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April 01, 1972 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-01

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See Editorial Page

414 t rh, a.n

& tt

Cloudy, chance of
rain or snow flurries

Vol. LXXXII, No. 138

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 1, 1972

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Three shootout
accounts vary
SAN JOSE, Calif. U) - Three witnesses in the murder-
kidnap-conspiracy trial of Angela Davis have given differing
accounts of what transpired during a 1970 shootout in Marin
Davis is accused of furnishing the guns and planning
n attempt to set free three San Quentin Prison convicts at
the Marin County Civic Center on Aug. 7, 1970. Four persons
were killed there.
Testimony during Thursday's session of the trial centered
on what, if anything, was said during the unsuccessful es-j
cape attempt, about the Soledad Brothers, three unrelated
black prisoners then charged with the beating death of a


e topples
ian quits



halted by
A -m -

whfite guard at California'sI
Soledad Prison. They were ac-
quitted last week.
Jonathan Jackson, brother of
Soledad Brother George Jackson,
entered the courtroom of Superior
Court Judge Harold Haley, bear-
ing guns, the day of the shooting;
in Marin County.
Jackso releasedan "armed the

SI three prisoners. Haley, two wo-
men jurors and Asst. Dist. Atty.
DALLAS (P - The Major Gary Thomas were taken hostage.
League Baseball Players Associa- Maria Elena Graham, a juror
tion voted yesterday to strike who was taken hostage and
against the owners of the 24 ma- wounded testified Wednesday that!
jor league clubs, starting today. Jonathan Jackson repeatedly de-
The unprecedented action caus- handed freedom for the Soledad
ed the cancellation of 12 sched- Brothers in exchange for the four
uled exhibition games today and hostages.
placed in jeopardy the April 15 Under cross-examination Thurs-
season opening, day. Graham admitted that a talk
with the chief prosecutor last week
Marvin Miller, executive direc- refreshed her memory that an-
for of the players' association, other captor also demanded the
said the vote was 47-0 with one Soledad Brothers' freedom.
abstention after a 4%/-hour meet- A second juror, Norene Morris.
ing 'and would continue "until who was not taken hostage and
there is appropriate resolution of remained in the courtroom, testi-
the dispute." fied she ddin't hear anything
Miller said the strike, caused by about the Soledad Brothers.
a dispute over a new pension And third juror, Doris Wittmer,.
who was taken hostage and tied
agreement, would be terminated around the waist by wire to Gra-
"if an appropriate settlement is ham, also testified she heard noth-
reached with the owners or if the ing about the Soledad Brothers.
owners agree to submit the dis- When court resumes Monday,
pute to binding arbitration by any manently paralyzed from the
prominent person not associated waist down, will testify.
with either of the parties." Wittmer said she heard two
Gary Peters, the Boston Red shots fired "from our group" as
Soxplaer eprsenatie sid, the kidnapers and hostages made
Sox player representative said, their way from Haley's courtroom
"We were forced into doing I to a parking lot and a van in
what we did. If we had gone any which Jonathan Jackson and his
other way, it would have ruined companions planned to escape.
our association. We would like to inside the van, she said,
ourassciaion W wold ike~ Judge Haley apologized to us
think that the owners will be- ladies. He was sorry we were
lieve that we are. serious now." dragged into this thing.'
Baseball Commissioner Bowie In an ensuing burst of gunfire,
Kuhnsaidin ew Yrk,"Obvi- Haley, Jonathan Jackson and San
Kuhn said in New York, " - Quentin prisoners William Christ-
ously the losers in the strike ac- mas and William McClain died.
lion are the sports fans of Ameri- Haley was killed by a blast from

Executive Editor
The advisory committee to
the University's Opportunity
Program (OP) for minority
students effectively toppled
yesterday as the administra-
tion's acting chairman added
his resignation to those of
most every other committee
In a letter of resignation to
President Robben Fleming, the
Daily learned yesterday, Adminis-
tration Officer Romiro Gonzalez.
said, "A $3.2 million program can-
not afford an ineffective advisory
committee, poor leadership and
neglect from the top administra-
tive levels."
The advisory committee, set up
last August by Fleming, was to
study the problems facing OP stu-
dents and suggest methods for
No proposals have been made
and all but two members have
walked off the 12-person student-
faculty-administration committee
in recent weeks.
The Opportunity Program (OP),
through which some 70 per cent
of the University's black students
enroll, has been the focus of cri-
ticism from many minority stu-
dents who have charged that pres-
ent academic and financial sup-
portive services for black students!
are inadequate or mishandled.
"We're unable to get informa-
tion or funds from the administra-
tion what we needed to make
meaningful proposals," said Soc.
Prof. Joseph Wehrer, last night
adding that he has no reason to
I ;stay on the committee, any long-

-Associated Press
Wallace, the peop'e, and Humphrey
George Wallace, top, and Hubert Humphrey get in some last minute campaigning in Wisconsin.
The candidates are stepping up their efforts in that state which holds its presidential primary next
IAshley -Firsto bypass,
iss e s~f tts mmunitv
0~ s

On Monday, April 3, Ann Arbor
residents will go to the polls to
vote, for the second time in six
years, on a bond proposal for the
Ashley-First (Packard-Beakes) by-

The bypass - a realignment of
street corners of Beakes and First
Streets-is designed to facilitate
the flow of traffic from the city's

ca. Beyond that, I will have no a shotgun which the abductors rapidly developing northeast side
shad taped to his neck. into the central business district.
statement to make at this time." George Jackson was slain last The proposal, however, has be-
"We are closing up," said Stu August by prison guards at San come a controversial issue involv-
Holcomb, executive vice president Quentin in what officials there ing several community groups.
of the Chicago White Sox. "There called an escape attempt. The two While local businessmen say that
will be no more practice sessions, surviving Soledad Brothers -- the bypass is essential to the de-,
Fleeta Drumgo and John Clutch- velopment of the downtown area,
no games, no ticket sales, no noth- ette - were acquitted last Monday black organizations - particularly
ing." of the Soledad prison slaying- the Model Cities Policy Board-and

S j
F k


y Countering Wehrer, Fleming said
recently. "The committee mem-
bers just didn't know what infor-
Democratic and Human Rights area residents resulted in its de- maio sth wnted."
Party City Council candidates lay. that recommendations
climtht h radwol ltealyHe added ta eomnain
claim that the road would literally After much discussion the mat- about OP will be made this term
spilt the black community in two. ter was brought up again last fall, -"even if I have to make them"-
According to recent estimates of and in January, the Republicans in'order to distribute some $200,-
the city's Traffic Engineering and joined by Mayor Robert Harris 000 incremental funds earmarkedI
Transportation D e p a r t m e n t , voted to place the question on the for the minority student program.
Beakes would carry over 44,000 ballot. Both Gonzalez and Wehrer said
cars a day. "Citizens for Ashley-First By- yesterday that the committee
The city is requesting to be pass" are the major supporters members had been refused any
allowed to bond for $935,000 to of the proposal. "significant" information about
finish the project first proposed in Through advertising in the Ann the Opportunity Program by WIl-
the early 1960's. Added to the $1 Arbor News and the distribution -of liam Cash, assistant to the presi-
million already spent for the pro- pamphlets they have been press- dent for human relations and
ject this would put the total cost ing their view that the bypass will interim director of OP for the
at around $2 million. revitalize business downtown while 1971-72 school year.
Although the plan was approved causing minimal disruption to the i Apparently, confusion existed
by council and funded by the black neighborhood through which between Cash and the committee
voters in 1966, a combination of it runs. members over his role on the,
factors including the need for Richard Brunvand, treasurer of committee.
more money and the opposition of the organization and an employe As Cash is interim director of'
of the Wallaby Inc. advertising OP and an ecoitee, members
firm handling the group's promo- say they thought his role was to
tion, explains that the effort is be- procure the staff services and
ing Put forward 'because we want assistance that they requested.
the public to be informed on this Cash, however, says his role was
"::<.;.. issue." .to be only advisory.
The Public Information Office "I've got all the accountability
of the city has distributed a Ques- but none of the responsibility,"
ton and Answer" pamphlet on the
,:' :::}:prposl...sai Cah yesterday. "The com-c
n the other side of the ques- mittee hasn't done anything, so
On he the sie o th qus-am I responsible?
tion both Democratic and Human e however, said "It was
Rights Party candidates have been my understanding that Cash was
speaking out against the issue as to present staff services. What
part of their City Council cam- was the point to his sitting on the
paigns. committee."
Also engaged in fighting ap- Gonzalez says he had specifically
proval of Ashley-First is the Model asked Cash for the attrition rate
Cities Policy Board - an elected of OP students, as well as a spe-
board governing the federally cific budget break down for theI
sponsored Model Cities project program, but both requests were
which includes the Beakes neigh- not acted on.
borhood. "I'll give them that informationt
The policy board plans to leaflet when I get ready to," said Cash
near the polls Monday urging a yesterday. "The only reason they(
"no" vote, on behalf of Model want it is because I won't give itt
Cities residents. to them."

Vote conert
set for Hill
Members of the R a i n b o w
People's Party (RPP) yesterday
announced that University officials
have granted the use of Hill Audi-
torium today for a "Get Out the
Vote" concert.
John Sinclair, RPP central com-
mittee chairman, said that Uni-
versity officials had agreed to the
concert because they "finally real-
ized the ridiculousness of their
Sinclair said he believes the Uni-
versity attempted to prevent the
rally because they don't want stu-
dents to vote in the upcomin- City

The enthusiasm and support
that the convention has received
during the first two days of dis-
cussion is proof to many that the
radical spirit in America has not
died. Yet to some who have wit-
nessed the convention so far the
participants are too disorganized
and confused to organize a power-
ful plan of attack.
In their opening session, the
delegates were unable to agree
upon a focus for the discussions,
and as such the meeting was
rather chaotic and unproductive.
The young delegates tried to
concentrate on the problem of
racism on the campus, while the
black groups were more interested
in taking the fight against racism
"into the streets."

-Associated Press
Plant trees, not war
Three anti-war protestors are taken into custody yesterday in
Harrisburg, Pa., for attempting to plant a tree on the grounds
at the New Cumberland Army Depot. (See story, Page 3).
SUS delegates meet
for talks on racism.
Special To The Daily
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Students for a Democratic So-
ciety has re-emerged, this time at Harvard University as
some 1000 young radicals trooped into town for the national
SDS Convention Against Racism.
Most of the delegates were white college students, but
there were representatives of American black and Puerto
Rican groups as well as several delegates from foreign

-A---Y-------------The age old problem of uniting
Council elections.
President RQbben Fleming Wed- students and workers also surfaced
nesday banned the use of Hill to at the, convention. The rhetoric of
Friends of the Rainbow People's unity was certainly prevalent,
Party, a student organization, however, and one ex-General Elec-
Late Thursday night, however, tric worker drew a standing ova-
University officials agreed to allow tion and a roaring chant of "Pow-
the rally under the sponsorship of er to the working class, kick the
the Student Government Council bosses in the ass," for his appeal
Voter Registration Committee. to unity.

Student publications hard pressed

-Daily-Denny Gainer

-Daily-Rolfe Tessem

Happy trails to you, George, Hubert

McGovern camp optimistic
Special To The Daily
MILWAUKEE-At least one Democratic candidate's aides and
volunteers campaigning for Tuesday's primary here are happy.
According to all indicators, Sen. George McGovern's workers raay
well have the right to smile.

Humphrey looks to labor
Special To The Daily
MILWAUKEE-If Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.i is going
to win the Wisconsin primary Tuesday he will need the support
of organized labor-and he knows it.
Surrounded by an entourage of labor leaders, Humphrey is

Although a number of student-
run publications once played a
prominent role on campus, sagging
circulations and pocketbooks have
brought a change in format for
several, and forced others to close
down their operations.
The reasons for the decline in
interest in publications such as
the Michiganensian and the Gar-
goyle are difficult to specify, but
seem to reflect a change in cam-

tradition that the Board won't kill.
Several years ago a large
amount of space was devoted to
group pictures of fraternities and
sororities. In 1970 these pictures
were dropped completely.
The yearbook, however, suffered
a loss of several thousand dollars.
The 1971 yearbook aimed at rep-
resenting all facets of the student
community in a "big picture
book," according to Bruce Kaplan,
an Ensian co-editor. In spite of



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