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March 23, 1972 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-23

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Thursday, March 23, 1972T



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Bruins defend NCAA



LL1:G L e7 V1S" . . . *
. . a dead beaver
al shackelford
WHEN GREAT sports teams are talked about and compared,
the name Mayfield High School will keep cropping up like
precocious Iowa corn. And when the names of great individual
stars are bandied about like so many pieces of pickled herring,
the name Wallace Cleaver will be returned to again and again.
Wally the fleet. Wally the strong. Wally, brother of Beaver.
Sure, Columbus High had a great basketball team with Ed
Ratleff and Dwight Lamar. And Detroit Pershing was pretty
tough with Spencer Haywood, Ralph Simpson and John Lock-
ard. But, damn, how can you top a team led by Wally Cleaver
and Lumpy Rutherford, and managed by Eddie Haskell?
Eddie Haskell . . . the oily manipulator, the supreme stra-
tegist who formulated the box-and-one zone that won May-
field the Anystate state championship against Bayport. Who
drew up the dazzling play that won the Anyconference football
title for Mayfield.
Coach, said Eddie; I just drew up a sure-success play.
What what what Eddie, said coach.
The quarterback hides the ball under his jersey and
Cleaver goes long, said Eddie, then the quarterback pegs it
to him.
It just might work, said coach.
And the rest is history.
Mayfield's successes were enough to dazzle the imagination
of a John Tunis. Once Wally arrived at the state track meet,
only to find his track shoes missing. He ran barefoot and won,
setting a new world record with a nine flat in the hundred. And
didn't even get one blister. Later when he got home he found
that Beaver and Gilbert were using his track shoes as walkie-
Boy you guys, said Wally, those are my track shoes.
How much of Wally's athletic success can be traced to the
guidance of Ward Cleaver, once a football star of no small
proportions? No one is likely to forget the time Ward cut out
of the office early and raced to the Mayfield field to catch one
of Wally's football games. Or the time he carried his lunch to
work in a sack, for a week just so Wally could buy a new jock.
Why did the boys persist in calling Clarence Rutherford
Lumpy? Was it because his face had the consistency of mashed
potatoes? It is true that if President Nixon's face resembles
an old peanut, Lumpy's face resembles a pile of old socks. But,
good-natured fellow that he was, Lumpy endured the taunts,
right up to the time when he had a hemorrhage ogling the
Playboy centerfold and died. The kind of thing they never
showed on TV.
Beaver followed cautiously in his illustrious brother's foot-
steps, brushing his cowlick modestly from his bright probing
eyes. He distinguished himself on the fields of play at Grant
Avenue Elementary School, copping intraschool cups for mar-
bles and horsing around with the guys. Some -had hopes that
the two Cleavers would form a brother act rivaling that of the
Alous or Cruzes or Seven Santinis.
A writer, trying to describe these things, is doomed to
stare vacantly at his typewriter, grasping for the right
Did Wally salivate as his eyes flicked to Mary Ellen Rogers
on the sidelines, leading the cheers with all the exuberance in
her vibrant young body? Did Eddie grow tired and irritable as
towel after towel whipped nastily across his lean flank? Can
you imagine Lumpy squiring a Caddy around town? What does
it allmean?

The question is "How to stop
UCLA?" as the NCAA final
Round of Four opens tonight in
Los Angeles.
In the opener, slated for na-
tional television, second-ranked
North Carolina (25-4) is fa-
vored to beat tenth-ranked up-
start Florida State (26-5). Un-
defeated and top-ranked UCLA
takes on fourth-ranked Louis-
ville (24-3) in the nightcap.
Before the close of the sea-
son, Chicago Loyolatcoach
George Ireland . dubbed the
NCAA tournament the "UCLA
Invitational." The title seems
just about right.
The current edition of Coach
Johnny Wooden's wonders may
be better than any of his seven
previous 4NCAA titlist squads.
The Bruins won each of their
28 contests (?) by an incredible
average margin of 32 points, an
NCAA record.
In their regional final last
week the Bruins demolished
what may have been the second
best team in the country, Long
Beach State, 73-57. The 49ers
appeared to have the size, speed,
and poise to present a stiff chal-
lenge to UCLA, as they had in

Except for the three opposing
coachestand a few of their more
optimistic players, everyone
realizes that UCLA is untouch-
able. They're probably not even
human. But tradition demands
that the games be played, and
the Bruins are certainly not
averse to adding another trophy
to their already bulging cache.
Missouri Valley champ Louis-
ville is the unlucky club to play
UCLA first. All week the press
has billed the contest as a "Pu-
pil vs. Teacher" confrontation.
The Cardinals' coach Denny
Crum was first a player and
then an assistant coach under
Wooden for the past five years.
Suspiciously, little has been
written about the Louisville
Crum's club surprised power-
ful Southwest Louisiana in the

regional semis to earn the trip
Louisville's downfall should
come because of their lack of
a true big man to contend with
UCLA's Player of the Year, Bill
Walton. 6-9 stringbean Al Vil-
check will get the honor of
battling Walton. Rugged board-
er and good scorer Ron Thomas
(6-6) will help Vilcheck.
Since Tt is doubtful that
Crum's charges can penetrate
inside offensively, All-America
guard Jim Price will have the
responsibility of trying to keep
the score respectable. He could
give the Bruins some trouble if
he is effective from his occa-
sional low post position.
UCLA has averaged 96.3 points,
points a game using a multi-
faceted attack. Henry' Bibby
provides the outside threat as
he has been shooting well from
his wing spot in the Bruins'
1-3-1 offense. The 6-11 Walton
has been unstoppable inside
with hooks and short jumpers.
In the other bracket, the
North Carolina-Florida State
battle looks like a much closer
affair. The Tar Heels have
beaten their southern foe seven
consecutive times over the years

and rate a slight favorite to-
Many of the experts feel that
North Carolina has a legitimate
chance of upsetting UCLA. They
point to Coach Dean Smith's
disciplined tactics, and to out-
standing 6-10 pivotman Robert
McAdoo, who could conceivably
give Walton a struggle, as their
chief reasons. First, however, the
Tar Heels must defeat Coach
Hugh Durham's Seminoles.
'-I feel we can win the tour-
nament," Durham said. He then
added, "I'm not saying that in
a boastful way. We feel like on
a given night we can play with
anybody in the country, and
that includes UCLA. We're not
going out to Los Angeles for va-
A capacity Sports Arena crowd
will witness the two semi-final
tilts on tap.
Smith's teams have been in
important tournament clashes
before (NIT champs in 1971),
while this is only Florida State's
second post-season appearance.!
North Carolina also has far su-
perior bench strength than do
the Seminoles.


Sa bres



By TheAssociated Press power-play goal at 18-16 of the
PITTSBURGH - Al Hamilton's Lkesitsdpirdperiydglate18-16Tofothe
third period goal climaxed abig CELEVELAND - The Cleveland third period gave the Toronto
Buffalo rally and lifted the Sabres Cavaliers pulled off the biggest Maple Leafs a 3-3 tie with theI
to a 4-3 National Hockey League upset of their two-year history last Montreal Canadiens in a National
victory over the Pittsburgh Pen-' night by stopping Los Angeles 124- Hockey League game last night.
guins last night. 120 for their first win ever over'
The Sabres, trailing 3-1 midway the Lakers.
in the second period, tied the score Rick Roberson, a former Laker, DirtyDeal
on goals by Gerry Meehan and paced the Cavs with 29 points, his
rookie Rick Martin, his 44th of career high, including 12 in the FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.
the season. final period before fouling out. -The New York Yankees
Gil Perreault had scored for Jerry West and Gail Goodrich led traded veteran first base-
Buffalo in the first period, but Al the Lakers with 31 apiece. man-outfielder Danny Ca-
McDonough tied it for Pittsburgh. John Johnson added 28, Smith' man-otfeldertDnnye Ca-
Nick Harbaruk and Syl Apps gave 27, and Butch Beard 24 for Cleve- ter to the Boston Red Sox
the Penguins their short-lived two- land and Wilt Chamberlain had 23 yesterday for relief pitcher
goal lead in the second frame. for the Lakers. Sparky Lyle in a straight
Leafs tie 'tplayer deal.
MONTREAL - Jim Harrison's
I Tired of getting ripped off for your candles?
Buffalo 4, Pittsburgh 3 MAKE YOUR OWN WITH SUPPLIES FROM .
Montreal 3, Toronto 3, tieT E L K RF C O Y{
St. ous e4, California i THE FLIK'R FACTORY
St oi ,Clfi NBA " 1741 Plymouth Road
New York 123, Buffalo 99
Cleveland 124, Los Angeles 120 (in North Campus Plaza behind Lum's)
Cincinnati 135, Detroit 130
Golden State 121, Baltimore 101 761-8406
Boston 113, Philadelphia 106
Atlanta 107, Houston 106 OPEN: M-TH 1:30-5:30 F TILL 9:00 S 10-3

For the Student Body:

-Associated Press
So what else is new.
Cincinnati's Nate Williams goes crashing into the Pistons' Terry
Dischinger in the Royals' win last night. The s ourge of Detroit
lost 135-130.
As part of its continuing effort to meet the health care needs
of the University community, the Health Service now offers
problem pregnancy counseling. THE SERVICE OPERATES
pointment is necessary, and complete confidentiality is main-




State Street at Liberty


I T Noon to five




Blue golfers swing in Florida,
lead north teams after first day
By THERESA SWEDO in the eight man Michigan team. ment record with their hot shoot-
Michigan's traveling golfers are Chuck Burnham, the other Wol- ing.
adapting well to sunny weather verine who was cut, shot an 82 "We're the best of the northern
by faring the best of all the in today's round. schools," Newcomb says. "I hope
northern teams participating in The University of Florida drove to move up, and with luck, we
the University of Miami Invita- away with the first three places might have a shot at fourth
tionals in Coral Gables, Florida in the all-tournament roster. Andy place." "I'm very happy that the
so far this week. Bean with a 67 topped the list, men who were listed as 1-2-3 came
The resourceful Michiganders with Gary Koch following with a ',in, in that order. Balliet's 73 is
have clutched seventh place in 69, matched by Andy North's 69. also very encouraging. We're
the tournament with a four man Coach Newcomb is not disappoint- working up.
total of 300 below the University ed with his team's performance While working up, scorewise the
of Florida, (276), Louisiana State in light of Florida's domination of Michigan men are enjoying balmy
University, (298), the University 80-degree weather and tee off
Uniersiy, (298), the ivsty, the meet. The Floridians are times of 7:30 yesterday and 8:30
(322), South Florida (302), and threatening to break the tourr:a- this morning.
well-known Florida Atlantic Col- !~l-~,-( 0--
lege, (306).
Michigan's three top men from
the prelims yesterday finished
consistent with their places. Top
man Neil Spitalny fired a 75, Dan
Hunter 76, and Rene Desmarais
carded a 78. The other golfer
whose score counted in the team Sony Model TC-20
result was Pete Clark, who fired Car Stereo Cassette
a 79.
The two low men in the six-Player
man team were Craig Ghia with $119.95
an 82, and Paul McIntosh with
an 88. The big surprise and most
ironic of the day was team captain
Gary Balliet's 73, which is an in-
eligible score. Coach Bill New-
comb commented that "we thought
that Gary would break any day. I-F1 R U Y
It's just unfortunate that he
didn't qualify for the team." In Ann Arbor-East Lansinq
the cut-off match Balliet shot a 618 S. Man-769-4700
78 and managed to come in eighth Service Available



WHEN: Sunday, March 26, 12-6 P.M.
WHERE: Michigan Union Ballroom
WHAT: Artists Displaying and Selling Their Crafts
WHO: Owen to Evervnne: No Admission CharA


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