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March 24, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-24

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1flfrijNi tau


Cloudy, colder, chance of
snow flurries

Vol. LXXXI, No. 131

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 24, 1972

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages







Nixon pares panel to 7
after labor resignations.
WASHINGTON (R - United Auto Workers President
Leonard Woodcock yesterday resigned from the federal Pay
Board, joining AFL-CIO President George Meany and two
AFL-CIO colleagues, who quit Wednesday. The four labor
leaders blasted the Nixon administration's economic poli-
cies, which they said were slanted in favor of big business
and against workers.
Faced with the resignations of four of the five labor
members of the 15-member board, President Nixon yester-
4day reshaped it as a seven-member panel with one repre-
sentative each of business and labor, and five public mem-



H eyns to
speak at
The scene of picketing and
protest in past years, today's 49th
annual Honors Convocation in Hill
Aud. will be cheaper and honor
more students, but seems not to
have generated any particular con-
A record number of 3,810 under-
graduates from the Ann Arbor,
Flint and Dearborn campuses are
invited to the ceremony which
features a keynote speech by for-
mer education Prof. Roger Heyns,
the president of the American
Council on Education.
In contrast to today's ceremony,
the convocation has been the sub-
ject of some protest in past years.

> Woodcock also said he would
call for a congressional investi-
gation of "scandalous and unfair"
administration of national wage-
price policies.
Teamsters President Frank Fitz-
simmons remained on the board.
The Pay Board was established
following the 90 day wage-price
freeze instituted last August in a
Nixon administration attempt to
curb inflation. At the same time,
a Price Board was also estab-
Much of labor's opposition to
the Pay Board results from Price
Board decisions allowing price'
hikes in the face of Pay Board
refusals to grantdsimilar pay hikes.
Woodcock said the decision to
withdraw was reached yesterday
at a meeting of the union's 25-
member International Executive
He said the decision resulted
neither from the Pay Board's re-
cent decision to cut back a West
Coast longshoreman settlement nor
because of the board's decision to
shave contract gains won by the
UAW in negotiations with aero-
space manufacturers.
"We leave because the whole
Nixon control system is an abom-
inrkf~nn onA tih . Ti an ,.--

Disputed vote totals released
early this morning show
GROUP candidates Bill Jacobs,
'73 and Lou Glazer, Grad., as
winners of the presidency and
executive vice presidency of
ted Press Student Government Council.
The winners of the five Council
seats are Mela Wyeth (GROUP), SGC MEMBER Marty Scott (left), P
nipyards Valda McClain (RAP), Bill Dobbs former Administrative Vice PresidentJ
ot long (STUTh, David Smith (GROUP) tified persons look at projected electio
of and Keith Murphy (RAP). SGC offices.
vent of However, several yet to be re-
solved charges may invalidate the DETROIT SCHOOLS:
announced results.
Three parties which ran losing
presidential sl a t e s - Integrity,
GAIN and Students Tenants Union
Ticket-last night requested the j D epi
results be voided and a new elec-
tion be held.
Other charges include an allegae U
tion by SGC Administrative Vice on ay o
President Jay Hack that elections


Middle Americans meet

Vice President Spiro Agnew yesterday is greeted by a lineup of hardhats at Avondale Sh
in New Orleans. Over 8,000 hardhats attended an Agnew speech Wednesday afternoon, n
after labor leaders walked out on the administration's pay board, charging unfair treatm
workers and bias toward big business.

-Daily-Terry McCarthy
President-elect Bill Jacobs,
Jay Hack and two uniden-
an results last night at the




t. asks
sing plan,

In 970th BlckActonMov- na ion and the UAW cannot in
ment 1AM) s iack Action Move- good conscience maintain any con-
picketing at the convocation. Over nectionem whatsoever said.
200 demonstrators entered Hll He said the Pay Board had not
Aud. to underscore BAM demands achieved either of its objectives of
for increased minority admissions controlling inflation or stimulating
and aids. jobs. Instead, he said, "the board
Other students objected at that has been misused to rigidly con-
time to the convocation's stress on trol wages while prices and cor-
achievement_ measured by grade porate profits soar."
pain averages. Protestors also Woodcock listed several specific
condemned the cancellation of un- reasons for his resignation: ,
dergraduate classes for a convoca- -The administration has ignored
tion while the University was not a congressional demand to exclude
willing to close down fo ranti-war, the working poor from controls.
anti-recruitment and mA n o r i t y -The President has interfered
issues. with the theoretically independent
According to Richard Kennedy, Pay Board.
assistant to the President and sec- -The Pay Board has denied due
retary to the University, the ad- process in its proceedings.
minisraion has "broached the sub- See WOODCOCK, Page 12
ject of whether to continue the See ---CCK---- 12
honors convocation at all."
However, according to Kennedy,
it was decided that "at some point m
you really have to give recognition
to kids who have done outstanding
Costs of the convocation have ask s en d
been reduced from nearly $10,000
last year to over $6,000 for today'sI
ceremony. The cutback includes By JANET GORDON
the elimination of a paid supple- Over 100 persons organized by
ment in The Daily listing the hon- the People Against the Air War
ored students, cuts in the expense (PAAW), picketed KMS Industries
of the tea and the speaker hon- offices at the City Center Building
orarium.. yesterday demanding that the cor-
Among the major costs of the poration end all work on projects
convocation are the reception and related to the war in Indochina.
tea for an expected 1,300 to 1.500 pAAW members claimed at a
people at the Michigan League noon rally in the fishbowl preced-
which cost $2,000-2,500, and the ing the demonstration that KMS
printing of over 5,000 programs. Industries is involved in develop-
Costs paid by the plant department in d r fors theo edtnt e
cover the set-up, stage decorati n rda f the Pn to be
and flowers at Hill Aud. totalling used in locating Communist troops
$1,000. in Viet. am. Spokespersons claimed


passed by City

C ouncil

t {

Over the objections of the
Democratic minority, City Coun-
cil Republicans yesterday passed
6-4 their own plans for redraw-
ing the city's wards.
The vote came after about an
hour of sharp debate, largely over
the validity of population figures
used in the Republican plan.
However, a veto by Mayor Rob-
ert Harris, a Democrat, appears
"While the veto power is in my
trust and sustained by council
there will be no reapportionment
plans adopted except after pub-
lic hearings" by the ward boun-


dary commission, Harris said. ating three "safe" Republican'
The Republican plan was sub- wards.
mitted for council approval with- At present, students are a sig-1
out public hearings or reference nificant portion of the electorate1
to the commission which was es- in three of the city's five wards.
tablished by council to develop a For now, council seems hope-
ward reapportionment plan. lessly deadlocked in a partisan
Council Republicans are boy- power struggle.
cotting the ward boundary com- T
mission in protest of its 4-3 Dem- The Republicans, although a
ocratic majority. majority, lack the eight votes ne-
The plan has been attacked by cessary to pass a plan favorable
both Democrats and Human to them over the mayor's inevit-
Rights Party (HRP) members as able veto.
"a gerrymander." The Democrats, on the other
The plan, they say, would have hand, are in the minority and
the effect of isolating student vot- therefore cannot get any plan theyC
ing power in one ward, while cre- like past the Republicans.

director Dave Schaper, '75, "vio-
lated the free and open ;election
provision as regards instructions
to recopiers of incorrectly filled-
out ballots."
The SGC Credentials and Rules
Committee (C&R) met last night
to consider charges of ballot box
"stuffing" and improper instruc-
tions to ballot counters-possibly
resulting in incorrect final figures

WASHINGTON (A) - The JusticeI ment action carrying out that
Department asked a U.S. district Nixon request.
court judge yesterday to defer an- District Court Judge Stephen
tion in the Detroit school deseg Roth ruled last September that
gtincase nilon rests on the Detroit school system is segre-
President Nixon's request for a gated. Several desegregation, plans
temporary moratorium on court- gn d.lvexteseginans
ordered busing. Yesterday's mo- involving extensive busing are now
tion was the first Justice Depart- before him.

Announced early this morning
as winners of the PIRGIM elec-
tion are Cheryl Hughes, John
Yates, Margo Yellin, Bill Kre-
baum, Jay Tower, Mike Peisner,
and Mary Viviano.
C&R last night did invalidate
42 ballots marked for \Responsible
Alaternative Party candidates and
22 marked for GROUP candidates.
According to Schaper, the ballots
"were received in such a way that
C&R judged them (to be) stuffed."
Although Council member John
Koza, Grad, who was elected last
November on the GROUP ticket,
urged that the ballots be processed

Last day 1to
file petitions
The deadline for filing a peti-
tion for a ballot spot as a pre-
cinct delegate in the May 16 state
presidential primary is 4 p.m. to-
day. Any registered state voter is
eligible, but must file with the
County Clerk a petition with a
minimum of 15 signatures of reg-
istered voters in his or her pre-
In order to run, a precinct dele-
gate candidate must first obtain
the petition from his county clerk
and a map of the precinct where

group pickets KMS;s
[ to war technology'

that a system used to extract data
on enemy areas from radar infor-
mation was also being worked on
by the company.
KMS chairman, Keeve Siegel, de-
nied that KMS Industries has
equipment in Vietnam. The corpor-
ation has not "supplied radar sys-
tems used to guide American
planes in Vietnam as it has been
claimed," he said.
Arlene Griffin, PAAW spokeswo-
man, said that PAAW received its
information on KMS from sources
including the KMS annual report,
another report intercepted on route
to a California branch of the cor-
poration and a printhout ofPenta-
gon contracts they had been able
to decipher.
Some of the demonstrators en-
tered KMS's offices and asked to,
speak to a spokesperson for the
corporation. They were met by
several security guards who denied,
the request.
The PAAW supporters attempted
to set up a slide show called "The
'Automated Air War" in the lbby
but the building manager said that
the show would hot be allowed.
The group also gave out invita-
tions to employes and passers-by
to the show held later in the Pub-
lic Library.
Employes were, according to (,ne
picketer, "mostly non-responsive.",
Two PAAW members presented
demands to Siegel on Wednesday
that the company end all wir re-
search and make public all defense
Siegel later released information
on KMS work using nuclear reac-

Siegel said, "Since this is a free
country, KMS Industries has no
objection to being picketed."
PAAW, formed last month, in-
cludes over 50 members, two-thirds
of them students. The KMS protest
is part of a planned spring cam-
paign of demonstrations against
those local corporations which
PAAW says share responsibility for
the continuation of the air war.

The Democrats - feeling their;
present minority party status can
only be improved in the upcoming'
elections-are in no hurry to see+
council act on so vital an issue
as re-apportionment.l
Harris said yesterday he favors,
following the timetable of City
Clerk Harold S a u n d e r s which
doesn't call for final action until
the end of April-well after the1
new council takes over,
The Republicans, however, would!
prefer to act now-while they have
a majority.
Councilman James Stephenson
(R-Fourth Ward) said recently the
GOP "has nothing to gain and+
everything to loose" by further de-
lays in the ward drawing business.

The department's motion said
that deferral of further proceed-
ings in the case until Congress
acts on. pending legislation "will
contribute to the orderly resolu-
tion of the matters" and "will not
materially affect the timely reso-
luion of issues before the court."
Nixon asked Congress last Fri-
day to put an immediate stop to
new busing orders by. the federal
courts until July 1, 1973. He also
called on Congress to adopt what
he c a 1 1 e d reasonable national
standards for school desegregation
that would permit busing only as
a last resort while "protecting the
right of the community to main-
tain neighborhood schools."
The President also said that he
would instruct the Justice Depart-
ment to intervene in some pending
desegregation cases involving bus-
The Justice Department inter-
vention came as Judge Roth con-
tinued hearings on the proposed
desegregation p 1 a n s concerning
only Detroit.
The judge had set today as a
deadline for deciding whether to
conduct further hearings on far
broader plans encompassing the
Detroit metropolitan area.

and the results tentatively an- he is registered from his city or
nounced. Representatives of the township clerk.
three challenging parties demand- Precinct delegate candidates
ed that C&R clear up all charges can run committed to any presi-
before releasing and certifying dential candidate or as uncom-
vote totals. mitted Republicans or Democrats.
A referendum asking that SGC Elected delegates will attend a
funding be set at $1.00 per term county party convention where
passed 2,787-2,028. they will caucus by presidential
A second proposal, asking for an preference and select state con-
assessment of $1.50 per student vention delegates who will in turn
per term to provide for the estab- select delegates for the national'
See JACOBS, Page 12 convention.


With a comparitively low stt
dent population, the fifth war(
in northwest Ann Arbor has long
been considered a Republicai
This year, incumbent Republi
can Lloyd Fairbanks, an assisi
ant vice president of the Huroi
Valley National Bank, faces cha]
lenges from Democrat Fran
Mogdis, an employe of the Ben
dix Corp., and Human Right.
Party candidate Nancy Romei
Burghardt, a doctoral studen
and former teacher.


City Council

were approved by city voters.
In any event, the city council
will almost inevitably be faced
with cuts in the city budget.
The "three fifth ward candidates
presented varying answers when
asked what items.in the budget
they felt must be preserved.
Burghardt says the city must
maintain what she terms "hu-
man services"-pubic transpor-
tation, health and child care.
Mogdis says public transpor-
tation, fire protection and gar-
bage collection are his priority
items while Fairbanks says a
"serious analysis" of the alloca-
tions for each department is
rdt needed.
The candidates also differ on
ntal ra- the question of public health.
ontender Fairbanks characterizes the
govern- health care situation in the city

electionis '72:
ann arboi'
Fairbanks does not consider
Burghardt a "real opponent,"
saying her left leaning platform

Lloyd Fairbanks

Franz Mogdis Nancy Burgha

Fairbanks actively Fupports
the proposed plan, saying it is
a "very important key to the

split in half the predominantly
black community through which
it would run, thus destroying

financial and environmer
sons, while HRP c
Burghardt calls for strict


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