Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Views on the SGC funding proposal Speaking for the plan .. . ... And the case against 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: CHRIS PARKS rrrwr r rirr+ rrr . . ri Gill for SGC President T A TIME when students on this cam- pus have become alienated from Stu- dent Government Council, Council sore- ly needs a leader that can infuse that body with the energy and direction to take positive steps to satisfy student needs and concerns. With this in mind, we endorse Lee Gill for SGC president. Gill, running on the Integrity t i c k e t, stands out as a h I g h 1 y articulate,E inspiring candidate, who has emerged4 from a typically me-: diocre field of pres- idential candidates. Gill is primarily concerned with changing the Uni- versity's unrespon- GILL sive attitude toward minority students, establishing more student-run coopera- tive associations, strengthening student power on University policy boards and ending University war research. BUT IT IS not his platform that makes him superior. Indeed, many of the candidates are advocating similar pro- grams. Gill, however, is the only candi- date who truly instills confidence that he will be able to make significant progress toward his goals. Perhaps most importantly, Gill has an understanding of the University and how to effect change within its structures. As president of the South Quad Minority Council, Gill has steered plans for the Afro-American Cultural Living Units through the University bureaucracy to its presentation to the Regents yesterday. We believe that the persuasive abilities he has demonstrated on this project will make him a powerful lobbyist for student interests. Gill's running mate for the executive vice president post, Paula Kendrick, has been unavailable for an interview with The Daily. CONSIDER the other candidates to be unacceptable for the following reasons: Bill Jacobs and Lou Glazer (GROUP). Jacobs has experience on SGC, but tends to blame Council's ineffectiveness on everyone but himself - radicals, con- servatives, administrators and The Daily. We feel that his (and GROUP's) lifeless middle-of-the-road programs have stalled Council more than any radical-conserva- tive battles. Jacobs heads the student meat co-op and is largely responsible for the appar- ent failure of that venture, due to his lack of leadership and foresight. In addition, neither Jacobs nor Glazer have demonstrated any underlying politi- cal philosophy which they would apply to situations that might occur during the year. They seem to be running not be- cause of ideals, but more out of a desire to head a bureaucracy. Greg Kateff and Aime Ruessman (Re- sponsible Alternative Party). Kateff dis- plays a naive conception of both the pur- pose and the potential of SGC, saying it should be "a clearinghouse for student problems" - similar to 76-GUIDE. Cur- rently president of South Quad Council, Kateff says SGC funds should be spent on more social events-for dormitories and fraternities. Chris Rodgers and Jeff Sollinger. Though they are running on a plat- form of "representing students who are not now represented on SGC", Rodgers and Sollinger seem to have very narrow concerns and a woeful lack of knowledge of how to carry through programs. They want SGC to work for increased student financial aid, and more help for handi- capped students, but suggest "writing let- ters and sending envoys" as the means to those ends. As candidates, they seek to "houseclean" SGC and Central Student Judiciary, which they see as a major step for student justice - but they have no knowledge of the Regents' Interim Con- duct Rules or the new judiciary system. Scott Seligman and Richard Steinberg (Student Tenants Union Ticket). These candidates are primarily concerned with rather unrealistic plans for student con- trol of the Ann Arbor housing market, dormitory cable television systems and a student moving co-op. The two have demonstrated neither the knowledge of the University nor the leadership neces- sary to serve students properly. THUS, we urge students to support Lee Gill and Paula Kendrick for SGC president and executive vice president. -THE SENIOR EDITORS By REBECCA SCHENK SGC President OVER THE past years, the University administration has refused with amaz- ing regularity to use tuition funds for important student projects. Because of this, the execution of these plans, such as the establishment of a campuswide gro- cery co-op and a legal advocate for stu- dents, have fallen to Student Government Council. However, SGC does not have the re- sources of the University as a whole, and has in the past been unable to fund many major programs for students. In the upcoming all-campus election, students have tle power to give SGC these resources through a small increase in SGC's funding. The per person level of funding will still remain far lower than the level at other Universities, but by combining a small amount of money coming from each stu- dent into one large sum, important pro- jects can still be developed. IN THE LAST all-campus election stu- dents voted overwhelmingly to support the establishment of a low cost grocery co- op, but in the same election rejected an SGC funding referendum which would have helped pay for it. Grocey co-ops do not appear out of thin air, they have to be set up by a lot of work and with a substantial sum of money. The present meat co-operative has not been able to serve very many stu- dents only because there was not enough money available to back a big enough operation. with the increase in funding for t h e ballot question, all of the students can be served. If the funding referendum fails, the grocery co-op will not be set up and students will actually end up spending much more money than the proposed in- crease because they will have to buy food at inflated Ann Arbor prices. THE STUDENT LEGAL advocate is another important plan which has the capability of saving students large sums of money In the long run. The present legal aid office can not bring suits against the University, and neither can the Office for Student Services lawyer. For this reason, students lost out on an opportunity to fight this year's large tuition and dormitory rate increases through the courts. The University should not have been allowed to raise tuition and dorm rates as much as they did because of the wage-price freeze. If there had been a student legal advo- cate, students might have been saved well over $100 each by forcing the University to roll back any increases. If students support the funding plan with some of the funds earmarked for the legal advocate, we wil be able to success- fully fight future increases. THE STUDENTS at this University need and deserve both protection against in- equities and guarantees of a lower cost of living. The SGC funding plan goes a long way towards guaranteeing these Student needs, and also allows Student Govern- ment Council to initiate other projects to further meet these needs. To become a community we must create community institutions, to do this stu- dents must voice yes on the SGC funding plan. By ALAN LENHOFF Editor. ONCE AGAIN, students are being asked to approve a proposal on the Student Government Council ballot that would sub- stantially increase SGC's funding. At first glance, the proposal seems rath- er appealing. Each student would be taxed $1 per term - primiarily for the purpose of initiating a cooperative grocery store and a student legal advocate program. In addition, SGC's general fund would be al- most doubled. But rather than voting to enhance SGC's financial position, students would be well- advised to take a scrutinizing look at their student government and its financial poli- cies. OF GREATEST CONCERN has been SGC's demonstrated propensity for misal- location of funds. In fact, last year, SGC's two largest (and most highly self-lauded) allocationswent to programs that benefit- ed few students. First, Council rather haphazardly dashed off a check for $1,500 to a Washtenaw County Print Co-operative - only to find that the money was not being used to buy printing equipment as it had requested. It was only after a series of hearings on thermatter that a red-faced SGC managed to recover its allocation. Council's only other major expenditure last year was a $1,500 investment in a meat co-op. And despite claims of suc- cess from Bill Jacobs, SGC's "vice presi- dent for the grocery co-operative," the co- op's services - both in terms of pricing and customer convenience - have not been adequate enough to attract more than 80 customers a week. Essentially, the only stable business op- erations that SGC offers for students are its insurance and charter flight opera- tions. But these operations are designed to generate operatinig funds for SGC rath- er than provide students with the beat possible services for their money. IT' IS IN THIS context that Council asks students to entrust it with a great deal of new operating funds. But there is little reason to believe that SGC's finan- cial responsibility will markedly improve this term. The plan for the student grocery co- operative seems doomed before it starts. A student cooperative store can hardly compete with major supermarket chains that own massive stores, fleets of trucks and purchase goods in boxcar quantities. It is likely that A & P can sell products cheaper than SGC can purchase them. An added dilemma is posed by the po- litical make-up .of Council. Once domin- ated by leftist radicals, SGC now is hand- cuffed by the ultra-conservative Respon- sible Alternative Party and the lackluster, moderate GROUP members. Radical Council member Joel Silverstein was only half-kidding when he said that some Council members'would like to.pro- vide funding fbr ROTC's Pershing Rifle drill team. Certainly, granting a great amount of new funds to a Council of this mold would be a mistake. THUS, UNTIL COUNCIL becomes re- sponsive and responsible to students, it should be maintained at its current fund- ing level. Granting a large funding in- crease to SGC would be a vote of confi- dence that is ihardly deserved. p grocery co-op earmarked in this Regents By CARLA RAPOPORT Executive Editor LONG THE most conservative membei' of the board, perhaps Regent Robert Brown (R-Kala- mazoo) was the most flip about the black students' proposal for an Afro-American housing unit. "If you're going to do it for the blacks, why not for the milquetoasts? What if 25 per cent of the white students on campus are milquetoasts? What if they demand separate housing? It's the milquetoasts I'm worried about," said Brown after the meeting. As the Regents' open hearing on the proposed unit progressed, the liberals on the board began to look more and more concerned. "I had no idea there were ra- cial tensions here. I thought we were doing so well. I'm just very depressed." said Gertrude Hueb- ner to a reporter. IT WAS a depressing meeting. With some 30 students jammed into the Regents' Room to hear the discussion on the proposed housing unit, it was depressing to see how little our Regents under- stand the racial problems which rack the dormitories. And it was depressing to see how the Regents were uninformed, noncommittal, and in some cases sharply opposed to the black stu- dents' proposal. While Regent James Waters (D- year's meeting: A depressing debacle Muskegon) says he now supports the plan, as late as Wednesday the liberal black lawyer said he hadn't "studied" the problem yet and hadn't been in touch with the plan's organizers. Regent Robert Nederlander (D- Southfield) said yesterday, "I really don't know. There are so many arguments on both sides. I wish I had some sort of answer, but I don't." Luckily for the Regents. how- ever, the Michigan Civil Rights Commission (MCRC) decided to thoroughly investigate the pro- posed housing plan and presented their findings at yesterday's meeting. IF ANYTHING saves this is- sue from the usual route of post- ponement at today's public Re- gents meeting, the MCRC report will. The Regents have had their homework done for them and done amazingly well. Among the conclusions of this report on the Afro-American liv- ing unit in South Quad - which would be open to anyone with a "sincere" interest in black af- fairs - is the following passage. "In the past, University policy has tried to be color-blind. Many people in the University, both black and white, have expressed the hope that if everyone could just treat each other as fellow hu- man beings, everything would be all right." But, the passage continues, "bet- ter race relations" can only begin with being color-conscious as we've beenhall our lives, and deal- ing with the "fears and stereo- types that all races have of each other." "If the living unit turns out to be segregated, the white students of the University will have only themselves to blame," it concludes. Until the release of this report, yesterday's meeting was a sorry affair. As the presentations ram- bled on, the situation became muddier and muddler. Those stu- dents opposed to the living unit said they doubted the honesty of those supporting it. Those speak- ing for it were often too emotion- al to deal effectively with the Re- gents' questions. Luckily, a prestigious state com- mission has neatly sewed up the case for the Regents and the Uni- versity community -- according to MCRC, the housing plan is not in violation of state law, it is in fact, a desirable method toward racial harmony. Without MCRC's report, the Re- gents would not be ready to make 4 4 A powerless SGC flounders a decision on the housing unit is-' sue this morning. Yesterday's hearing only touched on the myriad of feelings among those who support the plan, as well as those against. AS LONG as the Regents came to town on Thursday to make a decision on Friday, they should heed the conclusions of MCRC's carefully investigated report. Then, maybe they should look around for an agency to do their research every month. ABOUT SEVEN years ago, several stu- dents running for Student Govern- ment Council banded together under the acronym GROUP, advocating lower tui- tion, various kinds of student co-ops, im- proved counseling, better housing and academic reform. Several of them were elected and, from all indications, they tried to work hard for these goals. Though none of those old candidates have any ties with the current slate of SGC candidates running under that name nor any other current student party, it is significant that so many goals of 1965 SGC candidates must still appear on stu- dent party platforms today because they were never achieved. Judging from the current campaign literature, candidates feel students want these and other programs which have been kicked around for a long time. Judg- ing from SGC's limited progress in achieving them, the chances for such change are slim. It is apparent to those students inter- ested (and evident from the number of students who aren't) that SGC has failed. It has little credibility before faculty and administration. Undergraduates now on campus have seen only one oritwo visible, productive resultsof SGC Initiatives. The average student doesn't know what SGC is or who is on it - despite the semi- annual littering of the campus area by SGC hopefuls. If students want what the candidates say they do, they have wanted it for a long time and SGC just hasn't de- livered. Because of this, students are justified in looking critically at exactly what can be reasonably expected from SGC in the future and whether it's worth having, re- gardless of who takes over the leadership roles in next week's election. arrangements, SGC, along with the fac- ulty, has no legislative recourse if some- thing it doesn't like is passed or if some- thing it likes is quashed by the Regents. Thus, SGC intrinsically exercises only two real functions: selecting students for advisory boards and the semi-autonomous Office of Student; Services Policy Board and allocating its own funds. With so little real power, much of Council's activity has centered around individual members' lobbying efforts. These low profile activities haven't been of interest to students until crisis situa- tions arose or some SGC wrongdoing came to light. Arid because there was little relating to the entire student body going on, SGC assumed the character of those who derive satisfaction from oc- cupying important positions in a basically impotent organization. SEVERAL NOW argue that if students vote to give more money to SGC it will increase student involvement in the organization and increase the sphere of services it is able to provide. This is un- likely because Council has not used its existing funds productively, often giving money away on a first come-first served basis. Another point of view is that if force- ful and intelligent students are elected, they will organize to more effectively lobby for student interests. But this idea also is weak because it places students in the position which existing OSS officials, advocates, and student workers should be assuming. IF STUDENTS really want to move to- ward the changes that most of the can- didates talk about, they must secure a participatory, not advisory, voice in Uni- versity decision-making. The Regents must be required to dele- gate some of the power they exercise in th mam o a e at .a M ha.Cflif .. f Letters to The, Da~ly' irschman endorsed forpublications b. THE SENIOR EDITORS THE TEN-PERSON Board for Student Publications has jurisdiction over the financial affairs of various student publications including The Daily. It has no power over editorial content of The Daily, that is delegated to the paper's Senior Editors. Of the four candidates running for the one open student seat (there are three on the board), we endorse incumbent Jay Hirschman, and find the others unacceptable. In his two years service on the board, Hirschman has proved him- self an effectiye liaison between staff members of student publications and the professional and faculty members of the board. Realizing that disadvantaged students often cannot afford to work on The Daily but most hold part-time jobs, Hirschman is trying to establish a Daily scholarship. He also advocates a campus magazine "representative of present student interests." Hirschman has an understanding of the board's functions and re- sponsibilities that the other candidates sorely lack, and he has done an excellent job this year of representing student interests on the board. Ron Landsman is a former Managing Editor of The Daily, whose campaign literature calls for The Daily to cover student govern- ment, campus activities and student organization. He of all people should know, however, that the board exercises no control over edi- torial policy. In addition, Landsman is a graduate student-and ac- cording to the rules therefore ineligible for the vacant undergraduate seat. IT IS DOUBTFUL whether Brad Taylor is even serious in his bid for the board. Taylor has admitted he knows "nothing" of the board's function and is just running "to smash The Daily." He says in his platform "I do not seek editorial control over The Daily," but, also wants to "clean The Daily out by ediminating 'editorial com- r,-. -4.. 4 - - - .. 4 . .. y Meaty complaint To The Daily: THE DAILY (March 15) pub- lished an editorial concerning the SOC Meat Co-op that made a number of false charges. The editorial says: "A meat co- op has been started. And finish- ed." FACT-The SGC Meat Co-op has been started and is continu- ing its operation. The editorial says: "There are food co-ops in town, with which Council could have collaborated." FACT - The other members of the SGC Grocery Co-op Committee and I have had extensive discus- sions with other food co-ops. For the time being, these co- ops have preferred to retain their individuality - an attitude which we support. However, if our fund- ing qustion passes, we will be in- vesting in facilities that will be availablenfor common use by all Ann Arbor food co-ops. The editorial states that t h e SGC Meat Co-op is an "order tak- ing store with sales persons and customers. A genuine co-op has no sales persons or customers; but rather members." FACT - The SGC Meat Co-op does operate on an order basis, as do many other co-ops. This is the least expensive method of opera- tion as there are no overhead costs or wastage costs. The SGC Meat Co-op does not have sales personnel - we have members that staff (without pay) the table in the fishbowl and distribute the meat in the SAB. The editorial states that "lack of student interest . . . along with of its limited preliminary and information gathering goals, the Meat Co-op has been a veritable success. Finally, it should be noted that Rose Sue Berstein. (the author of the editorial) made no effort to consult me, or any of the other workers of the cooperative. Hence, the false reporting. I would hope that The Daily will publish a retraction and then as- sign members of their staff to in- vestigate and report on the oper- ation of the SOC Meat Co-op - something I have been consistent- ly requesting The Daily to do since the inception of the Co-op. -Bill Jacobs SGC Vice President for the Grocery Cooperative March 15 SGC and committees To The Daily: THE RECENT article in T h e Daily (March 15) criticizing SGC appointments to token commit- tees in the University did not bring out all of the , important points about these appointments, appointments which never should have been made by a student gov- ernment that is really interested in fighting for student interests. These committees are all pop- ulated by large numbers of fa- culty and administrators, with only a few students so that it looks like the students have a real say. In actuality, the s t u- dents are being given only token input, rather than real power. It is especialy distressing to to these committees so that the University will no longer be able to put foreward the false facade of listening to students when they really ignore them. All University offices should be set up in a similar manner to the Office for Student Services Policy, where students hale a majority voice. Also, the selection of University Vice Presidents should be based upon panels sub- mitted by committees with a stu- dent voice, rather than by com- mittees which really act as arms of the administration. Until this kind of' network is set up, SGC should refuse to ac- cede to tokenism which has -been put forward by members of SGC who should have known better. The students will be much better off in the end. --Jay Hack Administrative Vice President Student Government Council March 16 School board To The Daily: THE STORY of the Ann Arbor School Board meeting of Feb. 9 (Daily, Feb. 11) contained a mis- interpretation of the statement made by the League of Women Voters of Ann Arbor. At the meet- ing, the League, along with the AAUW Education Committee and Ann Arbor CARE, spoke in opposi- tion to the Renken proposal which was substituted by the Board for the Johnson Resnlition nE anal *