Mr £ittiga Dalig Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan First Ward candidates, Bob Foster-Republican expound on city growth, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 b Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. public housing, drugs THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: GENE ROBINSON Jerry De Grieck-HRP ... Black housing deired A SINGLE WORD has scared the Re- gents. Their outright rejection of a proposed multi-racial Afro-American Housing unit for South Quad speaks di- rectly to their bald fear of segregation - Snow must go AL'HOUGH spring officially arrived over a week ago, Ann Arbor citizens were yesterday subjected to the indignity of a snowstorm. A snowstorm at the end of March is in- tolerable. It is a situation which outrages all standards of human decency. Those responsible for yesterday's foul weather must stop these activities imme- diately. If such actions continue, the cul- prits must be brought to account for their malicious behavior. -THE MICHIGAN DAILY Editorial Staff ALAN LENHOFF Editor SARA FITZGERALD ............... Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS................Editorial Director CARLA RAPOPORT................Executive Editor ROBERT SOHREINER.................News Editor ROSE SUE BERSTEIN ...............Feature Editor DAT BAUER...........Associate Managing Editor LINDSAY _CHANEY.......... . .Editorial Page Editor MARK DILLEN.............. Editorial Page Editor ARTHUR LERNER............Editorial Page Editor PAUL TRAVIS ............... .. .... Arts Editor GLORIA JANE SMITH........Associate Arts Editor JONATHAN MILLER........Special Features Editor and their utter inability to deal with the needs of minority students, In their official statement, the Re- gents said they recognized the "serious academic, counselling, and living prob-- lems of minorities on campus." They then charged President Robben Fleming to work with other administrators, and those he deems "desirable," to prepare programs for next fall which will "cope" with these problems. The Regents should realize that a com- mittee to investigate the "academic, counselling, and living problems of mi- norities on campus," was already formed by Fleming last August. But it has been rendered disfunctional by the resigna- tions and non-interest of nearly every student, faculty, and administrative member. The former members of this commit- tee say they quit from "frustration" at not being able to get anything done, at not getting proper support from the ad- ministration. Thus, in a stunning example of Re- gental paper shuffling, the board set-up another "task force" to investigate the problems of minorities. Black students had worked with ad- ministrators for over six months on this proposal, carefully documenting their problems and needs. These students, any students, deserve more than a paranoic rejection. REPRESENT a community you have to do a lot more than vote and speak at city coun- cil meetings. The Human Rights Party believes a council member must actively find out how the community feels about issues, ac- tively involve people at all levels of decision making and mobilize people around proposals that af- fect their lives. Democrats and Republicans have not only failed to take this active role but have also consistently ignored the inter- ests of tennts, low-income and working people, the young and minorities. City council has shown where its priorities lie. While city services are below an adequate minimum, increases in revenue are blindly handed over to a police depart- ment that city council, let alone the community, doesn't even con- trol. Police waste their time busting people for victimless crimes like drug use, loitering, curfew a n d parking violations. Harrassment continues especially if you a r e black or young and there are no adequate grievance procedures. Police must concentrate on fight- ing crimes that really hurt people like robbery and rape. The Human Rights Party will push for community controlled public services. That means drug help and education programs in- cluding giving heroin to addicts so that they won't cause a. great deal of violent crime in t h i s town to support their habit. 1 That means health and child-' care centers controlled by the peo- ple who use and work at those centers; not controlled by bureau- cratic and distant appointed' boards. And that means a com- prehensive transportation p 1 a n so that cars don't continue to choke and pollute especially the residential areas of the city. HRP WILL ALSO push for a steeply graduated!income tax with high personal exemptions. A n n Arbor must join with other cam- munities to mount a massive poli- tical campaign to remove state re- strictions on such a tax. City council has ignored the in- terests of tenants. Low-income people who work in the city are often forced to live outside Ann Arbor because of the tight hous- ing situation, high -ents. and lack of low-cost public housing. Land- lords have been allowed to raise their rents in violation of the rent freeze while city council holds closed meetings with landlords. Housing conditions continue to de- teriorate because the housing code is weak, the inspection team is un- derstaffed and penalties on land- lords are ridiculously low. HRP has a complete housing program including establishing an elected tenant-controlled p o 1 i c y board to enforce rent control and a strict housing code, more low- cost housing controlled by tenants without exploitation by landlords and government and management agencies, and using the city at-. torney to protect tenants from ar- bitrary evictions. HRP IS AN OPEN and demo- cratic political party where all people are invited to participate in decision making. I worked within the Democratic party for 10 years and during that time learned that it will never bring about the ne- cessary changes in our society. Democrats pay little more than lip service to the interests of work- ing people and minorities. The city's anti-strike breaking ordinance only prohibits non-exist- ent 'organized' strike breaking and it didn't even prevent the Ann Arbor police from helping t h e Bendix Corp. harass strikers at its Buhr plant. HRP would enact ordinances against all strikebreak- ing with penalties and enforce- ment powers, as well as against discrimination in employment and housing on the basisi of race, sex, sexual preference, marital or stu- dent status. Over the past four years I have been very active in the political life of Ann Arbor and the Univer- sity. I have been involved in ac- tivities incluuding strike support, the anti-war movement, the Black Action Movement strike and the tenants union. I am a forme r ex- ecutive vice-president and past member of Student Government Council, Office of Student Services Police Board, housing Policy Com- mittee and University Council. I have been active with t h e Human Rights Party since its be- ginning and HRP and I reject the passive role that city council members have traditionally taken. Also, vote no on the Ashley-First bypass; the community affected doesn't want it. Don't give in to downtown merchants. THECENTRAL question in this year's City' Council electon is whether we 'can keep Ann Ar- bor from becoming a .inediocre city - from spending itself bank- rupt, from 'growing till it- suffers the ugyly urban sprawl of o many American. cities, from. letting our people become split apart along political, racial, age or - cultural lines, from letting out central city deteriorate from neglect, xrom pol- luting our environment and over- taxing city services. Here's where I stand on same of the key issues in this election as- I see them: GROWTH: Ann Arbor has grown too fast. We've developed and an- nexed helter-skelter and we're be- ginning to pay. the price in overtax- ed city services. Growth must stop; until we have a workable pAn to accommodate it. On a larger: scale, city officials have a respon- sibility to take posiitons on the basic question of population growth. I support liberalize abor- tion laws. THE ENVIRONMENT: Nearly everything we do in city govern- ment has environmental conse- quence. For example, we have per- mitted too rapid growth and have overtaxed our sewage treatment plant, thus endangering the Hur- on River. I propose esablishment of a city environmental affairs commission to review all proposed major gov- ernmental actions for their impact on our environment. I also support a local ban on throwaway cans and bottles. STUDENT AND UNIVERSITY RELATIONS: I welcome the inter- est of student voters in local gov- ernment. It is a healthy mani- festation of an inescapable fact of Ann Arbor life - the destinies of the city and the university are intertwined, not just as in- stitutions but as people, This relationship demands con- stant attention - not merely by way of reaction when problems come up, but through ongoing ac- tivities of a student-university re- lations commission, with strong student representation. If elected I will , propose such a commission. Young people should also he ap- pointed to the city's other boards and commissions. DRUGS: As an attorney I sup- ported reduced penalties for pos- session of marijuana. Hard drugs are of course a much more serious problem and should get priority from a law enforcement stand- point. We must provide d.rug edu- cation and treatment. In this connection, I support Rep. Ray Smit's House Bill 6000 which would provide for a state supported network of drug treat- ment and rehabilitation centers. DAY CARE CENTERS: The city provides limited financial sup- port for a day care center at First Presbyterian Church. I support this kind of leadership and in- volvement. But -here too it is im- perative to recognize that our re- sources are severely limited. The challenge is to maximize the possible effect of these re- sources - not, as my Democratic opponent does, to bemoan +he .imi- tations and look for more money. INCOME TAX: I oppose a local income tax, and will continue to do so until- likely changes in state and federal tax structures h-a v e been completed. Of particular con- cern in this rogard is the plight of apartment dwellers - who will gain no property tax relief in re- turn for the addition of an in- come tax. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMIENT: The downtown area is the heart of our city. Along with many com- munity groups, including the Ecol- ogy Center, I believe a necessary first step to its revitalization is approval of the .16 mill bond is- sue to complete the Ashley-First Bypass. I am a local attorney having been graduated from the Univer- sity of Michigan Law School and am a member of the State and local Bar Associations, as well as the American Arbitration Associa- tion. A 4 John Kirscht-De mocrat -CARLA RAPOPORT Executive Editor f ,~ s , Letters to The Daily ' _ Y ' s t Rw M ,s* Z '' ' s . .. _ ' ,. _ ,. "' .. M AM- n f Registration To The Daily: THE HUMAN Rights Party, in its eagerness to establish itself as a viable new party, has taken some libertieswith the truth in its Daily ad of March 24. The Ann Arbor Democratic Par- ty's efforts to register students and other voters has not dimin- ished "with the growth of HRP", as the Human Rights Party charg- ed. The local Democratic Party has long worked to expand voting rights, especially to young voters and to students and other mobile voters. The recent Michigan Supreme. Court decision which gave stu- dents the right to vote where they go to school was initiated by Ann Arbor Democrats on behalf of Democratic students, and was paid for by money raised primarily by local Democrats. Since the Supreme Court deci- sion, Democratic Party volunteers have worked even more vigorous- ty to help those who are eligible, to register to vote. Over forty Democratic volunteer deputy re- gistrars, have worked in recent weeks to register voters door-to- door; one of these volunteers regis- tered over 400 voters, and another registered over 250. HRP further charges that it "had to FORCE Democratic City Clerk Harold Saunders to permit expanded voter registration." Un- der our present manager-city coun- cil form of city government, t h e City Clerk is directly responsible to the City Administrator and not to the Democratic Party. Since Republicans control City Council, persuasion rather than force was the only method avail- able for urging the Clerk to ex- pand registration procedures to the present door-to-door system. Many persons, from both the Democratic Party and from HRP, wanted to see these changes made; it was for this reason that Demo- cratic City Council members in December introduced a resolu- tion directing the City Clerk to allow door-to-door voter registra- tion. It would be helpful to all of us if the HRP 'would contribute con- structively to the discussion of the issues in this campaign. --Carol Rees, Chairman Ann Arbor Democratic Party March 27 SGC now To The Daily: SINCE THE closing of polls in the recent SGC election, The Daily has published quite a few 010 / " t yy y I1 I wnY iiif". ^f4'M1PYli r'. i u news stories and editorials about alleged fraud in those elections. No one will deny that the people have a right to know of formal allegations of dishonesty. Yet, the people also have a right to hear responses to these allega- tions as well as the results of ju- dicial consideration of these alle- gations. On Saturday, March 25, .,the Credentials and Rules Board (C&R is the body which has pri- mary jurisdiction over all elec- tion disputes) heard six separate charges, and dismissed all of them. Most dismissals were on the grounds of insufficient evidence. It should be noted that among. those charges dismissed for insuf- ficient e v i d e n c e were those brought by Joel Silverstein ask- ing the Elections Director to sub- mit to a polygraph-lie detector test, the results of which are no longer admissible evidence in any court in the United States due to their great fallibility. Some of the above decisions were appealed to SGC and were heard on Monday, March .27. These cases were again dismissed though there will be appeal to Central Student Judiciary. Again, it should be noted that when Joel Silverstein and his as-p sociates were asked by Curt Stein- hauer (member-at-large, Respon- sible Alternative Party) to produce their evidence, they refused.. The similarity between these tactics and those of Senator Jo- seph McCarthy's "I have here in my hand . . ." was painfully ob- vious to all present, and allows one to place most of these charges into a proper perspective. As The Daily states. this past campaign probably ranks among the ugliest in SGC history. My party (GROUP) and other parties were repeatedly subjected to var- ious forms of harassment. In the view of myself and oth- ers, this additional barrage of un-. founded charges and allegations is merely a continuation of the cam- paign tactics. Just as these tactics were inap- propriate during the campaign, they are completely inappropriate now. Indeed, smear tactics are never appropriate. The people have made their choices, and the election has been won and lost according to those choices. The time has come fora reconciliation and "burying of the hatchet." Student Government Council presently has a number of import- ant projects and goals that must be implemented, such as the gro- cery cnonerative. the Ieza l dvo- N THE PAST two years, t h e . Democrats on City Council have faced a :series of critical is- sues, including severe budget con- straints, growth problems, human concerns about equity and partici- pation in the community, protec- tion of the environment. In spite of a' Republican major- ity for a year and in spite of the discouraging financial picture, we have successfully achieved a wide range of goals.. These include a healthy city bus system (a prime target for Republican budget cuts) and a Dial-a-Ride demonstration project.- Extra service in the Model Cit- ies area hias been implemented through their transportation pro- gram. Our plan is development of alternatives to the priyate auto- mobile, reflected as well in a start on a bike path network and walk- ways. The public housing program has gone forward in spite of problems: the new high rise on. Miller for the elderly and handicapped is now open and scattered site single family units are under construe- tion. Code enforcement, the city',s major program in -housing;' has resulted in renewal of many. old- er units; wider coverage by the concentrated code - enforcement program now appears possible. Park acquisition, with inner city parks as major priority, has been actively promoted by Democrats. In spite of the budget, Demo- crats have implemented hiring of minority group employes at city hall. They have worked for better police-community relationships, re- flected in many ways ; including grants for police training, a city grievance office, and extensive re- vision to the city disorderly con- duct code. Funds for Ozone House and for the Ann Arbor Child Care Center were wrung out of this year's dollars. More has. been done to make city planning a'reality in the past two years than. ever before. Demo- crats led the fight to retain a° city sign ordinance and prohibit bill- boards. The requirements put on 'developers for school. planning, walkways, soil control, open space dedication, and units for p u b l i c housing have all comeabout in the very recent past. Greatly increased citizen partici pation in the planning, process in- cjicates some success. THESE ARE NOT reasqns for complacency, but positive steps toward goals. In next- year's bud- get, the critical task of keeping important programs must be fac- ed. We will find ways to maintain the things we worked to start. Again, in the past year or so, there has been extensive commun- ity debate and discussion, p I u a actions by council, on' many im- portant issues. The controversy over Briarwood and over city growth generated Intense discus- sion. Packard-Beakes (Ashley- First) has been an issue for two years. So also sites for low incolne housing, emergency housing funds, the city buses. Democrats on Council and many citizens participated. I wonder where those now professing such vital concern have been. 'Election time evokes expres- sions of great involvement in the community, but where were all those fair-weather friends when the community needed more than pieces of paper, promissory notes? People who care, work. 'My re- cord on. working ,12 months out of the year is there for anyone who wants to see it. The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to any- one who wishes to submit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1,000 words. t --PETE HAMILL Humphrey: Worn-out hypocrte 4 New York Post "Only the Vietcong has committed atroci- ties An Vietnam" -Vice-President Hubert Humphrey,,1965. "I keep vigorous by living clean and thinling dirty." - Presidential candidate Humphrey, 1972. HE IS RUNNING around Wisconsin now, a free man, the dyed hair shin- Ing for the -cameras, the slick suits mak- ing him look younger than 61, the re- porters acting as if he were just ano- ther good fella, just another one of the boys, just another pol. But this is Hubert Humphrey, who once said of himself: "I'm Lyndon Johnson's Eleanor Roosevelt." This is a man who was part of the whole dis- mal package that sent 53,000 Ameri- can men out to die in the swamps of Asia, the crowd that wrecked the cities of America by sending our fortunes to every tinhorn dictator on the earth, the gang that laughed and smiled a n d walked in the sunshine when it was all over, while the Berrigans went to jail and the kids went into drugs or silence is a serious candidate for the Presi- dency of the United States? He served as Johnson's flunkie and the war's cheerleader. Humphrey always had one great, noble choice to make during his years of craven servility to Johnson: he could have resigned. It has happened in Eur- opean countries when ministers have found themselves in conflict with the head of state. If he had done so, Humphrey would have emerged as a hero, the man of principle who sacri- ficed a shot at the throne for the honor of his country. He almost certainly would nave won the Democratic nomination in 1968, and he might have brought a much earlier end to the war. But Humphrey never had the guts for that. He described the President - Vice President relationship as "marriage with no divorce" and him- self as the "wife." Reporter Robert Sherrill is one of those who has ninte1rmii the cPm.i1 Kennedys and what happened to him in West Virginia in 1960; there are some who feel that the Kennedy style and money ran right over Humphrey's rath- er thin principles, and that afterwards there would be no meal he would not eat if the dessert promised power. "I'm not glamorous per se," he said. "I'm not young; I'm not old. I'm like the girl next door - always available but you don't necessarily think of mar- riage." There were times in the early days in the Senate when Humphrey sounded like an eloquent champion of civil rights. But this was never entirely true. In Minnesota, he was the great red-baiter of the Farmer-Labor Party, driving out the radicals who had been the cut- ting edge of that very special Ameri- can political party. He was a strikebreaker during his per- iod as Mayor of Minneapolis, and he was always tight with the big money The partial list of contributors to his current campaign shows that he is still closely tied to big business, a fact that some people first discovered during the 1968 campaign. Richard Harris of New Yorker re- cently examined one example of how the Humphrey people disguised t h e i r money. . . . Lew R. Wasserman, pres- ident of the Music Corp. of America and John (Jake the Barber) Factor, a form- er convict turned philanthropist, each gave Vice-President Humphrey m o r e than a quarter of a million dollars in 1968 through such dummy committees as Jewelers for Humphrey-Muskie (the jewelers gave $44 and the two men gave $5000 apiece) and Sports Stars for Humphrey-Muskie (the stars gave $38 and the two men gave $5000 apiece.) Jake the Barber and Wassenman are on the 1972 list, so there isn't much hope for a new Humphrey. The same guys still own him. - -- - VT. - ._ _ _ _. _ _ _. ' - . _ . AL 4 ; , . 4 . a si . ' is \\ ^ ' fie;*,. .a £ , p ' 1 :" ., t ' f ' t _ ., ,. !. ; .. ..w t