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Sfribi au
Mostly cloudy,
chance of rain
Vol. LXXXII, No. 125
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 17, 1972
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Docker's pay
raise cut 5%
WASHINGTON (A') - Braving threats of a renewed West
Coast dock strike, the Pay Board yesterday trimmed a 20.9
per cent longshoremen's raise by about a quarter.
There was no immediate comment from Harry Bridges,
"president of the International Longshoremen's and Ware-
housemen's Union (ILWU). However he has repeatedly prom-
ised to shut down Pacific ports if the board trimmed so much
as a penny from the pact.
Bridges' administrative assistant, Charles Velson, said
in San Francisco, "We're not going to have anything to say'
right away."
In Los Angeles, President John Pandora of ILWU local
013 said his members are under
Nixon asks
to run for
Con ress
Walter Shapiro, a 25-year-old
graduate student at the University,
announced his candidacy yester-
day for the Democratic nomina-
tion for Congress in Michigan's
second congressional district.
Speaking to a group of about 100
students .in Alice Lloyd Hall, Sha-
piro, the nation's youngest con-
gressional candidate, emphasized
his work with Ralph Nader and his
year as an employe of Congres-
sional Quarterly, as evidence of
his knowledge of government and
orders to take no action until
Bridges gives instructions.
There was no immediate evi-
dence of wildcat walkouts.
The ILWU struck West Coast
ports for 134 days last year to win
the contract. Both the union and
the employer group, the Pacific.
Maritime Association, had urged
the Pay Board to approve it to re-:
ward dockers for past increases
in productivity.
The Pay Board staff said steve-
doring firms saved up to $1 bililon
in reduced labor costs since the
union liberalized work rules in
.Nevertheless, business and public
members of the board outvoted
labor members 8 to 5 to reject the
new contract as inflationary.
By board calculations, the long-
shoremen now receive an average
of $7.43 an hour in wages and
fringe 'benefits. The board figured
the first year of the new contract
would increase that by 16 per cent
in wages and overtime, and by 4.9
per cent in management contri-
butions to pension and welfare
By a second vote of 8 to 6, the
board empowered Chairman
George H. Boldt to approve the
settlement if the wage figure is
reduced from 16 per cent to 10 per
cent. The entire 4.9 per cent fringe
package would be approved.
Thus the board said it would
approve a total increase of 14.9 per
cent in both wages and fringes.
This is higher than the 8.9 per cent
increase that would have been al-
lowed under the board's standard
guidelines, including standard ex-
ceptions above its 5.5 per cent
basic guideline.
"The extra allowances were
made in recognition of the neces-
sity of producing the income and
retirement security which has
helped to foster efficient industry
production leading to significantly
greater output with a continuously
declining work force," Boldt said
in announcing the action.
Boldt read a statement and de-
clined to answer newsmen's ques-
WASHINGTON (N) - Declar-
ing that some federal courts
"have gone too far," President
Nixon urged Congress last
night to legislate an immedi-
ate halt to all new pupil-bus-
ing orders. Further, he pro-
posed to channel $2.5 billion
i into poor - neighborhood
In an address prepared for live
television-radio delivery from the
White House, Nixon coupled his
appeal for an busing with
a proposal to "concentrate federal
school-aid funds on the areas of
greatest educational need" - the
{ Rural and Central-City school
districts which do not match sub-
>°|. urban standards.
In outlining his program, Nixon
"First I shall propose the legis-
lation that would call an imme-
Tessem diate halt to all new busing or-
nt Paul ders by federal courts -- a mora-
cer. At torium on new busing."
report As for his companion measure.
argues Nixon said administration-drafted
legislation "would require that ev- .
ery state or locality must grant
equal educational opportunity to
every person regardless of race,
color or national origin."
Reactions and mterreactions were many at yesterday's Regents open hearing. At top, Reger
Brown (D-Petoskey) confers with Wilbur Pierpont, vice president and chief financial offi
bottom left, Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith reclines in his chair to peruse a
on the proposed housing unit as (at right) Lee Gill, president of South Quad Minority Council
for the acceptance of the proposal.
Housing oplan debated
In reporting that his proposal Y
would "concentrate federal school-
aid funds on the areas of greatest P
'educational need Nixon said, PRESIDENT NIXON gives a half-gri
"That meansndirecting over $2.5 delivering a television address on scho
billion in the next year mainly to- - -"-
ward improving the education of "'URDER CHARGED:
By ROBERT BARKIN sented to the Regents yesterday undecided on the proposed housingh r f pr meTR e yt a e is m t i t tn he i. n or on - O n o , x d o
The Regents yesterday heard its completed investigation of the unit. Regent Robert Brown (R- On one point, Nixon did not
arguments on both sides of the, plan - urging adoption of the Kalamazoo) and Lawrence Linde- have to wait for congressional ac- 9
proposed Afro-American housing proposed plan with strict reviewal mer (R-Stockbridge) both ex- tion. He announced he is direct-,
units in preparation for a final procedures. pressed hesitations with the plan, ing the Justice Department to "in-' u ,,eu y i
decision today. Lee Gill, chairman of the Mi- while Regents James Water (D- tervene in select cases where the
The atmosphere of the crowded nority Council of South Quad and Muskegon) and Paul Brown (D- lower courts have gone beyond
-Associated Press
n for photographers after
ol busing.
ence in
Walter Shapiro
"A major reason I am running,"
Shapiro said, "is because I am
irate that the youngest person in
the House is a 31-year-old Georgia
reactionary named Dawson Ma-
~this. More than one quarter of the
American people-those under 30-
are totally unrepresented."
Shapiro's politics clearly place
him in the liberal wing of the,
Democratic Party, and he is run-
ning as a delegate pledged to
McGovern in the May 16 primary.
Addressing himself to some ma-
jor issues of the upcoming cam-
paign, Shapiro reasserted his long-
standing opposition to the war and
pledged to work for the reduction'
of military expenditures.
In a statement yesterday, Sha-
APiro said, "I believe the effective
legislator is one who is willing to
take some risks, one who is willing
to do the unorthodox, one who is
going to Washington to raise some
The second congressional dis-
I trict, currently represented by
Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor), has
approximately 50,000 college stu-,
dents and Shapiro hopes to use
this group as the base for his sup-
port. He stresses that he is not
strictly a youth-oriented candidate,
however, and hopes to pick up
' worker support with his positions
on the economic issues.
blacks.....and..white....expressed.....their............ ....................................................................
and whienpsd their
feelings on the housing proposal. "I had no idea there were (such) racial
The proposed units would allow
any student with a "sincere" in- tensions here. I thought we were doing so well.
terest in black culture to live to- I'm just very depressed."
gether in separate housing units
within Stockwell and South Quad -Regent Gertrude Huebner (R-Bloom ffield)
The proposal was introduced by ..............
the SupremeCourts requirements
in ordering busing."
The President said the busing
debate embraces an "emotional
undercurrent" that he defined as
"the feeling that some people have'
that to oppose busing is to be anti-:
"This is dangerous nonsense,"E
he declared.
ampton ki111ng
CHICAGO, Ill. (u) - The Chicago Daily News said yes-
terday a private commission concluded that "neither the fed-
eral government nor the state sought to establish the truth"
behind a 1969 Chicago police raid in which two Black Panther
Housing Director John Feldcamp'
who called the plan a "positive at-
tempt to get at student racial
In addition, the Michigan Civil
Rights Commission (MCRC) pre-
Rep. Smit proposes 1
on state regulation of
Gayle Nelson, president of Black Petoskey) both said they were
Women of Stockwell explained the leaning in support of it.'
purposetof the plan as "an at- Regent Robert Brown (R-Kala-,
tempt to end the polarization of mazoo) was the most strongly,
the races."~ opposed saying following the ;
The Regents yesterday remained meeting that "blacks are looking
for a nursemaid."
" Regent Gertrude Huebner (R-E
e 1slaton Bloomfield) summed up the
board's confusion yesterday say-
ing, "I had no idea there were,
such racial tensions here. I
rlan d u se thought we- Awere:"'d ing so well.
I'm just very depressed."7
Gill said tha 'the housing pro-1
"The great majority of Ameri- party leaders were killed.
cans, black and white," said Nix- The conclusion is embodied in a report that has been
on, "feel strongly that the busing kept secret, the newspapers declared.
of school children away from their In a copyright story, the Daily News said the report of
pose of achieving raci bance s the Commission of Inquiry concluded that Fred Hampton
wrong. "was shot from the doorway to his bedroom as he lay drugged
The President. who for two and defenseless in bed."
weeks has been pondering what he Hampton, Illinois chairman of the party, and Mark Clark,
In an attempt to stem the tide
of what environmentalists terim
'urbansprawl," state legislators
are preparing bills to regulate land
use in the state.
Environmentalists f e a r that
farm land and natural preserves
will soon be converted into recre-
ational and resort subdivisions by
realtors anxious to take advantage
of the present zoning and taxing
The pressure for such real es-
tate developments comes from the his price, then he resells for de-
ever-increasing demand of citizens velopment."
for such.facilities, at the expense Smit thus believes that measures
of natural settings, must be taken to cut off the specu-
One of the most outspoken pro- lator. He plans to introduce to the
ponents of state land regulation is legislature stringent controls thru
t Rep. Raymond Smit (R-Ann Ar- statewide zoning to protect 'land
- bor). In a recent speech at the for agriculture, forestry, or recre-
University Smith outlined some of ation.
the problems that he says must Roger Richards, a member of
be considered, the governor's commission, agreed
He cited "tax policies which with Smit that more stringent con-
force the owners of forest lands trols are needed, but felt there
(and farmers) to sell to subdivid- were other considerations.
ers," as a major problem. These "We didn't think that it would
policies allow land to be assessed be appropriate to put statewide
for its potential value rather than zoning into' our proposals at this
its present use-value. This puts time," he said. "We would like
pressure on the farmer and land- SeRP ae1
owner to sell to subdividers to See REP, Page 12
avoid high taxes.
Smit also decried "the appetites
of local governments to encourage
development because it will raise
property assessments to garner a
higher tax take." G Rnt t
Speaking of solutions to the' G R
problem, Smit said the report of
Gov. William Milliken's Commis-'
sion on Land Use was "notable" By MARILYN RILE
but "treats symptoms, not causes" For those with the urge to
of the problem. the land but no land to get ba
The governor's 'commission rec- community group known as t
ommended legislation to change have an answer.
the present property tax structcre GROW, a community garde
to the use-value system, thus en-' GOac muiygre
couraging landowners to retain sponsore'd by the Ecology Cent
land rather than selling to de- ous other community organizat
velopers. The idea of the group is to r
It also recommended a number for people with seeds and ad
posals are an "outgrowth of vari-
ous discriminatory practices in the
dorm and the failure of the race
awareness seminars."
He charged that incompetency
of the staff in racial matters,
double standards, and a lack of
library materials were evidence
of the discrimination.
Assistant Director of Special
Programs Georgia Williams said
"he program was an attempt to
"sensitize students, and ourselves
(administrators) to different eth-,
termed "one of the most difficult a party leader from Peoria,
decisions of our 'time," did not were shot to death in the con-
spell out exactly how much time toesa ad e.416,o
his proposed "moratorium on new troversial raid Dec. 4 1969, on
busing" would continue. Nor did, a West Side apartment, con-
he give details of the "equal edu- ducted by a racially mixed de-
cational opportunities act" he is state's attorney's office. The
submitting to Congress. tail of police assigned to the
The fine print will be filled in police had a'search warrant to
Friday when Nixon sends Con- check the flat for weapons.
gress a special message on busing
and educational opportunity. State's Atty. Edward HanrahanI
The President made a direct and 13 others have been indicted1
appeal to citizens to put pressure y a special Cook County (Chi-
on Congress in behalf of his pro- cago) grand jury on charges of
gram. He said: conspiring to obstruct justice in
"If you agree with the goals I the aftermath of the raid.
have described tonight - to stop
more busing now and provide The Daily News said the report
equalityofneducation for all of has been kept secret for nine
our children - I urge you to let months, and quoted staff commit-
your congressman and senators tee members as saying "it is in
know your views so that the Con-
gress will act promptly to deal grave danger" of never being
with this problem." made public.
Bond set for
suspect In
arson case
University freshman Mark Frie-
sen - accused of setting Wednes-
day's fire in Mary Markley Hall-
was ordered returned to the Coun-
ty Jail under $50,000 bond at his
arraignment yesterday morning
before Ann Arbor district court
judge S. J. Elden.
Friesen is charged with setting
fire to his room in the dorm.
nic groups."
Speaking on one
concern she said,
Office will insure
point of main
"The Housing
that it (the
According to the
police he
See REGENTS, Page 12
locked the door of his room with
an inside chain, set a fire in a
waste basket full of paper and
then fled through a window. The
resulting f're spread causing an
estimated $50,000 damage.
for greener city
get back to
ck to, a new
GROW may
n project, is
er and vari-
provide land
desire to do
The community organic garden on North
Campus, a larger, mostly educational fa-
cility, provides another precedent for the
GROW gardens.
Last summer, it attracted Ecology Cen-
ter members, professors, farmers, and other
community members, who came to work
on the land and enjoy its products.
GROW likewise hopes to attract a di-
Although it is not believed that
Friesen is connected with any of
the roughly 60 fires which' have
plagued the Universitywrecently,
police are checking for possible
involvement with several fires on
the Eastern Michigan University
Friesen was represented yester-
day by Legal Aid Clihic attorney
David Goldstein who was acting as
temporary defense counsel. Frie-
sen's attorney, Dennis Hayes, was
unable to appear at the proceed-
ings due to an appointment at
federal district court in Detroit.
Goldstein demanded examina-
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