PROMISES AND PESC See Editorial Page rA jt 47Iktp~ REBOUNDING High--44 Low-32 Warin :er, windy and partly cloudy; chance of snow tonight Vol. LXXXII, No. 82 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 18, 1972 Ten Cents Milliken to ask large increase in funds f By SARA FITZGERALD while." ment factors, and enrollment creases for items such as library slated for student aid comes to proving. Gov. William Milliken's proposed He said tuition hikes and across- growth in certain schools - par- materials, equipment and main- about $1.5 million, he said. In addition, Fedele Fauri, vice budget for fiscal 1973 is expected the-board cuts, used last year to ticularly the health services. tenance costs. However, according The past few years have fore- president for state relations and to include a whopping increase of raise funds after the University's Smith said it appeared the gov- to Smith, the governor will ap- shadowed an increasing decline in planning, and one of the Univer- more than $9 million in state requested fund increase was cut, ernor would recommend only about parently be sticking to the national state support for the University. sity's chief lobbyists in Lansing, money for the University, accord- were unlikely. However, selective one-half of the more than $2 mil- guideline of 2.5 per cent. In response, the University has cites the University's intensified ing to Vice President for Academic cuts are still possible. lion the University requested for The governor's request will also begun to devise budgetary plan- lobbying efforts as being partially Affairs Allan Smith. Robert Endres, a state budget financial aid programs-particular- not meet the funds requested by ning mechanisms which would set responsible for the funding in- While the increase represents analyst, would not release the ly the Opportunity Program for t h e University f o r enrollment priorities for future University ex- crease. less than one-half of the $20 million amount of the proposed hike last minority group and disadvantaged growth in all of the health science penditures. However, with the sur- Officials of both the state and funding increase requested by the night, but said Smith's figure was students. areas and the ,business administra- prisingly large increase this year, University also say that increased University this year, it is a far "not far off." The governor will The governor's request, accord- tion, natural resources, and ar- the University's financial state communication between the two greater increase than the governor deliver his annual budget message ing to Smith, will also include a chitecture and design schools. may appear brighter. groups helped the University get has recommended in recent years. tomorrow. recommendation for a 6 to 6.5 Most of the $9 million difference Several factors may have con- a better idea of state officials' Last year, for example, the Uni- During extensive discussions with per cent pay increase for faculty between the University's request tributed to the larger recommend- attitudes, while increasing the versity's request for a $22 million the governor and state budget of- and staff-down from the Univer- and the governor's expected rec- ed increase this year. Not only did Lansing officials' understanding of increase in funding was slashed to ficials over the last months, the sity's request for funds to cover ommendation will come in these the University set its sights lower the University's needs. $2.8 million by Milliken. University has pressed for in- an 11 per cent increase. areas, Smith said .For example, -for the first time asking for less Once the governor's appropria- Smith yesterday described the creased state aid in four priority The University had also request- the difference in amounts for additional money than it had the tion recommendation is made, it anticipated recommendation as areas-student aid, pay hikes for ed an inflation guideline of 4 per salaries will total about $5 million, year before, but also, the state will go to the Legislature for con- "the best we've had in quite a faculty and staff, inflation adjust- cent be used to cover price in- while the difference in amounts revenue picture seems to be im- sideration, revision and approval. Ten Pages VP Smith FUTURE UNCERTAIN: PESC to meet with CSJ returns print funds Rhodes, VP Smith By ALAN LENHOFF The future of the controver- sial Program for Educational and Social Change (PESC) may be determined tomorrow at a meeting between PESC representatives and University officials. PESC, a group composed of pro- fessors, students and members of the Ann Arbor community, has declared its intention to open Uni- versity courses to the community free of charge. The p r o g r a m, however, was placed in jeopardy last week when Allan Smith, vice president for aca- demic affairs, issued a statement t, saying that PESC's open-auditing policy is in violation of UniversityI rules. Tomorrow's meeting will be at- tended by Vice President Smith, 'literary college Dean Frank Rhodes and representatives 'of PESC. In addition to discussion of the proposed tuition-free auditing of the approximately 50 c o u r s e s taught by PESC instructors, the Bch meeting is expected to concern it- .SA self with PESO's plans to allow SA "community people" to teach sev- eral courses. Rainbow People's Party leader John Sinclair will direct a course entitled "Community Control"of Prisons," and Charles Thomas and Hank Bryant of the Black Eco- nomic Development League will_ instruct students in the political and social makeup of Washtenaw j County. According to PESC's plans, stu-1 dents desiring academic credit for these courses may elect them as and "independent reading" courses un- ap- der the direction of a PESC pro-' ddi- fessor. tion Smith and Rhodes will have a the major voice in determining if a nd :e in how the PESO program will c ;,n- ads, tinue. ities Smith, second only to Presidenta Robben Fleming in influence andv he power at the University, will *rob-s east ably make the final determinationI for- as to whether the University willI new take action against the disputedj to Council By REBECCA WARNER Months of fighting between SGC and the student print co-op board for control of a $1500 appropriation ended last night when Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) ruled that the funds should be returned to SGC. The appropriation was originally made in October by SGC for the purpose of establishing a Washtenaw County print Co-op and a "cooperative skills training program" to be "open to interested University of Michigan students and community youth," The court ordered last night that the funds be trans- ferred from the "University of Michigan student print co- operative fund" account to SGC's account. S-Djaily-S-ara zKruiwf PSYCHOLOGY PROF. Wilbur McKeachie, right, discusses the L Executive Committee's reaction to PESC at yesterday's L faculty meeting, as Dean Frank Rhodes looks on. PLANNING URGED: -Daily-David Margolick CSJ HEARS SGC print co-op suit. Pictured are CSJ members Pat Pessemier, Mark Goldsmith, Ber- nard Goldblatt (top, from left) and Karen Zuckerstein (bottom left), and SGC members Michael Davis and David Schaper (bottom right, from left). 200 STRIKES: Indochina hit by1major TT S narris gives study plan to By DAVE BURHENN ing unit and SUE STEPHENSON guidelin At last night's regular City proval o Council meeting, Ann Arbor tion, he mayor Robert Harris proposed of requ a review of the city policy on contribu annexation and growth. the crea Harris gave as his reasons for and sew the proposal: in their -Uncertainty regarding the The future of the sewage treatment thought plant; four m -A lack of city manpower mationa which hinders construction in- policy. H spection, road improvements, city pro and planning for new housing; ority" -The overcrowding of schools other adjacent to rapidly growing new present. developments; and Harris -A possible decrease in hous- versialS ing demand due to a slower in- ment a crease in available local jobs annexati and the end of increased enroll- items. T ment at the University. includes Harris suggested that a new dized a] city growth plan should include 243 arre a limit on the number of hous- town. No-faul a By LINDA DREEBEN Automobile owners in the state may see a change in insurance programs - and lower insurance rates - within the next few months if the state legislature ap- proves one of several "no fault" automo- bile insurance programs currently under study or soon to be introduced. Gov. William Milliken, early this month, released a no-fault insurance package that would provide unlimited medical and re- habilitation costs, and a wage compensa- tnn nioan t nennli iniumd in car aeei- growth COUHCJ s built in one yearj es to regulate the; of annexations: In ad urged the formula irements regarding ution developers make ation of schools, ro iage treatment facili developments. Mayor said that it would take "at l onths" to gather in and finally adopt ar Harris proposed that iceed with "special1 annexation but d acquisitions for mentioned the con Smokler-Popkins deve nd the township is ion as special prio he Smokler-Popkins t a mixture of unsu rd public housing o annexation northeas U.. warplane assault's No representative of the print co-op board was present. The print co-op fund account was established in December when SGC filed suit against the irint co-op board, claiming it had vio- lated the agreement accompany- ing the grant. The funds were seized by CSJ and placed in a joint account con- trolled by CSJ vice-chairman Mark Goldsmith and former print co-op member Barbara Goldman. Both Goldsmith's and Goldman's signatures werehrequired for with- drawal from the account. In its ruling last night the court accepted SGC representative Michael Davis' allegation that a valid agreement had been made between the print co-op board and SGC. The original SGC motion stated that the funds being allocated were to be used to esablish a print co-op in which students would participate and that the grant must be used to purchase printing equipment by "winter '71". Davis contended that "the terms of the allocation and grant have been violated." Despite an objection by CSJ member Karen Zuckerstein that the provision of the SGC alloca- tion that the funds must be spent for printing equipment by "win- ter '71" was "ambiguous", it was disclosed last night that the court had already effectively ruled on the meaning of this provision. In a court order mailed Dec. 7 to Davis and to Goldman, CSJ specified that one of the con- ditions for withdrawal from the student print co-op account was that "disbursement and purchase must be made by January 1, 1972". Davis also contended that SGC's right to control the use of See CSJ, Page 6 GROUP to blockSG allocations By CHARLES STEIN Expressing dissatisfaction wit present spending policies, a coali- tion of Student G o v e r n m e n t Council members has pledged to block all appropriation requests brought before SGC in the next month. Their discontent is linked to a general antagonism toward Coun- cil administration, as demonstra- ted by a revival of a measure call- ing for the removal of Adminis- trative Vice-President Jay Hack. The move to block appropria- tions is being made by the five members of GROUP. Announcing their intention in a statement at last week's meeting, they were later joined by Council member Curt Steinhauer, a member of the conservative Responsible Alterna- tive Party. The six constitute a majority of the eleven member council and could therefore poten- tially block passage of any ex- ternal funding. GROUP is a coalition made up primarily of grad students who have previously served on SGC. They are politically left of cen- ter, but have devoted most of their energies on Council to a host of procedural matters, par- ticularly focusing on questions of fiscal responsibility. The purpose of the statement, See UNIT, Page 6 " t SAIGON (/) - In one of the ground force in Vietnam dropped heaviest days of air action since last week to 148,000, a cut of autumn, U.S. warplanes attacked 5,900 over the previous week. wide areas of Indochina in a mas- Last month, U.S. command car- sive campaign to blunt an anti- ned out five days of intensive cipated North Vietnamese offen-iboutnfissidnsh otn-v sive. bombing missions throughout In- SZ~d rnhinn. in effrtc to crinnl North programs. This raised the number of such attacks to 190 during the seven-day period. Despite the upsurge in both air and, ground fighting, the U.S. forces continued making large scale troop cuts and turning over bases to the South Vietnamese. Scores of B52 bombers and1 Vietnamese supply routes. At that the pri- efer the tro- 'lop- land rity ract ibsi- n a t of program.smaller Navy and Air Force tac- time, the Nixon administration But Smith is quick to -icknowl- tical aircraft mounted more than clearly indicated its continued op- In Laos, government forces kept edge that the University's rules 200 strikes against North Viet- position to communism despite up a counterattack for Skyline against free auditing of courses namese supply routes and depots cuts in U.S. troops in Indochina Ridge overlooking Long Cheng Val- are difficult, if not. impossible to ranging from the beginning of the and the President's impending ley about 80 miles northeast of enforce. Ho Chi Minh trail along the Laos- trip to China. Vientiane, L a o s' administrative "Most University rules depend North Vietnam border 255 miles Yesterday's raids in South Viet- capital. Officials described the sit- largely on the good faith of the southward. nam's central highlands and uation after three days of fighting participants," he admits. Rhodes will have a maor role Yesterday's strikes further in- coastal lowlands were the heavi- as slightly improved and said the in determining whether PESO dicatean American shift of mili- est reported by the U.S. Command counterattack had hampered fur- should be alloted funds from a tard strength from ground fight- in more than three months. The ther infiltration into the valley by' $50,000 literary college fund that ing to air assaults in Indochina. regional commander claimed an See ESC Pag 6 .S.commnd aid mercanon-coming communist buildup in North Vietnamese troops. See PESO, Page 6 U.S. command said Ameri ca stn BnhD---r--ne-ha ______ coastal Binh Dinh Province that could presage an offensive before, P S Lmd-eray ie b u s s PROPOSAL mid-February.anofnieborPiebuss The heavy bombing campaign ' brought stiff opposition from the North Vietnamese in their effortsf oodgMs to keep open their only supply line to r _ ne ,"the South. I " ~ .a in.. 'Er, MILLIKEN uto i~n sons injured in accidents will help unclog courts which handle large numbers of auto liability suits. They also claim that auto insurance premiums will be less expensive, resulting partially from the lower legal expenses of insurance companies. In Massachusetts, where a no-fault pro- gram has been in effect for a year, offi- cials report that the cost of some policies has been cut 27 per cent. Present automobile insurance programs operate under the principle that liability is determinea m fault.A ear nuner nur- U.S. fighters escorting bombers W ithi f M L B on raids against the northern part of the trail exchanged missile fire By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN with North Vietnamese antiair- craft defenses along theaNorth After just two days of class- Vietnamese border near the Ben room use, the new Modern Lan- Karai Pass, a key entry point to guages Building (MLB) on E. the supply network 35 to 45 miles Washington St. yesterday fell vic- north of the demilitarized zone. tim to an onslaught of mysterious torrents. North Vietnamese gunners fired Ten-s. thre srfae t ai misils _ The flood -- down stairwells three surface to air missiles -- and through corridors - resulted, SAMS - at American planes, and ndro ughiebri a -re the escorts fired back twice at the from a pipe burst i a frozen North Vietnamese anti-aircraft sprinklersystem. Plant Manager defenses with air to ground mis- Don Wendel said. sammennesmaam ------------------------------ - ki O N .::.: