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March 19, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-19

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stud ies


"What did you think of the
"It was great, I got an A."
This exchange may lose its rele-
vance for many students .within
the next several years as the Uni-
versity and colleges across the
O country re-examine the value of
traditional letter grading systems.
Though a discarding of tradi-
tional grading may be a long time
coming, a number of schools with-
in the University have switched
to alternative systems or are now
considering some change.
Several University schools and
programs including the medical
school and the Pilot Program have
switched from letter grades to a
pass-no entry system. Under this
plan, a student who fulfills the re-
quirements of a course passes, a
student who does not meet them

will not have any record of the
course on the transcript.
The Residential College (RC)
employs a pass-fail system with
accompanying written evaluations
for students in small classes.
Two tentative proposals to
change the grading system in the
literary college are presently un-
der consideration by the LSA Cur-
riculum Committee. English Prof.
Hubert English, chairman of the
committee, estimates that any ac-
tion changing the present system
would not go into effect before
the fall, 1973 "at the earliest."
"There is a strong sentiment in
favor of some shift towards some
form of Pass-No Entry grading."
says English. "There is no reason
to have failing grades."
"The issue is not whether grad-
ing should be changed but how
it should change," comments Ron

Alpern, a student on the Commit-
tee on the Undergraduate Experi-
ence (CUE), which has been stu-
dying various grading systems.
"Grading isn't good under any
circumstances and it should be
While many agree that a change
in the present system is necessary
there is disagreement concerning
what these changes should be.
"The matter is very complex,"
says Prof. Carl Colen, a member
rf an LS&A subcommittee on
grading. "I prefer a system which
provides enough freedom to per-
mit a variety of grading options."
The Curriculum Committee
must first formulate its final plan,
submit it to the LSA Executive
Committee for approval and then
to the faculty..
One proposal under considera-
tion, presented by the Curriculum

!ive gradi
Committe e's Subcommittee on --A student could
Grading, outlines several instruc- the short evaluatio
tor and student grading options. manent part of his
Under the plan, an instructor The proposal als
could use one of three grading establishment of a
schemes: Grading Policy, wit
-Letter grades A through D, ulty and administrf
No Entry. The letter grades could to rule on the u
be modified by pluses or minuses. plans other than t
-Pass-No Entry. for a particular cl
-Either of the two plans plus A more sweeping
a one paragraph evaluation of grading system un
the student's performance which tion was proposed b
would be shown only to the stu- mittee of eight stu
dent. faculty members.
In addition, the student could CUE's proposal
exercise one of two options: that:
-In a graded class a student -Grading in al
could choose at any time during 100-level and 200-1
final exams to have the grade on a Pass-No Entr
translated into Pass or No Entry. Freshmen and so
The student could later obtain all courses, includi
from the Registrar a record of the bered over 300, on
grade the instructor submitted. See COMMITT

d decide to have
n made a per-
o calls for the
Committee on
h student, fac-
ation members,
se of grading
those proposed,
change of the
der considera-
by CUE. a com-
udents and two
1 introductory,
evel courses be
ry basis.
ophomores take
ng those num-
a Pass-No En-
TEE, Page 6

STUDENTS STUDYING: Are grades the motivation?

See Editorial Page

C, C

Mfri igan


Fair and c tld,
partly cloudy

Vol. LXXXII, No. 127

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Sunday, March 19, 1972'

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

A & D to
In an effort to "Rethink" educational
policies and goals, classes at the architecture
school will be suspended tomorrow and Tues-
day and be replaced by discussions and
symposiums on topics ranging from grading
to tenure policies for its faculty.
"It isn't by any means that everything is
wrong with the school," said Joseph Wehrer,
an architecture professor, "but rather that
the environment at the school-in classes
and social relations-has deteriorated."
"We hope that in coming together and
getting things out in the open we can clear
the air and have some basis for moving."
Robert Metcalf, dean of the School of
Architecture, has mixed feelings about the
potential worth of the program. "I don't
expect to get steamed up over it because I
think a lot of it is a waste of time.
"But the profession is changing a great
deal and perhaps some good, new ideas will
come out of the discussions," he added.
The program will begin with a meeting of
all students and faculty at 9:00 tomorrow
Questions to be considered include the
nature of effecting policy changes, ways of
creating interest in classroom settings, lack
of communication between students and fac-
ulty and" the nature of academic counseling.
Organizers have invited a number of
alumni to come back and talk about prob-
lems in the profession and where their uni-
versity proved important and irrelevant.
After the meeting, a group of students
and faculty will meet to discuss its failures
and successes and to devise an appropriate
program for Tuesday.
Organizers of the program hope to achieve
a variety of goals, with the possibility of
formulating task-forces to explore questions
like grading, admittance procedures, inte-
gration of the curriculum and more oppor-
tunities to do actual professional work.
The moratorium on classes grew out of
a proposal a I a r g e group of students
See A & D, Page 10

Irish Protestants




concessions to IRA

-Daily-Jim Wallace
Treasures from afar
An Indian woman poses with her wares at the World's Fair last night. The fair, sponsored by the University's Foreign Student Board,
will continue today from 12-6 p.m.
------- -- -------------
two funding1u rernda qn ballot

What one Student Government Council
member has termed "a very low-keyed cam-
paign" will come to a head Tuesday and
Wednesday as students vote in the Spring
SGC elections.
Five slates are competing for the SGC
presidential and vice presidential positions.
15 candidates are running for five vacated
SGC member-at-large seats.
Two referenda will also appear on the bal-
lot. One proposal asks an increase in fund-
ing for SGC, the second concerns a fee as-
sessment for the Public Interest Research
Group in Michigan (PIRGIM).

Lee Gill is running for president on the
Integrity ticket. Paula Kendrick, '75, is the
Integrity party vice-presidential candidate.
The party's primary concerns, according
to Gill, are changing the University's un-
responsive attitude toward minority stu-
dents, establishing more student-run coop-
erative associations, e x p a n d i n g and
strengthening student power on University
policy boards and ending war research.
Gill, president of the South Quad Minor-
ity Council, has been involved with plan-
ning two proposed Afro-American cultural
living units and presenting the proposals to
the Regent; last week.
Bill Jacobs, '73, and Lou Glazer, Grad.,
are running for president and vice presi-
dent on the GROUP ticket.Jacobs is pres-
ently chairman of the SGC Meat Co-op.
GROUP proposes to expand the current
Meat Co-op into a full-scale, non-profit
grocery co-op with $.25 allotment from each
student. Other GROUP proposals include
placing students on the Board of Regents
and implementing a student legal advocate
Jacobs says that GROUP can "provide the
leaders needed to get things done."
The Responsible Alternative Party (RAP)
is running Greg Kateff. '74, and Aime
Reussman, '72, as presidential and vice
presidential candidates.
Kateff, president of South Quad Council,
says SGC should be a "clearing house for
student problems" RAP also plans to "clean
up the University Cellar mess", end partisan
political spending, keep a voluntary ROTC,
and work to ensure an atmosphere of aca-
demic freedom.
Chris Rodgers, '74, and Jeff Sollinger,
'75. are running as independents for the two
top SGC posts.
They are running on a platform of "rep-
resenting students who are not now repre-
sented on SGC." Their proposals include
increasing the amounts of financial aid
available to student from both low and mid-
dle income families, eliminating the prac-
tice of SGC-appointed members of Central
Student Jadiciary, and installing a policy
of increased aid and improved accommoda-
tions for the handicapped.
Scott Seligman, '73, and Richard Stein-

for the five vazated SGC members-at-large
Running under GROUP auspices are Mela
Wyeth, '71, DaviJ Smith, Grad. and David
Klein, Engin '74.
Patrick King, '74, Michael Lewis, '73,
Maureen McCloskey, '74, and Steve Reiber,
'72 and Bill Dobbs represent the STUT ticket.
Keith Murphy, '74, and Valda McClain,
'75, are running as members of RAP.
The two Integrity Party candidates are
Henry Younger and Wendy McGowan, both
LSA '75. ^
A new group, the members of which
pledge to "Guard Against Incompetence and
Negligence" (GAIN), is running as at-
large candidates Rusty Kimmel and Jeff
Doan, '74.
They propose to end fiscal irresponsibility,
install a student on the Board of Regents,
establish a deferred tuition plan, revamp
counseling offices, and examine the Uni-
versity budget.
Jim Bloom, LSA '73, running as an inde-
pendent is concerned with the abuse of
funds by SGC. He proposes to end this
abuse by abandoning the practice of fund-
ing politically oriented groups, "which rep-
resent only small segments of the student
Two major referenda are on the ballot,
both of which concern funding.
See SGC, Page 7

BELFAST (A') - More tha, 55,000 Pro-
testants from across Northern Ireland con-
verged on a park here yesterday in a show.
of force rally organized by the hard-line Ul-
ster Vanguard Movement. It was the big-
gest rally in the north in 50 years.
The rally was aimed at demonstrating op-
position to any concessions the British gov-
ernment might make to the Roman Catholic
civil rights movement and the Irish Repub-
lican Army.
Troops in armored cars and police sealed
off potential flashpoints in Catholic districts
of the capital and stationed themselves in
streets around the park, decorated with
bunting and flags.
"We have rallied our strength and are
ready to do or die," William Craig, a form-
er cabinet minister, told the crowd. He said
that Ulster, a self-governing province linked
with Britain, would never accept direct rule
from the British government in Loudon as a
possible means of ending the guerrilla cam-
paign of the outlawed IRA.
Their actions are directed at expelling the
British from the mainly Protestant province
and uniting it with the Catholic Irish republic
in the south.
The campaign has cost 278 lives since
violence erupted in August 1969.
"We must build up dossiers on the men
and women who are enemies of this country
because one day, ladies and gentlemen, if
the politicians fail, it would be our job to
liquidate the enemy," Craig said.
"But we do not want an indiscriminate
holocaust. We do not want innocent people
to suffer. We do not want to find ourselves
in general conflict with the Roman Catholic
Craig launched a fighting fund and called
for boycott of trade with the Irish republic
"to really hit the republic where it hurts
Before addressing the crowd, which was
controlled by 600 stewards, Craig inspected
hundreds of men lined up military-style
ranks.The rally included 3,000 former mem-
bers of the now-disbanded Ulster Special
Meanwhile, in Glasgow, 20,000 members of
the Protestant Orange Order marched in
another big demonstration. The Scottish
march, held to express sympathy for fellow
Protestants in Northern Ireland, also was
monitored by police.
Both demonstrations came as Britain's
government readied a new plan to bring
peace to Northern Ireland. It is believed
to include provisions for the 500 000 Catho-
lics to have a -greater voice in a govern-
ment now dominated by representatives of
the million Protestants.

t Rep. McCloskey

join primary
Seven Democrats and two Republicans
will run in the state's May 16 presidential
On the Friday closing day for filing, Sen.
Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) and Rep. Paul
McCloskey (R-Cal.) formally declared them-
selves candidates for the state's first presi-
dential primary in 44 years.
Humphrey joins six other Democratic
candidates, including Sens. Henry Jackson
(D-Wash.), George McGovern (D-S.D.),
Vance Hartke (D-Ind), Alabama Gov.
George Wallace and Rep. Shirley Chisholm
President Nixon and McCloskey are the
sole Republican candidates.
Although McCloskey has withdrawn from
the presidential campaign, he is running in
primaries where his name has been entered.
New York Mayor John Lindsay, Rep. Wil-
bur Mills (D-Ark.) and Sen. Edward Ken-
nedy (D-Mass.), requested that their names
not appear on the ballot.
Secretary of State Richard Austin pre-
dicted up to 1.3 million voters would turn
out for the election.

-Daily-Jim Judkis
'Hey Who said you could
paint those cars black?'


Sunday strollers may wonder why
five 1972 Ford Torinos - all painted
black - are parked by the A & D
William Finneran, a former Univer-
sity graduate student who teaches
sculpture at Naw York University,
painted the cars with black poster paint
in conjunction with the Ann Arbor
Film Festival.

bewildered by-passers.
"People look at the piece symbolic-
ally, but it has nothing to do with sym-
bols or ecology," he explains.
"I'm not criticizing the car indus-
try, and I'm not using black as a death
symbol." he adds.
"I might like it, if I knew what he
was doing it for," one confused observer

Hash a
The campus can celebrate the Easter
weekend, newly reduced state drug laws,
the long-awaited coming of Spring and
April Fools' Day on the Diag with a mas-
sive "Hash Bash".
The April 1 event, which seems to have
self-generated miraculously from various
unsigned graffitti around the campus, will
reportedly include the gathering of thous-
ands of people to encourage voter turn-


~'toas her inApril1
Juana laws."
"It's definitely a positive step-we
should always be getting high together,"
she added.
It appears that little active planning is
going into the April 1 gathering.
. Spokespeople for the Tribal Council and
other groups have emphasized the spon-
taneous nature of the affair.
Walden Simper, who is active in both
the Rainhw Penn1p' Partv (RPP) and

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