Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, January 18, 1972 PageSixTHE ICHGAN AIL Tueday Janary1_8,197 1 CSJ rules for return of $1500 MOVE BY 'GROUP': Unit seeks to halt funds BOOK SALE (Continued from Page 1) its appropriations had been vio- lated. A decision by the print co-op1 board to grant the funds to the Washtenaw County Black Eco- nomic Development Leaguel (BEDL), Davis claimed, was in violation of the original terms of the grant which had called for the establishment of a county-? wide print co-op to be jointly controlled by students and mem- bers of the community. ual, to bring suit with CSJ fory The BEDL print co-op was "any punitive violation of right." Tues.--Wed. .$1.00 ea. Thurs.-Fri. .....50 ea. Saturday....:..25 ea. new books each day planned to be controlled entirely The court's final decision was (Continued from Page 1) by members of the community. made on this basis. according to its sponsors, is to However, Goldsmith pointed out Last night's decision marked a force Council to initiate programs that the CSJ manual for court new precedent for CSJ in that the of its own. procedure contains no statute SGC suit was non statutory -- "Council has become primarily against defrauding SGC. Gold- not specifically covered by CSJ's a distributor of funds to other smith requested the case be de- statues of procedure. campus organizations", says SGC cided on the more "limited't Controversy over the $1,500 member Marty Scott, "and as a grounds that SGC or any, student, grant started in November when result of this role, it has alienated student aroup or organization has! grnetrernNoebrwe- -"- A motion- asking Hack to re- sign was presented at a council meeting last month by John Koza, but the measure was subsequently withdrawn when only four, sup- porting votes could be mustered on a first reading. Support for the Steinhauer pro- posal will come primarily from members of the GROUP party, who backed the original attempt to remove Hack. Prior to their learning of Steinhauer's intentions GROUP members Michael Davis and Koza said they would, sup- port proposals aimed at remov- ing Hack, but would not initiate the move themselves. s I I i .; T ATTENTIO BORDERS BOOK SHOP 518 E. WILLIAM 9:06:00 p.m. Daily the right, according to the man- PESC's future uncertain i t !j t '1 (Continued from Page 1) the program. has been set aside for "academic The meeting, however, was not innovation." a formal hearing about PESC, nor! PESC has requested a grant of is one planned, committee mem- $4,600 to finance its programs dur- bers say. ing this semester. The PtSC program may be sub- Currently, the full costs of oper- ject to the scrutiny of other groups, ating the program - including the however. the print co-op board voted to do-! nate the funds to BEDL for for- mation of a Washtenaw County print co-op to be operated by community members only. The transfer of the grant had already been made, according to spokes- men of American Revolutionary Media (ARM) of which Goldman was then a member, when SGC decided that this allocation vio- lated the terms of the original grant. a great many students. One Council appropriation, a source of continued controversy on SGC, was returned last night as CSJ voted to return SGC's $1500 grant to the student print co-op. Some members had ob- jected to the way the allocation was handled. Sponsors of the appropriations Hack last night labelled Stein- statement point to the defeat of haur's actions as purely political SGC funding proposals in the last in nature and described Stein- two council elections as evidence hauer himself as a "politically 7 salaries of the non-faculty instruc- According to informed sources,j tors-are being borne by PESC the LSA Curriculum Committee members. may review those PESC courses Yesterday, psychology Prof. Wil- which are taught by non-Univer- bert McKeachie, chairman of the sity personnel. LSA Executive Committee, told a The committee, however, rarely meeting of the LSA faculty of an refuses to grant credit for courses. informal meeting last week be- In addition, some PESO courses tween the executive'committee and may be reviewed by the depart- PESC members. ment chairmen under which the At the meeting, executive com- course is listed. According to mittee members asked the PESC Rhodes, no such action has been members questions about the easi- brought to his attention as of the! bility and advisibility of continuing, current time.{ .'G . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN u":"S ? .}:.h:::i :"}E M a..". ".": ;:;.;:}"nvv."."r{{.".v.:::}:^.r:."::.:" .^ :" i'r.":::": :'" The grant was made in October of student disapproval of SGC b as an emergency fund on the un- spending policy. derstanding that printing equip- Despite the claims of the state- ment could be purchased at a low ment's signers, opposition to the price at that time. The motion plan has formed on both sides of for the emergency grant was! the SGC political spectrum. Both made by Goldman, then an SGC conservative Council member Brads Imember. Taylor and radical Joel Silverstein When SGC objected to the do- attacked the move calling it an nation of the money to BEDL, essentially political ploy by Goldman returned a check for GROUP to gain control of the $1,500 and resigned from SGC. council. However, A R M spokesman Opposition to the SGC admin- George DePue, claimirrg that the istration was also expressed in donation was completely within Steinhauer's attempt to eliminate thG ihso h rn oo the office of administrative vice board, stopped payment on Gold- president. man's check. At this point SGC Although Steinhauer maintains filed suit with CSJ for the return that his proposal is aimed solely _ of themoney at the office rather than Hack I CSJ seized the funds and himself, he did claim Hack has done aepoor jbhinfthespost placed them in the print co-op done a poor job in the post. fund account, but several hear- ings in December failed to yield Join The Doily Staff return of the funds. ackward right winger." Resumes Prepared Professionally Cal National Employment Consultants 663-6300 Mon.-Fri. 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. COILD & HUNGRY? (need a roof and moral sufiport for the long winter?) Co-operatives Offer an Alternative, * Inexpensive * Houses on Central or North Campus * Group living * Self governed * Home cooking * Board contracts on North Campus available a Inter-Co-op Council office: 3N Michigan Union 662-4414 or 668-6826 f i I TUESDAY. JANUARY 18 1 .Day calendar I Physics Seminar: R. Sard, Univ. of Ill., "Meson Spectroscopy at Serpukhov Using Pions of 25 and 40 Gev," P&A Colloq. Rm., 4 pm. School of Music: D. Crawford, "Inter- nationalism and Black Music: Mecca, Granada and the New World," Sch. of Mus. Recital Hall, 8 pm. SUMMER PLACEMENT 2121 SAB Phone: 764-7460 ANNOUNCEMENT Camp Ma-Hi-Ya, Mich. Social Work Camp, will interview Thurs., Jan. 20, 10-12 am. and 1:30-5 pm.; openings in- clude waterfront dir., arts & crafts dir., asst, arts & crafts specialists,kitchen supr. & aides, etc., further details avail. in ofc.; register by phone or in person. Camp Tamarack, Detroit Fresh Air Society, will interview We., Jan. 19, 9:30 sm.-5 pm.; openings include counselors, spec. in waterfront, arts & crafts, etc., s'iprs. & serv. staff; further details avaIl. in ofc.; register by phone or in person. German- Dept.:" Make-up final exam for German 101. 102, 231, 132. 236. on Jan. 31 7-9 pm. Rooms to be an- f nunced. CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT 3200 S.A.D. INTERVIEWS AT C.C.P.-you may make appts. for the following organJa- TV & Stereo Rentals $10.00 per month NO DEPOSIT FREE DELiVERY, PICK UP AND SERVICE CALL: NEJAC TV RENTALS 662-5671 tions by coming into our office, or call- ing 763-1363: Jan. 24 - Bell System (seeking B.M. in C.C.S., econ., math, and B in statis- tics. Jan. 25 - Procter & Gainole Co. (any major interested in a position as Con- sumer Research Investigator), Procter & Gamble Sales (all majors interested in sales positions), The J. L. Hudson Co. (B. in econ., BGS, math, psych., speech) Jan. 27 - Bank of New York (any major), The Univ. of Rochester (M. in Soc. Wk., B. in med. tech., microbiol- ogy, physical therapyh & pharmacy) Paraphernalia announces I U of M FENCING CLUB Beginning Instruction All Levels of Proficiency Welcome CO-EDUCATIONAL Organizational . Meeting Tues., Jan. 18 7:00 P.M. MICHIGAN UNION ROOM ANDERSON "C" (on 1st floor) or call JAN: 665-8480 %Ieul Return of the GRAD COFFEE HOUR PARTY Help, Run Your Boo kstore!. Final control over operations of the University Cellar Bookstore belongs to our Board of Directors. They are ten people appointed as follows: six students appointed by the student government coun- cil for two-year terms, three faculty members appointed by the senate assembly for three-year terms, and one administrative mem- ber appointed by President Fleming. Three of the six student seats on the Board will soon be vacant. If you're a student, you're eligible to fill those vacancies. If you're interested, pick up an application at the information desk in the U Cellar in the union basement anytime today through January 21 st. Welcome Back SALE- WED. 8 P.M. 4th FLOOR RACKHAM hot cider ond cake BE THERE 11 4 ' I 0 I * HI FE STUDIO 121 West Washington I I Downtown-] Bl. W. of Main NO 8-7942 I I -1 Forstfies burn moretantrees .ri ("S 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 " " I 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 I 1 OFF 1 1 # 11 1 ' " ~Coney 1 1 Iklnnrks Featuring SONY stereo components Four channel ?Ask about the New SONY SQ 1000-It's for real! Student headquarters for stereo components since 1955 ... where the student gets a break- IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU BUY NOW TO SAVE MONEY. Due to currency revaluation, prices on imported goods are w * going up. We want to help you save money, by beating the deadline k - Y e Don't Just Publish a Newspaper * We meet new people . We laugh a lot * We find consolation * We play football (once) * We make money (some) * We solve problems We debate vital issues * We drink 5c Cokes At I