Rho de By DANIEL JACOBS When g e o 1 o g y Prof. Frank Rhodes became dean of the liter- ary college last July, optimism for productive change in the Univer- sity's largest educational unit was high. Armed with, an acknowledged reputation from h i s colleagues as a liberally-oriented educator, plus a genuine stamp of approval from many undergraduates who were acquainted with him, Rhodes step- ped into his new job and strongly asserted that "the dignity and im- portance of undergraduate educa- tion be re-established." Although few of Rhodes' plans for innovation in the literary col- lege have progressed far beyond the drawing-board stage as of yet, he cautions "Nobody can pretend you're going to see change over- and night." In fact, Rhodes has said since the beginning of his term that he does not expect many ma- jor changes to take place on a short-term basis. Throughout his term of office, Rhodes has been haunted by the spectre of insufficient funds. The fact that the college has been "strapped for funds" can perhaps take much of the blame for the lack of any visible changes in the literary college so far. A brighter budget outlook for next year should help to improve matters, Rhodes says. Rhodes' major academic achieve- ment in the six months since his appointment has been the allevia- tion of the closed-course problem of the past two semesters. But perhaps more important, his com- mitment to long-term administra- 49LSAU0 tive reform of the college is re- flected in his creation of two asso- ciate deanships-one for curricu- lum, the other for student aca- demic affairs. Rhodes' determination to solve the problem of closed LSA courses has apparently borne fruit in re- cent months. Declaring that "we cannot live with the student frus- tration and resentment generated by this constant backlog of closed courses," he secured the financial resources necessary to create 3.000 new spaces in Fall and Winter term courses. His staff is now us- ing student "course - preference" forms in an effort to assess shift- ing course demands - a procedure which will hopefully avert future course closings. Rhodes has also recognized the need for a system of student Still looking course evaluations. By allotting $8,000 in funding for the Associa- tion for Course Evaluations (ACE). he has helped make possible a comprehensive publication by the end of the summer. According to Marc Grober, head of ACE, that publication will deal only with LSA courses, with an all-campus evaluation system a future goal. In an effort to provide financial relief for the college, Rhodes help- ed persuade Gov. William Milliken to include $450,000 for new equip- ment for the college as part of his current funding proposals for the University. Rhodes is confident that the appropriation will be ap- proved by the legislature, pointing out that it reflects the only area in which Milliken's recommenda- tion matches one of the Univer- sity's requests. The question of how "experi- mental" programs such as the Residential College and the Pilot Program should figure into the context of the literary college is another of the college's major concerns. The LSA committee re- viewing the RC is due to release its report April 1. In addition, Rhodes plans to set up commit- tees to examine the Pilot Program as well as housing oriented around language and honors programs. He expects those studies to make "exciting recommendations about changes in the future patterns of living and learning." Since the beginning of his term as Dean, Rhodes has emphasized his commitment to academic re- form through a greater awareness of student needs with "collegiate rather than departmental em- ahead phasis." I-is ideas seem to be re- flected by those of his new Asso- ciate Dean for Curriculum Charles Witke, whose job is "to co-ordi- nate the 1,450 courses offered by the college." Speaking at a recent LSA fac- ulty meeting, Witke suggested a number of possible innovations, in- cluding interdepartmental teaching programs and freshmen seminars staffed by senior professors, rather than by "vulnerable assistant pro- fessors or the somewhat heartier teaching fellows." In an effort to stimulate non- specialized study, Witke envisions a "pool" of new courses, each of which would draw upon the re- sources of several departments. "College doesn't exist as an ex- cuse for grad school," says Witke, See RHODES, Page 8 LSA DEAN FRANK RHODES talks with stu- dents at a student-faculty coffee hour last week. CITY COUNCIL ENDORSEMENTS See Editorial Page Y £Ifri~i6a &4 tiin METEOROLOGICAL C igh-4 o Law--27 Cloudy and cool, chance of sun ._.. Vol. LXXXII, No. 137 FAULKNER RESIGNS: Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 31, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages More . new troops meet 'U' ban lifted on Hill Aud. Ulster violence -Daily-Robert Wargo Meditation at Rackham? * Alan Watts, Zen philosopher, talks to an audience at Rackham Auditorium yesterday, where he lectured on the philosophy of culture. Watts said that knowledge of death should prevent fear of it. Charges leveled at Second Ward D em BELFAST (R) - Extremists yesterday mounted gun and bomb attacks in Northern Ireland as the British govern- ment ordered an extra 600 troops into the province amid fears of heavy Easter fighting. A British Army explosives ex- pert and a woman bystander were killed, with two dozen other per- sons wounded. Meanwhile. Northern Ireland's PrimedMinistersBrian Faulkner resigned from his post yesterday to seek a seat on the British Par- liament. Faulkner has branded Britain's recent official takeover of the em- battled province as a "betrayal." His policy now is to win back the powers of the provincial Parlia- ment, which Britain has suspend- ed for at least a year. The outlawed Irish Republi- can army was blamed for yester- day's wave of bomb explosions in three separate cities of Northern Ireland. The attacks virtually ruled out last weekend's talk ofj an armed truce during the holi- days. One of the blasts in Lisburn. a town six miles south of BelfastE that houses the headouarters of the British Army in the province, exploded from a parked car noar, h city center, injuring 16 shop- pers.j ru battles between British sr- my troops and terrorist sniners broke out in Belfast and in the border town of Belleek, 90 miles to the west. In Belfast's Andersonstown dis- trict a woman bystander coiiaht in a crossfire was shot dead. brinvin the death toll in the nro- vince to 292 since British trons arrived to restore order in Au-j gust 1969.- Parades ma rkin the 56th an- niversary of the 1916 Eadetr Re- hellion - which ld to the nar- tition of Ireland and emeraene of th- Trich renublic-wer- sched- u*ed for Belfast, Londonderry and other towns. Thi stirred fears of clashesE with Protestants, furious over the British takeover. The narades could give William' Whitelaw. Britain's new overlord of Northern Ireland. his first taste of the sectarian strife. Whitelaw will rule the nrovince by decree for at least one var under London's direct-rule noln. which susnends the provincial Pariament. The British Defense MTinitvv announcad it was sending in the extra troops from the Ctuien's RPiment only hours after the SBritishParliament overwhelmin- ly annroved the takeover bill. By LORIN LABARDEE The University administration agreed last night to re- scind its ban on Saturday night's "Get Out The Vote" concert in Hill Auditorium. However, under the terms of an agreement reached by University Attorney Roderick Daane and concert organizers late last night, sponsorship of the event will be shifted from Friends of The Rainbow People, a student organization, to the Student Governient Council Voter Registration Corte mittee. In addition, concert organizers will have to pay five city fire marshalls to enforce no smoking regulations inside the auditorium and must encour- age those attending the con- cert to observe no smoking signs.,Supporters signs. When asked why SGC was being allowed to sponsor the event, Uni- versity Attorney Roderick Deane I A fr -Daily-Robert wargo DAVID SINCLAIR (above left), a representative of the Rainbow People's Party, argues with Univer- sity Safety Director Frederick Davids (above center) and University Attorney Roderick Daane (above left) over the University's decision to rescind a permit for the use of Hill Auditorium Satur- day night. Later at the afternoon meeting, Daane (below left) and John Sinclair( below right) listen to further debate. HARRISBURG SEVEN: said, "SGC is not simply the alter ego of the Friends of the Rainbow People's Party. Its existence is quite apart from the other spon- sors." Wednesday, University President; Robben Fleming issued a state-: ment banning the concert, citing' alleged "massive violations of the law, particularly with regard to the use of marijuana," at a pre- vious event scheduled by the Friends of the Rainbow People. The event was a Dec. 10 Free John Sinclair rally in Crisler Arena. Earlier yesterday, Friends of the, Rainbow People had filed suit inj circuit court asking for an order to force the University to allow the concert to continue. It was unclear last night wheth- er the suit would be withdrawn today in the wake of the settle- ment. The "Get Out The Vote" con-; cert was designed by its organ- izers to encourage youthful par- ti -nntin 'n Mnnrn,. d Citv C, n_ voter rally By DAVE BURHENN In a statement released today, 16 individuals and two black student groups charged Second Ward Democratic City Council candidate Michael Morris with "proving unworthy of black and poor people's trust." The statement, printed in an advertisement in today's edition of The Daily, claims that Mor- ris prosecuted two students through the University judiciary after they allegedly disrupted his class and asked student to join in the Black Action. Move- ment (BAM) strike of 1970. Morris, a chemistry professor, replied to the charges last night. "We all supported the aims of the s t r i k e and sympathized greatly with the strikers," he said. "However, one must weigh sympathy for the strikers against violation of a basic principle of democracy, freedom of assembly." According to sources on both sides of the issue, the contro- versy began when a representa- tive of BAM asked permission to speak to Morris' class about joining the strike. Morris gave his assent, and after the BAM representative's talk, three or four of the students in the class left. Morris claims that the rest of the students then chose to re- main in class, though he said that he remained "neutral" throughout the episode, believ- ing that "in tense situations students tend to follow the teacher's lead." See MORRIS, Page 12 Federal B rrga judge sends i unit defeat By LINDA DREEBEN Supporters of two proposed Afro- American and African cultural liv- ing units yesterday expressed "frustration" a n d "disappoint- ment" with the Regents rejection Wednesday of the proposals. Both .students and University of- ficials, however, indicated they would work to develop alternatives to deal with what the University has recognized as problems of minority groups on campus. "I'm dissatisfied with the Re- gents," said Lee Gill, chairman of the South Quad Minority Council. "We've been working with enor- mous energy since December. All the Regents issued was a two par- agraph statement." At a special meeting Wednesday the Regents rejected a proposal to establish separate corridors at South Quad and Stockwell for stu- dents interested in Afro-American culture. They cited both fear of segrega- tion and legal barriers as reasons for rejection. Instead t h e y approved unani- mously a statement setting up a committee to develop programs "for dealing with the academic, counseling and living problems of minorities on campus." Gill said that members of the minority council, Black Women of See AFRO, Page 12 trial to jury COUNCIL CANDIDATES . HARRISBURG, Pa. (P)-A fed- plotted to kidnap presidential aide . The defense had denounced then cpa eeon, m I eral judge turned the Harrisburg Henry Kissinger and destroy fed- 31-year-old Douglas as a "liar Parelect on,R Seven trial over to the jury yes- eral property. a scoundrel and a confidence said yesterday. terday after telling it that the man." bomb-kidnap conspiracy case The jury took with it to its de- Invitations ha against the Rev. Philip Berrigan liberations room more than 100 The jujrors were scheduled to to all parties pa and six others "is not a political prosecution and defense exhibits. return to the courthouse this election to set trial or a trial against the war in Included were copies of 24 letters morning for further debate on tables at Saturda Vietnam " exchanged between Berrigan in- charges that the defendants plot- President Flem side the Lewisburg, Pa., federal ted to kidnap presidential aide concert was not The jury began its deliberations penitentiary and his trusted lieu- Henry Kissinger and blow up gov- dented. In sumi as the trial, which began Jan. 24, tenant in the Catholic left anti- ernment property, unilaterally refu neared the close of its 10th week. war movement, Sister Elizabeth However, they will hear a re- University facili The Harrisburg Seven trial is re- McAlister. reading of the court's instructions pus Gay' Liberat garded as a test of the govern- Berrigan, 48, a Roman Catho- on the conspiracy law before re- wished to stage ment's power to limit radical acts lic priest, faces a maximum 50 suming deliberations. ference on homo by means of federal conspiracy years in federal prison if con- laws. The government charges victed on six counts in the indict- that Berrigan and the six others ment. He already is serving six ---yea-r-sf board Ne rnoar Sister Elizabeth, 32, could get 40 years on five counts.le i at r ,i 1The others are liable to five leo years each on a single conspiracy ec count. They art the Rev. Neil Mc- By MARK ALLSHOUSE Laughlin, 31, the Rev. Joseph A billboard control law - which environmental- Wenderoth, 36; both priests; An-'ii thony Scoblick, 33, a former priestjsts promptly called "totally inadequate" - yes- his wife, Mary Cain Scoblick, 33 terday passed the State House of Representatives an ex-nun, and Eqbal Ahmad, 41 and went to Governor William Milliken for ex- a Pakistani educator in this coun- pected approval. try on a resident visa. Ahmad is The bill passed within two days of a federal gov- the only non-Catholic defendant ernment deadline that the state either pass stricter The seven were charged with billboard control laws, or lose $20 million in high- an escalating conspiracy - draft way construction funds. board raids to recruit followers A proponent of more stringent billboard con- followed by a plot to blow up! Washington's tunnel heating sys- trols, State Rep. Raymond Smit (R-Ann Arbor) K tem and finally the planned ab- voted agains: the measure and termed the new law First By CHARLES STEIN Ann Arbor's First Ward has tra- ditionally been safe territory for the city's Democratic Party. Re- publicans have not elected a city council member in the ward since 1960, and in last year's council race, Democrat Norris Thomas de- feated his Republican opponent by nearly a two to one margin. )nay s Lay Loun- Rainbow People's n John Sinclair ve been extended articipating in the up information ay's event. ming's ban on the entirely unprece- mer, 1970, he also used the use of .ties to the cam- tion Front, which a national con- osexuality. ward issues n law passes state logists angered The bill, which was passed by a 56-32 vote by the House, was a compromise measure to replace a former bill which did not meet the federal high- way beautification requiremeAts. The U.S. Transportation Department had threat- ened to withhold highway funds if Michigan did not , come up with an acceptable billboard law by today. Under the new bill, cities, townships over 50,000 people, villages, and charter townships can pass ordinances "regulating, and controlling' size, light- ing and spacing signs. Existing local laws would stand. The bill also calls for the state to reimburse :".s w o o m " ...o sism