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March 23, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-23

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Sfr~ti au


Mostly cloudy,
windy, colder

Vol. LXXXII, No. 130

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 23, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages









totaled amendment




The results of the all-campus elections remained muddled-
last night, as vote totals could not be tabulated and election
officials were faced with discoveries of ballot stuffing and a
credentials and rules hearing.
Ballots could not be counted because of a malfunction in
a keypunch scanner and because dozens of ballots were
voided by the computer and had to be re-marked by hand,
,ccording to Elections Chairman Dave Schaper.
Results in the PIRGIM, LSA and Board for Student Pub-
lications elections were also unavailable late last night.
Schaper said he had discovered ballots that appeared to
-----_ - " have been stuffed, apparent-
ly in favor of both GROUP
qnskie 111 and the Responsible Alterna-
tive Party (RAP).
Schaper plans to examine these
ballots today and present charges
mittee (C&R), citing a section of
the SGC election code that pro-
hibits a person from voting on
w ins 7more than one ballot.
Schaper said charges had also
CHICAGO W) - Sen. Ed Mus- been raised over campaign mate-
kies (D-Maine) was the decisive rials being too close to polling
victor in the Illinois primary, fi- places in South Quad and Bursley.
nal returns showed.
With 97 per cent of the pre- BULLETIN
cincts counted, Muskie won 59 na- Dianne Rappaport of the
Vtional convention delegates to Sen. PESC slate was elected presi-
George McGovern's (D-South Da- dent of LSA student govern-
kota) 1y4.d:aement, it was announced early
Eighty-seven delegates will go this morning. Jay Rising won
to the convention uncommitted thie rein.
to any presidential candidate. the vice presidency..u
Muskie's delegate victory was seats are:
coupled with a primary preference Judith Lashoff, William Craw-
Vshowing in which he easily out- Juth Las, Warw-
distanced his only opponent, Eu- forth, Alan Harris, Mark Wood,
gene McCarthy, 63 per cent t 37 Jim Weinstein and Patrick Hel-
gnyper cen7ler. Susan Paul and Ben Romer
per cent.
Unofficial vote totals showed tied for the seventh seat. A
Muskie with 747,887 votes to Mc- hpokaeswoan sai lst inght
Carthy's 438.888. shateatrecount tometermie the
The demoted Democratic front- sevent ouclm bewile
Arunner from Maine, whose White taen
House campaign got off to a shaky
start in the opening primaries, C&R will also hear a complaint
said in victory that he'll keep win- filed by Bill Jacobs, GROUP can-
ning now. didate for SGC president, against
The delegate contest was really Bob Black, '73. Jacobs has charged
24 contests, with the 160 conven- that Black has used his name on
tion seats apportioned among Con- unsigned literature.
-4gressional districts, and the vote Mawie & atngtds
count dragged through the night. Meanwhile, C&R last night dis-
Minor changes in the delegate missed c h a r g e s of deception
lineup remained a possibility as against the Student Tenants Union
the last votes were counted, but Coalition and ruled that the coali-
the outcome meant there were tion's candidates were properly en-
more uncommitted delegates than dorsed by the Ann Arbor Tenants'
the rival campaigners could clam Union.
%etween them. The charges were made by
In Republican balloting, Presi- GROUP member Michael Davis
dent Nixon ran unopposed and and GROUP's presidential candi-
garnered 44 out of 48 delegates. date Bill Jacobs. They maintained
Two Republican delegates were that the coalition's use of the
still unaccounted for late last name "Tenants' Union" was de-
night. ceptive because the Ann Arbor
The eighty seven uncommitted Tenants' Union (TU) had not given
delegates to the Democratic Na- formal permission for use of the
tional Convention are almost sure name and did not formally endorse
to follow the lead of Mayor Rich- the coalition's candidates.
ard Daley of Chicago according to Coalition members and TU lead-
Illinois observers. ers said that the slate had been
Control of that big bloc of dele- officially endorsed by the Tenants'
gate votes, and a convention seat Union at one of the union's regi-
for himself, were the only things lar Thursday night membership
*Daley won in a primary that saw meetings.
his Cook County organization bat- The committee ruled unanimous-
tered as never before by the state Ily that the Thursday night mem-
and county victories of two Demo- bership meetings were "generally
crats who challenged the mayor. accepted practice" and thus con-
McCarthy, the former Minne- stituted sufficient authority forI
sota senator who was first to chal- use of the name in the political!
enge the renomination of former campaign.;
President Lyndon B. Johnson four
years ago, said he was satisfied, Davis and Jacobs had claimed!
with his showing, that the Student Tenants' Union
Coalition was not representative of
But Sen. Henry Jackson of the Tenants' Union, and that the
Washington, one of the rivals use of the name confused vorers.
awaiting Muskie in the Wisconsin<
primary April 4, said in Milwaukee All the candidates running on
*"McCarthy wasn't even a serious the coalition slate, however, have
candidate. I think the question been active members of TU, Joe1
you can ask is why wasn't the Meneghini, the group's general co-
Muskie total even greater?" ordinator, said.

" "
Constitutional bill
now faces states'"O
From Wire Service Reports
WASHINGTON - In an overwhelming vote climaxing
nearly fifty years of feminist lobbying, the Senate yesterday
approved a constitutional amendment giving equal rights to
Loud cheers from women in the gallery greeted the Sen-
ate's 84-8 approval of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)-
which, among other provisions could allow women to be
drafted into military service.
The House approved the measure 354 to 23 in 1970 and it
now faces approval from at least 2-3 of the state legislatures.
President approval of the proposed amendment is not re-
President Nixon's recent endorsement of ERA, however,

Primary aftermath
Cook County State Atty. Edward Hanrahan (top left) responds to newsmen's queries about his victory over regular Democratic party
choice Raymond Berg for the office. At right, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley announces he will support Hanrahan and at top right, a
revived Ed Muskie discusses his primary victory with reporters. (See story, this page.)

Pay B

AFL-CIO chi~efs, quit

is believed to have been a ma-
jor factor in the Senate's lop-
sided approval.
The amendment, a, version of
which has been introduced to ev-
ery Congress since 1923, reads:
"Equality of rights under the
law shall not be denied or abridg-
ed by the United States or by any
state on account of sex."
The National Women's Politi-
cal ;Caucus and feminist groups
across the country hailed the pas-
sage of the ERA as a major vic-
"The significance of women as
a new and powerful political force
is demonstrated by the over-
whelming margin of passage of
the ERA" said Rep. Bella Abzug,
(D-N.Y.), co-chairperson of the
The states have seven years in
which to act and the amendment
would become effective two years
after ratification by the 38th
state - the minimum number re-
quired to make it effective.
Among the eight senators who
opposed ERA was Sen Sam Er-
vin (D-N.C.) who said yesterday,
"Forgive them, Father, they know
not what they do," concluding his
unsuccessful right for a host of
amendments to ERA.
While the ratification of ERA
could mean that women would
be drafted, the actual conscrip-
tion of women would require con-
gressional revision of the Selec-
tive Service Act and presumably
would not occur unless a major
war emergency arose.
According to a report by the
Citizen's Advisory Council of the
Status of Women, the ratification
of ERA would not nullify all laws
which distinguish on the basis of
sex. but would require that the
law treat men and women equally.
Probable ramifications of ERA
would include:
-The invalidation of protective,
laws for women which prohibit
hours of work beyond a specified
number, night work, employment
in particular occupations, and
weightliftina laws;
-The eligibility of men for ali-
mony payments in those states
where alimony is limited to wom-
. -The extension of dowery
riahts to men in those states
where men do not have a right in
their wive's estates; and-
-The extension of equal So-
cial Security benefits to widow-
ers of covered women which are
now provided only to widows of
covered men workers.
Adoption of the measure would
restrict only governmental action
and would not effect private em-

IW..ar foes
to hit area
In an effort 4o pressure local
corporations to stop supplying
"war technology", People against
the Air War (PAAW) will hold a
demonstration today at 12:30 at
the City Center Building, site of
KMS Industries.
According to a PAAW leaflet,
KMS industries has contracted
with the Pentagon to provide a'
radar system which can locate the
'enemy' through dense foliage or
in the darkness.
Keeve Siegel, chairman of KMS
industries said today, "KMS nu-
clear reactor developments are
completely for peacetime uses..
KMS has no equipment in Viet-
nam or elsewhere in Southeast
According %t the PAAW state-
ment, the company has recently
developed a laboratory version of
a 'new improved model' that can
gather information from radar
images of 'enemy' areas.
The company, PAAW claims,
has now received additional funds
from the Pentagon to build an op-
erational model of the 'system.
A noon rally at the fishbowl will
precede a march downtown to the
demonstration site, said Doug
Wilder, PAAW Spokesman.
Speakers will include represen-
tatives from his group, the Hu-
man Rights Party, The War Tax
Resisters and their Ann Arbor Life
Priorities Fund, as well as organ-
izers for an April 22 anti-war
demonstration in New York.
The protesting group has re-
quested time at the City Council
meeting next Monday night to
present petitions requesting that
the city deny its services to cor-
porations engaged in war re-
Anticipating a council response
that such action may be 'impos-
sible', Wilder said that the peti-
tion also includes a request for
a referendum on the proposal.
Wilder also mentioned that
three people from PAAW visited
KMS offices on Tuesday and pre-
sented Siegel with a set of de-
These included a demand that
all war research by KMS be ended
and one that would require all
proposed uses of the company's
research projects be made public.


over wage cu,.ts

AFL-CIO leaders quit the Pay
Board yesterday declaring it has
been slated against workers. The
White House promptly countered
that President Nixon won't let the
action "sabotage" his economic
"It has been a device to under-
mine and wreck collective bar-
gaining," said AFL-CIO President
George Meany in announcing the
resignations of himself, Steel-
workers President I. W. Abel and
Machinists' President Floyd
"The President will not allow
any leader of labor or any mem-
ber of management - no matter
how powerful - to put them-
selves above the best interests of
the American people," responded
White House Press Secretary Ron-
ald Ziegler.
The resignations left the 15-
man Pay Board with only two la-
bor members, Teamsters Presi-
dent Frank Fitzsimmons and Auto
Workers President Leonard Wood-I

George Meany I. W. Abel

cock. Fitzsimmons announced he
would stay on the board, while the
Auto Workers said that Woodcock
would make no immediate deci-
"I think it very likely that the
Pay Board will go on, but how
and in what manner remains to
be seen," stid the board chair-
man, George Boldt.

Government sources indicated
that Nixon could seek other la-
bor members to replace the AFL-
CIO leaders, cut down the present
15 labor-industry-public members
to six to maintain an equal rep-
resentation or reconstitute the
board as an all-public body like
Nixon's Price Commission.
Meany, backed up by the 13.6-

million-member labor federation's
Executive Council, said Nixon's
program has clamped rigid con-
trols on wages while letting prices
and profits soar.
"The record of flagrant favorit-
ism speaks for itself. The adminis-
tration 's so-called newdeconomy
policy is heavily loaded against
the worker and consumer, in fav-
or of the profits of big business
and banks. and is dominated by
the view that economic progress
begins and ends in the stock mar-
ket and the corporate financial
report," Meany said.
He said many prices, along with
rents, interest rates and profits,
had been exempted from controls
The AFL-CIO walkoff from the
Pay Board followed its recent re-
jection of a 20.9 per. cent wage
hike for West Coast longshoremen
and an earlier rejection of a 12
per cent hike for aerospace work-
ers represented by the Machinists
and Autoworkers.
The business and public mem-
bers of the Pay Board said the
aerospace workers could have a
raise of about 8 per cent this year
and that the longshoremen could
have one of 14.9 per cent.
The Auto Workers and Machin-
ists unions are suing in federal
court against the Pay Board rul-
ing. The West Coast Longshore-
men. represented by the Interna-
tional Longshoremen's and Ware-
housemen's Union (ILWU), have
indicated a possibility they might
resume their long strike shutting
down all West Coast ports.
Meany said Pay Board decisions
had been dictated by the industry
and oublic board members.
"The decisions are made before
the Pay Board meets. The staff
writes them un, and then informs
the labor members " he said.
Mclany said the Nixon adminis-
tration had not lived up to its
niedos that tho Pav Board would


Veteran to teach war course

University students bored with classes in
English literature and elementary physiology
may find diversion in guerrilla warfare, the title
of a new course planned by a local Vietnam
His brainchild rejected for academic credit
by the University's Course-Mart program, Mi-
cheal Reade, 24, a Vietnam veteran and former
army drill instructor, is offering the no-credit
course on his own initiative.
He says instruction will emphasize the theo-
retical basis and historical development of guer-
rilla warfare, and feature practical maneu-
vers in the Arboretum.
Weannn will he nalo hhie nitic mahine

ed to draw an overwhelming response - only
two people and a reporter showed up - Reade
expressed hope that the turn-out will be larger
at the meeting to be held next Tuesday night in
the lobby of the SAB.
He suspected the lack of attendance was due
to his limited - $3.90 - publicity fund.
Reade regards his course as primarily a
theatrical event but contends that before any
revolutionary course can effect people, it must
first "infuse revolutionary consciousness in rev-
olutionary fighters." A major emphasis in the
course will be placed on Quotations From
Chairman Mao-Tse Tung, said Reade.
Reade nredicts that Latin America. South


Commission calls for
leniency in pot laws

tional Commission on Marijuana
and Drug Abuse yesterday rec-
ommended an end to criminal
penalities for private marijuana.
But it rejected outright legal-
ization of marijuana and recom-
mended continued felony penal-
ties for growing or trafficking in
the drug, fines up to $100 for us-
ing it in public and jail terms
up to a year for driving while
under its influence-

nally-chartered commission con-
cluded after a year's study that
marijuana appears to be harm-
less when smoked less than once
a day.
It said daily, long-term use
holds some hazards, but those it
described are far less severe
than health risks of alcoholism.
Many law enforcement offi-
cials, however, opposed the rec-
ommendations as too lenient or
impractical. Some officials even
naetinnedC nnress' right to

((yy ::

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