Women's group hits sex bias. study By MARY KRAMER The Commission for Women has charged the University with a "lack of acceptance of Affirmative Action goals submitted to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), per- sonnel." The charge was made follow- ing the release of the initial Personnel Department employee review. The Personnel Office review identi- fied 424 non-academic women employes who earn 10 per cent or below the me- dian salary in their respective job clas- sifications. However, only 11 women - or less than .03 per cent - were rec- ommended for salary adjustment by their supervisors. In the review procedure Personnel Di- rector Russell Reister requested each supervisor to recommend possible salary adjustment for the names released by the Personnel Office. Of the 11 employes identified to re- ceive salary adjustment, it appears that not all will receive approval from the Compensation Office because of differ- ences of fairness concepts between sup- ervisors and the Personnel Office. The Commission termed the results an "incredibly low response" which "in- dicates an inadequate review of the files." Personnel officials were unavailable for comment yesterday. The Commission for Women, estab- lished to implement the University's affirmative action program, since last summer has been conducting its own file review procedure, approved by the University's Executive Officers, to pin- point salary inequities between male and female employes. The reviews were established to help implement the University's affirmative action plan for eliminating sex discrimi- nation. The program was submitted to HEW last year following an investiga- tion that found the University guilty of discrimination against women in hiring and employment practices. According to officials, the Personnel Office review had been instituted pri- marily because of the length of time involved m the Commission's file review procedure. Another reason suggested for the Per- sonnel Office review is the possibility that HEW may return to campus in response to the most recent complaint against the University by PROBE, a local women's group. The Personnel Office file review is one of several University reviews presently being conducted. Vice President of Aca- demic Affairs Allan Smith's office re- cently initiated a review of academic teaching and non-teaching classifications. Results from this review will begin to be processed later this month. Commission member Zena Zumeta, active in the Commission's review, faulted the personnel review on several counts. "Admittedly," she says, "of the 424 names, approximately 170 were union members and therefore could not qualify for adjustment. Other names were of those who had since terminated their employment." "Yet, close to 200 could have quali- fied for adjustment," she says. The review's failure, according to Zumeta, comes from t h r e e sources. See WOMEN'S, Page 8 MEMBERS of the Commission for Women gather at a recent meeting to discuss the University's moves toward the implementation of its affirmative Action Plan. THE BENEFITS OF NO-FAULT See Editorial Page Sf4 igau i~IaitF BLUSTERY High--33 Low-16 Slowly falling temperatures; chance of afternoon snow flurries Vol. LXXXII, No. 83 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 19, 1972 Ten Cents Eight Pages Army said Hersh claims army repot * only half the civilians kii NEW YORK (A) - The U.S. Army has testimony as many Vietnamese men, women and children by U.S. troops at My Lai than has so far bee acknowledged, according to Seymour Hersh, the re first broke the massacre story. Secret testimony that a second massacre too a nearby hamlet on the same day has been ignore authorities, Hersh charges in an article in the et of the New Yorker magazine. Quoting from what he says is a complete tr; testimony given to the Army commission -set up SGen. William Peers to investigate the My Lai incic to conceal My Lai facts .S. planes strike supply routes with renewed intensity Primary lmoves in Senate. LANSING (A - A Republican .proposal for a state presidential primary election cleared a State Senate committee yesterday. Although the Senate Democratic Caucus voted last week to support the proposed presidential primary this spring, the issue is expected to spark a partisan battle in the legislature. Democrats have been calling fox a spring election to comply with national party rules on convention delegates, but would prefer to see an election of precinct delegates instead of a presidential primary The bill calls for a presidentila preference primary May 9. Presi- dential candidates would present slates of delegates, thereby choos- ing their own delegates to the na- tional convention. Democrats favor instead a sys- tem which would give the state party more power. Precinct delegates would elect county delegates to elect district delegates to the national conven- tion. A bill providing for a spring election of precinct delegates has cleared the Democrat-controlled House. Milton Zaagman (R-Grand Ra- pids) said earlier yesterday that the question of Democrats opting out of a presidential primary and conducting just their own pre- cinct delegate elections "is not open to negotiations. It will not be in the bill." Sen. Robert VanderLaan of Kentwood, Senate Republican majority leader, said, "I think it is untenable to say that Demo- crats, with nine presidential can- didates, can opt out of a presi- dential primary." 4 Meanwhile, s t a t e Democrats will discuss the presidential pri- mary possibilities at a meeting of the party's state central com- mittee Saturday. esays army investigators con- cluded that 347 civilians had been slain at My Lai on March u16, 1968, "a total twice as large as has been publicly acknowl- edged." Hersh charges that the secret Peers commission transcript quotes American servicemen testifying about a second massacre that took place at the hamlet of My She 1about 11/2 miles from My Lai on Ithe same day. Aninfantry platoon headed by Lt. Thomas Willingham shot into the hamlet, and Vietnamese nur- vivors later told army investiga- tors, Hersh charges, that from 9h0 to 100 women, children and old men were slain. The Peers Commission tran- rscript has nhot been publicly re- leased by the Defense Department, but Hersh claims he obtained a complete record of the testimony. It reveals, he said, that the pla- toon headed by Lt. William L. lCalley Jr. was responsible for 90 to 130 murders at My Lai. A second platoon apparently murdered as many as 100 civilians, Hersh writes, with the rest of the deaths attributable to a third platoon and, helicopter gunships. Only Calley has been found guilty of any crime at My Lai. uHe is currently under house ar- rest at Fort Benning, Ga., waiting the outcome ofian appeal against ~ his sentence of 20 years imprison- ment for the murder of 22 Viet- i namese civilians. He had at first been sentenced to life imprisonment. Eleven other men and officers were charged with crimes in con- snection with the My Lai attack, but the charges were dropped be- fore trial in seven cases and four were acquitted after military courts martial. 1Of the 14 officers accused by the tPeers Commission in connection with the coverup, only Col. Oran _Henderson was brought to trial, and he was acquitted. Former Capt. Ernest L. Medina, sCalley's commanding officer, told -the Atlanta Constitution Tuesday that he saw nothing in the Peers report to Justify Hersh's conten- tion. -Associated Press Women evicted from House Demonstrators in behalf of a move by Rep. Bella Abzug (D-N.Y.) to censure President Nixon leave the Capitol yesterday after they were evicted from the House of Representatives chamber galleries. The women stood and held banners and applauded the resolution to censure Nixon for not setting a date for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Indochina. Abzug said Nixon "has proceeded to flout" a 1971 law declaring a withdrawal date for the Indochina war. (See story, Page 8). SAIGON U - In a second - day step-up inasaturation strikes, U.S. war planes struck more than 250 times yester- day at North Vietnamese sup- ply routes, depots and troop concentrations along 500 miles in Laos and SouthVietnam's central highlands. The strikes were an attempt, according to U.S. command, to. disrupt any North Vietnamese of- fensive during the TET lunar new year celebration in mid-February ; :or during President Nixon's visit * to Peking later in the monthrdThend B52 strikes were the heaviest in the region since last September Theincreased strikes further .t-" ' SO. _ ,sr demonstrate an American shift ofh Ths 2 .-o_ r.e krfh . Gs military strength in Indochina -~-~- .....:. ! from ground fighting to air as- saults Ground troop force dropped last week to 148,000, a cutback of over 5,900 over last week. Waves of eight-jet B52 bombers -Associated Pre flew yesterday's saturation strikes h against a base area in thetri- Strikes Soviet siip border area from which the North This 230-foot armed icebreaker of the U.S. Coast Guard the Storis, Vietnamese are believed planning seized two Soviet fishing ships in Alaskan waters late Monday a majoro ens intoh offenan sivh eta night. The Storis was authorized to fire a warning shot but did Ote highl ands.ctcl ihtr not, when one ship broke away with Coast Guardsmen aboard. ther U.5. Cmand actialighe- bomber raids concentrated further S north along a 50-mile stretch of t the Ho Chi Minh trail in centralI SGC ACTION: southern Laos. Sources said up to 750 trucks along the length of the trail eachTp. day, up 50 per cent from last Cl a ol month. The U.S. Command announced T the second attempt in three dayssiasr by swift North Vietnamese- mIGm- .is es cpia, er f 24vt.coe ag ens s ht listhrdr. to knock down U.S. fighter-bomb- I government forces or attacking g o efin inesupporte of Latank uhrzdpbiaino he i natmtt e h supply lines.f By CHARLES STEIN be helpful to people. The agents The aerial skirmish occurred' The University Cellar agreedlisted on it are involved in drug Monday over Laos about 100 miles yesterday to print a classified arrests and political surveil- west of Hanoi, the North Vietnam- list of names and phone num- lance, and this will make their ese capital. bers of 224 undercover agents jobs that much harder." Viet Cong guerrillas maintained operating in the state. SGC F'our printers were contacted 'their increased level of attacks authorized publication of the in an attempt 'to get the list against South Vietnamese posi- list at a recent meeting. published, but all refused citing tions, with 26 more incidents re-' The list, which was stolen fear of legal action. Police of- ported Tuesday. This raised the from State Police headquarters ficials have warned that anyon total for the past eight days to 217. in Lansing was circulated last publishing the list could be Many of yesterdays attacks month on the Michigan State subject to prosecution. came in the coastal lowland pro- campus in a pamphlet entitled The decision to print the lis vince of Binh Dinh where two "Know Your Local Police." was made by Dennis Webster American helicopters were shot SGC later obtained a copy and the manager of the Cellar an down Monday while supporting decided to include it in an issue Bruce Wilson. one of Webster' South Vietnamese troops. The U. of council's publication, Student assistants. Wilson, said th S. Command said there were no Action. printing will be finished tomor American casualties in, the down- "I think the list is still valid," row and council-member Joe ing of an Ahi Cobra gunship and says Council member Joel Sil- Silverstein said the list will b an OH6 light observation helicop- verstein, "and many of the distributed then. ter. names and numbers on it may See 'U', Page 8 B PETITION DRIVE MOUNTS: i Ha da ha I i to at in a+ lo ab thi na Liberalized abortion bill defeated in State House LANSING 1P) - The State dent of the state for that long. money,, you can get an abortion ouse of Representatives yester- The bill also stipulated that the Let's stop being hypocritical." ay defeated a bill which would abortion be performed in a li- Allen said backers of the re- ave liberalized the state's abor- censed clinic or hospital. form drive view it as an effort on laws. However, abortion law reform to take government interven- The defeated bill was similar proponents, anticipating a de- tion "out of the bedroom." one passed by the State Sen- feat in the House, last year ini- Rep. Richard Friske (R-Charle- ;e last spring but which died tiated a petition drive to put the voix), said approval of liberalized question of abortion reform on .v a House committee, the November ballot. The peti- abortion would be "return to dic- The proposed bill, defeated by tion proposal would allow a wo- tatorship, murder and the law of 65-27 margin, would have al- man to have an abortion for any the jungle." wed any woman to have an reason within the first five "Those of us supporting this is- months of pregnancy. ortion for any reason during These proponents estimate sue find we cannot even talk in- te first three months of preg- some 189,000 signatures have telligently with most opponents on ancy, if she had been a resi- been collected - 100080 short this," Allen contended. S g f- ir t kg I- e e t ld e - el e Huron High Council resig citing little cooperation, effect By HOWARD BRICK After almost four years of hard work in high school student government, Javier Ergueta is giving up. Last Friday, he and the other five officers of the Huron High School Student Coincil resigned from office. More than anything else, the student leaders complained of frustration. The frustraiotinn has turceAs.accordin- n of the number needed to certify the issue to voters. Also, over 1,000 women are presently involved in a class ac- tion suit in Detroit which seeks a declaratory judgement from the courts on the constitutional- ity of the state's laws. The present law, written in 1846, prohibits abortion except to save the life of the mother. Seventeen legislators, most of them against liberalizing the present law, took part in more than two hours of debate. Rep. Richard Allen (R-Ith- aca), sponsored the defeated BACKED BY CITY, 'U' Davids knocks new police plan By PAUL TRAVIS Fredrick Davids, director of the depart- ment of safety last night openly disagreed with most University officials over the establishment of a "University Unit" of the Ann Arbor Police Department (AAPD). While city officials, including Mayor most likely go into effect this year, calls for 20 to 30 members of the AAPD to be assigned full-time to patrolling the Uni versity campus area. Davids, speaking before the University. Council, a faculty-student advisory board said "I may be talking myself out of a job but this is not the best plan." Davids feels