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March 24, 1972 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-24

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Fridoy, March 24, 1972


rage sevem

Friday, March 24, 1972 THE MICHiGAN DAILY PQge Sever,'

P res en ts,
Starring Paul N'ewmarn, JoAnne Woodward,
=:w ~ and R:.bert- Wagner
Mardi 24 & 25 -7 ,11pm
' ~ 75c person - S1 couple




Passover Is Coming!

Communists escalate Indochina assaults

available at HILLEL,

1 429 HILL

Reservations Deadline: MONDAY, MARCH 27
Informafion: 663-41 29

From Wire ServiceReports
Communist troops yesterday in-
creased their attacks in Indochina,
with an assault on a South Viet-
namese armored cavalry command,
post in southern Cambodia. a
However, military informants
said yesterday that most of North
Vietnam's combat troops in Cam-
bodia have pulled back from
Phnom Penh and other cities and
are poised near the South Vietnam

Pentagon sources said yesterday
that U.S. Air Forces and Navy
bombers are flying an average of:
350 attack sorties a day againstI
enemy targets in Indochina this
year. The level of attacks, slight- +
ly below what it was at this time
last year, is part of the aerial
campaign launched in what of fi-'
cials see as a so-far successful
effort to head off a predicted ma-
jor enemy offensive.I
The communists struck before
dawn at the command post nearI

de Cambodia and 160 miles
NIGHT Isouthwest of Saigon.
Fil eot ad1 oenIAE I N I HT ent troops were killed and 20
I~IX LLIwounded. Government t r o o p s
claimed they, killed eight North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong sol-
in te RIE GA CHEdiers.
in te RIE GA CHEThe communists dropped about
30ronsohev rockets on the
1024 HLL ST.Position before launching a groundi
Deeper in Cambodia, enemy
R~fA E L_ SONGS saboteurs blew up two fuel barges
lRiver near the capital of Phnom
! )R ELI FLMS .Penh, only two days after, a dev-;
~Sony Model1 CF-620
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However, despite thed evastat-
ing rocket and sapper attack on
the Cambodian capital Tuesday
miilitary informants noted a steady
decrease in enemy pressure or.
Cambodian government forces and
no indication of a shift in North
Vietnamese strategy.
'"South Vietnam is still the main
target," said one senior U.S. mili-,
tarry man. "The enemy needs!
Cambodia for sanctuaries and
supply corridors, and that's it.
They are not going to try to take
Phnom Penh.
"Tuesday's attack was a one-
shot deal performed by a small
number of troops, True, they ex-
pended a hell of a lot of ammu-
nition, and caused a hell of a lot
of casualties."
Cambodian officers feel the at-
tack was timed to coincide with
the March 21 anniversary of the
formation of the Communist-led
"Khmer Liberation Army" by
ousted Prince Norodom Sihanouk.
Khmer means Cambodia.
U.S. planes flew nearly 21,000
sorties in January and February
and dropped 125,000 tons of bombs
over targets' in South Vietnam,
Laos, Cambodia and North Viet-

nam, Pentagon sources said. The
rate is continuing at about th16
same pace this month. they nHotta.
A sortie is one flight by one
Most of the attacks have been
against the Ho ChiiMi troll,
the Jungle supply-route comolex
through L~aos used by the North
;Vietnamese to funnel men ai d
suipnlies south.
dh 100S. ommll d hasecteprt-
e U.S. ommanl d haeciveresr-
tion strikes against. North Viet-
nam since the beginning. of the
year, mostly against enemy anti-
aircraft and missile sites that .re-
portedly fired or. Unarmed U.
reconnaissance. planes.
These strifes involved nearly'
240 sorties tn January and Veb-
ruary alone.
Meanwhile the United States
and South. Vietnam-yesterday can'.
celed the next weekly session 6f
the Vietnam peace conference and
Posed conditions that odan* ~
early 'resumption of the Confer-
ence unlikely.
U.S. Ambassador Wrilliam JPor-
ter, speaking at the 14'?th session
ofl the deadlocked conference, told
the North Vietnamest and Viet
Cong that as far ais furtber meet-
ings are concerned, "We believe it
would be preferable to await so me
sign from you that you are dis-
posed to engage in n'ieaninqfil ex-
The North. Vietnamese, spokes-
man, Nguyen Thanh, Le, said Por-
ter's stand -- seconded by. South
Vietnam .- constituted "an un-
precedented hysterical and dan-
fgerous 'act" to sabotage the ton-



3 l M i M elp HELP C6ZAN Ur
clean up election clutter. Oanoclse n i youro
M ~r4FJ 7 WWballots and posters left over from
-U. the campus elections - off the
Ann Arbor - East $1sn walls, trees, telephone polet, Yu
618 S. Min-76-70 car. drop them in recycling bins
Comprehensive Repair located at all four corners of 6en-
Service Available tral campus, diag, and fishibow.
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§A great new look in a very fine spring jacket,
§ tailored in a fine twuill lnzaterial of Dacron
and cotton~. Machin'e 'washable colors in red.
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Introducing the 4-channel T-shirt,
the least expensive Fisher you can buy.

We're selling the new Fisher TS- 100 for only $1.
It's a 4-channel T-shirt, and a dollar is an incredibly
low price for it, since it's a $3.50 value.
But you don't even have to spend a dollar on it.
You can win it free, just by stumping one of our salesman
with any one of the twenty questions in this ad.
If you think this is some kind of con, you're

wrong. We expect our salesman to know most of the
answers. But all twenty'??!!
Incidentally, you can pick up a copy of the
correct answers at the dealer listed below.
Salesmen are not allowed to look at the answers
while you're asking the questions.
That would be cheating.

1. What is sensitivity?
2. WVhat dloes a muting control do?
3. Wh~at is a Hertz'?
1. A car bearing a corpse
?. The numiber of, back and forth
vibrations of an AC signal in
1 second.
3. A national car renting company.
4. What does the term "selectivity" mean'?
5. The control that makes it possible to
listen to the full rangy of sound when
music is played at a low volume is called:
1. Rance control.
2. Loudness contour control.
3. V'olume control.
6. WVhat purpose dioes a high filter
control perifor??
7. 'What arce1Baxanidall controls?

8. What is a watt?
l.A unit of light.
2. A unit of power.
3. A unit of efficiency.
9. What is distortion?


H ow do the various power
measurements, such as Peak-to-Peak,
11-fF. EIA and RMS relate to actual

output power?
11. The ability of a speaker to follow
low-frequency signals of large
amplitude is called:
I Transient response.
12. What is the function of a
crossover network'?
13. What is meant by an acoustic-
suspension speaker system?

1 4. What are the advantages of a
heavy turntable platter?
15. Wow and flutter are:
1. Changes in power output
of an amplifier.
2. D~istortion caused by variations
in turntable or tape deck mnotor speed.
3. Irregularities in the human voice.
16. What arc the main benefits of
electronics tuning ?
L NMor'C accurate than manual tuning.
2. Lower cost than mnanual tuning.
3. Provides convenient remote
coto uig 17. WVhat does the term "capture
ratio" mean ?
18. What is an IC'?
19. What do tape monitor circuits do'?
20. What is the TS- 100'?

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