-1 - --ALAN LENHOFF 24e SkIt-n Daih Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan ITT and the US.: A marriage of money 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: CHRIS PARKS Vote HRP tomorrow CITY ELECTIONS take place tomor- row, and the races are tri-partisan, with a good chance that Ann Arbor's newest party will gain at least one council seat. We now repeat our endorsement, ex- plained in Friday's paper, of the entire Human Rights Party (HRP) slate. HRP has a unity the other parties lack - all candidates are bound to the party's platform, formulated at open meetings where all who attended were eligible to vote. All future decisions of the party also will be binding on its candidates and office holders, and will be made at open mass meetings. The platform itself is excellent, call- ing for community control of public services including health care, child care and the police department; and the establishment of a comprehensive mass transport system and needed low- cost housing. Several of HRP's programs are also advocated by Democratic candidates. However, we have lost confidence in the Democrats, as we watched them compromise and fail to move on im- portant issues in recent years.' Endorsing the party means endors- ing its candidates, whose personal qua- lifications were also explained in Fri- day's paper: JERRY DE GRIECK - First Ward; NANCY WECHSLER -- Second Ward; GENIE PLAMONDON -- Third Ward; DAVID BLACK - Fourth Ward; NANCY ROMER BURGHARDT -Fifth Ward; THE DAILY recommends a NO vote on the proposed Ashley-First by- pass (formerly called Packard-Beakes). The bypass would expand Beakes St. into a major thoroughfare, ruining the residential environment of that low- income section of the city. We urge you to vote In tomorrow's election - against the Ashley-First bonding proposal and for the candi- dates of the Human Rights Party. W HILE COLUMNIST Jack An- derson's revelations of alleged deals between IT and the gov- ernment have been enlightening to the American public, the spec- tacular reaction to his charges- both in the Senate and in the press - have clouded over the fact that these "intrigues" be- tween big business and the gov- ernment are commonplace. In fact, the private meeting conducted by ITT officials with' deputy Atty. Gen. Richard Klein- dienst and Atty. Gen. John Mit- chell was "not unusual at all," Kleindienst says. Kleindienst, currently awaiting confirmation to become Mitchell's successor as head of the Depart- ment of Justice, adds that "it's a very common occurrence for members of Congress to telephone the department on behalf of cor- porate constituents." "We have a responsibility to permit that to occur," he says. Apparently, some of America's largest corporations have come to count on government cooperation and assistance as they expand their assets and profits at an un- precedented rate. IT HAS BEEN the tactic of building g i a n t conglomerates through corporate mergers-rath- er than investing profits into ex- isting assets - that has allowed these corporations to maintain a fantastic rate of growth. In the case of ITT, corporate assets have Jumped from $811 million ten years ago, to its present value of $6.5 billion. tionalDevelopment, which ad- ministers foreign aid funds, cur- rently insures 70 per cent of ITT's investments in Latin America and Southeast Asia (primarily in Thailand). In the past, govern- ment sources report, ITT has filed claims against the federal government for the loss of tele- phone companies which were "na- tionalized" by the governments of Cuba, Ecuador, Chile and the Peo- ple's Republic of China. In addition, ITT takes on an average of about $240 million an- nually in defense contracts, while one of its subsidiaries holds a multi-million dollar contract from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for low-cost housing units. IN THIS context, Anderson's charges of ITT bribes and clan- destine efforts against the new Chilean Socialist government, are not only believable, but painfully consistent with the government's relationship with big business. Acting Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst faces the music ' The only criterion these cor- porations have used in determin- ing the feasibility of these mer- gers has been "Will it make a buck?" Indeed, ITT has gone far beyond the bounds of its original corporate image of telephones and telegraphs, and now owns the giant Sheraton Hotel chain, the Avis Car Rental Company, Conti- nental Baking Company and countless other companies, includ- ing over 200 foreign subsidiaries. In many ways, the government has its hands tied. The existing' anti-trust laws were designed to prevent corporations from domi- nating the market supply of any one particular commodity. The conglomerates, however, tend to be so diversified as to escape these laws. But rather than formulating new laws which would be more applicable to the conglomerates, the Justice Department has chos- en to extend the archaic anti- trust laws, which cannot effective- ly restrain these mammoth cor- porations. The Nixon administration stra- tegy has been to challenge an oc- casional corporate merger with these laws in order to alleviate public concerns about the effect of the growing conglomerates on the economy. The result inevitably is that the corporations win. In the case of ITT, the settlement called for the corporation to divest itself of six of its component companies with- in the next three years, in ex- change for which, ITT was allow- ed to buy the Hartford Fire Insur- ance Company - whose profits are three times greater than the combined values of the divested companies. 3UT THE MOST startling as- pect of the growth of the conglo- merates has been the extent to which the government is willing to actively protect them and cater to their economic interests. Much of the $2.2 billion ITT empire in Latin America, the Mid- die East, Europe and Asia is de- pendent upon U.S. foreign aid programs to bolster governments which have maintained a favor- able attitude toward foreign in- vestors. The U.S. Agency for Interna- AFL-CIO: Who s scurrilous? Tuning in on a tuition hike *"T RY it-You'll LIK E it " ...~JAMES WECHSLER' IN AN ADVERTISEMENT in Friday's Daily the Washtenaw County AFL-CIO launched a vicious (they called it "mili- tant, but rational") attack on the Human Rights Party. The AFL-CIO implied the ad was "the' unanswerable truth," but it is riddled with half-truths and distortions which prove once again that "big labor" is more interested in maintaining its cozy rela- tionship with the "powers that be" than in really looking out for the interests of workers. The letter by Beverly Ford in the ad- vertisement states that HRP didn't dis' cover labor's cause until "the eve of an eletion." The letter lies, Many members of what is now HRP were active in supporting the strike of the American Federation of State, Coun- ty and Municipal Employes (AFSCME) strike against the University last January. Further, as a party, HRP helped the workers of Buhr Machine Tool Co. stand up to the gigantic Bendix Corp. last sum- mer, and was active in supporting the teachers' strike against the' Ann Arbor schools in the fall. FORD CHARGES that HRP "exploits the legitimate aspirations of the workers." None of the workers interviewed on Editorial Staff ALAN LENHOFF Editor SARA FITZGERALD ............... Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS ................. Editorial Director CARLA RAPOPORT .................Executive Editor ROBERT SCHREINER .................. News Editor ROSE SUE BERSTEIN ...............Feature Editor PAT BAUER ............. Associate Managing Editor LINDSAY CHANEY ............ Editorial Page Editor MARK DILLEN................ Editorial Page Editor ARTHUR LERNER............ Editorial Page Editor PAUL TRAVIS . ............... ........ Arts Editor GLORIA JANE SMITH ......... Associate Arts Editor JONATHAN MILLER ......... Special Features Editor TERRY McCARTHY ............Photography Editor ROBERT CONROw ..................Books Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Linda Dreeben, Chris Parks, Gene Robinson, Zachary Schiller. COPY EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, John Mitchell, Tony Schwartz, Charles Stein, Ted Stein. DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Daniel Jacobs, Mary Kramer, Judy Ruskin, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tink- lenberg, Rebecca Warner, Marcia Zoslaw. picket lines either at Buhr this summer or at the Commission on Professional and Hospital Activities (CPHA) this winter felt they were being exploited by the presence of HRP people on their picket lines. In fact, if HRP is exploiting workers, then one would have to guess that work- ers prefer it to the do-nothing policies of the "House of Labor." It seems rather odd then for the AFL- CIO, which has done little more than paid lip-service to the cause of the CPHA workers, to attack HRP. Aside from embarrassment that HRP has been doing the AFL-CIO's job, and doing it better, there seems a more trans- parent motive for the ill-conceived at- tack. It is HRP's consistent criticism of AFL- CIO's "old and time-tested friends" (The Democratic Party establishment) which really upsets Ford. THE AFL-CIO seems to be satisfied with the crumbs they have received from the Democrats' table, but a growing num- ber of militant young working people are coming to see things differently. For example, AFL-CIO lauds the Demo- crats for the passage of an "Anti-strike breaker ordinance" which is too full of loopholes to be enforced. Workers at Buhr and CPHA know the ordinance has not prevented the use of scab labor in an attempt to break their strikes. While attacking HRP for being "a white upper middle class student movement", the AFL-CIO fails to point out that the Democratic ; Party, their alleged ally - is also a white middle class organization. Of the Democrats in city hall none are workers and only one is black. FORD CONCLUDES, "We shall not be derelict in our defense of old and time tested friends against the false and scur- rilous attack of insidious and uncreden- tialed pretenders." That's real working class lingo. -CHRIS PARKS By ROBERT BARKIN IN THE DIZZYING world of aca- demic budget-making, it seems to the casual observer that it would be impossible to make rhyme or reason from the pro- cess. Yet every year the Uni- versity forges out another budget. This is true tribute to the com- petence and professionalism of the administration. In a rare opportunity for in- sight into the actual budget pro- cess, I was walking down a hall in the Administration Bldg. sev- eral weeks ago when I heard voic- es in a conference room discuss- ing this very subject . . . "WELL, THE budget picture looks really good this year. I don't think we'll have any problems at all," said an authoritative voice. "What do you think, Allan?" "Can't see any monetary prob- lems at all, Rob, but I think there might be an unexpected hitch in this year's planning," Allan re- plied. "I agree with Allan," another voice piped in. "Weve been talking the problem over and there's an unexpected contingency to t h i s year's budget." "What are you and Fidele talk- ing about?" Rob said. "I thought we were set for this year." "Well," Allan drawled, it's not really as much a financial problem as a psychological one." "You see," continued Fidele, "we've had the Social Research Institute do a project for us on the unlikely subject of tuition in- creases." "What were the results, for God's sake?" Rob said with un- mistakeable glee. "You know that's my favorite subject." "The results indicated that stu- dents are expecting a tuition in- crease, and will be sorely disap- pointed if they don't get one." "The situation is," Fidele said, picking up from Allan, "that we've had increases in four of the last five years." "I REMEMBER that budget well," Rob explained. "I let 'em off that year because I was pretty new, but I really socked it to 'em the next year." "That's the problem here," Al- lan lamented. "They won't take that any more. If we let them off one year, it'll be hard to get back on the tuition increase track. You read my memo on "Tuition Mo- mentum", didn't you?" "Yeh, but I didn't take it ser- iously." "You should have!" shrieked Fi- dele. "That's what we're talking about. We can't let them off the hook." "Calmyourself, Fidele," Allan said reassuringly. "Rob, this is the situation. Unless we give the students a tuition increase this year even though we don't need it, we can't be sure that they will accept one when it is truly neces- sary." "THAT'S NO problem," R o b injected excitedly. "But let's make this one original. I'm tired of the usual rate increase. How about a $10 per semester hike." "Hey, that's nifty," Fidele and Allan said in unison. "And just for a kicker, we can assess another $10 per semester for the health service. That's a new one." "Gee, Rob, your mind works like a computer," said Allan. "Just fantastic." J. Edgar, provocateurs and the, Harrisburg 7 -. Letters to The Daily Endorsement denial To The Daily: AN UNFORTUNATE mistake occurred recently when the Ann Arbor Abortion Action Coalition's name appeared in an advertise- ment for the Human Rights Par- ty. We are a coalition, whose unity is based only on our stand for re- peal of all anti-abortion laws, no forced sterilization, and an end to restrictive contraception. Because women in our coalition come from diverse political back- grounds, it is impossible for us to take a unilateral stand in favor of one political group. Though some of us as individuals, may support the Human Rights Party, we remain independent as an or- ganization. What we can and do support is the HRP position in favor of immediate repeal of anti-abortion laws. We urge all those concerned about this issue to become active now. -Ann Arbor Abortion Action Coalition April 1 Endorsement? To The Daily: IN SATURDAY'S Daily, a cor- rection appeared which said that the Pontiac Heights Tenants Un- ion does not endorse any of the l First Wardcandidates. This was a response to a paid ad which ap- peared the day before endorsing Jerry DeGrieck. This controversy reflects t h e political divisions within the Pon- tiac Heights Tenants Union it- self. Basically the political fac- tions are composed of people in the Black Economic Development League, the Welfare Rights Or- ganization, the Democratic party and the Human Rights Party. All of these factions have not done the same amount of work for the tenants of Pontiac Heights.; For example, until I entered the Pontiac 'Heights Tenants Union, tenants who had received eviction summons had never won a case in court. But last Tuesday, Judge Arkesan threw out eviction pro- ceedings against four Pontiac Heights tenants because of the defense I took a big hand in form- ulating. The important point here is that this was the fifth or sixth time a group of tenants was brought into court. All the other times, before I joined the union, representatives of BEDL, WRO, and the Demo- cratic Party were not able to halt eviction proceedings in court. I did the work in getting the people to court and I worked with legal aid to set up the defense which got results. I think that en- titles me to endorse Jerry De- Grieck in the name of the Pontiac Heights Tenants Union. -Jim Madden Member, Pontiac Heights Tenants Union April 1 Air pollution To The Daily: BECAUSE OF the recent in- transigence of the Michigan Sen- ate Health, Social Services and Retirement Committee,rregarding Sub. H.B. 4260-Air Pollution Act, the Environmental Law Society, Ecology Center and ENACT have organized a petition drive in an attempt to force action on the strong House version, instead of allowing the Senate Committee to emasculate. The petition drive, which began Feb. 14, is designed to produce a broad base of support for 4260. As a corollary, the drive is also being made in conjunction with other environmental grouns in Michigan New York Post REGARDLESS OF what the Harrisburg jury decides in the prosecu- tion of the Rev. Philip Berrigan and his co-defendants, J. Edgar Hoover has growing reason to regret his deep involvement and Inwest- ment in the case: For testimony now on the record has given new support to the charge that FBI operatives have actively encouraged fantasies of violence in ostensibly conducting surveillance. The ugly word is "provocateur." The latest documentation came during the testimony of FBI agent Delmar Mayfield Jr. He admitted that he had provided two ROTC explosives manuals for Boyd F. Douglas Jr., the government's key witness who, in turn, "loaned" them to one of the defendants - the Rev. Joseph Wenderoth. After this embarrassing confession, Mayfield proceeded to insist that he did not learn until many months later that Douglas had passed on the manuals. He denied that he advised Douglas to "provoke" the alleged conspirators into blowing up Washington tunnels. But he did not endeavor to suggest that he had given Douglas the material as light summer reading. Douglas had previously testified that he sought the manuals because, in his role as informer, he had posed as an Army demoli- tion expert and wanted to be able to prove his erudition in that field. Just fun and games. THE LINE between provocation and education can only be describ- ed as thin. When the FBI's emissaries supply the how-to-do-it texts to those allegedly contemplating bomb-throwing, .they become at the very least accomplices if not instigators. Reading the testimony, one grimly wonders whether the youths who blew themselves up on W. 11th St. had misread some expertise furnished by an FBI helper dis- guised as a comrade. Agent Mayfield was asked whether he felt no concern about giving the manual to Douglas, whose diverse criminal record included con- viction for assault with a gun. He said, "I had no qualms whatever .. . I had complete faith in him." The standards set for informers are seemingly rather modest. Mayfield professed total ignorance of letters Douglas wrote ap- parently seeking recruits for illicit acts. In one of them Douglas, describing himself as a "nonviolent revolutionary who believes in strategic sabotage," wrote a Rochester girl that "there may be an interesting project that would interest you after the turn of the year." The recipient was later indicted in a draft board raid in that city. THE HARRISBURG story remains unfinished. But these episodes acquire special meaning in view of a recent public admission by another FBI informer that the raid on Camden draft board files last Aug. 22 - for which 28 defendants are still facing trial - "couldn't have happened if I wasn't there." In an affidavit given to defense counsel, Robert W. Hardy, a general contractor, swore that he had told the FBI that he was vital to the operation and was instructed to go ahead. It was he who assertedly provided ladders, tools, instruction on how to avoid burglar alarms, schematic drawings of the building, and other essen- tials. In fact, he said, the accused conspirators appeared ready to drop the idea until he revived their enthusiasm and offered his indis- pensable services. Hardy's affidavit included the statement that the FBI paid for the trucks, gas and tools bought in planning the raid. In it he also says he was later told by FBI agents that the raid was not aborted in advance because "someone at the little White House in California, which I took to mean someone high in the FBI or Justice Dept., then in California, wanted it to happen." "' l r l Irk - - pY !r 1 1 I NODA Ok) HER, H ~ RA. 1 BfRAV6 tfE XIA <00 N6.. TRW 0i Y0W CA&YT tpJL' $pCLAULY 4ORczLK /n . '-.4 x %-..V%.