I 14t SidDIC an aU Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Fourth Ward candidates David Black-HRP 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 discuss ecology, planning and community control Mona Walz -Democrat Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT BAUER1 On reGROUPing SGC ALTHOUGH OFFICIAL results of the SGC election may not be available for several days, pending numerous ap- peals,, it is certainly not too early to com- ment on the prospective Council and the election itself. The election, which drew some 5,000 voters, was perhaps the dir- tiest in recent .history, with charges of ballot stuffing levelled at two of the com- peting parties, plus a host of other minor rule violations. Three of the losing presidential slates have asked that the election results be voided, but considering the expense in- volved, it is unlikely that a whole new election will be held. SO WE ARE left with the prospect of a new SGC made up of five members of the conservative Responsible Alternative Party, five members of GROUP, one from the Student Tenants Union and one from the Radical People's Coalition. This is a far cry from the Councils of just a year or two ago, which were dominated by radicals. The big winner in this week's election was GROUP, who elected a presidential slate, two members-at-large, and per- haps more importantly, passed a fund-' ing proposal of one dollar per student per term. Thirty cents of that money was ear- marked for the development of a legal, advocate program, twenty-five cents for the Meat co-op, with the rest to be used for other Council projects. This in effect means that Council will have $32,000 to work with - if the Regents approve the increased assessments. IF THE INCREASE does go through, how- ever, there is little indication from the past performances of GROUP members, that the money will be used to effect real changes. They have talked a progressive line, but have done little more than pass meaningless paper motions on relatively insignificant issues. They had five representatives on the last Council, but they were unable to form even temporary alliances with other Council groups to pass worthwhile pro- posals. The meat co-op and the legal ad- vocate are certainly good iedas, but con- verting them into functioning projects will take personal and organizational skills that GROUP members have not demonstrated - at least recently. If past performances are valid indica- tors of future direction, it can also be assumed that the five RAP people will do their best to see that nothing con- structive ever gets passed. This will make it absolutely essential that the other sev- en voting Council members work togeth- er to override RAP's substantial negative influence. GROUP SPOKESMEN on the last Coun- cil blamed a lack of funding and a hostile SGC administration for the fail- ures of the last Council. Both of these barriers have now been removed with the passage of the funding proposal and the election of Bill Jacobs as president. It remains to be seen whether GROUP can make good on its promises to reform, which up till now have been nothing more than empty rhetoric. -CHARLES STEIN PEOPLE WHO don't know me sometimes ask, "Why are you running for City Council?" People who know me don't ask and were not surprised when I announced my candidacy last November. I have been working and speaking but for the public interest of Fourth Ward residents and the Ann Arbor community for many years. My interest is in the interrela- tions of people with their environ- ment. I have an MA in psychol- ogy from the other U of M fMsy- nesota) and am currently a part- time graduate student in the Ur- ban Planning Department. So many decisions are made by governments at all levels wichout considering the social consequenc- es and effects on people that I feel it an absolute necessity for in- dividuals concerned about social problems to become know- ledgable about the issues and then to get where the action is. THERE ARE several exc ing ideas or trends I see coming to ing that their units of governm'rt are too large and unresponsive to their specific concerns. My prediction is that we will see radical change in our forms of local government with some decis- ions being shifted up to a more all encompassing unit and sonie shifted down to smaller units with decisions being made by those most affected. Another trend is toward increas- ed tolerance of different kinds of life styles, whether it is the work- ing wife, the married couple with- out children, the long-haired male, the corporation drop-out, or oth- ers who choose to "do their own thing" without hurting anyone else. I am sure there will be changes in legislation at all lev- els to remove inequities and ob- solete controls. NATIONALLY AND locally the citizens and the government are becoming aware and concerned about the issues of planning and growth that have been my interest for many years. We need a council person who does not accept the status quo, who will look ahead rather than backward, who will be responsive to the human needs of people, who will ask hard questions and pursue them until she gets an AT THE TIME of my nomina- tion, I was not legally quali- fied to appear on the ' ballot, though I've lived in Ann Arbor for two and a half years. Thus part cf my candidacy has been a challenge to Ann Arbor's unfair election law. As it stood before my challenge, a candidate had to have been registered to vote in Ann Arbor for one year before he or she could run for city office. This restriction discriminated against people who for whatever reason, had only recently regis- tered and was especially unfair to young people as this year no one under 22 years old could h a v e legally run for office. As a result of a law suit brought on my behalf, a Federal Court judge has ruled the one year re- gistration ,requiremert unconsti- tutional. Thus my name will ap- pearon theballot with the rest of the candidates. I consider this court decision a victory not only for me and the Human R i g h t a Party, but for all of the people of Ann Arbor. It is one more step in opening up the political process and allowing people to vote for the candidate of their choice. While this challenge to the un- fair election law has baen part of my candidacy, it is by no means all of it. I am running to give Fourth Ward residents a real al- ternative to the unimaginative, status quo politics of Phe Demo- cratic and Republican parties. I have a masters degree in political science and am currently a teach- ing fellow. By running in the Fourth Ward, a ward which has traditional' y voted for conservative candidates, I am part of the Human Rights Party's efforts at reaching all seg- ments of the community. LIKE ALL OTHER four Human Rights Party candidates, I am pledged to run on the party's plat- form. One basic feature of t h i s platform is a call for greatly in- creased public services sucn as transportation, child care, health care, and drug programs. More- Iv 4 fruition within the next fow years. One is citizen participation. We are tending on the one nand to larger units of government as- suming the responsibility for some issues, suchraspstate-wide financ- ing of education, or regional air and water pollution agencies. On the other hand the citizens are say- over, the Human Rights Party is committed to work for community control of these services. I firmly believe that public agncies a n d services must be under the direct control of the people who are af- fected by them. Community control of the police department is also a major need that is presently unmet. Our po- lice department spends far t o o much time writing traffic tickets and enforcing laws against victim- less crimes such as drug ure and curfew violations. The police must concentrate their efforts on fight- ing violent and street crimes. At no time can wd tolerate police harassment of blacks, young peo- ple, homosexuals, or any other group or individual. The problem of drug atuse will never be solved through police crackdowns. In fact, present drug laws - by making drugs iliegal and forcing up drug prices - tend to stimulate both organized and street crime, keep addicts from getting help, and send people to prison for using harmless drugs or for hurting only themselves. Marijuana should be legalized, the city should fund treatment and maintenance programs for addicts, and honest drug education pro- grams should be initiated in the schools- and the rest of the com- munity. This is the second in a five-part series in which Democratic, Human Rights Party, and Republican City Council candidates briefly summarize their positions. The election is April 3. f~ ~ ~ accurate and ask for your vote on April ernment. adequate answer. I support witn y o u r 3 for responsive gov- Bruce Benner-Republican Labor: Off the Pay Board THE ANNOUNCEMENTS followed one another like the script of a macabre drama: three AFL-CIO representatives to the Pay Board walk out albng with Unit- ed Auto Workers President Leonard Woodcock; 8,000 hardhats gather to ap- plaud Vice President Spiro Agnew's plat- itudes for prosperity; and food prices in February marked the sharpest increase in 14 years. And, in the face of labor's walkout from the inflation curbing panel, the White House issued a statement that "you can be sure . . . that the stabilization program will continue," because "it is the Presi- dent's view that a few labor leaders .. . will not be allowed to sabotage the fight against inflation." Meanwhile, hordes of hardhats cheer the administration along as it continues to let grocery prices and rents rise but freezes wages. It is truly unfortunate that those who are hit hardest by the administration's "stabilization policies" can still believe in Agnew and Nixon. After all, a glance at the early primary results reveals that Nixon is far and away the presidential frontrunner, since many of those who have voted in Democratic primaries in- dicate to pollsters they will vote for Nix- on in November. Coupling the influx of voters from Democratic primaries with the wide mar- gins Nixon garnered in the Republican primaries, his election seems unavoidable unless the ranks of labor file leftward, sharply and quickly. And labor won't budge unless such leaders as AFL-CIO President George Meany come out publicly in opposition to Nixon. Yet even Meany, whom Nixon in- sulted mercilessly for quitting the Pay Editorial Staff ALAN LENHOFF - Editor SARA FITZGERALD ................ Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS ..................Editorial Director CARLA RAPOPORT ................. Executive Editor ROBERT SCHREINER ................... News Editor ROSE SUE BERSTEIN................Feature Editor PAT BAUER..............Associate Managing Editor LINDSAY CHANEY ............. Editorial Page Editor MARK DILLEN................. Editorial Page Editor ARTHUR LERNER........ ....... Editorial Page Editor PAUL TRAVIS..........................Arts Editor GLORIA JANE SMITH..........,*Associate Arts Editor JONATHAN MILLER.......... Special Features Editor TERRY McCARTHY..............Photography Editor ROBERT CONROW .....................Books Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Linda Dreeben, Chris Parks, Gene Robinson, Zachary Schiller.' COPY EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, John Mitchell, Tony Schwartz, Charles Stein, Ted Stein. DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Daniel Jacobs, Mary Kramer, Judy Ruskin, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tink- lenberg, Rebecca Warner, Marcia Zoslaw. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Mark Allshouse, Susan Brn. JanetG ni.r e 1Grd n .S+ot Gnrdon. Board, says he could still endorse the President. MASSIVE PUBLICITY is thus needed to uncover the truth about "stabiliza- tion" - Nixon's term for frozen wages and defrosted prices. Meanwhile, as prices continue to spiral upward with wage in- creases held back, hopefully more and more middle Americans will realize that their pot roast and apple pie eat up too much of their budgets as the costs go up each week. Leftists are fond of criticizing organ- ized labor. Consolidation of business led to consolidation of labor, and the two, they say, are inextricably interwoven, each as bad as the other. But a glance at current realities discredits this theory somewhat. While International Telephone and Telegraph defends its quickie anti- trust settlement and its subsequent do- nation to the Republican Party, George Meany charged that the Pay Board "of- fered labor no hope for fairness, equity or justice." And, the AFL-CIO executive council called the administration's poli- cies "a device to make the average work- er and consumer both the victim and the goat, while the banks and big business pile up increasing profits." Certainly,: these statements indicate a trend in the right direction for labor - to the left. What remains to be done is for those middle Americans who still believe the promises Nixon dishes out to wake up to reality and see that they too could be dishing out more if Nixon's in- flationary "curbs" were curbs instead of propellers. THERE IS no excuse for offering tax incentives encouraging businesses to expand while allowing the cost of living to spiral - all along under the guise of wage-price controls. What we have now is nothing but a wage freeze, and it is time the iceman - or somebody - came to halt the price spiral. -ROSE SUE BERSTEIN Cateh-22 A PRESTIGIOUS national commission has told us that marijuana does not necessarily cause us physical or mental harm, it does not breed crime and so- cial drop-outs, and does not necessarily lead to hard drug addiction. But do we now breathe any easier? The report from the National Commis- . i f ___._ .. . _. 'r. ' r - f9. Nly - 'W 4rde ISSUES IN which voters h a v e indicated the greatest interest prior to the April 3 election have centered on financial responsibil- ity at City Hall and future plan- ning for Ann Arbor. For the se- cond time an income tax proposal has been defeated and the chal- lenge has clearly been made to live within our present revenue base. That base has been growing steadily, but spending has far out- distanced revenues. We can no longer follow the path of indulg- ing in experiments in poorly con- ceived and executed housing, soc- ial. and transportation programs to the neglect of basic public serv- ices. Allocating our revenues to the most productive areas in terms of service to the community leads directly to consideration of critical need for both immediate and long- range planing in depth that has been badly lacking in Ann Arbor - planning that covers basic serv- ice needs and gives priority to conservation of our human. land. and water resources. WE HAVE a particularly im- * pressive array, of talent' in the young population of Ann Arbir and should continually encourage constructive use of that talent. An excellent example is the close cooperation of Ann Arbor's 'pri- vate business sector with an out- standing and well qualified group , of University students on organ- izing the Consumer Action Center to fill a definite need without fi- nancial burden to the City. In the transportation and re- creation areas, I favor giving a connecting bikeways program priority over mini-bus experi- ments, satellite parking, and .pe- destrian malls; bike paths should be included where possible in all future street and sidewalk repair and development. The several penetrator routes planned need to be completed , soon in order to move today's traf- fic, but future major vehicle routes should be concentrated on the perimeter of the city, with the completion of the Maple Road by-pass as a logical first move in that direction. " .One nation, divisible, with liberty and justice for some." GOP and workers: rtingfarm labor By DANIEL MEZA THE FARM workers' movement is currently facing a grave political crisis which threatens to nullify recently won collective bargaining agreements, and to destroy any further organizing attempts by the farm workers. The Republican controlled National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has filed a petition in federal district court seeking an injunction against the farm workers' boycott of nine wine companies of Cali- fornia's Napa Valley. If successful, the injunction will be applied to any further boycotts by farm workers. Farm workers see this as a political move by the Republicans to use the NLRB to destroy the farm workers move- ment. Historically, agricultural workers have been excluded from the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (Wagner Act) which guarantees the rights of workers to organize and bargain collectively. Farm work- ers remained excluded when the Taft-Hartley Act was passed in 1948 which imposed restrictions on labor organizations by outlawing recogni- tion strikes, "hot cargo" agreements, and the secondary boycott. During recent farm worker organizing drives in the grape and lettuce fields, the National Labor Relations Board (charged with en- forcing Taft-Hartley) has consistently dismissed grower complaints against the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, advising them that the farm workers union is not covered under Taft-Hartley. HOWEVER, THE face and politics of the board have changed due to recent Nixon appointments, so that Republicans now have a 3-2 majority on the board. Last summer Nixon appointed Republican Peter Nash as general counsel of the board. Nash has now done what no previous general counsel had been willing to do. On March 9 he went to court and filed a. formal complaint against United Farm Workers asking for an injunction against the farm workers' recently- won farm worker contracts, claiming that they have "hot cargo" agreements which violate the Taft-Hartley Act. Morally, the board's decision to move again farm workers i, indefensible because farm workers have no rights under the National Labor Relations Act.' What the Republican board is now saying is, that even though farm workers do not have any rights under the federal legislation, farm workers will now be inhibited by the restric- tions of Taft-Hartley, and specifically denied the use of their only effective non-violent tool, the boycott. LEGALLY, the board's action denies farm workers the equal pro- tection of the law guaranteed by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. This is also an illegal attempt by the board to abuse its equitable powers to issue cease and desist orders against alleged Taft-Hartley violations. Finally, the Board is violating its statutory mandate not to spend any taxpayer money on agricultural labor disputes. . The facts conernmg Tnitedi arm Wnrkers nntracts hnventt Concentration on adult education and training warrants p r e - cedence over simply allocating more money to spiraling welfare expenditures. Money alone ,will not. do the 4 job - it takes active participation by people who care and who will provide talent and time needed. to solve the human resources challenge. Letters to The Daily Blurnham yes To The Daily: ONE OF MY opponents in the upcoming Second Ward City Coun- cil election recently accused me of running a dishonest campaign be- cause I'm not publicizing the fact that I'm the Republican candidate. If the accusation implies that I am deliberately hiding my party id.n- tification, then I must firmly deny it. There is not a single constituent who desired to know what party I represent who has been deprived of that knowledge. In fact, my an- nouncement specifically states it. On the other hand, if the "charge" is that I am simply not openly flaunting my Republican alieg- iance, then I proudly admit it. The trend in American politics is toward independence on the part of the voters. People no longer believe in political parties but ra- ther they prefer to examine the individual candidates and vote on. their merits. That's why I'm run- ning as Tom Burnham, not as a party label. I want the voters to look at what I say, what I've done and what I believe; then cast their vote accordingly. The partisanship in council poli- tics has reached ridiculous bounds. Recently a city decision as to when a certain sewer line should be installed was decided on a straight party vote. This city doesn't need more hard line party politicians, it needs more council- men who are free to cast their vote in accordance with the city's need as the citizens voice it. necessity for bucking this ridi- culous partisanship. He has recent- ly cast several votes against the Democratic position. I challenge the voters to com- pare me with my opposition in light of our positions on the issues, not on our party lahbl. People, not parties, should sit on city council. -Tom Burnham Second Ward Council Candidate Law '73 March 23 Burnham no To The Daily: RECENTLY Bob Weaver (R-Se- cond Ward) has publicly comment- ed that Tom Burnham (Republican candidate, Second Ward) is a" per- son who could represent students, that being the major theme in Burnham's campaign. Tom Burnham states: "Students have been promised representation on the City Council for years. It is a promise that non-student coun- cilmen have seldom kept. The time has come to put the voice of a student . . . in city government. I am a student, know students, and will speak for students on City Council." 'It is important to know m o r e about who this candidate is, where his interests lie, and what he re- presents. In fall 1969, Tom Burnham was one of the managers for Apart- ments, Ltd., from whom I rented when I was a graduate student. At the end of the academic year I question. I made repeated at- 4 tempts to contact the owners- and former agents, Tom Burnham and Dave DeBoer. After being referred in circles for several weeks it be- came clear that Tom Burnham and Summit Associates may never have intended to honor their end of the contract. Perhaps an explanation for this' is to be found in the ex'pressed at- titudes of the owners and man- agers of Apartments, Ltd. One owner-manager was quoted by the Ann Arbor News in 1969 as saying, "I have no interest in discussing problems with students in any form outside of the University." Tom Burnham echoed this atti- tude in an interview with The Daily when he said: "Who needs the Tenants Union?". at a time when students needed and were demanding an organization which 0 would begin to represent their in- terests. Obviously Burnham and the oth- er managers and owners felt that I was only another student and therefore saw fit to ignore their agreement with me. Does he represent students? Where do Tom Burnham's inter- ests and concerns really lie? My experiences and the exper- iences of other tenants with Tom Burnham cast grave doubt on his suitability to any office which re- quires an objective outlook and balanced judgment. -Joseph' A. Meneghini March 23