined comment on the committee's action, saying he had not yet had a chance to study the proposal, which was finished in January. Rhodes also declined to comment on whe- ther he generally favored the extension of pass-fail grading within LSA. The plan now goes to the literary college Executive Committee, which will then pre- sent it to the LSA faculty. "In view of the closeness of the vote, I question whether the Executive Committee will bring it to the fac- ulty in its present form," said English Prof. Hubert English, chairman of the Curriculum Committee. The issue is further complicated by the fact that grading revision plans are being considered by two other groups in the col- lege: the Committee on the Undergraduate Experience (CUE) and the joint student- faculty advisory committee. As a result, says English, "several differ- approves ent proposals might be taken to the faculty as a whole, and there will be a lot to say." Since the faculty is unlikely to begin ser- ious discussion of grading reform until next fall, any definitive changes would have to wait until the fall of 1973 for implementa- tion, according to English. The Curriculum Committee's plan stems directly from a report of its sub-committee on grading reform, which met twice during the month of February. One of its student members, John Lande '74, cites as its motivation "the increasing number of requests for experiments in grad- ing," and the popularity of the current Pass/ Fail courses offered in the college. While considering its plan, the Curricu- lum Committee examined reports of re- formed grading in a number of other col- leges. Two of the more prominent examples are Brown University and Oberlin College, b pass/n both of which offer the student options simi- lar to those the committee has now proposed. One of the main items of dispute at yes- terday's meeting involved the definition of a "Pass" in terms of the letter-grade system. Under the accepted plan, a student perform- ing "D" work would receive credit under the letter-grade option, but not in the Pass/No Entry system. Committee members' feelings about the approved plan were generally favorable, though often tempered by the anticipation of a hard struggle toward its implementa- tion. English calls it a "good proposal that strikes a middle ground between keeping things the same and creating sweeping changes." Chemistry Prof. Daniel Longone who vot- ed against the plan, finds it "comfortable" o entry because of the options it allows, but consid- ers its acceptance unlikely. Proponents would have to demonstrate it to be "totally superior" to the current grading system, he explained Under present LSA regulations, an up- perclass student can elect only one Pass/Fail course per term, provided his grade point average is at least 2.0. However, the course generally cannot be counted toward distri- bution, concentration, or certification re- quirements. Of the 15,800 students enrolled in the lit- erary college last semester, 2,839 elected one or more Pass/Fail courses. The Residential College and Pilot Pro- gram, on the other hand, employs Pass/Fail systems nearly exclusively. In the RC, "Passes" are accompanied by See COMMITTEE, Page 8 grades Prof. English FACULTY ADDRESS: Fleming speaks on black quota By LINDA DREEBEN In his semi-annual address to the faculty body, President Robben Fleming yesterday spoke on the "successes and fail- ures" of the University's Opportunity Program and the efforts to provide both money and services to meet a goal of 10 per cent black enrollment by 1973-74. Fleming told the some 80 faculty members present at the University Senate's spring meeting that the University is safely "within the framework of both dollars and students" for the achievement of the ten per cent goal by 1973-74. Addressing many of his comments to the Opportunity Program - the University's mechanism for achieving the said "The major criticism of Objections of women dismissed By REBECCA WARNER President Robben Fleming yes- terdaytold the University's Com- mission for Women that he still intends to appoint a single Affirm- ative Action Director to monitor equal employment opportunity pro- grams at the University. Fleming stuck to his earlier po- sition despite the group's objec- tion that his proposal "in effect destroys the commission." Fleming told the group that he understood its objections to his plan but that he disagreed with them. enrollment goal - Fleming the program has not been.on the funding count." "The criticism has been that we have not properly analyzed the need for supporting services or supplied them," Fleming said. "It seems grossly unfair to me to charge that the University has been indifferent to supporting ser- vices." he continued. According to Fleming, since the start of the academic year 1970- 71, the University has spent ap- proximately $450.000 on support- ing services, - and the tentative budget for next year allocates an- other $200.000 annually. Fleming's comments come on the heels of the dissolution of the Advisory Committee to the Oppor- t u n i t y Program, which was charged by Fleming last August to study the problems facing mi- nority students and suggest me- thods for improvement. The administrative-faculty-stu- dent body effectively dissolved re- cently when the administration's acting chairman resigned citing "ineffectiveness" and "neglect from the top administrative lev- els." Currently, some 70 per cent of the University's black students en- roll through the Opportunity Pro- Fleming yesterday announced the newly-compiled figures on the dropout rate for black students under the Opportunity Program and compared them to those of the general student body.r By the end of the sophomore I year the dropout rate for all fresh- men for all reasons is about 23 perc cent, according to Fleming's fig-d ures. For black students it is 28 c per cent, he said. d Of students awarded degrees d after four years, the proportion of Opportunity students who 'are awarded degrees is about five perr cent below that of all students in the University, though the exper- 3 fence is limited, Fleming said. I B52s into N 'Sow From Wire Service Reports The United States yesterday widened the Indochina air war by sending B52 heavy bombers deeper into North Vietnam than ever before, in their first strikes around a. maj or North Vietnamese city. Military officials said the raid by Stratofortresses near Vinh, 145 miles north of the demilitarized zone, was a calculated show of strength by President Nixon. None of the bombers was re- ported hit in the strike, but con- tinued B52 strikes would run a high risk that one or more of these massive bombers might be shot down and that their highly classified equipment might fall into North Vietnam's hands. Meanwhile, South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu was also running a major calculated risk, by committing two regiments of infantry from the Mekong Del- ta to the current hot spot, An Loc. Currently, 10.000 ARVN troops are surrounded by a much larger enemy force at that provincial capital 60 miles north of Saigon. The fall of this key town could endanger the safety of Saigon. The two Delta regiments are part of a 20.000-man ARVN force bushing un "Bloody Route 13" the main highway into the region from Saigon. The column reported little fighting and minimal enemy progress toward An Loc. The Mekong Delta was com- paratively quiet but vulnerable to a major enemy push, with the loss of the two regiments of the government's better troops. As in east days. there were scattered hit-and-run attacks in the lush rice land of the Delta south of Saigon. An enemy division was reported In Cambodia just across the border from the northern Delta. U.S. officials. in attempting to evaluate the pluses and minuses of Hanoi's second largest offen- sive of the war, said a stand-offp appeared to be in effect at thee moment. Although North Vietnamese di-f visions, in the early days of the t offensive across the DMZ collaps- ed the government's northern de- fensive tier like a house of cards, ,See U.S., Page 8 Protestor at CPHA ort. of h strike deep strenlgth' in U.S. 3 DAYS TO GO You must register by April 14 to be eligible to vote in Michigan's May 16 primary. Register, then get out and vote! According to Fleming's plan, in- troduced in a memo Wednesday, the women's commission and the University's Commission for Min- orities would become advisory to the Affirmative Action Director or could choose to act as ombudsmen or ombudswomen. "There's nothing we can do -Daily-McCarthy, Krulwich MAYOR ROBERT HARRIS (top foreground) and City Council members' (left to right) Norris Thomas (D-First Ward), Robert Faber (D-Second Ward) and Nancy Wechsler (HRP-Second Ward) listen to a representative of People Against the Air War (center) at last night's council session. At the meeting, newly elected HRP council members Jerry De Grieck (left) and Nancy Wechsler (right) were sworn into office. HRP brings new style to C ity Council.meeting By CHARLES STEIN , Democrats and Republicans that When newly elected City Council! future proceedings would be more members Jerry DeGrieck (HRP- colorful than ever, before. First Ward) and Nancy Wechsler The two new HRP council mem- (HRP-Second Ward) gave the bers were in striking contrast to clenched fist sign to the audience their regular party counterparts, during last night's swearing in sporting blue jeans and bright ceremonies, one well-dressed el- shirts rather than conventional derly gentleman stormed out in- suits. dignantly. I It became clear that the dif- "Too much crap for me," he ference extended even deeper muttered. when the opening ceremonies be- A long-haired young crowd of gan. Wechsler remained seated for 300 people packed the council both the invocation and the chamber and served notice on ( pledge to the flag which drew tI .-t now," said women's commission chairwoman Virginia Davis Nor- din. "None of us understand exact- ly why he disagrees with us." Yesterday's meeting, which was See FLEMING, Page 6 av.ivv au a.. .a v...s .. .+ . . p ..w . OPENS STATE CAMPAIGN Chisholm blasts Nixon economics some negative grumbles from the more conservative elements. John McCormack (R-Fifth Ward) criticized the HRP practice of let- ting citizens address the council from council members' chairs. "I had hoped," McCormack told May- or Robert Harris, "that you would not let this meeting turn into a circus." Mayor Harris tried to empha- size the similarities between HRP and the Democrats in his remarks to the new council. He pointed out that 60 per cent of the electorate had expressed disapproval with "stand-pat politics," an obvious swipe at the council's five Repub- licans. The first political action of the meeting involved the election of the mayor pro tem. The post is largely a ceremonial one, although when the mayor is out of town, the mayor pro tem is in charge of the city. Some had speculated that the HRP members would throw their support to a. liberal Democrat, but on two successive votes both HRP council members voted for Wechsler. Six votes were needed to elect the mayor pro tem, but as the vote broke down along party lines, no one was able to get the re- niremraivity rnd the mnmere -Daily-Terry McCarthy OVERCOME WITH JOY, a young man leaves Jackson Prison yes- terday - one of 128 persons whose drug convictions under the old state marijuana statute were overturned. ot conVitS 'eate with sudden freedom. By JONATHAN MILLER Special To The Daily JACKSON - For four hours they came, dressed in prison blue pants, looking young and somewhat stunned - their confinement ended by order of the state Supreme Court. James Griffin was in the fourth year of a 20-40 year sentence for possession of marijuana, his third offense, when the Jackson Coun- ty circuit judge, sitting in a library on the second floor of Jackson's visitors wing, told him he was free. "I'm elated," he said. On Friday, the state Supreme Court issued writs of habeus - corpus for 128 persons imprisoned on marijuana charges. in e "It's far out," geraintLrr d eta n edGeorge, 18, as he .ran into the detaind > glare of the television cameras, the flashes of photographers, free atoreturn to his home in Benton r~wl~'t~n~o Harbor, By DIANE LEVICK Democrat Shirley Chisholm, the only woman presidential candi- date, kicked off her Michigan campaign in Hill Auditorium last night calling for "a massive re- direction" of the nation's eco- nomic priorities. Receiving several standing ova- tions, Chisholm condemned Presi- dent Nixon's economic policies, saying: "I'm sick of reading every year Chisholm called for an "Eco- nomic Bill of Rights" to guard against the systematic exclusion of minorities from decent jobs and wages. Also included would be an overhaul of the tax system. Chisholm listed the following items for reduction in federal spending : -Elimination of federal subsi- dies paid to farmers for not grow- ing crops; -Reduced spending on federal L .. .... . .. « a a~.4 rv r vv Iv v s/' q-'ua U.'- U. By REBECCA WARNER A demonstrator was taken in for questioning by police yester- day morning as over 80 people picketed with striking workers of the Commission on Profes- sional and Hospital Activities (CPHA) at th~e hospital infor- mation company on Green Road. Seized on charges of spitting issue of a union shop as well as other working conditions and al- most 200 keypunch, scanner, and machine operators are involved. Women comprise 80-90 per cent of the unionized employes, mem- bers of UAW Local 157. Yesterday's incident occurred as employes began arriving at the plant for the 8:00 a.m. shift. George had been inside for five months of his 11/2 to 10 year sen- tence for possession of two joints of marijuana. The prisoners were paraded be- fore a three-judge panel of Jack- son county circuit court judges, who verified each individual's eli- gibility for release. Many of them said they'd smoke pct again, and many more of them cPvnoCe it frne at their Inno '~ ~