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April 04, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-04

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I r


:43 a t I

Windy, showers or
snow flurries

Vol. LXXXlI, No. 140

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 4, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Page




















Ashley-First proposal
loses by large margin



Breaking almost every political rule, and shocking
"experts", the Human Rights Party (HRP) captured two
five City Council seats in yesterday's election.


N ff w

countera t

SAIGON (R) - The five-day-
old North Vietnamese inva-
sion stalled today according to t
military officials. The allies
launched a massive counter-
offensive across South Viet-
nam's northern front, includ-
ing amphibious landings. The
U.S. Navy committed its big-
gest force since the 1968
bombing halt.
Saigon's commander in the
north, Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Lam,r
said "we have stopped them now."
He estimated North Vietnamese
casualties in the battle below the
demilitarized zone at 2,000 killedj
by ground fighting and air and'
artillery strikes. He said govern-
ment casualties were 200 killed
and 600 wounded.
Nearly a score of B52 bombers
h a m m e r e d North Vietnamese
forces trying to outflank the de-
fenders of Quang Tri from thel
west and southwest. The main i
Communist drive meanwhile
bogged down north of Quang Tri'
in the face of stiffened govern-
ment resistance.
Thousands of South Vietnamese
assaulted the banks of the Cua
Viet River to secure the coastline
from Communist forces trying to
encircle Quang Tri City or move
The Seventh Fleet assembled at_
least four aircraft carriers and ,

The city's new student voters came out in droves and
voted heavily for HRP, giving the new party the margin of
victory in the First and Second wards. The HRP' turnout in
the Fourth and Fifth wards - although comparatively small
-probably took enough potential Democratic votes to ensure
Republican victories.
The election makes the composition of the council five
Republicans, four Democrats and two Human Rights Party
The Democrats - who had said I
their minimum hope was to win in
the First Ward - won no seats,
while the Republicans scored vic-
tories in the Third, Fourth and 0 "
Fifth Wards. jurors sti
City voters also voted over 2-1 to
defeat the controversial Ashley-
First (Packard-Beakes) bypass
bonding proposal. _ 11 ieeii

HRP candidaL 'IT «..ancy15..ecnsier

-Associated Press
On the campaign trail
Gov. George Wallace of Alabama shakes his fist yesterday as he
delivers a speech in Janesville, Wis. Wallace is campaigning for
today's primary election.
CSto reconsider
SGC election di pute

-Daily-Robert Wargo

VICTORIOUS HUMAN Rights Party (HRP) candidates Jerry De Grieck (top right) and Nancy
Wechsler (top left) celebrate after winning two s eats on City Council in the election yesterday.
HRP, supporters cheer the news at party headquarters (bottom). De Grieck was elected in the
First Ward, Wechsler in the Second. The Ashley -First bond proposal was overwhelmingly defeated
by voters yesterday.

four destroyers to back up 20,000 CRISLER. VISIT:
South Vietnamese ground troops.
Another 5,000 South Vietnamese
reinforcements were ordered to the
northern front.-
Naval guns opened up against
the DMZ's southern half.
A White House spokesman in
Washingtonreported the Presi-
dent summoned a special foreignh
nnl-n. ,i-nnc o fint' Ithe nffonsie~',

.eping pong team

HRP candidate Nancy Wechsler
won by over 500 votes in the heav-
ily student-populated S e c o n d
Ward. HRP was expected to do
well there. But in the First Ward
-long considered a Democratic
stronghold - the victory of HRP
candidate Jerry DeGrieck was,
For complete but unofficial
returns see Page 10.
greeted with stunned disbelief by
City Hall experts.
DeGrieck took four of the ward's
seven precincts. In the third pre-
cinct, which includes the "Hill"
dorms, DeGrieck rolled up 1,020
votes - a margin of 663 votes over
Democrat John Kirscht, his clos-
est competitor.
Unofficially, De Grieck received
2,315 votes, to 2,069 for Kirscht
and 1,964 for Republican Robert
Wechsler won the Second ward
with 2,176, to 1,508 for Republican
Tom Burnham and 1,465 for Dem-,
ocrat Mike Morris.
Wechsler got her victory with
huge majorities in the student-
dominated first and second pre-
cincts. She came out of the cam-
pus area with an 824 vote lead -
too much for Burnham to catch
up in the pro-Republican out-
lying areas.
In the Third ward, Republican
C. William Colburn won with 3,220
votes to 2,383 for his DemocraticE
opponent Ulrich Stoll. HRP entry
Genie Plamondon's strong show-
ing in student-populated first pre-
cinct was not enough to put her
in contention in the ward as a
The candidacies of David Black
and Nancy Romer Burghardt of
HRP in the Fourth and Fifth
wards effectively blocked victories
for the Democratic candidates
Mona Walz and Franz Modgis.
Although HRP totals in these.
wards were relatively low - 793
in the Fourth and 459 in the Fifth
-they were in both cases well
above the margin of victory for
the Republicans Bruce Benner
(Fourth ward) and incumbent
Lloyd Fairbanks (Fifth ward).
See HRP, Page 10

deadlocked jury in the Berrigan
conspiracy trial requested more
information yesterday including a
complete re-reading of U.S. Dis-
trict Court Judge R. Dixon Her-
man's charge, before continuing
The jury also asked for a com-
plete transcript of the testimony
of paid FBI informer Boyd Doug-
las, the government's main wit-
ness in the trial. Douglas said that
the defendants plotted to kidnap
Presidential advisor Henry Kis-
singer, blow up Washington's tun-
nel heating system and raid draft
Herman declined to reread his
charge and the testimony in their
entirety. But he told the jurors he
would repeat specific passages
they might designate.
The jury failed to indicate por-
tions of the Douglas testimony.
But there was some indication
that members may have shelved
that request, at least for the pres-
The jury later returned to the
courtroom and heard Herman re-
peat his instructions on the law
covering the possession and use of
explosives, circumstantial evidence,
the definition of mail threats as
pertaining to Kissinger, and the
legal ramifications of entrapment
as a defense.
The jury Sunday convicted Rev.
Philip Berrigan of smuggling a
letter out of the Lewisburg, Pa.
federal prison, count four of the
ten-count indictment.
Count four, which carries a
maximum penalty of ten years, re-
fers to the smuggling of a letter
through Douglas out of the pri-
son. The letter does not mention
the alleged bombing-kidnap plot.
Under defense cross-examina-
tion, Douglas admitted he became
a paid FBI informer after June
3, 1970.
Defense lawyers said that after
that date, the contraband letters
were taken out by Douglas with
the knowledge and consent of pri-
son officials and the FBI and con-
sequently broke, no law.

?1 The Central Student Judiciary
(CSJ) in a meeting last night,
vqted to reopen hearings on
charges questioning the validity
of the recent all-campus elec-
CSJ ruled that a charge by
Jay Hack, former' SGC officer,
that an incorrect computer pro-
gram used to count ballots was
"based on enough strong evi-
dence" to merit further investi-
gation by the judiciary body. A
full hearing on the charge is
scheduled for a week from to-

order "a total recounting of all
ballots using the new program
suggested by Hack."
Hack said later that the dif-
ference in programming "could
affect at least one of the Coun-
cil seat races."
CSJ also voted to hold a pre-
liminary hearing on Council
member Joel Silverstein's charge
of "gross ,fraud" on the part of
Elections Director David Schap-
Schaper has denied the truth
of the allegations.
Meanwhile, a hearing on SGC
member Brad Taylor's challenge
to the Board of Publications
election has been set for Thurs-

ear at

U' on tour,

But the spokesmn said the thrust By DANIEL JACOBS headed by economics Prof. Alex- equal number of Chinese journal-
will not hamper U.S. troop with- The Chinese table tennis team ander Eckstei. ists, translators and officials.
drawal. will stop in Ann Arbor during its According to Eckstein, the tour The team also plans to hold in-
A State Department spokesman upcoming tour of the United marks "the first time since 1949 formal discussions with Univer-
Robert J. McCloskey, character- States. The world champion team that a group from mainland China sity's Center for Chinese Studies
hs set foot on American soil," and attend a luncheon with Presi-
ized the North Vietnamese attack will stage a teaching session andapart from the recent arrival of dent Robben Fleming.
as a "flagrant violation" of the exhibition on April 15 at Crisler the Chinese U.N. delegation. In addition, the team members
1954 Geneva Agreements and what Arena. Other stops for the team will will witness a demonstration by
American officials call a 1968 "un- Co-sponsors of the historic tour include Detroit, New York, Wash- the University's trampolinists, led
derstanding" between the United include the United States Table ington, Memphis, and Los Angeles. by George Huntzinger, a two-time
States and North Vietnam. Tennis Association and the Na- Three-times men's world chain- national cha mpion.
Hanoi denies there ever was an tional Committee on United States- pion Chuang Tse-tung will lead the The co-sponsors have been meet-
understanding. China Relations, a private group entourage of 14 players, and an ing with U.S. officials in Wash-
ing tn nd ,V New York for several


Chairman Mark Gold-
stated that if Hack's
is substantiated, he will


Whis. primary
McGovern, Humphrey vie in
close contest, polls indicate

vital test for

Special To The Da
consin primary is shapin
battle between two sena
neighboring states - G
Govern of South Dakot
bert Humphrey of Minn
Last week's Oliver Q
which showed McGover
with 23 per cent and1
second with 18 per cent
puted yesterday by a "
tific" telephone canvass
ed by New York ma

N showing in the survey, which ac-
NSON cording to most indications is
aly hovering well below five per cent
day's Wis- of the vote.
as a Although the two polls disagree
g rs from on who is leading in the primary
eorge Mc- race, they concur that a large per-
a and Hu- centage of Wisconsin voters -
esota. perhaps as many as twenty per-
cent - are still undecided how
uayle poll, they will vote today.
rn leading The candidates in the waning
Humphrey days before the primary have
non-scien- been dashing around the state,
s conduct-appealing to those uncommitted
yconduct voters, portraying themselves as
yor John the only true advocates of "the
little guy."
Perhaps the major issue at
72: hand is a fair redistribution of

McGovern tax
charges altered
MILWAUKEE-Senator George
McGovern yesterday a m e n d e d
charges that the International
Telephone and Telegraph (ITT)
Corporation has paid no federal
income " taxes for the past five
years, and that the giant corpora-
tion has listed a $400,000 contri-
bution to the Republican National
Convention as tax-deductible.
McGovern, in a press statement,
said that he had no proof that
the $400,000 contribution was ac-
tually made and changed his
charge that no taxes had been
paid for five years to a charge
that no taxes had been paid for
three years. He said he made "an
honest mistake."
McGovern said he had gotten

weeks to insure smooth progress
for the tour. There will be no fed-
eral funding however, since the
State Department has decided that
the trip is not a government func-
Instead, the National Committee
on U.S.-China Relations will pro-
vide most of the funding.
The Chinesevisitors expect to
arrive at around 9 a.m. on April
15 and depart at about 2 p.m. on
a flight to their next stop in Wil-
liamsburg, Va.
The University of Maryland will
be the only other college campus
included on the tour.
Tickets for the Crisler eventl
will go on sale tomorrow.
The U.S. team's trip to China
came immediately after last year's
world table tennis championships
in Japan. During that tournament,
the Chinese smashed Japan's long
dominance of international ping

SDS closes four day
anti-racism program

Over 1000 people participated
in the Students for a Democrat-
ic Society (SDS) National Con-
vention Against Racism, held at
Harvard University. The four-
day convention marked the first
national gathering of SDS since
the splintering of the group dur-
ing its Chicago convention in
June, 1969.
SDS sympathizers, including
representatives from B erl1i n,
Tokyo and PuertoRico, met at
the convention which ended
Sunday to discuss methods to

all the work three yars ago," he
Participants attended various
workshops focusing on racism
in the schools. Resolutions to
eliminate "racist professors and
racist ideas" in the schools were
But although the convention
participants agreed on general
principles, no consensus was
reached on methods of imple-
menting them.
Before the start of the con-
vention, A. C. Epps, dean of stu-
dents at Harvard, threatened to
ban the convention, claiming



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