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March 30, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-30

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pall y;



President Robben Fleming an-
nounced last night that Friends of
the Rainbow People's Party, a stu-
dent organization, would not be
permitted to rent Hill Auditorium
for a planned non-profit, "Get Out'
the Vote" concert, Saturday night.
* Fleming said in a written state-
ment that the decision was in re-
sponse to "massive violations of
the law, particularly. with regard
to the use of marijuana," at the
last Rainbow Party sponsored
event, the "Free John Sinclair"
rally on Dec. 10.
- "To rent a facility to such a
group a second time, knowing full
well that the party approves and
condones violation of the law in
this respect, puts us in the posi-
tion of condoning illegal acts."
"Normally a request from such

a group to rent a University fa-
cility is routine, subject only to the
financial responsibility of the party
in question," he added.
Fleming refused to make a fur-
ther comment last night.
The concert was to have been
non-partisan, according to a Rain-
bow People's Party spokesperson,
and well known performers in-
cluding Mitch Ryder, Spencer
Davis and the rock group Wilder-
ness Road had volunteered their
services free of charge.
John Sinclair, head of the Rain-
bow People's Party called "the
whole thing bogus. The marijuana
thing -is a ruse. If they were so up
in arms about it, why weren't
there any arrests at the Free John
concert?" 4
"They simply don't want peo-
ple's events. People smoke mari-

juana in classrooms, at football
games, in the Union Ballroom-
There was also speculation
among sources close to the Rain-
bow People's Party that a strong
editorial in the Detroit News after
the Free John concert castigating
the University for allowing mari-
juana smoking to go on without
arrests, might have resulted in
pressure from alumni.
In addition an airing of portions
of the concert on Channel 56 last
week may have fueled reaction
from the public.
According to Sinclair the origi-
nal intention of the Party was to
produce a day long "Easter Be-
In and Campaign Rally" at Crisler
Arena on Sunday to try and get
out the vote for City Council elec-
tions on Monday.

The University told the Party,
explained Sinclair, that Arena
workers were not available on
Easter and that it would be im-
possible to hold the concert there
as a result.
Sinclair says the Party immed-
iately reserved Hill Auditorium for
the Saturday night concert Flem-
ing just called off.
All of the Council candidates
were invited to the Saturday night
concert to set up literature taoles
in the lobby and to be inroduced
briefly at intervals during the con-
Fleming added that "University
facilities may not be rented to
RPP or their affiliates so long as
their present position of violation
of marijuana or other laws pre-

Sinclair said that the Party
"plans to combat the decision."
"We are talking to lawyers right
now," he explained.
Hill .Auditorium has very strict
regulations prohibiting smoking
and according to people who were
at the recent Leon Thomas con-
cert, there were frequent: inter-
missions during which people left
the auditorium and smoked in the
A recent State Supreme Court
ruling which struck down previous
laws governing marijuana use has
left widespread confusion as to
whether possession of the drug is
now illegal. Ann Arbor, however,
has a, city law citing marijuana
use as a misdemeanor.

John Sinclair Pres. Fleming

See Editorial Page

YI [ e



Cloudy, chance of
rain and snow

_... _

Vol. LXXXII, No. 136

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 30, 1972

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

1 -.00,


Ulster; s


ITT humor
International Telephone and Telegraph President Harold Geneen
enjoys a Ilght moment yesterday before the Senate Judiciary
Committee resumed its hearings on the ITT scandal.
SGC -members Sto
boycott meetings

BELFAST (A1)-Violence rippled
across Northern Ireland yesterday
ahead of a British takeover de-
signed to stop the killings in the
Protestant militants returned to
their jobs at the end of a two-day
strike to protest Britain's seizure
of power.
Three gunmen wrecked a coop-
erative food store in Belfast's
Springfield Road after planting a
bomb and warning staff and cus-
tomers they had five minutes to
bet clear. It was Belfast's biggest
blast since last week.
Security forces evacuated near-
by homes and the Clanard Roman
Catholic Monastery before the
bomb went off 25 minutes later
causing no casualties.,
Cooperative stores have become
a favorite target of Irish Republi-
can Army bombers who claim thef
stores are Protestant dominated.f
The IRA, which wants to unite
Northern Ireland with the Irish
Republic, will be a chief target
umder British rule.
In other incidents, gunmen fired
across the border from the Irish
"epublic at a truck driven by a
part-time militia corporal. British
troops and guerrillas later ex-
changed fire over the frontier.
There were no casualties.
In London, both houses of Par-
lament were rushing through
mergency legislation empowering
Britain to run the province after
uspending theNorthern Ireland
-arliament for a year.
Legislators were expected to sit
ate into the night before approv-
ng the government measures that
vill place the province under the
control of the new secretary of
state for Northern Ireland, Wil-
lam Whitelaw.
Unionist legislators of Northern1
reland, who are expected to vote
against the package, were reported
considering getting a parliamen-
ary seat for Irish Prime Minister
Brian Faulkner so he can continue
;o have a strong political voice
while the provincial Parliament
s in cold storage.
Such a move would mean one of
he current union party members
esigning his seat to make way
or Faulkner by means of a spe-
ial election.
The outgoing Faulkner and his
abinet are expected to resign
ormally today as Whitelaw ar-
ives in Belfast to take up the
eins of government.
Faulkner has not said publicly
thether he would consider join-

ask new






Fear of segregation,
. "
legal barriers cited
The Regents yesterday flatly rejected two versions of a
plan designed to set aside Afro-American Cultural Living
units in two dormitories next fall.
At a crowded special meeting, the Regents killed pro-
posals which would have established separate corridors - at
South Quad and Stockwell - for 400 students who express
interest in Afro-American culture.
Instead, the Regents unanimously approved a short
statement directing President Robben Fleming to work with
relevant parties in preparing programs that deal with the
"serious academic, counselling and living problems for mi-
nority groups on campus." -


Five members of the Student
Government Council announced
last night that they would boy-
cott SGC until charges of fraud
in the all-campus election are
.Res onsible Alternative Party
(RAP) members William Kre-
baum, Valda McClain, and Keith
Murphy joined with Joel Silver-
stein of the Radical People's Co-
alition and William Dobbs of the
Student Tenants Union in stat-
ing that. they would "boycott
any and all SGC meetings until
a decision is reached on the
fraud charges being brought by
Mark Reussmann and Scott
The boycott would effectively
make it impossible for the 13-
member Council to reach the re-
quired two-thirds quorum at any
Ruessmann, a member of
RAP, and Seligman, who ran for

president on the Students' Ten-
ant Union Ticket (STUT),
have found "substantial new
evidence" s u p p o r t i n g their
charge that Elections Director
David Schaper "seriously violat-
ed the Elections Code as re-
gards the accounting of ballots."
"The fresh evidence over-
whelmingly points to fraud,"
said Seligman. "I'm confident
that a new election is immin-
Schaper, who has been ap-
pointed SGC treasurerbynew-
ly elected President Bill Jacobs,
responded that the charges
"have absolutely no validity."
Seligman and Ruessmann had
previously requested that SGC
heardtheir allegation and appeal
the decision of the Credentials
and Rules Committee (C&R).
C&R dismissed all charges on
Saturday and officially certi-
fied the election results.

THREE ANTI-WAR DEMONSTRATORS kneel in front of the federal building in Harrisburg, hold-
ing onto a chain waiting to be arrested. The three were among 165 arrested outside the site of the
trial of Phillip Berrigan and six others.

Sym bolic

protest held

The Regents cited both legal
barriers and a fear of segrega-
tion as reasons for rejection. Nev-
ertheless, proponents and detract-
ors of the proposal agreed that it
was overridingly the fear of seg-,
regation that turned the Board
against the proposals.
Most observers had felt that the
plan would be passed with minor
changes after the Regents first
considered it at their regular
March 17-18 meeting. "I think
we'll get enough votes to pass it,"
Regent James Waters (D-Muske-
gon) said after the first meeting.
"We just have to make sure the
units will be multi-racial."
A revised proposal presented to
the Regents after the first meet-
ing had attempted to provide
clarification and details of issues
that were at first unclear, accord-
ing to sponsors.
The proposal, which the Regents
also rejected, included plans for
the creation of a recruiting com-
mittee designed to disseminate in-
formation and actively recruit
blacks and non-blacks.
It also called for the collection
and maintenance of statistics on
the multi-racial makeup of the
units and a provision to terminate
the leases of participants if a
court "of competent jurisdiction"
judged the racial composition to
be de-facto segregation.
After the proposal was first sub-
mitted, a number of groups were
asked to offer an opinion on the
legal advisability of the program.
At the March 17 Regents meet-
ing, the Michigan Civil Rights
Commission, the Ann Arbor
branch of the American Civil Lib-
erties Union and the University's
Commission on Minority Groups
concluded that it was not in vio-
See REGENTS, Page 6

OK more-
college aid.
WASHINGTON Of)-After a bitter
debate, Senate-House conferees on
the $23-billion higher-education bill
have agreed on a. student-assist-
ance package from the Senate
version, committee sources say.
Announcemer.t f the decision
has not been made and it could be
reversed later, but sources said
Tuesday the provision was accept-
ed by House conferees on an 11-9
The student aid plan, sponsored
by Sen. Claiborne Pell (D-R.I.),
head of the Senate delegation and
chairman of the education. sub-
committee, is designed to give
more equitable financial aid to the
nation's eight million college stu-
The plan, however, is opposed
by Rep. Edith Green (D-Ore.),
chief sponsor of the House bill. She
favors continuance of present stu-
dent-aid programs.
On the crucial vote, three Demo-
crats joined with eight Republicans
to agree to the Senate proposal.
Nine Democrats opposed it. The
administration backs Pell's plan.
The Pell plan would make every
college student , available for a
maximum annual federal payment
of $1,400 minus the amount that
his family could reasonably be ex-
pected to contribute.

outside Berrigan


Special To The Daily
HARRISBURG, Pa. - P o 1 i c e.
made 165 arrests here yesterday
as they broke up an orderly anti-
war protest centering around the
Berrigan conspiracy trial.
An initial 250 persons formed a
human chain yesterday morning
around the Federal Building, site
of the trial.
The protest, sponsored by the


2nd Ward:


for students

National Union of Theological Stu-!
dents and Seminarians, included
seminarians, clergy and lay people
from across the country.
It was intended to show support
for the conspiracy defendants and
their opposition to the Indochina
The Berrigans are on trial for
conspiracy to kidnap presidential
aide HenryaKissinger.
Shortly after 7:30 a.m. yester-
day a police captain told the
growing crowd, "Anyone wishing
to disperse do so now or you will
be arrested."
When the protestors failed to
move, police cut the chain. An
Episcopalian minister was the first
to be arrested. Later 12 police
marched to one entrance, charged
12 demonstrators with disorderly
conduct and accompanied them to
a police van. After fingerprinting,
they filed into the vehicles.
Arrested demonstrators w e r e!
held in a farm exhibition building
where bond was set at $60 and
hearings began later that after-
noon. Many of the arrested carried!
Bibles and read passages to their
respective arresting officers.
Additional protests are planned
for later this week. Over 15,000
people are expected to attend a
mass rally here Saturday.
Because of the lack of man-
power and the lengthy time re-

who wished to reconsider to leave.'
Those remaining willingly drop-
ped the chain and followed an offi-
cer to a van. While each arrest
was being made, spectators ap-
plauded and some literally danced
in the street.
So me spectators lining the
streets joined in the singing while
others criticized the protest. An
angry on-looker told one demon-
strator, "This isn't peace, buddy.
This is limiting free access to a
public building."
Another Harrisburg resident de-
scribed the demonstrators as "the
worst scum this town has ever

While nearly all of Ann Ar-
bor's five wards have a certain
number of students living din
-hem, the second Ward is most
clearly identified as the major
student area. Containing al-
most the entire central campus
of the University withaits sys-
tem of dorms as well as many
.electios 72:
ann arbor
apartment structures, the Sec-
ondi WIOT't and, -itc nn,1irc c

Police express concern over
upcoming Diag hash smoke-in

Unlike almost everyone else, University security
officers are "not amused" at the reports of a hash
uled for April Fools Day at two p.m.

and city police
festival sched-

Indeed, they are somewhat consternated by the flood of pub-
licity preceding the purported event.
"We can't have another Goose Lake here at the University,"
declared University Safety Director Frederic Davids.

Nancy Weschler

Michael Morris

Tom Burnham

?" .

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