DANGERS IN ULSTER See Editorial Page I dAJ friigaut ~~Iait LAMBISH High- 18 Low-27 Clear and partly cloudy, warmer Vol. LXXXII, No. 134 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 28, 1972 Ten Cents Eight Pages I General strike cripples N. Ireland Soledad Brothers Walk-out in reaction to new JiJlster govt. halts industry BELFAST, Northern Ireland 1P} - A cut in breakfast time electric power signalled the start of a massive, crippling general strike called by Northern Ireland's Protestant major- ity to protest Britain's takeover of their government. Ousted Prime Minister Brian Faulkner, who resigned 4ather than accede to British demands for control of internal security, called for a campaign of non-cooperation with the Ulster province's new British overlord, William Whitelaw. Whitelaw is to rule Ulster's six counties for one year. Yesterday's strike virtually crippled industry. Flights were grounded, trains, buses and ferries halted; banks and shops Vhut down; According to a Trade Union Congress estimate, 130,000 of Northern Ireland's' 215,000 workers heeded the Vote fraud strike call The strike was seen as a chill- ing -show of Protestant force and allega ions!a taste of things to come in Ul- eg at n s ster, a province already shattered by nearly three years of continu- ous sectarian strife between the Protestant majority and the Cath- olic minority. The fighting has left 288 persons dead. Catholics in Belfast, fearful of By DAN BIDDLE sparking confrontations with the Student Government C o u n c i l columns of Protestant militants voted last night to place the latest who paraded the streets, stayed challenge to the validity of he all- indoors. Taverns in Catholic dis- campus election results before the tricts were closed. Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) The right-wing paramilitary Ul- for a final decision. ster Vanguard hailed the strike as In an emergency meeting called a show of force for the Protest- to settle appeals to the Creden- ants. "This will show where the dial and Rules Committee's (C&R) real power lies in this country," decisions, defeated Student Ten- said William Craig, leader of the ants Union candidates Scott Selig- hardline extremist Protestant man, Rick Steinberg, SGC mem- group. ber Joel Silverstein, and Respon- By midday, industry had ground sible Alternative Party member to a halt. A water crisis was feared Mark Ruessman, claimed that they when filtering plants were shut were gathering "new evidence down, and the Electricity Board hich clearly indicates a massive announced 'a rotation system election fraud." blacking out homes for six of ev- The charges were directed at ery eight hours. 15,000 shipyard Elections Director David Schaper, and aircraft workers marched to who estimated at Saturday's C&R Belfast's City Hall, where they hearing that approximately 3,900 were greeted by more protesters ballots had been cast on Tuesday singing Protestant battle hymns. and some 1,300-1,400 more Wednes- Some strikers, parading under lay the red and white flag of Ulster,' Seligman and Silverstein said sported signs reading, "Heath for that they have "signed affidavits Long Kesh," a call to intern Brit- from 20-25 per cent of Wednes- ish Prime Minister Edward Heath day's poll workers showing that at in the main camp for detaining least. 1,440 people voted Wednes- suspects of the outlawed Irish Re- day." publican Army (IRA). "That accounts for only -one Meanwhile, the Provisional IRA *urth of the poll workers at best," command in Londonderry report- Seligman continued. edly announced a suspension of "Before long we should be able operations against civilian targets, to prove that at least 2,000 people but said it would continue to fight voted on Wednesday, contrary to British forces. Schaper's figure of 1,400." The command later denied hav- Schaper yesterday called the ing announced the truce, however, Varges of fraud "totally invalid." triggering speculation that its "It was almost impossible for Dublin headquarters had ordered me to know exactly how many the denial. The Dublin headquar- ballots were cast on either elec-j ters has refused to consider any tion day, but I don't think the cease-fire plan following recent charge of missing ballots can be British attempts to settle the' substantiated," he said. strife. Silverstein, Seligman, Ruessman, The British plan is designed to nd Steinberg are requesting a grant the Catholic minority more total investigation of the elec- input in the Ulster government. declared not guilty From the Associated Press and The Berkeley Barb SAN FRANCISCO - An all- white jury yesterday acquitted the two surviving Soledad B r o t h e r s, black convicts charged with murdering a white prison guard. The two - John Clutchette and 'CiIFleeta Drumgo - and George Jackson, a third Soledad Brother who died in San Quentin violence last Aug. 21, are the prisoners An- gela Davis is charged with plot- ting to set free. The thirteen week trial has drawn considerable national at- tention and has been the focus of a movement to free the Soledad Brothers, who many claim were on trial primarily for their political, beliefs. Explaining yesterday's verdict, one member of the Superior Court jury said, "The state didn't pre- sent any evidence." "Of the three State witnesses, we couldn't believe two; and we could hardly believe the third," said another juror. Clutchette, 28, and Drumgo, 26, were accused with Jackson, 28, of beating guard John Mills to death Jan. 16, 1970, at Soledad Prison! in Monterey County. Jackson, whose book of letters from prison became an under- ground best seller, died with three white guards and two white con- victs in what prison authorities called an escape attempt. "The verdict is beautiful" Davis said in San Jose where the black Communist is on trial for charges of kidnap, conspiracy and murder. She is charged withgproviding the weapons for an Aug. 7, 1970. Marin County courtroom break at- 1 tempt in which a iudge and three white jury -Associated Press Boston fracas The violence pictured above broke out yesterday as Boston University students fought city police dur- ing a protest against Marine recruiters at the university's placement office. Police said 30 persons were arrested in the melee. 2.5-MILL INCREASE: -Daily-Terry Mccarthy STUDENTS JOIN CPHA striking employes yesterday after pro- testing outside the aerospace division of the Bendix Corporation earlier in the day. Studenits pC Bendix, CPHA Property tax proposal placed on May ballot w I I By JIM KENTCH The Ann Arbor City Council voted unanimously last night to place a 2.5 mill property tax in- crease for the fiscal year 1972-3 on the May 16 ballot. If the voters pass the tax levy, city services will be maintained atj the present level, according to City Administrator Guy Larcom. If thei proposal is defeated, budget cuts n certain departments will be in- evitable, he added. collection force their jobs, Larcom According to Larcom, balancing said. the budget without the tax will Other austerity measures en- require a reduction of 10 men from visioned by Larcom include freez. the police force as well as similar ing the budget of the Human personnel cuts in the fire, building Rights department and slashing and safety and parks and recrea- the Ann Arbor Transportation, tion departments. Authority subsidy by $60,000. It will also be necessary to con- T tion" based on their charge that Schaper is unable to account for all election ballots, especially the 500-1,000 allegedly missing ballots cast Wednesday. John Koza, of GROUP, who as- 'sted Schaper during the ballot count, responded that such an ac- counting "would be impossible since many ballots have been thrown out or used for scr apI paper." C&R chairman Tom Bentley had requested at earlier hearings that *1 ballots be "held for further investigation." Newly-seated SGC President Bill Jacobs, also a member of GROUP, described the fraud allegations as Meanwhile, both Brad Taylor's challenge to the Student Board of 4ublications election and Jay Hack's charge of an incorrect cm- puter program used to tabulate votes were dismissed last night by SGC. Seligman, Silverstein, Steinberg and Ruessman also called for Schaper to submit voluntarily to a lb-detector test. Schaper refused. to comment on the request. There has thus been lic pressure on the down its activities - Protestants deem ter give the British mov some Catho- IRA to tone - which the rorist - and ves a chance. C: t] A p vert to a curb-side method of gar- bage collection which could cost nearly half the present garbage Holy Week demonstrations add excitement to Hqrrisburg trial By MARY KRAMER Nearly all the Life contingent The participants in the day's ac- Special To The Daily marchers covered' their faces with tivities were not predominantly HARRISBURG, Pa. - Nearly brilliant rainbow shades of grease young people as older, married' 800 demo nstrators danced, paint. couples with children were in at- marched and skipped their way Several 'resourceful participants tendance. into downtown Harrisburg Sun- utilized trash found in a nearby An old, blue van plastered with' day to nrk the start of "Holy dumping area and improvised a posters and slogans drove by with Week" festivities focused on the kazoo and hubcap drum band, a sign at the top proclaiming, "I Berrigan conspiracy trial. Carrying banners bearing senti- am seventy-five but I am with Demonstrators assembled on an ments such as "I will die _... but the young against the war." island in the Susquehanna Ftiver that is all I will do for death," the A and divided themselves into "Life" procession slowly made its way to A large percentage of the group and "Death".contingents. the capital. seemed to consist of liberal Romanl At the head of the procession. Although residents lingering Catholics and Quakers. protestors with faces painted in along the streets were not hostile The carnival atmosphere was stark black and white donned long to the d e m o n s t r a t o r s, many retained during defendant Tony black-hooded robes to signify seemed mystified by the boisterous Scoblick's address on capital spectres of death. activity. grounds. spectresHe jokingly referred to "the next conspiracy trial" as the one The 2.5 mill tax is a temporary procedure and is not designed as a long range solution to the city's financial problems. Larcom said that this tax was to "hold the line," and might be subject to re-' newal-like the school tax. Larcom's view was shared by Democratic Mayor Robert Harris, who reiterated his belief that the long term solution to the city's fi- nancial crisis was a city income tax. Councilman Robert Weaver (R- Second Ward) said that "It's un- fortunate that we have to deal with this issue and that the next council has to live with it. But I never object to the public's voting, on an issue of this seriousness." Ann Arbor landlords would be able to transfer payment of the property tax to their tenants un- der the present national economic controls. Rainbo By LORIN LABARDEE Attempting to broaden its base of support beyond the student community, the Rainbow Peo- ple's Party (RPP )-formerly the White Panther P a r t y-has in- volved itself this year in elec- toral politics. Most prominently, Party mem- ber Genie Plamondon is running for the vacant City Council seat in the Third Ward. abductors died. The prosecution By DAVE BURHENN contends the purpose was to ran- Chanting anti-war slogans and carrying cardboard pro- som freedom for the three Soledad test signs, a small group of student demonstrators yesterday Brothers. picketed the aerospace division of the Bendix Corporation and The Soledad Brothers trial had later the Commission on Professional and Hospital Activities lasted 13 weeks under extraordin- (CPHA). ary security precautions at the Hall of Justice. Clutchette and Both the Bendix Corporation, whose areospace division Drumgo were flown back and forth manufactures component parts for military aircraft used in each day from San Quentin by Vietnam, and the CPHA, which is a consultant firm for ap- helicopter. - ---- proximately 1,500 hospitals, In addition, all observers were are located in northeast Ann photographed, frisked, and as- Arbor. signed seats. Women observersTh stereveals were subjected to vaginal searches. 35, st w o theed When the innocent verdicts were bout 35, first went to the Bendix read, Clutchette and Drumgo ori u o s plant, where they paraded in the )umped up and hugged their driveway shouting and bearing court-appointed attorneys-Rich- By LORIN LABARDEE placards attacking the corpora- ard Silver and Floyd Sillimanh tion for its involvement in the The Human Rights Party (HRP) Vietnam air war. The group then "But our fight is not over. Fleeta yesterday released a complete list marched to the CPHA building, has been indicted for what hap- of its contributors to the city elec- where they joined about 30 strik- pened at San Quentin when tion campaigns. ing CPHA employes on the picket George Jackson died. So we have Commenting on the list, HRP co- line. to keep on fighting," said Inez ordinator Doug Cornell said, "We The CPHA strike began last Williams, Drumgo's mother. have nothing to hide. We are chal- Feb. 23 when approximately 150 Drumgo is charged with murder lenging the other parties to show workers walked out after a dis- in an indictment stemming from who their contributors are." pute with the CPHA management the San Quentin violence. The HRP list reveals that 114 over the establishment of a union No other charge was pending persons have contributed a total shop. a ga in st Clutchette, who was of $2,154.06. Mr hn5 e eto h sriThe largest contribution was employes voted to join United scheduled for parole April 20, 1970, Tae las Hodgin was Auto Workers Local 157 when the before being charged in Mills' made by Dallas Hodgins who gave issue was put to a vote six months death. $500. Hodgins, who ran for City ago. Negotiations began with The assault in which Mills died pCouncil in 1a62tosit he cobatc CPHA at that time, but broke came three days after three black to HRP because he felt they are down over the closed shop issue. Soledad convicts were killed by more progressive than the Demo- Talks are scheduled to resume the gunfire of guards seeking to corats today. break up a prison yard melee s - The strike has raised intense among black and white prisoners. Political notables who contri- feelings on both sides, and flared Mills was killed within hours buted to HRP were: Fred Postill, emotions were readily apparent after a county grand jury ruled an announced candidate for Wash- yesterday. As non-strikers left the the three deaths were "justifiable tenaw County sheriff; Perry Bul- site, strikers and the demonstrat- homicide." See HRP, Page 8 See PICKETS, Page 8 ELECTORAL EMPHASIS 'w Party seeks support people, but for all people in the community," she adds. T Plamondon, a member of the RPP's Central Committee, wasf nominated by HRP last Febru- ary. The political alliance mark- ed a triumph over friction be- 5 tween the two previously-un- aligned groups. In last April's election the Ann Arbor Tribal Council, for in- stance, a coalition of various } community g r o u p s of which ' Children think for themselves at innovative Clonlara school By KAREN TINKLENBERG Second of Two Parts f4 What would make a parent spend$560 a se- mester to send a five year old child to nursery *chool? Glenn Rosenthal, whose daughter attends Clonlara School is pleased because, "She doesn't think of her teachers as ogres." Other parents offer a variety of reasons for sending their chil-A in which Sunday's marchers would 'be named as defendants, but he added, "the painted faces will make it harder for FBI identifica- tion." Early Sunday evening Philip Berrigan appeared before a large crowd at nearby Dauphin County Jail where he is currently seirving a sentence for draft record de- struction. Referring to last week's surprise defense move to rest its case thirty seconds after it began, Berrigan said the jury "is intrigued with the entire trial and trying hard to un- derstand the defense decision to rest."