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March 15, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-15

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(Zi e



Partly clearing and warmer;
rain tonight

Vol. LXXXII, No. 123

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 15, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Ten Cents Ten Pages



Mitchell says






From Wire Service Reports
Former Atty. Gen. John Mitchell yesterday testified
*under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee that he
was not involved in the Justice Department's sudden out-of-
court settlement of three anti-trust suits against the Inter-
national Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT).
Mitchell said he had disqualified himself froin taking
part in the anti-trust action because his former law firm had
advised an ITT subsidiary.
He added, however, that he did meet with Harold Ge-
neen, ITT president and chairman of the board, in Aug., 1970.
At this meeting, Mitchell told the committee, he merely
discussed Geneen's arguments that the Nixon administra-

MVu skie

falt ers

d today
foreign-aid funds may be cut off
at midnight tonight in a congres-
sional dispute with the .administra-
tion over documents on Cambodia,
Rep. William Moorhead (D-Pa. )
said yesterday.
Moorhead, chairman of the House
foreign operations and government
information subcommittee, told the
House a routine staff request for
usually classified documents on
Cambodi? was surprisingly reject-
ed by Agency f9r International De-
velopment (AID) officials in Janu-
Later talks with AID officials,
Moorhead said, "revealed that the
documents being sought by the
subcommittee were being withheld
'on instructions of 'a higher au-
thority.' " It was subsequently
made clear, he said, "that the or-
ders to withhold camne from the
White .House."
Moorhead said he wrote Secre-
tary of State William Rogers about
the matter Feb. 9 and invoked a
part of the Foreign Assistance Act
of 1961, as amended. It provides
for a cut-off of funds after a 35-
day period unless the requested
document is delivered or a certifi-
cation is made by the President'
setting forth his reason for not
;making it available."
That period, he said, expires
today. An aide said the worldwide
amount of foreign aid involved is
$2.7 billion.
At the State Department,ean
AID spokesman had no comment..
Moorhead said he hopes Presi-
'dent Nixon "will recognize the
right of Congress to have the in-
formation necessary to participate
in the processes of I oenet
but I am worried that he will not."
The foreign aid bill in question
was defeated when it first came
to the Senate floor last fall, and
vas only approved after lengthy
deliberation and compromise.
Several members of Congress,
particularly Sen. J. William Ful-
bright, chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, have
criticized the President for with-1
holding information from ; ongres-
kional committees. Specifically,
Nixon has been criticized for his
policy of not forcing his advisor,
Henry Kissinger, to testify before,
Fulbright's committee.

tion's prosecution of anti-
trust cases against the ITT
conglomerate had been too
"I assented to the meeting on
the express condition that the
pending litigation would not be
discussed," Mitchell said. "Mr.
Geneen agreed to this condition."
He denied any knowledge of an
alleged $400,000 pledge by ITT to
help finance the Republican Na-
tional Convention to be held in
San Diego next Aug.
Committee hearings on the ITT
settlement began March 2 in re-t
sponse to a report by syndicated.
columnist Jack Anderson, based on'
a memo by ITT lobbyist Dita
Anderson called the ITT pledge
a bribe offered to the Nixon Ad-
ministration in exchange for a:
favorable settlement of anti-trust
suits which could have blocked
ITT's proposed corporate merger-
largest in America's history.
The ITT settlement has become
the center of . controversy sur-
rounding the appointment of
Richard Kleindienst, former dep-
uty attorney general, to succeed)
Mitchell. Kleindienst has testified
that he played a role in events
leading up to the Justice Dept.'
decision to drop the anti-merger
suits, but that he did not exert
pressure himself to gain a settle-,
He has also denied that the fav-.
orable settlement for ITT resulted:
from its partial financing of the
Republican National Convention.
Mitchell said yesterday that he
was unaware at the time of his
meeting that Geneen was pressing
his case elsewhere.
IT announced Monday that
Geneen also met with other key
administration and various con-
gressional officials about the "ser-.
See MITCHELL, Page 10 1

MIAMI (1P - Alabama Gov.
G e o r g e Wallace yesterday
stormed past Florida's Demo-
cratic primary field to a big-
ger than expected landslide
victory. With 505,689 votes -
41 per cent of the total vote -
Wallace immediately hailed
the outcome as a sure sign
that he is a national candi-
Sen. Hubert Humphrey of Min-
nesota was a distant second, with
227,059 votes, 19 per cent of the
Sen. Edmund Muskie of Maine,
the party's front-runner when the
primary season began a week ago,
fell far behind in fourth place,
polling a mere 108332 votes for
nine per cent of the total.
Sen. Henry Jackson of Wash-
ington, with 164,976 votes, was
third after a campaign in which
he, like Wallace, hammered at op-
position to the- compulsory busing
of school children to achieve ra-
cial balance. Jackson garnered 13
per cent of the vote.
Among 10 trailing Democrats in
the second primary battle of 1972,
Muskie appeared to be the big
His standing as the national A
front-runner was dented in New ALABAMA GOV George Wallace
Hampshire and battered in Flori- presidential primary, talks to rep
da. place winner Sen. Hubert Humph
The Maine senator's slender his turn to speak.
share of the Florida vote added to - ----
the campaign woes that came with ry MAY 6BALLOT:
hi e st a - a o i y v c o yINew H am pshire a week ago.I

-Associated Press
PRESIDENTIAL ASPIRANT Sen. Henry Jackson (D-Wash.) yesterday morning takes a dip in his
Hollywood, Fla., hotel pool. Below, another candidate in Florida's presidential primary, New York
Mayor John Lindsay swims through a crowd of students at the University of Miami.
Atto-rneys in Davis trial
agree -on al-ht jury

-Associated Press
winner of yesterday's Florida
orter Frank McGee as second-
hrey (D-Minn.) listens, waiting

As tne vote count~ nearedi com-
pletion, Wallace held the lead for
75 of the delegates Florida will

SAN JOSE (P) - The defense
and prosecution in the trial of
black Communist Angela Davis
unexpectedly accepted an all-
white jury of eight women and
four men yesterday.
When the judge announced its
was time for the defense to use
its next preemptory challenge,
Davis rosc and said that although
the jury didn't have any blacks,f
she had confidence in the jurors1

"and I am happy to say we ac-
cept this panel."
Prosecutor Albert Harris Jr.
said he too accepted the jury.
Davis, a co-attorney in her de-
fense, said she believes "the wo-
men and men sitting on the jury
will put forth theii' best efforts
to give me a fair trial."
The attorneys must now select
four alternate jurors for the trial,
which is expected to last four to
six 'months.

uarrie Coirq nQnh cirla till 1--,

i-i e ±ia iu catii siue win nave sn toheDmcatcNiol
four preemptory challenges in the Convention next July 10.
four ng fs i Humphrey led for the other six.


STRESS program 'leets civil
suit, investigation of shootings

s lcon of anernaes.
Davis is charged with murder,
kidnap and conspiracy in the Aug.
7, 1970, shootout at the Marin
County Civic Center in which a
judge and three qthers were
Davis is not accused of being
present at the shootout, but of
furnishing the four guns used.
a The seating of the jury came as
a surprise because yesterday was
only the 10th day of jury selec-
tion. Attorneys for both sides had
predicted it would take six weeks.
Although there are no blacks on
the panel, Davis said the jury did
appear to reflect the county's pop-
ulation, which is less than two
per cent black. One jurist is Chi-
Yet Monday, defense attorney
Howard Moore had assailed Har-
ris for using a preemptory chal-
lenge to drop a black woman from
the tentatively selected panel. She
had been the only black in the
first group of 150 persons called
for prospective jury service at the
trial of the 28-year-old former
philosophy teacher.
The jury includes a graduate of
the U.S. Naval Academy whom
Davis' attorneys tried unsuccess-
fully to eliminate for cause after
he said he believes the Communist
party is bent on overthrowing the
U.S. government. Davis is a Com-
munist party member.

President Nixon easily swept the
Republican primary over two ri-
vals and won all 40 national con-
vention votes for renomination.
Wallace piled up landslide leads
in rural areas of Florida, as ex-
pected. He led in the cities, too,
and that was not anticipated.
In Miami, where the counting
lagged behind central and north-'
err Florida, Wallace led, but, ran
well short of 50 per cent.
Muskie lagged in almost every:
section of Florida.
In the populous Miami area, he
was not far ahead of Sen. George
McGovern of South Dakota.
electionis 72:
the primaries
McGovern, with 74,286 votes, and
New York Mayor John Lindsay,
with 79,484 votes, were waging a
battle of their own, each seeking
to- emerge as the top contender
among liberal Democrats.
Not far behind McGovern and
Lindsay was black Congresswoman
Shirley Chisholm of New York,
who pulled four percent of the
vote, 43,384 votes.
Florida voters yesterday also
overwhelmingly declared their op-
position to busing children to de-
segregate schools and at the same
time said they favored an equal
See WALLACE, Page 10

Want to become a
precinct delegate
Any registered state voter can be placed on the ballot for pre-
cinct delegate in the state presidential primary by filing a petition
with a minimum of 15 signatures of registered voters in his or her
The recently passed bill ordering a state presidential primary,
May 16 also calls for the election of new precinct delegates to county
conventions throughout the state, thus giving the newly enfranchised
18 to 21-year-old voters a chance to participate in party conventions.
To run, prospective precinct delegates must first obtain a peti-
tion from their county clerk and a map of the precinct in which
they are registered from their citysC-
or township clerk. Candidates
may run committed to nyrpresi- candidates
jor party, or as uncommitted Re-
publicans or Democrats. file state
Once the signatures have been
obtained, the petition must be
filed with the County Clerk by LANSING (I)-Sen. George Mc-
March 24. Govern of South Dakota ;Monday
The number of precinct dele- became the third Democrat to file
gates has not yet been deter- an affidavit of candidacy for Mich-
mined, but it will be possible for igan's May 16 presidential pri-
more than one delegate to be mary election.
elected per precinct.
There are 40 precincts in the So far, no Republicans have
city, including five "c ountyfiled. The deadline is Friday.
boards" for absentee ballots. Alabama Gov. George Wallace
Across the state, there are thous- and Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D-
ands of precinct delegate slots N.Y.) filed last week.
but few candidates run. A list of 12 Democrats and three
Once delegates are elected, they Republicans was issued by Secre-
will attend a county party con- tary of State Richard Austin in
vention either the last week in naming potential candidates for
See HOW, Page 10 the ballot.

DETROIT (W) - Stop the
Robberies, Enjoy Safe Streets
(STRESS), a controversial pro-
gram in which police officers are
used as plainclothes decoys in
high crime areas, may be head-
ing for trouble.
A $50,000 lawsuit was filed in
Wayne County Circuit Court
Monday against four STRESS
officers who last November shot
and killed a man they said was
trying to rob them.
And at the same time, police
are investigating charges from
a Highland Park woman that she

was beaten by a STRESS officer
after her daughter identified
herself as a witness to a shoot-
ing involving Detroit police and
Wayne County'Sheriff's deputies.
The suit contended the police-
men intentionally shot Neil Bray
last Nov. 13 without attempting
to arrest him.
Named ag defendants in the
suit were Patrolmen Paul Van
Wie, Phillip Kocinski, Raymond
Peterson and Michael Worley.
The suit was filed by the vic-
tim's mother, Mildred Bray.
The four officers were assign-

ed to the controversial STRESS
The lawsuit said Bray was
darrying a length of broomstick
and approached officers Van
Wie and Kocinski as they walk-
ed along a street on Detroit's
southwest side.
According to the suit, the three
had a short conversation and
Bray struck Van Wie across the
face with the broomstick. The
complaint added Bray did not
know the men were policemen
and was provoked into the at-
Thersuit claimed that Van Wie,
rather than, attempt to arrest
Bray, pulled a revolver and shot
Bray in the chest. While Bray
lay on the ground, the suit said,
officers Van Wie, Kocinski and
Peterson fired more shots into
the body.
The suit said STRESS is illegal
because it "entraps" people and
"functions mainly in the inner
city of Detroit where the popula-
tion is predominantly black and-
or of the lower economic class."
The Wayne County Prosecu-
tor's office investigated the in-
cident and exonerated the police-
men of any criminal acts.
In the other STRESS case, the
shooting occurred early last
Thursday and involved five off-
duty sheriff's deputies, a civil-in
friend, and five Detroit police-
men, three of whom are in the
STRESS unit.
There are conflicting reports
on how the shooting started but
the result was the death of
Henrv Henderson nnr3 h+wva ~-



Talk to a veteran and ask him
there are any particular problems t
he, as a vet, has to face. He'll tell
that his problems are just like every
else's: fighting a cold, finding a place
live next fall, or battling through re
At the October meeting of the Bo
of Regents, Regent Gerald Dunn
Flushing) urged the University to core
what he perceived were problems faced
veterans on campus. Spurred by Dur
request, the University hastened its eff
to deal with these alleged problems. H
ever, Veterans interviewed by The D
say there are really no special probl(

vets. have problems?
University, serves as an advocate for vet-
if erans here. He says the most serious
hat problem facing veterans is initial orien-
you tation to the University information they
one need to know when dealing with the VA.
to The GI Bill scholarship money, afid hav-
gis- ing to deal with the VA which gives it out,
seems to be the only common problem
ard facing veterans at this University, and the
(D- only problem they face as veterans.
The University insists, however, that
rect veterans have special problems which re-
by quire new ,special programs. All five unit
nn's of the Office of Student Services, (OSS)
orts have been asked to submit to the vice
aily president's office reports of how they can
aimy help veterans. But bureaucratic problems,
em s _. _ L_ .L ......,. «. .F /A C t i..:. Cr"

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