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March 29, 1972 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-29

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Wit £ir an Dannt
Eighty-one years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan


of 2nd

Ward candidates
Nancy Wechsler-HRP

Mike Morris-Democrat

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Supporting Afro housing

TODAY THE Regents have a chance to
reaffirm their two-year-old commit-
'ment to black students on this campus.
The Afro-American Cultural Living
Unit plan, which would set aside parts
of South Quad specifically for those in-
terested in black culture, comes up for
the Regents to pass or kill at a special
meeting of that body today.
The proposal was also up before the
Regents earlier this month, and they
heard two days worth of comments on
the unit. Then, as usual, they dodged,
failing to rule and sending the plan back
into limbo for another few weeks while
they thought about it.
In every dormitory, blacks are separ-
ated in a sea of whites. Racial tensions
have grown this year to such an extent
that many dorms are completely and bit-
terly polarized. Blacks living in South
Quad say they have no base from which
to function politically or socially.
BLACKS NEED and deserve a living
place where they can exercise their
life style and the cultural unit would be
such a place. It would allow blacks and
those interested in black cultural ex-
perience a freedom of life style in a way
which would avoid the conflict that two
different cultures clashing on the same
dorm corridor invites.
The clashes these days quite clearly do

not lead to the blissful understanding be-
tween the groups that those favoring in-
tegration at all costs hope for.
But perhaps such understanding could
be reached through the development and
growth of a black life style in the dorms
and the special programs and projects
incorporated into the Cultural Living
Unit plan for disseminating information
and opinion about that life style.
Certainly rap sessions an Afro-Ameri-
can Cultural Living Unit would sponsor
would be more conducive to understand-
ing than is the present picture of blacks
and whites eating at separate tables in
the South Quad dining hall.
Two years ago this week blacks and
whites together struck for increase black
enrollment and increased programs for
blacks on this campus.
At that time, the Regents made a com-
mitment; not only to let in more blacks,
but to create affirmative action devices
needed to augment their educaional ex-
perience once admitted.
The cultural living unit plan, proposed
not by the administration, but by the
blacks themselves, is one such necessary
It would be a tragedy if they don't
realize this and pass the plan at today's
Editorial Director

FOR TEN YEARS I was an independent
voter. No party was responsive to
the people's needs. After moving to Ann
Arbor, I discovered the Ann Arbor Demo-
cratic Party. Here I found the people
who believe what I believe and who are
working for what I , " }
want to see. Here I
found the men a n d
women who know
that people are
m o r e important
than property. Here
I found the people
who know that even
small advances do
more to make li f e
better than a whole
fistful of grandiose impossible plans. I
have been a Democrat for little more
than a, year and am proud to represent
my party in the second ward.
I have learned that community involve-
ment is a difficult and necessary part
of loving a city and making it a better
place to live. Mose of us are perfectly
willing to let the other person do the
work. Unfortunately, the otherperson
t is usually the landlord, the profiteer, the
destroyer. We need the people who really
love the city to do more of the work. The
Ann Arbor Democratic Party is many of
those people.
We need to change some of the forms
of city government to make it morie're-
sponsive to all of the citizens. People
need to have more say in the design and
operation of those city services and fa-
cilities which affect their everyday lives.
More people are needed to help with the
work of existing citywide boards and
commissions. Ironically, it is sometimes
even difficult to find people to serve on
these. vital but unspectacular poi~cy
CITY COUNCIL seldom deals in grand
designs. By its nature it acts on seem-
ingly humdrum proposals which can make
living in Ann Arbor a. little better or a
little worse. As your council representa-
tive I will work in this framework to
build a better city. I will not pretend
that I can drive landlords out of town.
Instead, I will introduce measures de-
signed to make them treat tenants fair-
ly. I will not let the city deteriorate
while waiting for an ideal tax system. In-
stead, I will support the only income tax
state law allows. -Meanwhile I will con-
tinue the twenty-year-long Democratic
fight for a graduated income tax. I will
not merely sermonize about the root caus-
. es of crime, although I am very con-
cerned about them. Instead, I will work
'to institute continuing training p r o -
grams to make police officers more hu-
mane in their treatment of minorities
and more effective in their prevention of
serious crime. I will not make grand

speeches about the quality of life. In-
stead I will support proposals to imprave
garbage collection and to begin a city-
wide recycling system.
The Packard-Beakes highway is a clear
issue of people against machines. One of
the first accomplishments of the Demo-
crats when they took office in 1969 (for
the first time in 40 years) was the estab-
lishment of a city bus system. Without
buses the poor can not get to work and
new highways have to be built. My party
has Worked hard to preserve that sys-
tem against Republican attempts to dis-
mantle it. My party is committed to
the integrity of residential neighborhoods
against traffic. All four Democratic coun-
cil members voted against Packard-Beak-
es. All five Democratic council cand-
idates oppose it.
Next Monday's election is a crucial one.
I believe the voters will choose a humane
and realistic vision of the future. I be-
lieve you will not be misled by false
promises of easy solutions to difficult
problems. I believe you will choose real
reform. I believe you will vote Demo-

THE HRP is a grass roots, open, demo-
cratically run party. All our political
decisions are made at publicized .o p e n
meetings. I as a candidate for the party
am committed to the decisions made at
those meetings, both during this campaign
and when I am on ;
council. I am nots
running merely as
an individual but to
represent an entire
group of people who
have never before
been represented in
city government -
including women,
the young, students,
workers, and those
disillusioned by the other two parties.
Presently there is not one woman on
city council. Three out of the five HRP
candidates ,for city council are women-
a good reflection of the position women
have taken in the party. It is important
that we begin to elect women with good
politics to office.
If people will get out and vote on

Tom Burnham-Republican

SGC election inquiry

WE THE students of Ann Arbor have
been promised two things by City
Council for many years. First, we have
been assured that council is sympathetic
to the desires of young people and se-
condly, that action on student concerns
would be forthcoming. I have been at
the University for
seven years and
have yet to see
those promises ful-
As a councilman,
I would plan to <
make immediate ap-
plication for avail- ,, s
able federal funds,
to educate, treat
a n de rehilitte
drug-addicted persons. Having lived in
London and Paris for most of my teen-
age life, I am most aware of their ad-
ministered legalized-heroin-to-addicts pro-
gram. I expounded this program long
before this campaigntstartedgand am
enthused that Rep. Ray Smit (R-Ann
Arbor) has recently introduced to t h e
Michigan legislature a bill which would al-
low this in Michigan.
The issue of transportation n e e d s
considerable attention. I support a mass
transportation system which serves at
the least the poorer areas of town. I
would. urge the construction of bicycle
paths between student housing areas and

the campus and the transformation of
East U. and South U. into tree-lined
malls. I also support satellite parking.
THE ECOLOGY of Ann Arbor has been
subjected to muh hypocriticalhrhetoric
and little action. I spoke at some length
with the Director of the Ecology Center
and discovered that they are stymied by
lack of funds. Realizing that the City
could be of little help, I went to Wash-
ington last week to lobby for the funds
the Center needs. I met with the White
House staff and several Congressmen and
Senators. They were sympathetic and as a
result Congressman Esch will introduce
legislation designed to help our Center.
It appears that the University campus
may very well become a precinct of the
Ann Arbor Police Department. I support
student representation on a mandatory
review board concerning actions of police
on campus. I also urge that these police
be extremely well trained so as not to
instigate any foolish problems with stu-
We niust provide low-cost housing to
the disadvantaged of this city. Our public
housing units must be properly run or it
is quite clear that HUD will remove the
subsidy and the poor will lliterally be on
the streets. I believe the poor should be
given a, chance to earn equity ownership
in homes and thus I support more "sec-
tion 235" housing in Ann Arbor.

April 3 it looks as if at least two HRP
-candidates will be elected.
On Council we will not just vote the
right way' but mobilize people in the
Ann Arbor community around issues af-
fecting their lives. We will actively par-
ticipate in local demonstrations and strike
The budget comes up for discussion
right after the election and HRP will
make motions to change budget priorities.
Rather than enlarging the police force,
HRP believes the City should substan-
tially increase services such as child-
care, housing, and transportation. We will
work for community control of these
WE WILL, as councilpeople, have ac-
cess to a great deal of information that
is presently not readily available to the
public. We will make this information
public and readable, so that everyone
understands the issues.
We will bring up motions and get the
other parties on the record on where they
stand - on strong anti-strike breaking
ordinances, on discrimination based on
sex and sexual preference, on drug laws,
on ecology. Right now when we go to
city council meetings we are ignored.
Guy Larcom (who has been city admin-
istrator for almost 16 years) and Walter
Krasny (chief of police) should be fired.
We will work for community control
of the police.
A referendum should be placed on the
ballot for a change in the city's form of
government to do away with the post of
city administrator and have a full-time
elected mayor.
The HRP will push to eliminate the
ward system which gerrymanders Ann
Arbor so that students and lower in-
come people have less political power. If
this fails we will have input into how
the wards will be drawn for the next
election and push for preferential ballot-
ing, where people could vote for their
first and second choice.
We can stop future disasters like Briar-
wood and Packard Breakes (Ashley-
I URGE people to join the third party
movement in Ann Arbor. It is time we
stop voting for the lesser of two evils
and cast a positive vote for social
change. This election, on April 3, is
of local and national significance. More
young people and students have regter-
ed to vote in the second ward this year
than the total number of votes received
last year by all the candidates combined.
Your vote will count.

RECENT All-Campus elections were
the ugliest, dirtiest and most incom-
petently run in recent memory - which
isn't to say there hasn't been ugliness be-
This year the elections were marked by
vicious personal allegations between can-
didates, ripped-down posters and a wide-
spread atmosphere of antagonism.
Last Tuesday, the final day of voting,
The Daily was besieged with complaints
from students who said they had been un-
able to vote because nearby polling booths
had closed down earlier than scheduled.
Representatives from the business
school called to complain that their bal-
lots had not been picked up almost six
hours after their poll had closed. SGC
election results were not availablenuntil
more than a day after the voting had
Results of the LS&A election were not
made official until almost a week after
the election - during which nearly 200
ballots showed up and changed the out-
comie of certain contests significantly.
MOST SERIOUS of the charges of fail-
ure in the election are those alleg-
ing fraud. A significant number of bal-
lots were voided immediately. SGC Elec-
tion Director Dave Schaper's amorphous
explanation was that "the ballots were
received in such a way that SGC's Cre-
dentials and Rules Committee judged
them (to be) stuffed."

The ballot stuffing charges have ac-
celerated in the last two days as a coali-
tion -of the right and the left have
brought charges of massive fraud before
C&R - charges which will be heard by
Central Student Judiciary in the next
few days.
Joel Silverstein, a Council member, has
challenged Shaper to take a polygraph
test. Although it would be difficult to
imagine that Shaper knowingly and pur-
posely fixed the election, such a test
might well help to clear the muddled air.
It is also important that a new Elec-
tions Director be found. Shaper has clear-
ly shown his administrative incompetence
in this election and in the interest of
both smooth running future elections and
increased confidence among students in
the election procedures, such a change
would be advisable.
It is not fair to throw all the blame on
Shaper, however. He had no experience
when he was given the job six months
ago and is only a freshman. The sensi-
tive position of Elections Director should
be given to a person both with experience
and with widely established respect.
STUDENT RESPECT for both the elec-
tion process and the effectiveness of
elected representatives is low enough
without the added ugly implications of
the recent election.



Letters: HRP best on sexism issue

To The Daily:
THE MEMBERS of the Human
Rights Party are to be applauded
for their progressive, humanitar-
ian platform. Their unique ap-
proach to the problems of sexism,
drug use, and housing contrasts
greatly with the platforms of oth-
er candidates for City Council.
Their statement on sexism ex-
emplifies this best. While their
opponents are content, by and
large, to let current trends set
their pace, the Human Rights
Party promises-to Work for the
repeal of laws discriminating
against homosexuals. They defend
the right of the individual to ex-
ercise his own sexual prtference.
This is a courageous stand and
shows well their depth of concern
for the civil rights of homosexuals.
The other candidates fail to re-

spond either from lack of concern
or from fear of losing votes.
Councilmen of the courage and
integrity of Jerry deGrieck, Nancy
Wechsler, Genie Plamondon, Da-
vid Black, and Nancy Romer
Burghhardt will work for the
rights of all individuals. We urge
all members of the gay community
and those sympathetic to the
cause of human rights to support
HRP in the election on April 3.
-Gay Liberation Front
Ann Arbor, Michigan
March 28
An incident
To The Daily:
today, an incident occurred which
may interest the voters of Ann
Arbor. A middle aged "gentleman"

(in brown coat, hat and wearing
glasses - keep your eye out for
him), with a bundle of torn post-
ers under his arm, was tearing
down Genie Plamondon's cam-
paign poster and bumper sticker
off a telephone pole. I walked up
to him and said: "Hey you fucker !
What're you tearing them down
for?" This member of the silent
majority didn't say anything but
continued tearing down the last of
the bumper stickers from the pole.
As he left, I made an appropriate
remark to the fascist vandal. I bet
I lowered his opinion of youth.
-Steven McClure, '72
March 28


To The Daily:
vitamins (Daily, March
brought up some points that


Adelle Davis appears in the ar-
ticle as "the high priestess of
popular nutrition" - an unfortun-
ate choice of terms at best. Any-
one familiar with Adelle's w o r k
knows that she bases her advice
firmly in scientific fact; the black
magic connotations of "high priest-
ess" couldn't be more out of place.
"Popular nutrition" is another
ill-chosen phrase. It "popular"
means controversial, uncomprom-
ising, and against the processed
food industry, Adelle's opinions
might be better labeled "radical."

Soledad: A stacked deck

IN DEATH, Black Soledad Brother
George Jackson has become a symbolic
figure in the travesty of American justice.
First. sent to prison for petty larceny,
Jackson became well known for a book
called "Letters from Prison," which de-
scribed the agony of prison life and the
social inequity which sends some crim-
inals to prison. but lets other roam the
streets as free citizens.
Jackson's name emerged in headlines
in January, 1970, when he and two other
prisoners were accused of murdering a
white prison guard at the Soledad Prison.
Jackson died last August, shot by prison
guards at San Quentin, for what they
termed an escape attempt, but he con-
Editorial Staff
SARA FITZGERALD............. Managing Editor
TAMMY JACOBS..................Editorial Director
CARLA RAPOPORT.................Executive Editor
ROBERT SCHREINER................ .. News Editor
ROSE SUE BERSTEIN. .......Feature Editor
PAT BAUER ...A.......Associate Managing Editor
LINDSAY CHANEY.............Editorial Page Editor
MARK DILLENE................Editorial Page Editor
ARTHUR LERNER ..... Editorial Page Editor

tinues to command headline space for his
link to Angela Davis.
Davis is now on trial for a complex
charge of murder-kidnap-conspiracy. Ac-
cording to the state of California, Davis
had plotted to set free the three Soledad
Brothers, and to supply the guns for a
Marin County courtroom break. Jonathan
Jackson, brother of George, a judge and
two others were killed in the resulting
shootout, allegedly planned to arrange
ransom for the Soledad brothers.
Although charges against Jackson were
dropped when he was slain, the remain-
ing two Soledad Brothers stood trial on
the murder charge and were acquitted
Exoneration came too late, however, to
save George Jackson from a savage death.
BUT THE San Francisco verdict that
freed John Clutchette and Fleeta
Drumgo on the Soledad charges-Drumgo
still faces indictment stemming from the
violence at San Quentin - can serve as
a valuable lesson to at least the two juries
that, will decide the fate of Angela Davis
and Fleeta Drumgo.
The American court system has grave-

The police and political harassment

If "popular" means bastardized,
amateur, or unfounded, the term
doesn't apply at all.
Adelle Davis must represent
some sort of threat to the medical
and dietetic professions. Why else
would Health Servicenphysician
Max Durfee call someone with a
graduate degree in biochemistry
and 30 years of nutritional re-
search expericence "a food fadist
with relatively little education?"
If Dr. Durfee ever took the time
to check Adelle's sources, he would
find that the nutritional reseach
she endorses appears in the saime
august journals whose advice doc-
tors everywhere follow (e.g. the
Journal of the American Medical
Association, Lancet, 'etc.).
Adelle says repeatedly in h e r
books that people should follow
their doctors' advice; doctors know
They don't, however, have 30
years of practical nutrition behind
them. Medicine and nutrition are
two different areas of specializa-
Adelle Davis is not a "food
fadist." I think I can speak for
quite a few people who know
that it does make a difference in
your health when you eat the
healthy foods that Adelle bavis
--Barton Evans
March 22
To The Daily:
BURNHAM is a fraud. He told
me last week that he has itept his
Republican party affiliation off his
campaign materials and newspap-
er ads because he wants to win.
It is a tactic designed to tem-
porarily disassociate him from the
Republican oligarchy in 'is city.
He realizes that the people of
Ann Arbor won't buy that clique
of conservative business interests
any more, so he's trying some dif-
ferent packaging.
Don't buy Burnham. He's still
the guy who heckled Mayor Har-
ris last year, quoting Stephenson
and charging Harris with:being
too haird on landlords. 1He's run


. EDITOR'S NOTE: The author is a mem-
ber of the Washtenaw Organizing Com-
mittee, a "revolutionary-socialist group of
students and workers." While Ann Arbor
Police yesterday did not specifically re-
fute Burke's charges, a police spokes-
man said picketers were responsible for
"quite a bit of malicious destruction" and
that the police were at the scene "just to
keep the exits and entrances peaceful."
ON MARCH 22 I was arrested on suspicion
of having tried - and failed - to bend
a car antenna. The interrogation I went
through afterwards gave me a lesson in
threats, intimidation, and lies by the police.
It also showed that they seem to be very
upset when students and workers begin to
get together.
It began at the Commission on Professional
and Hospital Activities, where striking work-
ers and outside supporters were picketing. Af-
ter a, scab car went through, almost hitting
me (I have been hit by cars there before),

the window in the metal door, looked at me,
then closed it up again. Then a Detective
Bunten came to get me.
He started out pretty chummy, suggesting
that we talk the situation over and get it
sraightened out. We went through questions
abou height-weight-a ddmess-age etc., and when
he found out I had been arrested in the 1968
welfare sit-in, he got very nostalgic. No kid-
ding, he said, he had worked that one too,
that was a long time ago.
Then came the questions. We only spent a
minute or two on my alleged crime; he asked
if I had done it, and I said no. He said
that might be true, it wasn't for him to say,
but anyway that wasn't what he was really
interested in. He wanted to know what I was
doing there in the first place.
FROM THAT POINT ON, as I see it, he.
wasn't investigating a crime but doing politi-
cal interrogation that was none of his busi-
ness.I don't remember the order of it all for
sure, but there were some very peculiar
things that went on.
He tried to make me feel all alone, and

stupid as to believe it. Maybe he wanted me
to think I was being cheated out of my share.
He tried to scare me by talking about a
maximum sentence of 90 days and $500 -
"plus restitution." I suppose he was telling
the truth, but I don't think that kind of use
of fear is legitimate.
And he asked me a whole lot of questions
about why I was at the picket line. What was
the strike about, where had I heard about it,
did the union solicit me, didn't I think that
only members of the union concerned in a
strike should picket? Eventually I told him I
thought his questions were irrelevant to my
alleged "crime." He answered with a vague
threat: that if he could show that the union
solicited people and paid them to do any
damage, he would hang a conspiracy charge
on everyone out there.
When I said I didn't want to talk any
more, he put me in the lockup for a few
more minutes, then took my. picture and
released me, "pending issuance of a war-
rant." I don't know whether they'll issue
a warrant or not.


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