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January 19, 1972 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-01-19

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THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, January 19, 1972







A classic Tony Esposito - Phil
Esposito hockey rivalry will un-
fold tonight as Michigan's Ber-
nie Gagnon will joust against his
cousin Gilles Gagnon of Michi-
gan State in the MSU Ice Ahena.
Although the Spartan head'
coach Amo Bessone points to the
fact that the visiting team al-
ways seems to do better in this
intrastate rivalry between the two
schools, he expects a hard fought
Bernie explained that the con-
test becomes a grudge match
j "against Michigan State rather
than my cousin." When we're off
the ice, we"re friends," says Ber-
nie, "But when we suit up, all we
think about is hockey."
In this season's overall statis-
tics Gilles has the edge over Ber-
nie 15 to 7 in assists, but Bernie
leads in goals scored 11 to 9.
In two earlier matchups this
season, Bernie scored a goal in
each game to help Michigan split
the series while Gilles was shut

Man Adapting to the ma Planet
JEROME GOLDSTEIN, Executive Editor, Rodale Press
"Organic Force, Social Practice,
4and Harmonv With the Environment"

Renfrew. "We're going to have
to pull ourselves together again
through hard work. Last Satur-
day's game (a 4-3 loss to Denver)
is the best we've looked since we
beat North Dakota."
Massone is pleased with the
present physical condition of the
Spartan icers. Gilles, after miss-
ing last Saturday's game with an
ailing knee, is expected to be at
full strength. The rest of the
squad is also in top condition.
Michigan, however, has its
problems. Gary Kardos, missing
all of last week's action, will not
play, still suffering from the flu.
Several other players are ham-
pered with pulled groins. How-
ever, Karl Bagnell, who suffered
a cut under the right eye is re-
ported ready for action.
If the Wolverines hope to make
the playoffs, they better take
close note of Renfrew's sign in the
lockerroom: I am not concerned
that you are beaten; I am con-
cerned that you arise.
In the only other game in-
volving a WCHA team, Colorado
College hosts the Falcons from
Air Force, in a non-conference
tussle. The Tigers currently hold
down the fourth spot with a 7-8
record but ganished 20 points in
doing so.


Overall, neither teams perform-
ances, are anything a brag about.
2 P.m.. U.M. UGLIMultipurpose Room Michigan is 9-7 overall, but a
somnambulant ninth in the league
Ann Arbor Community Organic Garden & the Ecology Center with a 5-7 record.
Sponsored by State, after setting a new Spar-
tan record with 19 wins last sea-
son, has struggled to a 10-10R
showing, but has posted a 6-7 re-
cord in the league, good enough
for a three way tie for fifth. J
Since the term break. Michi-
gan has dropped a disastrous four
straight. four point league games.
Sal a BVO ACMichigan head coach AlRefw
reminisced over the first part of
season, pointing out the fact
20% O FF that the Wolverines had gotten
off to a good starto la' a-
"I can't account for what's hap-
pened except for the break," said
v WINTER COATS ;E..~..7..
POShirtfs r " . $4v50 Re.$59
W L Pts
Wisconsin 13 3 34
Korean Wool Shir $s Reg. $4.00 Duluth 9 7 2
s $ .9 Denver 9 5 22
Colorado Col. 7 8 20
Michigan Tech . 6 6 18
Michigan State 7 9 18
North Dakota 7 7 181
ARMY-NAVY SURPLUS Notre Dame 5 7 14
Minnesota 3 11 6
(above Campus Bike)
MICHIGAN at Michigan State
-Air Force at Colorado College

-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
BERNIE GAGNON, star forward for Michigan's hockey team, winds up for a shot during the Wolver-
ines' victory last Nov. 13 against Western Ontario. Gagnon will be matched up against his cousin
Gilles, a forward for Michigan State, when the Wolverines journey to East Lansing tonight.

Thinclads aim to get on right track

Following a disastrous eighth
place finish in the 1971 Big Ten
Indoor Championships, Michigan
has nowhere to go but up in the
coming season. And this is
exactly wiat new head coach,
Dixon Farmer, pas on his mind.
The Michigan squad of 1972
has a year's more experience
than the 1971 team with most of
the key performers returning
for another season. The team
co-captains will hopefully set the
pace for Michigan in the meets
John Mann is the best return-
ing Big Ten high jumper with
a best of 7-1. He will face four
other 7-0 high jumpers in t-h e
Conference, but he has usually
beat them before and should do
so again this season. Gene Brown
is the other captain and h i s
speciality is in the sprints where
he has a best time of :06.0 in the
60-yard dash.
Brown was second to Mich-
igan State's Herb Washington
last year but will have added
competition coming from State's

Friday-Saturday Games
Michigan Tech at MICHIGAN
Notre Dame at Minnesota, four
Colorado College at North Dakota,
four points
Minnesota-Duluth at Denver


Your evenings are empty and boring. You are clumsy in class and
in the office. You need grooming. Your boss is threatening to let .
you go.
Get help quick, Miss Lonely Hearts. Use those lonely nights to im-


sensational freshman, Marshall
Dill. Dill already holds the Mich-
igan State track record in the
220-yard dash at :20.6. To add to
his young success, he was also
third this past summer in the
Pam American Games in t h e
200-meter event,
Washington and Dill may come
to represent the best 1-2 punch
in the sprints in this country
since John Carlos and Tommie
Smith were doing it for San Jose
State in the late 1960's. Brown
will definitely have his w o r k
cut out for him this season.
The Big Ten Indoor title will
be up for grabs with a number
of teams in the melee, including
Michigan. Michigan State ap-
pears to be in the driver's seat
to dethrone Wisconsin, the de-
fending=Campion. Wisconsin lost
most of its successful talent
through graduation, while Michi-
gan State retained virtually
everyone from its second-place
team of a year ago.
Michigan will be in the middle
of the battle of challengers,
which include Wisconsin, Indiana
and Illinois. Third place 1 a s t
year, Indiana was also hit hard
by graduation losses, while Illi-
nois has essentially the s a m e
team returning.
Michigan's strength lies pri-
marily in the running events,
while the field events are either
weak or lack the depth of the
other events. In the high hurd-
les, Godfrey Murray has already
equalled the winning Big T e n
mark of last season at :08.4,
while his running mate, Mel
Reeves, has recorded an :08.7.
Both of these runners should be
well among the placers in this
year's conference meet.
In the 300- and 440-yard dash-
es, Michigan will be particularly
strong, due to the acquisition
of much needed experience which
they didn't have last year at this
time. Reggie Johnson and Greg
Syphax both came into their own
last year outdoors in the 440 and
should contribute well to t h e
Michigan cause. Johnson record-
ed a :47.0 split last season while
Syphax had a best of :46.2 on a
mile relay leg.
The middle distances are
strong for Michigan this year
as they usually are. Junior Eric
Chapman is the most experienc-
ed veteran returning, with a best
600 time of 1:10.2, only 3-tenths
of a second off the Michigan Var-
sity record. Al Cornwell, who
normally runs the 880, will pro-
bably join Chapman in the 600,
where he has a best of 1:31.1 so

UCLA. stays atop AP;
mentor raps on frosh

Two freshmen, Bob Mills of
Ann Arbor and Kim Hildebrandt
of Farmington should provide
adequate help in these t w o
The mile and two-mile runs
are loaded with young talent as
well as old. Phil Pyatt is a sen-
ior who holds school records in
both the mile (4:05.7) and two
mile (8:51.9) and should be a
major factor in either one of
these events in 1972. He is back-
ed by sophomore Mike Pierce
in the mile where he recorded
a best last year of 4:08.9.
In the two mile, freshman
Keith Brown will provide need-
ed support for Pyatt, with a


potential of 9:00 or better before
the end of the season.
If Michigan expects to improve
on last year's conference finish,
they are incapable hands. Farm-
er has already shown that he
means business with his surpris-
ing but pleasant third place fin-
ish in the conference c r o s s
country meet this past fall.
If the spirit from that modest
success catches on to the rest
of the squad, the Big Ten should
once again experience the pow-
er of Michigan track teams which
have dominated Big Ten track
in the past, although not in re-
cent years.

Leagues forming







We don't mean to be alarmist, but if the government doesn't
care about what goes down your gullet, we dol First Fruits,
Ltd. was founded on the notion that you'd rather eat good,
pure, safe, healthy food like ours than your average carci-
nogen. We sell pure food exclusively, and it's mainly Euro-
pean, because that's what Europeans eat-pure food. We sell
you what comes from natural soils, sunshine and rain,
packaged and processed only to the extent of keeping it
First Fruits, Ltd. thinks you're ready to change your tastes,
to move up to healthy foods from around the world, to
beat the monotony of cafeterias, hamburgers, and pizza.
For $10.00 we'll ship you a package worth $10.00, crammed
full of sustenance. For $28.00, we'll ship you three monthly
packages, or give you back $18.00 if you don't like the
first. Each package will contain a selection of meats, jams,
candies, cheeses, crackers, and more; all the things yon
need to stay alive and be able to enjoy the first fruits of life.

Hazzard, Gail Goodrich, Mike
Warren, Freddie Goss, Keith
Erickson are great names in the
history of UCLA basketball. But
not one would have started as a
freshmen if the NCAA had per-
mitted it.
That's the view of the man
who ought to know, Coach John
Wooden, whose Bruin basketball
team is, for the seventh week in
succession this season, rated as
the nation's best in The Associat-
ed Press poll.
Goodrich, now starring for the
Los Angeles Lakers of the Na-
tional B a s k e t b a 11 Association,
"just hadn't matured as a player
when he was a freshman. In fact,
he didn't start regularly as a
sophomore," said Wooden.
The talk popped up because of
the recent NCAA ruling that will
permit freshmen to play on var-
sity football and basketball teams
next year. Wooden said he didn't
agree but wouldn't stand in the
"We'd be hurting ourselves if
we didn't permit them to play,"
he said.
Of the five starters for Wood-
en's current team, three are soph-
omores. Wooden said probably
none would have started a year
ago if permitted.
Center Bill Walton had knee
problems, guard Greg Lee was in-
experienced and forward Keith
Wilkes, at 17, was simply two
"I have long believed in abol-
ishing all freshmen basketball
programs. Coming out of high
school into college is a difficult
experience for many youngsters,
without having the added pres-
sure of freshman basketball to
worry about," said Wooden.
The UCLA coach admitted two

of his current freshmen players,
Andre McCarter and Pete Trgo-
vich, would probably play for his
varsity, but he added, "we have
a lot of fine people out there so
they.wouldn't be playing,. very
Wooden said next years his
freshmen basketball program
may be replaced by a junior var-
sity program, "where some young-
er players can gain experience. I
don't think, however, that you'd'
permit any juniors or seniors on
that team,"
Wooden's 1971-72 squad polled
all but one of the 41 votes for first
place and had 818 points to 722
for runner-up Marquette, which
got the other first-place nod.
North Carolina was named
third, Long Beach State fourth
and South Carolina fifth.
The Top 20, with first place votes in
parenethses, won-lost records through
Sunday's games and total points on
the basis of 20 for first, 18 for sec-
ond, 16 -14 -12 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7-6-54-3-2-1
through 15 places.
1. UCLA (40) 12-0 818
2. Marquette (1) 12-0 722
3. North Carolina 11-1 652
4.Long Beach State 14-1 511
5. South Carolina 8-2 484
6. Louisville 11-1 445
7. Ohio State 10-2 421
8. Southern Cal 11-2 274
9. Virginia 12-1 232
10. Penn 9-2 205
11. Florida State 13-2 204
12. SW Louisiana 11-1 166
13. Brigham Young 11-2 121
14. Princeton 14-2 103
15. Villanova 11-2 89
16. Marshall 12-2 47
17. Minnesota 8-3 45
18. Hawaii 13=1 41
19. Tennessee 8-2 31
20. Northern Illinois 10-1 18
Others receiving votes, in alphabeti-
cal order, Duquesne, Jacksonville, Ken-
tucky, Maryland, Missouri, Niagara,
Ohio University, Oral Roberts, Provi-
dence; St. John's, N.Y., St. Louis, St.
Bonaventure, Syracuse, Toledo.
For the Student Body:


The 880f
chores will
has a best
Collins with;

and 1000-yard r u n
be taken care of by
Bill Bolster, who
of 1:51.8 and Dave
a 1:53.6 to his credit.

221 East 78th St., New York,I

N.Y. 10021



M ail 'ff f W i W ! a A IVl rl [oil CII

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