f6g'e drem" THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' Sunday, April 9, 1972 rage 'ren THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, April 9, 1972 CONSUMER NEWS DAILYOFFIILBU LLETIN . ........ r.:............ ..r....... . . . . . . ..r}:"4i"ki:5 Sex..,. still not free anywhere but cheaper at Health Service SUNDAY, APRIL 9 Day Calendar UAC Art Fair: West Quad courtyard, 12:00 noon. Carillon Recital: F. P. Price, Burton Mem. Tower, 1:00 p.m. Family Recreation Program: for fac- ulty, staff, and married students; all sports bldg. facilities, 1:30 p.m. International Folk Dance: Bulgarian dance & folklore, Lec. Rm. 1, MLB, 1:30 p.m. Music School: D. Taylor, soprano, Mus. Bch. Recital Hall, 2:30 p.m. PTP: Promises, Promises, Power Ctr., 2:30, 8:00 p.m. Music School: J. Goeboro, oboe, Mus. Sch. Recital Hall, 4:30 p.m. Music School: I. Hiskey, soprano, Mus. Sch. Recital Hall, 8:00 p.m. Musical Societi: Minnesota Orch., Hill Aud., 8:30 p..m MONDAY, APRIL 10 By SUSAN BROWN, When it comes to buying contraceptives, your friendly Uni- versity, in the form of Health Service, will be of the most help. It gives not only advice on the best kinds to use, but also offers the lowest prices in town, from the Pill to foams to pro- phylactics. Vaginal jellies, creams, and foams are sold at places other than pharmacies, and the U Cellar has the second cheapest prices in this area. The VIP Discount Center comes in third, with three pharmacies - Campus Corner, the Quarry, and the Village Apothecary - the most expensive. Their prices on birth control pills and condoms are more variable, however. Marshall's drugs seems not in the running at all to corner the contraceptive mrket. Its employes are reticent to make its prices on the pill and condoms public, and the prices they did divulge cover a relatively small spectrum of products. High Energy Seminar: M. R. Holter, "Discussion of (1) the motivations for remote sensing with multi-spectral sepsing instruments, (2) the activities and techniques used for spatial and frequency scanning, (3) pattern recog- nition," P&A Colloq. Rm., 4:00 p.m. Music School: R. Greene, flute, Mus. Sch. Recital Hall, 8:00 pm. General Notices' SUMMER PLACEMENT 212 S.A.B. INTERVIEW: Classic Crafts Corp. Michigan. Will interview Wed. and Thurs., April 12 and 13 from 10 to 5. Your opportunity to make good money and participate in a maangement training program. Guaranteed salary of $1650 - 11 ex- penses paid. Car a necessity. Further details contact SPS, phone 763-4117. INTERVIEW: Camp Maplehurst, Michigan Coed. Will interview Thurs., April 13 from 1:30 to 5:00. Openings include water= front (WSI), sailing, water skiing, rid- ing (western), Scuba (Instructor Certi- fication), Arts and Crafts, sailing, gen- eral counselors. Register 763-4117. ANNOUNCEMENT: Camp Mueller, Phillis Wheatly Assoc., Ohio. Social Work Camp. Openings in- clude Asst. Dir., Program Dir., Recrea- tion Leader, Unit Leader, Unit Assist- ants, Nurse. Further details available Waterfront Dir. CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT 3200 S.A.B. INTERVIEW: IBM will interview in our office on April 20, for all people interested in technical and non-tech- nical sales positions in the Midwest. Call 763-1363 for appt. Mich. Civil Serv. exams for Natural Resources Trainee Classes. Deadline May 1, 1972. Stop in for details, Aquat- ic Biologist Trainee, Biometrician, Con- servation Res. Planner, Fisheries Biolo- gist, Forester, Geologist, Land Apprais- er, park Interpreter, park manager, wildlife biologist. All trainees at 07 level. FSEE ELIGIBLES: The U.S. Army Materiel Command is now interviewing candidates for various non-technical positions in several areas in the U.S. A representative will come to campus if we have enough students with FSEE ratings of 90 or above who are inter- ested. Training programs start on May' 15 and June 19. Appointments are at GS-5 or 7 only. If interested, come to Career Planning & Placement, 3200 S.A.B., or call Miss Webber at 764-7460 or 763-1363. For The Student Body: LEVI'S Denim Bells X8.50 CHECKMATE State Street at Liberty Pills Health Service Pharmacy University Cellar VIP Discount Center Campus Corners Marshall's Drug Store ,Quarry Village Apothecary All Brands n'onth-$1.50 Condoms Trojan ENZ 3's-$.50 12's-$1.75 Natural Lamb 3's-$1.50 Jellies Ortho-Gynol 4.44 oz.-$2.00 Preceptin w/app. 2.89 oz.-$2.80 w/o app. 2.89 oz.-$2.30 Ortho-Gynol w/pp. 2.85 oz.-$2.40 w/o app. 4.44 oz.-$2.40 Perceptin w/app. 2.89 oz.-$2.59 w/o app. 2.89 oz.-$2.40 Ortho-Gynol w/app. 2.85 oz.-$2.69 w/o app. 4.44 oz.-$2.69 w/o app. 2.85 oz.-$2.19 Preceptin w/app. 2.89 oz.-$2.68 Creams Ortho-Creme w/o app. 4.44 oz.-$2.00 Delfin w/o app. 2.46 oz.-$1.50 Ortho-Creme w/app. 2.46 oz.-$2.49 woo app. 4.05 oz.-$2.40 Conceptrol 6 app.-$1.92 Ortho-Creme w/app. 2.46 oz.-$2.69 w/o app. 2.85 oz.-$2.19 w/o app. 4.05 oz.-$2.69 Delfen w/app. 2.46 oz.-$2.69 w/o app. 2.46 oz.-$2."9 Ortho-Creme w/app. 2.46 oz.-$2.98 w/o app. 2.46 oz.-$2.50 w/o app. 4.05 oz.-$2.98 Delfen wo app. 2.46 oz. $2.75 Conceptrol 6 app.-$2.39 Foams Delfin w/app. 20 Gm.-$2.50 w/o app. 50Gm-$3.00 Delfen w/app. 20Gm.-$2.59 w/o app. 50 Gm.-$3.56 Emko w/app. 45 Gm.-$2.29 Emko Pre-Fil w/app. 30 Gm.-$2.83 Delfen w/app. 20 Gm.-$2.59 w/o app. 20 Gm.-$2.59 w/o app. 50 Gm.--$3.89 Emko w/app. 45 Gm.-$2.69 w/o app. 45 Gm.-:02.19 w/o app. 90 Gm.-3.49 Emko Pre-Fil w/app. 30 Gm.-$3.29 w/o app. 60 Gm.-$3.69 Emko w/app. 45 Gm.-$2.98 w/o app 45 Gm.-$1.55 w/o app. 90 Gm.-$3.95 Emko Pre-Fil w/app. 30 Gm.-$3.69 w/o app. 60 Gm.-$4.29 Computer Ctr.-Sociology Colloquium: L. Guttman, Hebrew Univ., "A Clas- sification of Social Groupings by Par- tial-Order Scalogram Analysis," 4000 Rackham, 9:00 a.m. Environmentalaand Industrial Health Lecture: P.A. Plato, "Accumulation of Radioactivity In the Sediment of Lake Michigan," SPH-II Aud., 1:00 p.m. Mathematics Seminar: B. Simon, Princeton Univ., "Spectral Properties of Hamiltonian Systems," 2225 Angell Hall, 2:00 p.m. Mathematics Lecture: D. Gale, Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, "Mathematical Econ- omics," Aud. C, Angell Hall, 4:00 p.m. Faculty Senate Meeting: Rackham Lec. Hall, 4:00 p.m. A SISTER'S RADIO AT WCBN 3 P.M. SUNDPAY TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION pas taught by Maharishi Mahesh f Yogi LAST COURSE OF SEMESTER Transcendental meditation is a natural spontaneous technique which allows each individual to expand his mind and improve his life-PREPARATORY LECTURE MONDAY, APRIL 10-8:00 P.M. UGLI-MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM for further info. call 761-8255 A forn new Women's Department is being med at Ann Arbor's REAL RADIO sta- Ovral month-$2.00 All Others month-$1.99 would not divulge average about $2.00-$2.25 per month average $2.00 per month , Trojan ENZ 3's-$.75 12's-$2.22 Trojan FNZ lubricated 3's-$.90 12's-$2.70 Natural Lamb 3's-$2.25 would not divulge Trojan ENZ 3's-$.75 12's-$2.25 Trojan ENZ lubricated 3's-$.90 Trojan ENZ 3's-$.65 12's-$1.92 Trojan ENZ lubricated 3's-$.75 12's-$2.29 Natural Lamb 3's-$2.00 Ortho-Gynol w/app. 2.85 oz.-$2.98 w/o app. 2.85 oz.-$2.50 w/o app. 4.44 oz.-$2.98 Preceptin w/app. 2.89 oz.-$3.25 w/o app. 2.89 oz.-$2.75 Lion. All sisters are invited to get down with their ideas at WCBN, 530 S.A.B., Sunday. e1 'rrorrr ON - summe. ~& Ortho-Gynol w/app. 2.85 oz.-$3.00 w/o app. 2.85 oz.-$2.50 w/o app. 4.44 oz.-$3.00 Preceptin w/app. 2.89 oz,-$3.00 w/o app. 2.89 oz.-$2.75 Ortho-Gynol w/app. 2.85 oz.--3.00 (on special-$2.70) w/o app. 2.85 oz.-$2.43 (on special-$2.19) w/o app. 4.44 oz.-$3.00 (on special-$2.70) Preceptin w/app. 2.89 oz.-$3.23 w/o app. 2.89 oz.-$2.76i Ortho-Creme w/app. 2.46 oz.-$2.75 w/o app. 2.46 oz.--$2.50 Conceptrol 6 app.-$2.40 Delfen w/app. 2.46 oz.-$3.25 w/o app. 2.46 oz. $2.75 Ortho-Creme w/app. 2.46 oz.-$3.00 (on special-$2.70) w/o app. 2.46 oz.-$2.43 (on special $2.19) Delfen w/app. 2.46 oz.-$3.24 (on special-$2.71) w/o app. 2.46 oz.-$2.76 (on special-$2.49) Delfen w/app. 20 Gm.-82.90 Emko w/app. 45 Gm.--$2.60 Delfen w/app. 20 Gm.-S3.25 w/o app. 20 Gm.-$2.99 w/o app. 50 Gm.-$4.50 Emko wapp. 45 Gm.--$2.95 w/o app. 45 Gm.-$2.25 w/o app. 90 Gm.-$3.95 Emko Pre-Fil w/app. 30 Gm.-$3.69 w/o app. 60 Gm.-$1.29 Delfen w/app. 20 Gm.-$3.24 (on special-$2.89) w/o app. 20 Gm.-$3.00 (on special-$2.70) w/o app. 50 Gm.-54.46 (on special-$4.00) Emko w/app. 45 Gm.-$2.95 (on special-$2.65) w/o app. 45 Gm.-$2.55 (on special-$2.30) w/o app. 90 Gm.-$3.95 (on special-$3.55) Emko Pre-Fil w/app. 30 Gm.-$3.69 (on special-$3.29) COME AND SEE! A BRITISH FILM OF AN ABORTION Narrated by Dr. J. C. Wilke, M.D., noted author COME AND HEAR! Richard Jaynes, M.D., OB., Gyn. Michigan Maternal Morality Review Committee 7:45 p.m.-Thurs., April 13 ANN ARBOR PUBLIC LIBRARY 343 So. 5th Ave. FREE!! 1224 Washtenaw - 665-8825 2 and 3 bedroom apartments available Try Daily Classifieds TV & Stereo Rentals $10.00 per month NO DEPOSIT FREE DELIVERY, PICK UP AND SERVICE CALL: NEJAC TV RENTALS 662-5671 I U OF M STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND STAFF: COSTA DEL SOL, SPAIN-$199 8 DAYS/7 NIGHTS MAY 2-MAY 10 WAIKIKI, HAWAll-$219 8 DAYS/7 NIGHTS MAY 4-MAY 12 FRENCH RIVIERA, FRANCE-$239 8 DAYS/7 NIGHTS MAY 2-MAY 10 YOUR TRIP INCLUDES: I 14 I SUMMER ROOMS Singles and Doubles $30-45 Open Kitchen, Color TV Theta Xi 1345 Washtenaw 761-6133 " Round Trip Non-Stop Jet Transportation " Open Bar and Meal Service Enroute * Transfers and Baggage Handling Between Airport, Hotel, and Return " Accommodations for seven nights at modern air-conditioned'hotels (based on double occupancy with breakfast in Spain and France and quad occupancy in Hawaii) FOR FURTHER INFO: Owen, 663-2044 OR Studentours 483-4830 I " - 10 Aasy Shirley Chishoim and Jane Hart SUMMER SUBLET May, June and July with probable A.......r_ r'1t ---;^ Hill Auditorium April 10 8:30 I1 I ± E > 1