Thursday, March 16, 19°12 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page f-we Thursday, March 16, 1 9 7 2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page hve Report of the Committee on PAIDSUPPLEMENT Rights and Responsibilities of Faculty Members * * * * * Resume of Report and Recommeni In February of 1971 The Uni- administration, the policies can- House Appropriations Committee versity of Michigan Senate As- tained therein would be embodied to final passage of the appropria- sembly appointed a Committee on in specific faculty - administra- tion bills. Through SACUA, ef- the Rights and Responsibilities of tion recommendations to ' the forts could be made to enable the Faculty Members, 1971; and asked Board of Regents, together with administration to utilize faculty it "to report on the present and any reactions or suggestions that members and faculty-related in- future;nature of faculty organiza- may issue from Senate Assembly, formation for this purpose. On tions, chiefly, in relation to the fol- (d) After trying to seek agree- occasion CESF members may be lowing questions: ment with administration offic- appropriately involved in this way "1. whether University of Mich- ials, the committee should have at the state level It does not seem igan faculty government, in the right of consulting on these wise, however, for the CESF to be its present, or in a revised matters directly with the Board of directly involved in lobbying as a form, can more decisively af- Regents. general practice, though the ad- fect University of Michigan (e) In the event that agreement ministration may be greatly helped financial and organizational is not reached, the committee shall in its work with the legislature to policies, and, then report to Senate Assembly be able to draw from positions "2. whether an even more effec- the areas of disagreement and the taken by CESF or from agree- tive participation in govern- respective positions thereto. mnents reached between CESF and ance and support plans, (f) The Senate Assembly would the administration.J might be attained through then have a number of options, 4. In A.2.b After "appointing" the formation of a unit af- including but not limited to (1) add "a full-time faculty chairman filiated with a state or na- accepting the report of the com- and." Also add: CESF shall re- tional organization, and, mittee without comment, (2) in- ceive from the general fund "3. whether the Senate Assem- structing the committee to return $40,000 per year for operation of bly should authorize further to negotiations with a modified set the committee. In addition, full- action." of proposals, or (3) directing an time released time for the chair- The committee met frequently, appeal to the Board of Regents. In man shall be provded. Appro- interviewed;numerous individuals, the event that agreement still can- priate office space shall also be examined the available literature, not be reached, Senate Assembly provided rent-free. CESF shall and deliberated at length. could request that the matter go have full authority for staff ap- The Committee has reached two to fact-finding or advisory arbi- pointments and for disbursement general conclusions. tration, or it could register its of all funds for this purpose. First, we gladly acknowledge dissatisfaction by adopting and B. P L A N N I N G, BUDGETING, that compared with faculties at publicizing a resolution of cen- AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION many other universities the Michi- sure. 1. Long Range Planning gan faculty has better relation- 2. Other Responsibilities Senate Assembly should con- ships with its administration and (a) In addition to its role as a sider long-range planning as a governing board and a larger role negotiating agency, CESF should process requiring both diverse ap- in the University's important de- also be given the responsibility proaches and concerted integra- cisions. Nevertheless, we conclude continually to investigate, analyze, tive effort over the next three that the University's best interests and otherwise monitor the eco- years. Each committee having in the years ahead will be served nomic treatment of all individuals special concerns that could be by sharpening and enlarging the that comprise the University of broght to the overall planning faculty' participation in Univer- Michigan faculty, to make regular process should be especially charg- city governance, reports, to propose guidelines on ed with this responsibility and all Second, we note that for some faculty compensation, and to committees asked to bear in mind time, and particularly during the make recommendations for facul- this need for long-range planning. past five years, the economic sta- ty discussion and approval, sub- In particular, the following com- tus of the Michigan faculty has ject to the supervision of Senate mittees and commission may be been suffering a relative decline. Assembly and SACUA. expected to have complementary We believe that failure to reverse i (b) These duties, together with material to offer, without unduly that trend will lead a significant the responsibility for consultative overlapping in their actiities: portion of the faculty to be recep- negotiations, would at a minimum Academic Affairs, Financial Af- tive to proposals for faculty necessitate appointing a paid staff fairs, Economic Status, Proper unionization, consisting of an executive admin- Role, Resource Allocation, Univer- A nationwide movement to or- istrator. and a secretary, and op- sity Relations, and Research Poli- ganize faculties for collective bar- erating an office cooperative with cies. gaining appears to have the State with but essentially independent 2. Commission on the Future of of Michigan as a focal area. Cen- of the administration. the University tral Michigan University was the (c) CESF should be charged In addition, Senate Assembly first four-year college in the coun- with responsibility for consider- should immediately seek for the try to elect a bargaining agent. In ing the compensation of faculty establishment of a Commission on 1971, Oakland University was the members as individuals rather the Future of the University, first to sustain a faculty strike. As than as a mere group of averages, whose charge it shall be (a) to of September, 1971 about 130 col- and should be charged to uphold study proposals for change in the le'ges and universities had or- the right of every member of the planning and financing of Ameri- ganized for cellective bargaining, university faculty to fair economic can higher education, in the op- more than two-thirds of which treatment in comparison with his eration of extension services, and were community and 28 of which peers. It must, therefore, develop in the interrelated structuring of were in Michigan. Michigan State procedures for working with the undergraduate, professional, and University has been the focus of several schools, colleges, and de- continuing education, (b) to serve organizing activity for several partments to prevent and to over- as a coordinating agency for long- months. Faculties at nearly every come inequities suffered by less range planning activities of other college aand university in Michigan advantaged faculty members, university committees, (c to re- have eperiened formal organiz- (d) CESF should continue to port its findings to Senate As- ing activities. The critical question compare University of Michigan sembly and the Central Adminis- that will ultimately face the Uni- faculty compensations with those tration, with any further publica- versity of Michigan faculty is: to of other universities and with tion within the University com- what degree would collective bar- those of other wage-earning munity that may be appropriate, gaining be an opportunity to im- groups. Yet, because the opera- (d) to place on file relevant bibli- prove the professional and eco- tions of the traditional ecademic ographies and materials, and (e) nomic status of the University of marketplace can lead to salary to make recommendations for fur- Michigan faculty or be a threat differences so wide as to be un- ther study and action. against it? conscionable, CESF should recom- 3. Proper Role of the University Despite .many strengths, the mend to Senate Assembly guide- (a) Senate Assembly should en- University of Michigan may be lines and procedures for assessing courage the Proper Role commit- unable, (indeed - some of us performance, determining salary tee to follow up its initial inves- think - will be unable) to avoid ranges, and making salary adjust- tigations reported in February faculty organization and collec- 1 ments. These criteria and proce- and March, 1971, with specific tive bargaining unless firm meas- dures should be made known to charges relating to the Univer- ures ar undertaken by the facul- all faculty. sity's position within the State of ty and administration to strength- (e) Fringe benefits should be Michigan and within higher edu- en faculty participation in uni- considered an important part of cation generally. versity governance and unless fac- the economic package, as in the (b). Thus far, there has not ulty compensation is markedly im- past. There should be more vig- been any detailed study on the proved, orous activity on the part of CESF long-range future of the univer- The committee believes that the to update neglected items in this sity by a faculty committee. Some substantive and structural changes area. elements that would be essential it recommends will serve to sup- ADDENDA (Feb. 18, 1972) in any rational long-term plan- port. values fundamental to the In response to questions ad- ning are included in the two very existence of a university com- dressed us by SACUA, the follow- Proper Role reports. All commit- munity and to advance constduc- ing addenda (also one deletion tees should be encouraged to study tive changes in its life, and some word changes) are made and consider these reports. Recommendations to'our initial recommendations. 4. Campus Planning and De- A. FACULTY COMPENSATION 1. To switch from advisory lan- velopment (Compare some similar recom- guage to statements on which ac- Senate Assembly should work mendations in the Report of Com- tion can be taken, whenever (a) to assure broader expertise mittee T on "The Role of Faculty "would" and "should" appear and broader representation of in Budgeting and Salary Matters," change these words to "shall" or faculty on the Campus Planning in AAUP Bulletin 57, no. 2 (Sum- "will", as grammatically appro- and Development Committee, (b) mer 1971), 187-190.) priate; change "could" to "can", to achieve a position of shared 1. C6nsultative Negotiations . 2. In A.l.b delete "m the year.'' authority for faculty in the for- Senate Assembly should present [See subsection (g).] mation, of budgeting and alloca- for early faculty discussion and 3. Add A.l.g: (g) It is hereby tion policy in the University, and approval a procedure involving understood that negotiations for (c) to obtain the input of values consultative negotiations with ad- any given academic year must and - interests from other com- ministration officials on salary start by June, fourteen to fifteen mittees and from other sectors levels and other faculty compen- months before the beginning of of the University community in sation matters. This recommen- that academic year. Conjointly that process. dation stops considerably short with the administration, CESF 5. Commission on Resource Al- of full cellective bargaining but shall see to it that information location aims at fulfilling similar goals, concerning these matters is pro- Senate Assembly should ask the The .following proposals indicate vided to state offices involved in Commission on Resource Alloca- the approximate model to be used: making up the Governor's pro- tion to make at least an interim (a) The S e n a t e Assembly posed budget bill. Consultative ne- report containing specific findings should reconstruct the present gotiation shall continue in the and recommendations on all areas Comiittee: on the Economic Sta- light of information obtained con- covered by its charge no later than tus of the Fa~culty (CESF) as a cerning available funds, long- June, 1972. Undue delay on professional consultative negotiat- range planning, possible budget matters of such crucial import- ing team, responsible for formu- priorities, and possible resource ance is not a luxury the University lating;specific requests regarding allocations until agreement is can afford at this juncture. salajes and fringe benefits for reacied. Program and resource al- C. SENATE ASSEMBLY PROCE- academic staff. location review shall not be the DURES (b) The CESF should be charg- immediate responsibility of the 1. Patterns of Representation ed with gathering information and CESF but shall be coordinated Senate Assembly should take then