iri Sidun Daht Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: LINDA DREEBEN A messae from Wisconsin THINGS ARE looking up for the former history professor from South Dakota. George McGovern, who was dismissed as a Don Quixote only a few short months ago, has now become the front-runner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. The significance of McGovern's con- vincing Wisconsin victory with 30 per cent of the vote is that it indicates a new attitude among the American body poli- tic. Voters in this country are fed up with the corruption, inefficiency, and imper- sonality of big government. The people want a change, not just a little modifi- cation; they want a complete overhaul. George McGovern tells the voters he is for change. And he tells them exactly what changes he wants and how he is going to bring them about. That the voters want something dif- ferent is further born out by the strong second place showing of George Wallace. Wallace appeals primarily to working class whites, who represent a large por- tion of the population, but who as a group have no articulate spokesmen. While blacks who rise to positions of prominence continue to be black, poor whites who rise to prominence are no longer poor whites. IT IS A SENSE of frustration, bitterness, and bewilderment which prompts the poor whites to cast their vote for Wal- lace. Wallace speaks their language and is sympathetic to their problems. Al- though he doesn't offer any specific so- lutions, his general talk about soak-the- rich finds a receptive audience. A vote for Wallace is a protest vote - a protest against everything that's wrong in this country. Ironically, both Wallace and McGovern attract many of the same types of voters. They both have a sort of populist appeal, although Wallace is closer to know-noth- ingism than to populism. THE BIGGEST obstacle now to McGov- ern's nomination is that worn-out relic of the administration that sent 50,- 000 young Americans to an early grave in Indochina. Hubert Humphrey commands a large following among organized labor, the hard-core Democratic regulars and people who like the Vietnam war. He also has an enviable ability to raise money. Although McGovern is now being called the frontrunner, this position is tenuous at best - just ask Ed Muskie. --LINDSAY CHANEY Editorial Page Editor 0 America: than othe corporation stand; you PROFES about giant from Washington now few1 largest corl YOU CAN feel it in the air, the disil- of total in lusionment, the alienation, the cynicism. 1965 it w, Things in government aren't going right; knows. Se worse, there's a growing feeling that you cent of al can't do anything about it. It's like grop- Ford, AT& ing in the dark for a light switch that Texaco, G may not be there. For the first time later thes the US frustration begins to embrace the the profits very system itself. Three o Take Vietnam: the public wants out; companies we can't get out. We want a fair shake the tax la on taxes; we know we aren't getting it. We through - want better distribution of income; the lowance. t gap isn't closing. We want Congress to The norma control corporate wealth; instead, the cor- tax rate th porations pay the congressman's bills. Everywhere in the dark we stumble into PEOPLE things; the economy - inflation is bad why they enough, unemployment is bad enough, but becauseo to get them together! (though m The taxi driver's wife tells him she needs a sideline more money. Why? You should see the lace is vo price of vegetables and ground beef. But ances. what's this? The headline says Agriculture Here'sa Secretary Butz "hails higher meat prices." family no He says "they provide. the best way to for every insure a good supply of the better cuts a $10,000-a of beef that I prefer." of $19. We The public looks at Washington in dis- for the ah belief. The ITT thing, for God's sake. The Pro The huge concern shreds the documents tee hasi of its lobbyist and then looks as innocent billion inf as Little Eva ascending into heaven. Its year. Som president's salary is three times Mr. Nix- general ti on's. It runs its own foreign policy with affluent.S the aid of the CIA; it finances political things? - conventions. So what? It does no more senator fo Something's got to give r multi-billion, multi-national, ns. Nothing criminal, you under- u can't indict a smell. SORS HAVE been telling us t corporations for years, but till have listened. In 1950 the 100 porations controlled 38 per cent ndustrial assets in America; by 'as 45 per cent. Today? Who ven big companies got 17 per 1 corporate profits in 1956-GM, &T, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Gulf Oil and IBM. Ten years same seven got a quarter of all s. f the biggest concerns are oil The oil industry has holes in ws you can drive a tanker-truck - depletion allowance, drilling al- he import quota (tariff) system. al big oil company pays a lower han a charwoman. E ARE getting fed up. That's voted for George Wallace. Not of his stand on busing alone host competent demagogues have of bigotry). But because Wal- calizing a dozen festering griev- an illustration: a $200,000-a-year w gets a subsidy of about $70 $100 of its mortgage payments, a-year family gets an average e run a kind of welfare system ffluent. oxmire Joint Economic Commit- just estimated that about $63 federal subsidies are paid every ne are good, some ark bad. In he payments tilt .in favor of the Why doesn't Congress equalize - not easy with Russell Long, r oil, or James Eastland, senator for farm subsidies, standing in the way. Congress is pockmarked with road blocks. We lack disciplined political parties in the Canadian or European sense. Every poll shows that the average man wants Vietnam stopped. But bombs keep falling. Can the individual do anything? Apparently not. Leaders tell us not to worry, combat soldiers are coming- back, home. Isn't that fine? The bombs have a nice technical name, "protective reaction"; they are used only when the enemy has the arrogance to track our fliers over their territory. The bombs keep falling. In Holy Week, if you took Communion, you didn't think about them; it's not your responsibility. Anyway, those little brown peasants aren't Christians; that slant-eyed dead baby in the ditch was probably never baptized. Take the wafer; it's all right. OUR GOVERNMENT is busy with other important matters. For example, it is ferreting out conspiracy and just at pre- sent has a couple of informers to illus- trate how efficiently it works. Robert Hardy says the FBI employed him not only as informer but as agent provocateur and encouraged him to perform a criminal act in helping to organize conspirators at Camden, New Jersey to raid the draft board file. The FBI also has a paid stool pigeon in the Harrisburg case against Father Philip Berrigan and a couple of nuns, who were plotting to kidnap Henry Kissinger. Don't laugh! What with the ITT spectacle and the FBI the funny things are getting to be the most serious. There should be more of them, too, when Edgar Hoover gets his huge new home built on Pennsylvania Ave- nue right across from its parent, the Jus- tict Department. The FBI building will be bigger than Justice.1 Half a dozen books we have read lately take a rather dim view of all this: The Party's Over by top notch political writer David Broder; A Populist Manifesto, a splendid summary by Newfield and Green- field; America, Inc., Mintz and Cohen; Uncommon Sense, by historian J. M. Burns; Money in Politics, Herbert Alex- ander. They all discern the same dis- turbance and- rising resentment. There is an undercurrent of fear. The public is an- gry, they say, and keeps asking questions. WHY IS infant mortality so outrageously high in America when doctors have an average iniome of $40,500? Why does Mr. Nixon offer a $100 billion deficit in three years and 'not staunch the hemorrhage of lost tax revenues? (Mr. Nixon's happy solu- tion is to reelect him so he can give us a national sales tax (VAT); it will have such majestic impartiality that the million- aire and the washer woman will each pay the same 6 per cent sales tax for a bowl of chili con carne.) Why is it that-half the members of Congress have interests in law firms, banks and TV stations? Why doesn't the gap between rich and poor get smaller? ac- tually the $10,600 gap between the average income of the top fifth of the public and the :bottom fifth in 1949 increased to $19,000 in 1969. THESE WRITERS express concern, I think, for the same reason. History tells us that is enough people get angry enough about enough grievances at the same time they will begin striking out and breaking things and they are not very discriminating about what they break. A competent dema- gogue can lead them almost anywhere. Reprinted by permission of the New Repubiie 0 1972, Harrison-Blaine of New Jersey, Inc, ° °ROSE SUE BERSTEIN __ -Daily-Rolfe Tessera Generals who cry wolf Chaplin, "Because you have silenced Suppres a man, you have not conveit- forms ha ed him." -Artist Ben Shahn fidgety g * * * learn thi ARTISTS WITH political c a n - lentlessly sciences have always caused thy dissid their anxious governments to re- tims of s coil in horror. After all, pue caught th dialectic commands a small aud- ience: people with endurance; CHARL people already committed to a and film particular point of view; students turned to trudging through assigned read- in Switze ings. visit here But when the political message colade a is delivered more subtly-through blocked b a poster of Guernica, in the pages nedy airp of Sartre's Paths to Freedom tri- Plaza Ho logy, on screen with an allegorical gram at Z - then problems arise. with farm Anyone has access to political the Holly, messages deliveredsthrough art will prese forms, thus anyone can ibsorb Academy those messages. many Apr Solzhenitsyn: SINCE DECEMBER, Pentagon pundits had been predicting a major Commun- 1st offensive in South Vietnam. The result was a mass of "protection reaction strikes" - to safeguard American troops from offensives that never materialized. While American planes pounded sus- pected Communist positions in North Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, Army offi- cials were attempting to attribute politi- cal motives to the invisible offensives. First, we were told that the Commun- ists were attempting to take advantage of U.S. troop withdrawals by mounting a major attack. Then, we were advised they were planning to take advantage of the favorable weather of the Tet season. Fi- nally, military sources assured us that an offensive would begin so as to embarrass President Nixon, during .his trip to the People's Republic of China. And all the while, the bombing .'con- tinued -- with no sign of increased ene- my action. LAST WEEK; the offensive finally came, and it was met with a volley of "I- told-you-so's" from Army intelligence ex- perts who ingeniously decided that they had been correct all along, but had mere- ly miscalculated the time 'and place of the offensive. U.S. military brass have apparently lost some faith in their intelligence units over the past few months, however. Two weeks ago, a communique sent to the Pentagon predicted a "substantial increase" in Communist activity early in April. The report was given little credence by both Gen. Creighton Abrams, the commander of American troops in South Vietnam, and Ellsworth Bunker, the American am- bassador. Both men left the country to spend Easter with their wives, and did not re- turn to Vietnam until Tuesday. Mean- while, the latest dispatches from the field report that the Communists are within 60 miles of Saigon on the western front, and the ARVN is hanging on for dear life just south of the DMZ. . . AT THE RISK of appearing paternalis- tic, one might suggest the U.S. Army Intelligence Division take a refresher course in emergency preparedness-start- ing with a manual entitled "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." -ALAN LENHOFF Editor sion of political art as never been easy, but governments never quite s, and they continue re- to weed out the unheai- dents. This week two vic- uch suppression attempts he limelight. ES CHAPLIN, comedian star extraordinaire, re- New York after 20 years erland. Upon his return , Chaplin will receive ac- after accolade: crowds both his arrival at Ken- 'ort and his entry to the 'tel; a special film pro- Lincoln Center was filled nally attired guests; and wood film establishment ent Charlie with a special Award at its Oscar cere- ril 10. Politics in art . d Talkin' about the Incredibility GapB AKDLE By MARK DILLEN JF YOU'VE been watching or reading the news lately, you know there've been some pretty surprising things happening. Like the Human Rights Party winning two City Council seats. Or George McGovern running away with the Wisconsin primary. Or General Motors recalling 130,000 Vegas for having engines that tend to blow up. And to many it's really quite disturbing. After all, who wants all those cars blowing up on our freeways? But beyond that, they've added a new twist to the American scene and given us a new phenomenon that only we, as progenetors of a great and high culture, can truly appreciate. It's called the "Incredibility Gap." Incredible, isn't it? Just when you though you had the last one licked. As you remember, the way the "Credibility Gap" worked was that you just weren't able to tell whether the honchos in government and big business were telling the truth. What with the Pentagon Papers and all, it seemed as though you had to believe just the opposite. BUT NOW to believe just the opposite is no longer right either, :'-. - because everyone is so amazed at '.:;< what is happening that they don't have any good contradictory state- ments prepared. The result is that they end up doing the most un- believable thing of all: telling the truth. Hubert Humphrey, for example, clears his breast with startling revelations about his childhood weaknesses: "I was not much of a sprinter in high school, always more of a long distance runner." George Wallace has also conced- ed that he is just "an averagef guy," while big Ed Muskie has admitted that his sole big draw- ing card is that only he is able to beat Nixon. BUT THE SWEET breath of fresh honesty extends far beyond the heretofore smelly confines of the political arena. Following our; President's lead of keeping such> non-partisan issues as war, depres- sion, oppression, repression and> suppression safe from the -lutch- es of those who make themselves our enemies, unexpected develop- '" ments in world affairc arp enocdng ' But all these honors are feeble attempts to compensate for tY e slander heaped upon Charlie's name in the fifties. A victim of the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy's witch-hunting, Chaplin was ac-, cused of having Commu nist sym- pathies and immoral habits. When he left the United States for Switzerland, Chaplin was told he must submit to hearings on the McCarthy charges if he ever re- turned. And now, the man has returned. The charges will probably not be heard; and Chaplin has decided not to discuss the issue with the press. But behind him lurks a giant shadow of accusations, easily tossed about but less easily d s- pelled. DRAMATIC IRONY may have reached a peak in some of Chap- lin's films, but it's been supersed- ed by the reaction to Charlie's ar- rival here. The same people who. cast him away as an undesirable character, who felt it worthwhile to rid the country of an evil in- fluence, now grant the aging star a hero's welcome. MEANWHILE, across the Atian- tic, Nobel prize-winning novelist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn complains of harassment by the Soviet gov- ernment. It is doubtful, in fact, whether Swedish officials will be allowed entry to Russia to pre- sent the author his Nobel honors. Chaplin was condemned in a. red-baiting America. Solzhenitsyn is condemned in a western-fearing Soviet Union. Soviet officials have expelled him from the Union of Writers, calling him a traitor for his critical writings. "The plan," he said in an inter- view April 2, "is either to drive me out of my life or out of the country, throw me into a ditch or send me to Siberia, or to have ne dissolve 'in an alien fog,' as they write." There is no reason for Soviet officialdom to be as paranoid as the Solzhenitsyn treatment indi- cates they are. The Soviet Union has survived more than 50 years, some of them filled wizn turmoil and doubt, but now they certainly" have nothing to fear from a small group of liberal artist-intellect- uals. Indeed, public opinion of the U.S.S.R. is endangered more by its suppression of artistic freedom than by passages from The 'First Circle. In any case, disagreeing with what Chaplin and Solzhenitsyn have said in no way justifies slan- dering their characters. WHAT CAN we say now but "Sorry, Charlie?" We can, hope that the Nobel prize delivery goes on next week as scheduled: We can hope t h a t memories of McCarthy are strong enough to prevent his successors from ever attaining the power he held. Wecan hope that poet Richard Lovelace's words of 1642 on sup- pression will finally be believed It is, after all, true that "Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage." . Exiling Chaplins and tormenting Solzhenitsyns !will not, in the long run, achieve the end of silencing their opinions. Such actions, more than anything else, forge people into martyrs. 0 * Charlie Chaplin as 'The Kid' Letters to The Daily Jury lists JURY LISTS should include all voting citizens. Waiting until May 1, before updating these lists, (Daily editorial, March 28) is now clearly an injustice to those 18 to 20 years old. The American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan wrote to the Chief Justice of the Michigan Su- preme Court in February, gsking that circuit and district courts of the state revise their jury selec- tion procedures to deal with the extraordinary situation. The jury lists in the state must, by May 1 of each year, be. esti- mated for the one-year period beginning the following September. Each county clerk must, also by May 1, complete a, list of all re- gistered voters in his county. This list is then nura b +hD zhe fnit. Thus, none of the new voters can possibly appear on juries before September 1972. Worse, since the new lists must be submitted as early as May 1. 1972, and will not be revised until the following May 1st, only those 18 to 20 year olds who manage to register between September 1971 and May 1, 1972 will appear on the new jury lists. This means that, until September 1973, only those few who manage to register before May 1, 1972 will be able to represent their peers on the juries of the state. IT IS QUITE clear that the new 18 to 20 year old voters will not be represented on juries in any- thing remotely resemhbng their proportion of the population. As Zoning issue To .The Daily: I FIND IT unfortunate that a political issue has been made of an incompleted Planning Depart- ment study of* zoning in the South University area.. The Daily printed a letter by the so-called Citizens of Tenbrook which, contained some basic mis- information and misunderstand- ings. The proposed rezoning, if ac- cepted, is unlikely to cause either the deterioration or the removal of student housing as the letter writ- ers fear, but in fact is intended to retain the less-expensive housing which now exists. -Ethel Lewis Ann Arbor Planning Commission member March 30 h {*