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April 05, 1972 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-05

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Eighty-one years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

rOh, my God... the hippies are voting"

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The(Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Recognizing Bangladesh

WITH A TOUCH of irony, Secretary of
State William Rogers yesterday an-
nounced that the United States will rec-
ognize Bangladesh -- three months after
the nation won its independence.
Certainly that move is to be welcomed,
no matter how late it was made, for it
will not only help improve our relations
with India, but it will also allow the
United States to greatly expand foreign
aid payments to the impoverished new
But one can only hope that whatever
aid that is sent to Bangladesh will be
sent more carefully than the current
shipments to that country.
According to Dispatch News Service,
some one-hundred thousand tons of
American grain intended to go to Bangla-
desh, have been lost somewhere in Asia.
Apparently, the State Department has

issued a distress call to U.S. embassies
throughout Asia to be on the look-out for
the hi-jacked wheat. But so far, they
have had no luck.
In addition to the missing wheat, other
U.S. shipments to Bangladesh have been
diverted. All told, Agency for Interna-
tional Development sources report that
$17.2 million of U.S. food assistance to
Bangladesh has either been diverted to
other ports or are in "positions un-
NOW THAT the United States hopefully
is done playing political games over
the question of recognizing the new na-
tion, let's hope that it can do a better
job of getting food and medical supplies
to those needy persons.

"Something is happening
here and you don't know
what it is, do you, Mr.
-Bob Dylan
* * *
basked in the fleeting splend-
or of a sunny early spring day.
At his desk in the offices of the
Ann Arbor News, veteran c i t y
reporter Ron Cordray began typ-
ing out his advance piece on the
city election.
A moderately good turnout for
a non-mayoral election, he
thought. A new party - radicals,
students - was running. Students
smoke dope, fornicate and some-
times demonstrate, but that was
Roy Reynolds' (The News' Uni-
versity reporter) problem.
The Human Rights Party," he
typed, "is given little, if any
chance of winning a seat today."
A couple of Democrats would
win, a couple of Republicans
would win. That's Ann Arbor city
politics - that's what always hap-
afternoon an element of concern
had crept into the city's conscious-
The phone was ringing in the
office of City Clerk Haiold Saund-
ers. There w.as trouble" at the
Jones School polling place. Hund-
reds of students were showing up
to vote, and were complaining of
harrassment by Democratic and
Republican poll watchers.
At the polls themselves, the at-
mosphere was tense. Election day
workers - some veterans of 20
years of city elections - were
faced with long lines of young
people - dirty, hairy, crazy street
freaks - and they wanted to vote!
One distraught poll worker turn-

-Daily-Robert Wargo

Hail to the victors!

ed to a harried election official
and lamented, "Isn't it terrible
that all these students are vot-
ing. They aren't even citizens."
"Yes," the weary official ag; eed.
AS THE DAY wore on, energy
levels were rising. "The balloting
in Ann Arbor's city wide election
is very heavy," blared the radio.
And the weather held until ear-
ly evening, as an armada of cars
bearing garish signs with ,lower-
ing hippos on them ferried stu-
dents from dorms to polls and
back again.
At 8:00 p.m. the polls closed, and
the city held its breath and await-
ed the returns. They didn't have
long to wait.
By 8:30 p.m. the numbers came
rolling in, faster than reporters
could take them down. Jerry De-
Grieck - former SGC vice-presi-
dent, participant in the 1970 book
store sit-in-, participant in the
1971 Black Action Movement
strike, busted in D.C. during the
1971 Mayday actions - Jerry De-

Grieck was winning in the First Ward - stood depressed, next to

THE FIRST WARD - w h e r e
Democratic Mayor Robert Harris
had felt his party couldn't lose -
was crumbling rapidly.
when the returns from the
ward's third, precinct - the h i11
dorms - were tabulated, the roof
fell in. De Grieck had rolled up
over 1,000 votes. And suddenly it
was all over.
The city's Republicans, lapping
it up in the swanky Ambassador
Hilton, booed and hissed as de-
lirious young people in a. small
store front in the center of town
whooped and yelled.
By the time returns from the
Second Ward showed another, larg-
er, although somewhat less sur-
prising HRP victory, tears were
flowing as freely as cocktails in
the Ambassador Hilton.
SLICK YOUNG Ripon-Liberal
Tom Burnham - the Republican's
Great White Hope in the Second

a young woman - with t e a r s
running down her cheeks.
When a, long haired reporter ap-
proached, she tore his notebook
away and tried to rip it apart.
Failing in that, she flung it across
the room in frustration.
"It's all (President Robben)
Fleming's fault," one Republican
It was bad enough - bad
enough that unruly students had
run through town, breaking win-
dows and yelling slogans, the Re-
publicans thought. But now two
of them are on City Council. There
was talk of selling homes and
moving elsewhere.
"The times, they are a
-Bob Dylan
cals no less - on City Council.
His honor, the councilman from
the First Ward, lives in a one
room flat on Thayer St. with two
cats and smokes marijuana.

Her honor, the councilwomen
from the Second Ward, will take
the seat of a real estate :oagnate
who sits on the board of t h e
Huron Valley Bank. Her honor
is a clerk in the University '1ellar.
What does it all mean?
It means that through a monu-
mental, well-coordinated effort,
radical students have managed to
fulfill a dream.
They have turned the nearly im-
possible trick of translating frus-
tration in the streets into a vic-
tory at the polls - something the
so-called experts said couldn't be
They won, and won convincing-
ly; and as one old Democrat
frankly admitted, "I don't think
we can dismiss it . . . These re-
sults must be looked at by every-
WHAT CAN TWO lone radicals
do in the cold cruel world of city
Well, as one gleeful HRP sup-
porter said Monday night, there's
"one to propose a motion and one
to second it."
More importantly, however,
there is now a progressive p r e-
sence on City Council. The radi-
cals have shown tihey have guts,
energy and organizational ability
and that when the crunch comes
they can'get out the vote.
De Grieck and Nancy Wechsler
will certainly not be lost in the
shuffle on council. Neither the Re-
publicans nor the Democrats now
have the six votes necessary to
pass a resolution.
will have to secure Wechsler's and
De Grieck's support. And they
may find the price, of cooperation
is not entirely painless.



Hail to the happy hippo

IF ANYONE hasn't noticed yet, congrat-
ulations are in order.
Against all predictions, the Human
Rights Party (HRP) has captured two
crucial swing votes in the City Council,
and has done well enough in the other
three wards to cement its position as a
major party in this city.
However, now that they've made it, it's
up to the party to prove they deserve it.
HRP has set itself hard questions to deal
with and the test will begin at next Mon-
day's council meeting, when Council-
people Jerry De Grieck (HRP-First Ward)
and Nancy Wechsler (HRP-Second Ward
are sworn in.
Can a political party actually make all
its important decisions by democratic
votes in open mass meetings, as HRP has
promised? Can Wechsler and De Grieck
survive without getting co-opted in a
council now split with five Republicans,
four Democrats and themselves?
And the platformn will HRP be able
to demonstrate, even partially, that crit-
ics who say their goals are totally' un-
realistic are wrong?
The answer to these and other excit-
ing questions will have to come within
the next few months.
The election was hard-fought, and HRP
volunteers have pushed themselves to the
point of exhaustion over the last few
weeks. But, as De Grieck says, "now the
real work begins."

in HRP, despite dire prophecies from the
city's political and journalistic regulars.
other on the victory, it is up to us to
help make sure that such confidence is
justified - by continuing our active par-
ticipation in the party to keep it truly a
community unit.
Editorial Director,
write a Regent
OO MANY hang-ups? School getting
you down? Way behind on your home-
work? Why don't you ... WRITE A RE-
First National Bldg.
1741 Hillshire Dr.
800 First National Bldg.
15125 Farmington Rd.
422-1200 ext. 315
275 Guildford Rd.
Bloomfield Hills
900 American Bank and Trust Bldg.
2555 Guardian Bldg.
1440 Peck, P.O. Box 27

Sports--a day of reckoning approaches

THE HISTORY of management-
labor relations is a sad one.
From the Homestead Steel lockout
in the 1890's through the bloody
wars of the 1930's on up to the
AFL-CIO's current hassle with the
Pay Board, labor in the U.S. has
been given a raw deal by the busi-
ness establishment.
Now we have another area of
labor controversy - professional
sports. Last week the major
league baseball teams voted to go
on strike in 'a dispute with the
owners over pension benefits.
The players want a 17 per cent
cost of living raise in benefits,
to be included in the health care
part of the pension plan. Most
of the money would come from
surplus funds already existing in
the pension fund.
BUT BASEBALL management is
still back in the days of Andrew
Carnegie. An organized worker is
dangerous to them. Thus, Marvin
Miller, the executive director of
the Major League Baseball Play-
er's Association, has been treated
by the owners as something of an
outside agitator who is stirring up
trouble for the great American
game of baseball.
But if Marvin Miller is dan-
gerous, it is not to organized base-
ball - organized baseball, where
a fast-talking scout will lure some
young kid with a fancy bonus to
sign a contract which makes him
a slave.
Rather, he is dangerous to the
owners themselves, who for too
long have toyed with athletes as if
they were malleable commodities
to be used and thrown away.
The owners, of course, cite the
fancy salaries that a few of the
more famous players get and
claim that if the players gat any
more money the league will just
have to go under. Typical is '"he
comment of Detroit Tiger Gen-
eral Manager Jim Campbell who
called the players "damn greedy."

it really is - and what he will ob-
serve is not pretty.
Perhaps the most interesting ex-
ample is in basketball, where lea-
gue competition has forced owners
to go deep into the college ranks
for recruits. The lure of big money
has drawn a number cf well-
known college stars to the pros,
and attempted to draw others. in-
cluding Michigan's Henry Wil-
more. 8
But only a few of the true super-
stars, such as Wilt Chamberlain
and Jerry West, earn large salar-
ies year after year - and even
they will be retired by forty.
And what. of the not-so-super-
star who finds himself washed up
by thirty with an academic a n d
social background which has pre-
pared him for nothing in life ex-
cept how to do fancy things with
a sphere?
He hasn't had the security of a
General Motors worker who, once
he starts work, can look forward
to thirty years of steady employ-
ment, and a modest but comfort-
able pension waitng for him upon
his retirement.
THE ATHLETIC club owners, in
their own "kind" greedy way have
tried to keep salaries, and t h e
players, in their place by such
practices as mergers and the re-
serve clause. Both force the play-
er to deal with only one team.
The power of the reserve clause
can be seen in the case of base-
ball - Oakland A's pitcher V i d a
Blue. In his first season last year
Blue was nothing short of sensa-
tional, leading his team to a divi-
sion championship and earning for
himself the American League's
Most Valuable Player Award. His
salary? $14,500.
As the league's premier attrac-
tion last year he brought in thous-
ands of fans to the baliparks.
So this year Blue wants some-
thing closer to $100,000, a figure
which 20 other players are cur-'
rently making. But Oakland owner
Charley Finley is offering only
half that. That Blue is worth more
does not seem in much dispute.
Mike Burke, president of the New

York Yankees, publicly declared
that he is willing to pay Oakland
$1 million for Blue. But Finley
would not budge - Blue is his
slave and everyone knows it.
According to the reserve clause,
if Blue wants to play baseball this
year he must play for Finley or
no one at all; not even a Japanese
team is allowed to sign him. For
the past few weeks Blue has been
practically begging Finley to com-
promise - enough to save Blue
some face. But Finley has held
out, playing the role of the great
white father who wants the black
man to come back on his knees.

has its labor woes, Last summer
the players nearly struck and over
the winter, hearings were held on
Capitol Hill with regard to the
legality of the reserve clause.
So far Congress has done little
to impede the owners trampling
labor's rights, and the Supreme
Court has upheld the constitution-
ality of the clause, claiming that
sports is not business.
But Marvin Miller and the oth-
er organizers in the sporting World
are here to stay. Although they
seemed doomed in their current
adventure (striking without a
strike fund is just one example
of their disorganization), it ap-
pears inevitable that athletes will
no longer play the part of the

subservient stooge to power brok-
ers of the sports world.
The athlete of today is no longer
the helpless, begging tool of an
earlier era. He knows the ad-
vantages of organizing and the
public is no longer so caught up
in the fantasyland aspects of
sports that he can't see that ath-
letes are workers like anyone else.
The owners have sought to dis-
credit the players with talk of im-
pressive salaries and short sea-
sons and so forth. But athletes are
sick and tired of being treated like
the soil on which they play.
ancy on the part of the owners
only points out the unfairness of
the system. The day of reckon-
ing for sports will come.


football, too,

Letters to The Daily

Many of us have had great


Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
BILL ALTERMAN............Associate Sports Editor
AL SHACKELFORD.........Associate Sports Editor
BOB ANDREWS............Assistant Sports Editor
SANDI GENIS.............. Assistant Sports Editor
MICHAEL OLIN ......... Contributing Sports Editor
RANDY PHILLIPS.......Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Chuck Bloom, Dan Borus, Chuck
Drukis, Joel Greer, Frank Longo, Bob McGinn.

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are sooner or later going to
to see professional sports for


(n Kibbutz women
To The Daily:
I FEEL THE need to respond
to Daniel Zwerdling's' article on
women and the Kibbutz life:
Zwerdling does not distinguish
between the institutionalized sex-
ual discrimination based upon our
imale-doninaeted capitalistic so-
ciety and the discrimination he
found on his kibbutz.
But the difference is obvious:
here, women cannot free t h e m-
selves because men control t h e
means of production, the legal
system, and:the political channels
through which change must oc-
cur; on a kibbutz the women own
the means of production along
with the men, and are entitled
to vote on every important pol-
If Zwerdling's kibbutz had a rule
requiring women to work a year in
the kitchen it is because the
women of that kibbutz supported
that rule.
I believe Zwerdling makes this
mistake because he sees the kib-
butz with the eyes of a member
of this American society w h i c h
extols competition as a virtue. On
the kibbutz cooperation and sacri-
fice constitute the basis for the
life style.
In the same kind of cross-cul-
tural blindness, Zwerdling up-
braids the kibbutzniks for n o t
thinking "about creating new ful-
filling, productive jobs as a solu-
tion but only in terms of diver-
sionary hobbies."
He is blind in both eyes here:
his left eye cannot see that on a
kibbutz people are not defined by
the work they do, but by what
kind of people they are once their
eight hours of service are paid.
Thus the lessening of work-load
for women is indeed an opportun-
ity for them to fulfill themselves.
And his right eye cannot see
that on a kibbutz life is simple,
and the jobs are likewise. Thus
there are very few "fulfilling, pro-
ductive" jobs such as traveling
around the world writing articles
for the New Republic.
I hopethatbsomebday Zwerd-
1 ... . :1 1.. . .. . . 1L. . T .,. .1 A .,.... .

Saved, thanks
To The Editor:
Daily parking lot . yesterday, I
noticed that some extremist had
placed a "Nixon for President"

Query on ad.an
The Daiysanswer
To The Daily:
SEVERAL WEEKS ago I began to notice the ads in your classified
section for "used" and custom" termpapers. The tone and intent of
these ads struck me as being disgustingly cynical, and I wondered how
you saw fit to accept them.
Shortly thereafter, you ran an editorial from the New York Times
which deplored the extent to which this business had grown.
Although your staff didn't write the editorial, the fact that you'
printed it seemed to indicate agreement on your part-however, the
ads were there again, in the same issue.
I thought perhaps you simply had a policy of accepting all classi-
fieds, but on checking your statement concerning this I found that
you refused those discriminating on the basis of sex, race, etc. in
the Help Wanted section.
So apparently, you do submit some ads to ethical scrutiny. Does
this mean you have no objection to the termpaper ads? I would
appreciate some statement of your position on this.
-Alan Shaw
March 30
The reply
THE BUSINESS practices of The Daily are based upon the day-
to-day authority of the Business Manager. This authority is granted
him by the Board for Student Publications, The Daily's owners and
The Business Manager is responsible only to the Board, and thus
there is' a distinct separation between business practices and editorial
policy - by Regental By-Law, the editors of The Daily are given
complete control over the news and editorial, content of the paper.
This should explain the discrepancy between editorial position and
the acceptance of advertisements.
Second, regarding the advertising policy of The Daily. At the
current time our position is not to accept any ads the would be
illegal under local, state or federal statute; contain obscene or profane
language; are discriminatory on the basis of race, sex, religion, or
nationality; or are clearly misleading or falacious.
Furthermore, The Daily reserves the right to regulate the typo-
vranhicap tae nf all adverltisements onr to reviseohrt t urn ay nnv

bumper sticker on the rear of your
I took the liberty of removing
the bumper sticker to save you
from any further embarrassment.
-C. R. Crow
April 1



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