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April 02, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-02

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See Editorial Page


:43, a t ty

Cloudy, chance of
snow flurries

Vol. LXXXII, No. 139

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 2, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages





Daily News Analysis
The eyes of politicians, pundits
and newsmen will be on Ann Arbor
tomorrow as city voters-and per-
haps 7,000 -newly enfranchised stu-
dents-will go to the polls in the
nation's first major test of the
radical power of the 18-year-old
The voters will choose among
15 candidates for five City Council
seats, one from each of the city's
They will also decide the fate of
t h e controversial Ashley - First
(Packard-Beakes) bypass proposal
-ending a debate which has con-
tinued for over a decade.
The election has proven to be
one of the most bitter in recent
In a melee which has focused

on the Second Ward race, there
have been no stops left unpulled
as Democrats, Republicans and
Human Rights Party (HRP) mem-
bers fight for the attention of the
city's new voters.
elections '72:
anti arbor
The Second Ward-the one with
the greatest number of student
voters-has been the spearhead of
the insurgent H u m a n Rights
Party's drive to gain a toehold on
City Council.
It is in this ward-by all reports
-that HRP has the best chance
of grabbing a seat.
How good are their chances?
That all depends on who you

ask. However, it seems clear that'
HRP candidate Nancy Wechsler
has gathered considerable support
-especially in East Quad and off-
campus student neighborhoods.
Obviously feeling the, pressure,
Democratic candidate Mike. Morris,
a chemistry professor, has con-
ducted a tough campaign-espe-
cially in these closing days.
In ads in The Daily-not spe-
cifically for Morris but obviously
aimed at the student audience-
Democrats have belittled HRP's
involvement in getting students the
vote, and charged them with mak-
ing promises they can't deliver.
HRP really cried "foul" when
Morris claimed at the Leagie of
Women's V o t e r s "Candidates'
Night" that the most recent HRP
"community meeting" was only
attended by six persons.

Later, after the radio micro-
phones had been turned off, Mor-
ris apologized, acknowledging that
his figures were' incorrect. But,
the damage had been done, and if
you believe HRP, done deliber-
HRP itself, on the other hand,
has been far from complacent.
HRP charges against the Dem-
ocrats have run the gamut from
collusion with landlords to ignor-
ing police brutality.
Perhaps the most explosive is-
sue, however, has been HRP's im-
plicit charges of racism against
Morris for his role in prosecuting
two students during the Black Ac-
tion Movement strike two years
HRP solicited signatures of sev-
eral prominent black leaders and
groups to an ad which termed




Morris "unworthy of black and
poor people's trust."
Although Morris campaign aides
scoff at the charge, it must have
Republican Tom Burnham has
not escaped HRP's barbs either.
Under the title "Republican Tom
Burnham has a lot to hide" the
Tenants Union-one of the princi-
pal HRP supporters-ran an ad,
charging Burnham with illegal
practices in connection with hiu job
as a landlord agent.
Burnham people have angrily
denied the charges.
However, they have not been
helped in their attempt to disasso-
ciate themselves from the land-
lords by the eager support of "Cit-
izens of Tenbrook," a group con-
sisting of some of the city's most
See STUDENT, Page 7

HRP 'get out the vote' bus

8,000 protest war
at Harrisburgtrial





Daniel Berrigan

McGovern says
ITT failed to
pay U.S. taxes
Special to The Daily
MILWAUKEE, Wis. - Senator Geor
McGovern (D-S.D.), said last night the
were reports that the International Te
phone and Telegraph. Corporation (IT
had not paid federal income taxes for t
last five years.
The allegation came at a campaign ra
in Waukesha, Wisconsin. McGovern refus
to elaborate on the charge.
A McGovern press aide said the accu&
tion came from "a report from reliab
sources, which seems to be true."
McGovern is expected to further det
the charge when he appears on the te:
vision show "Face the Nation" which
being taped here.
ITT has recently been the subject of co
troversy over an alleged pledge of $400,0
in exchange for a favorable out-of-cou
settlement of anti-trust suits against IT

Special to The Daily
HARRISBURG, Pa. - Holy week activi-
ties in support of the Berrigan conspiracy
trial defendants came to a close here yes-
terday with a mass anti-war rally of over
8,000 people.
As the day progressed, it became doubtful
that the jury .would deliver its verdict dur-
ing its second full day of deliberation.
The crowd marched in the early after-
noon from an uptown rallying point to the
state capitol grounds to hear a scheduled
program of speeches.
Following an introduction and standing
ovation, Rev. Daniel Berrigan read a letter
from his brother Philip, a Harrisburg 7 de-
"Even if a conviction comes down, we are
not convicted. It's the government's indict-
ment. The real indictment is to be violent
in any way," the letter stated.
Berrigan added that his brother and the
other defendants thought of the children
and the future "while they endured the
kangaroos in the court."
The theme of the day was support for all
political prisoners. Rep. Bella Abzug (D-
N.Y.), called for a "national commitment to
amnesty" for all war resisters, including
the Harrisburg 7.
Rev. Ralph Abernathy added, "Richard
Nixon should be the first to get down on
rge his knees and ask the American people for
ere amnesty."
le- Letters of support from foreign peace
T) groups were read and Madame Binh, the
he head of South Vietnam's Provisional Revo-
lutionary Government addressed the crowd
lly by phone from Paris.
ed Although most of the week's activities
were centered on religious or non-violent
groups, a wide,range of organizations par-
sa- ticipated in yesterday's rally.-
ble At the head of the march to the Capitol
grounds, was a contingent of Vietnam Vet-
erans Against the War.
The remainder of the marchers were di-
le- vided among Angela Davis supporters, Com-
is munist party members and a group called
Federal Employes for Peace.
A group called the Bread and Puppet
n- Theater staged a mock conspiracy trial with
20-foot puppets symbolizing FBI informer
urt Boyd Douglas, the government's chief wit-
T. ness and Judge R. Dixon Herman.

Daily-John Upton
Spencer Davis gets it on
Following rocking sets by Wilderness Road and Guardian Angel, Spencer Davis and
friends slow things down a bit with some accustic guitar music at the "Get Out the
Vote" rally last night in Hill Auditorium. Davis and others including Mitch Ryder and
Detroit played before about 2500 at the rally which nearly didn't come off because of
a ban by President Fleming. A quick switch in sponsorship from the- Friends of the
Ranb'ow People to SGC and an apparent change in heart by Fleming on Friday sal-
vaged the event. Phase II of the youth vote campaign comes tonight when Teagarden
and Vanwinkel perform at the Union Ballroom,
Muskie struggles to
haltpri-mary slump

SAIGON (A") - Thousands of North
namese troops engaged the retreating
Vietnamese today in the bloodiest fig
since the 1968 TET offensive, the S
commander in the north reported.
In what appeared to be a bid to
all of the northernmost province of C
Tri, the North Vietnamese drove the
Vietnamese from their ninth base in
days, pushing to within'five miles of C
Tri, the provincial capital.
Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Lam, comm,
in the north, said 30,000 North Vietno
had crossed into Quang Tri Province. DE
reverses, he claimed thousands of I
Vietnamese had been killed.
He reported South Vietnamese info
marine and armored cavalry units wer
gaged in several bloody battles.
However, only hours earlier, U.S. it
gence estimates were more conserv
U.S. sources said they had reports of
20,000 North Vietnamese in the nor
U.S. Air forces were impatiently w;
the lifting of heavy clouds to launch
sive air strikes in North Vietnam, in:
ants reported. Two U.S. guided missil
stroyers already were blasting targe
the buffer zone, seeking out heavy gum
a 16-mile range that have been sh
the bases.
The South Vietnamese now have
doned 10 bases and outposts since the:
Vietnamese opened their attack Thu
Field reports said more than 8,000 r(
of long-range artillery, rockets and mr
shells had rained on South Vietnamese
and towns in the past three days.
At least three of Saigon's remainin
bases, Mai Loc, Pedro and Charlie 1, w(
peril at last reports at nightfall. Me
in Mai Loc were reported running de
ately low on ammunition.
The other three bases left were
Carroll and the big combat bases at
Ha and Quang Tri. The Quang Tri
was being hit by about 20 long-range
tillery shells, an hour in the afternoc
Although the officials had been en
sizing an offensive in the central high:
some predicted major assaults in the ni
ern sector. Gen. Creighton Abrams, the
commander, was known to feel offer
might be launched about the same tii

Gen. Abrams
HRP to run.
shuttl bus
The Human Rights Party (HRP) will pro-
vide a shuttle service to the polls on Monday
in an effort to encourage Ann Arbor citi-
zens to get out and vote.
HRP has arranged for cars and vans to
be stationed at Markley, Mosher-Jordan,
Alice Lloyd and Couzens dorms from 10:00
a.m. until 8:00 p.m. tomorrow to provide a
shuttle service to the Jones School polling
Students should be able to arrive at the
polls, cast their ballots and return' to their
dorm within half an hour, HRP members
say .
For polling sites, see Page 6
The vehicles will be stationed outside the
main entrance of each of the dorms and will
leave for the polls when all the seats in
each car are filled. Dorm residents are en-
couraged to vote as early in the day as pos-
sible in order to avoid overload in the
The HRP is encouraging any individual in
difficulty, particularlyrthe handicapped, to
call their office for a ride (761-6621,


Special to The Daily
EAU CLAIRE, Wis. - "Hopefully we
will win if miracles happen in Wisconsin.
I'm asking you for a miracle," Sen. Edmund
Muskie (D-Maine), told an audience here
Muskie now appears to be on the brink
of a major setback in Tuesday's presidential
primary here.
iAccording to various polls, Muskie may
finish as low as third or fourth in the run-

Cops stand by as kids get high

Visibly exhausted by months of campaign-
ing, Muskie scrambled to reach uncommit-
ted voters yesterday in Eau Claire and Viro-
qua, a farming town near LaCrosse - both
in the western portion of the state.
In Eau Claire, as elsewhere in Wisconsin,
the momentum which crowns winners was
noticeably lacking from the Maine Senator's
Muskie's rhetoric has failed to stimulate
more than mildly enthusiastic responses
from crowds in the past few days, although
he has spoken to the prominent issues.
While advocating a fairer distribution of
federal funds, combatting corporate "big-
ness," reducing taxes and ending the Viet-
nam war, Muskie's style has not evoked the
kind of excitement to carry him to a first
or second place finish before Tuesday.
Meanwhile, both Sens. George McGovern
(D-S.D.), and Hubert (D-Minn.), have made
significant inroads into Muskie's support.
On Milwaukee's heavily Polish, working-
class South side-considered to be a Muskie
stronghold - the Maine Senator is narrow-
ly running ahead.

Who is it that neither rain, nor sleet
nor snow can stop? The mailman, you
say. Well perhaps, but from now on
you'll have to include your friendly Ann
Arbor dope-smoker in that once exclu-
sive category.
For despite freezing temperatures, in-
termittent snow showers and the possi-
bility of arrest, some 500 hardy souls ven-
tured out .to. the diag yesterday for the
First Annual Hash Festival.
The Festival coincided with the effec-
tive date of the state's new marijuana
law. The law lowers the penalty for pos-
session to the level of a misdemeanor
punishable by a maximum jail sentence
of ninety days plus a $1000 fine.
The threat of punishment seemed far
away yesterday, however, as people got
into the holidayspirit by openly puffing
away on "the evil weed." No attempt was
made by participants to disguise their
activity, and several even flaunted Ann
Arbor Hash Festival T-shirts.
Music was supplied by an occasional
guitarist and a blonde-haired bongo play-

elections 12:
the p iimarites

-Daily-Jim wallace

Humphrey's energetic style appears to
have captured the blue collar imagination.
McGovern, similarly, has had success in
getting the votes of labor. Among farmers
and small tsownspeople, McGovern has found
popularity as "the people's candidate."
McGovern's unofficial primary lead in the
polls and the hard work of his large, pre-
dominantely student - staffed organization
heightened his momentum.
Clearly, Muskie is no longer the party's
frntm-nner. He recentcv nommented. "it's

Prof. Price

-aily-R~obert W argo

A happy toker and Lt. Staudenmeir

Bell prof chimes in Easter
By DIANE LEVICK faculty for 32 years, is now on retirem

people, but some mothers with babies and
even a few old people were seen indulg-
ing in a holiday toke, or two.

seemed oblivious to the events around
them. "I don't see anything," Lt. Eugene
Staudenmeir said.


The bells you hear on campus today and
on the coming two Sundays at 1 p.m. won't

furlough. He has the distincting of having
been the first professional carillonneur out-


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