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March 31, 1972 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-31

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Page Twelve


Friday, March 31,1972

Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 31, 1972


Afro unit backers hit Regents


Accuse meat supplier
of prohibited practices

I -

(Continued from Page 1)
Stockwell, and other supportive
groups have met to discuss "a
spectrum of alternatives" in reac-
tion to the decision including "for-
mal protest, demonstrating, and
moving out of the dorm system."
Gill said the groups have also
discussed "possible roles of !he
commission set up by the Re-
"The Regents are concerned
about educational programs," Gill
said. "We 'already have developed
programs. We need the funding."
A statement will be issued Mon-
day, Gill said, concerning the
"kinds of things we'll be moving
"I think an over-riding -issue is
the political climate," commented
Housing Director John Feldkamp.
"People are sensitive about the
issue of segregation."
"We felt this program was so
good because it allowed individuals
committed to an inter-racial ex-
perience to live together," he add-
ed. "We don't have a good sub-
stitute that would be the same as
a residential experience."
Feldkamp said that the housing
office will work in areas of choos-
ing and training staff and develop-
ing mechanisms to reach students,
including "identifying areas for
Afro-American identity such as
lounges in South Quad and Stock-
In regard to substitute programs
Feldkamp said, "A real problem
with alternatives is capturing the
imagination and initiative of the
student. No programs will be
successful unless the students feel
that it is meaningful."
Charles Kidd, acting vice presi-
dent for student services, said he
was disappointed by the Regents
NTew billboard
lawn criticized
Film Critics?
(Continued from Page 1)
U.S. Transportation Department's
restrictions, would save the state
almost $2 million in withheld
federal highway funds.
However, complaints persisted
that the proposal would snatch
billboard control out of the hands
of townships under 50,000 popu-
"They've put in a provision that
doesn't permit small townships to
restrict billboards. The only jus-
tification for passing it is that it
saves $20 million," said Smit.
"I understand it meets federal
standards . . . That's the only
thing it does," said Smit.
Smit said he wants to allow
townships of any size to ban bill-
boards entirely if they wish.

decision but that the committee
suggested by the Regents would
search for alternatives.
"We will pick people who have
skills, knowledge and interest,"
Kidd said. "It also should not be
too large and cumbersome so that
we can't do anything."
Kidd said he does not "exclude
the possibility that programs could
be directed at students concen-
trated in particular living ar-
Kidd suggested that a "cultural
exchange program reflecting a
mixture of students" might be a
workable alternative.
The proposals, developed by
black students and housing office
officials, were an outgrowth "of
various discriminatory practices in
dorms and the failure of race

awareness seminars," according to
Although the proposals, were ap-
proved by the Housing Policy
Board last month, regental ap-
proval was needed before the pro-
grams could be implemented. At
their March meeting the Regents
postponed action, requesting addi-
tional information.
The proposal rejected by the
Regents Wednesday was a com-
promise which proponents hoped
would adequately meet the Re-
gents concerns about possible seg-
Under that proposal the leases
of occupants in the units would be
terminated if the units were judged
to consititute de facto segregation
by the Michigan Civil Rights Com-


The Board of Directors for the
Student Buyer's Association unan-
imously voted last night to im-
mediately discontinue the services
of the Riopelle Meat Packing Co.
Riopelle, which was servicing 16
fraternities and sororities on cam-
pus, had been on a probationary
status with the Buyer's Associa-
tion. This status was based on a
1969 conviction of Riopelle for
This action follows the serving
of three warrants on March 20
against Riopelle by the State Ag-
riculture Dept. Their tests of three
packages of ground beef from
Riopelle had shown that an illegal

additive was being used. This addi-
tive was to retain the water in the
meat fat, and prevent the meat
from cooking properly.
There had also been several stu-
dent complaints against Riopelle
the last few months, including
those of unsatisfactory service and
charges of price manipulation.
The ground beef tested by the
Agriculture Dept. also had .a high-
er percentage of fat (about 25 per
cent) than legally allowed (20 per
cent). No warrants were issued
for this offense, however.
If convicted of this misdemean-
or, Riopelle faces a maximum fine
of $150.


No Entrance Fee
Low Lot Rental Rates
Model Clearance Sale
Easy Finance Terms

Michigan's Largest Network of
Mobile Home Communities
5465400 N ARK
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2 ald 3 bedroom apartments available

Historical lecture slated

r- ----I

Daniel Boorstin, one of Amer-
ica's foremost political and social
historians, will deliver a series of
five lectures in the 19th annual
William Cook Lectures on Amer-
ican Institutions, sponsored by the
University of Michigan Law
Boorstin will speak on "Fron-
tiers of Ignorance" April 3-7 in
auditorium 4, Modern Languages
Building. All the lectures, open to
the public, will begin at 4:15 p.m.
Boorstin, since 1969, has been
director of the National Museum
of History and Technology of the
Smithsonian Institution in Wash-
ington, D.C.
A well-known and prize-winning
author, he has written numerous
books on American history and
politics, and is currently complet-
ing "The Americans," a three-
volume reinterpretation of this
country's history and institutions.
The first two volumes in the
series were "The Colonial Exper-
ience," completed in 1959, and
"The National Experience," com-
pleted in 1966.
Boorstin has served as a gov-!
ernment attorney in Washington
and has taught history at Swarth-
more, the University of Chicago
the University of Rome, Kyoto
University, the University ofC
Puerto Rico, the Sorbonne and
Cambridge University.
He has served as editor of the
"Chicago History of American
Civilization" and "An American
Primer." Among his other books
are "The Landmark of History of
the American People," "The Im-,
age: a Guide to Pseudo-Events in

America," America and the Image
of Europe," "The Genius of Amer-
ican Politics," "The Lost World of
Thomas Jefferson" and "The
Mysterious Science of the Law."
The Cook Lectures were estab-
lished by the late William Cook
who graduated from the U-M Law
School in 1882.
Morris hit
by charges
(Continued from Page 1)
During the next meeting of the
class, according to Morris, disrup-
tion occured when several BAM
strikers appeared in the classroom.
When they continued on the third
day of class, he filed charges
against two BAM supporters.
In reply to the charge that he
prosecuted through the Univer-
sity's judicial system, Morris said
he did not choose where the stu-
dents' case would be heard.
One of the students was found
guilty of class disruption by the
business school judiciary, and the
other's case was dropped.
The statement attacking Mor-
ris, which was signed by the Black
Student Union steering commit-
tee, the Black Law Student Alli-
ance and 16 individuals, further
alleges that Morris "insulted our
intelligence by first denying such
prosecution," only to later admit
to "filing charges" but doing no
actual "prosecution."

Hey bub..
want big action
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one hundred
and forty five o
love notes or
more weekly
...les rny
cut of course!


Yed blooded college
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a week... you're
both polluted, juiced
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t he big ta lk !

dust oft the

Down the banner
Anna, I'm heading
for the summer
placement director
or student aid

Average Earnings -Summer /970


FGoo4ujmorh 0,°0cUunorf


Sign upforthis
campus interview date!



Join The Daily Staff
Phone 764-0558


Get toknow the twoof
you before you become
the three of you.
Get to know what you both really like.
What you both really want out of life.
Get to enjoy your freedom together until you both
decide you want to let go of a little bit of it.
But make it your choice.
Research statistics show that more than half of all
the pregnancies each year are accidental. Too many
of them, to couples who thought they knew all about
family planning methods.
Get to know how the two of you don't have to
become the three of you.
Or the four of you. Or...


.:., ,
sq;,,, . i;.' yun_ be+p c ' !i! d> .9 O t + . g ~ . Y

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