Tuesday, March:14; 1912 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven 1 ~1 I. .4 Wayne State adopts re sea: w By HOWARD BRICK has been. on record as opposing said. "Secret research just does In a recent decision, the Wayne all classified research since Octo- not belong on at a university." Ri ecktLState University Board of Gover- ber .1969. Wayne's Board of Governors nors voted unanimously to ban all Edwards also told The Daily was acing on a proposal of a fac- secret research at the university that he considered the Board of ulty committee appointed about REAPPLY FOR RESIDENCE HALL A CCOMMODATIONS except in times of national emer- Regents' rejection of a proposal to gency. lmit classified research here "a.................. :*..:. : BETWEEN MARCH 19 AND MARCH 24, 1972 Though Wayne officials say deplorable action," DA I V OFF C T AI. that the university does not now The Regentslast month reject- have and probably never has had ed a research policy previously ap-I All students presently residing in the residence halls any secret research projects, there proved by Senate Assembly, the : were never any statutory limits would have prohibited all research rnpsplaced on such research. faculty's governing body, that TUESDAY, MARCH 14 must participate in the reapplication process. MaterialsGeorge Edwards, a member of contracts here' requiring classifi- Sprocedu res relating to priori ties and methods to theBoard of Governors, said that cation of research results for more 1.)a'y opthe decision made last Thursday than a year. is a "major landmark in the his- "Academic activities should be computing Center: "Sort Merge F- -be. utilized i'n selecting rooms for the 1972-.1973 aca-°- cilities in MTS," Seminr' Rm., Com- tory of Wayne State." Edwards open, free, and public," Edwads puting CtrB 3 p.m.g demic year will be made available to students before 3 &P.M. the Sprng Recess. Physics Seminar: M. Green. Prince- P&A Colloq. Rm., 4 p.m. Housing Office: Discussion on Black Cultural Living Units. Union Ballroom, Fall applications will be made available in early April for stu- msical Society: Boston Symphony dents who are presenty enrolled at the University and living AChSmbrNGeers, Rackha Aued., 830 off-campus. A U S T I N .I TGHreeral Noices e DIAMOND The Henry Russel Lecture will be de- 1209 S University 663-7151 - livered by James B..Griffin, Director 1209rsiiand Curator, Museum of Anthropology ___~ - - ~ *and Prof of Anthropol., Wed,. Mar. -15.- 4 p.m.. Rackhamn Amph. His topic is vey of Fifty Years' Activity." Th Henry Russel Award will also be made at this' 2 STA T E ST. time. j - Transferring Within the University?, Students who wish to apply for transfer 'A from one undergrad school or college U. of M. Payroll Checks This year's Ann Arbor City Council to another should file application with the appropriate Admissions Ofc. as cashed here elections will receive considerable] state oon as 0sible since admission to the - , 1 Inew unit is a prerequisite for fall term { ~preclassificaton; applicant should al- and national attention. And for good lapcsig j .aplic. before seeking appt. for pre- "reason. -4classific.; questions, call 764-7433. Grad Student Dissertation Grants may be applied for through closing date OPENs~sNewl enrancise stuent and1$ two other opportunities for applic. will Newly enfranchised students anda 8TApr*'osertiscs*o"sr OPN- Phone 761 -8816 be Oct. 1972 and Jan, 1973; students year olds make up a majority of the elec- expected to have clear statement of the research problem together with esti- NO GA MES-torate in one ward and a near majority mated cost of each major expenditure; a. project should have been reviewed by in thmembers of doctoral comm. or chair- NOG I M M I C KS'es.man of the dept.; obtain format for this submission in Fellowship Ofc., Rackham Bldg. 10141 phone 764-2218. Furthermore, an "upstart" political North University Bldg. remote batch COUPON SPECIAL EVERYDAY PRICE SPECIAL EVERYDAY PRICE COUPON p y stistation will be open on weekends: Sat., party seekng to unite this' youth vote- Sun., 2:30-10:30 p.m. 24 OZ. 2OZ. 16 oz, 7 OZ. with progressive people in the established BARNES - HINDSWELLA H & community threatens to end decades of Democratc and Republican dominance. SCOPE Weting Dmcai n eubiaoiac.BALSAM Shoulders That's us MOUTHWASH HAIR CONDITIONER SHAMPOO Soluion JOIN THE CAMPAIGN 33 $3$Stop by our office to volunteer. OR SEND A CHECK TODAY. A campaign can't run Super Size Regular or Extra Body SUPER SIZE On ar LMIT 1 Expires 3/31/72 NO LIMIT NO LIMIT LIMIT 1 Expires 3/31/72 MEETINGS THIS WEEK COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON 4069C NEW NEW 1 40's -9 NW, NEWoz. ! FIRST WARD Tues. 10:00 P.M. A PepsodentALBERTOARRID COMMITTEE March 14 For ', IMIPUYMA Toothbrush VO-5 EXTRA DRY,. oft,MediumorHdSHAMPOODEODORANTSECOND WARD Tuesday, March 14 ! 5 or 26 SfttMdimlrlar SAMPg' EOORN COMMITTEE 8:00 P.M. ad Super Flavors r LIMIT 1 Expires 3/31/72 LIMIT 6 Expires 3/31/72 LIMIT 2 Expires 3/31/72 LMIT 2 Expires 3/31/72 THIRD WARD Saturday. March 18 COMMT TE E10:00 A.M. COUPON COUPON COUPON SPECIAL 1510 Hill St. 3.2 oz. 2 o Planning a TripE A NEUTROGENA or Vacation? ALL-CITY PARTY Wed., March 15 BOB STEWARD-He SOAP TEGRIN PERNX We Give MEETING 7:30 P.M. 3080 JACKSON RO rch plan sixteen months ago to formulate new research policies. The pro- posal presented to the Board had been approved by the university's student and faculty governing bodies. The new policies went into effect immediately upon approval by the board. The new Wayne State policy prohibits "research placed under any restrictions that prevent it from being freely described and i's results openly published." The ban applies to research sponsored by federal, private, or philan- thropic sources. This, regulation could only be waived during a national emer- gency, the policy says, and then only if "circumstances . . . re- quire university participation. For research contracts to be ac- cepted at Wayne, the new policy states, "the source of sponsorship and the purpose of the research must be of such a nature that it can be publicly exposed and be a matter of public record." Furthermore, for any research contract accepted, "the public rec- ord must include an abstract de- tailing the purpose and nature of the sponsored rsearch in terms understaridable to the informed layman." The policy also includes provi- sions prohibiting disrmination against participation in research on the basis of race, color, creed. sex, and national origin. Other provisions call for en- couraging student participation in research projects and guarantee- ing "respect for the dignity 'of man and the humane treatment of research animals." The Board of Governors will ap- point a "university research ad- visory board" consisting of stu- dents and faculty members to oversee implementation of the policies and hear grievances re- garding research projects from studen s. faculty members, and the community. Edwards said that the new guidelines on research will tend to encourage research aimed at plo- moting human welfare. -v a d INFORMATION CALL: nlersun Ford Sales AD-ANN ARBOR SHAMPOO SKIN CLEANSER EXTRA- AS... ~'.4I~.SE4 I $ 53 I, A ?) HUMAN RIGHTS PARTY . ..J 7900 [ SIZE IDI LIMIT 2 Expires 3/31/72 LIMIT 2 Expires 3/31/72 LIMIT 1 Expires 3/31/72 n Quantity Purchases PHOTO SPECIAL SPECIAL' EVERY DAY PRICE COUPON EVERY DAY PRICE SPECIAL ) 126 SYLVANIA KODAK INSTAMATIC INSTAMATIC A10% OFF Color Prints Flash Cubes Color Film OUR DISCOUNT PRICE -5c $2.0c 9 9 c ON ALL FILM NO LIMIT Value DEVELOPING Expires 3/25/72 NO LIMIT NO LIMIT COUPON SUPER SPECIAL SALE COUPON COUPON STUART HALL'S 170's 16 oz. LETTERS STORE GALORE WIDE Q-TIPS WOOLITE BOX STATIONERY COTTON SWABS COLD WATER WASH STYLES S LIMIT 2 Expires 3/31/72 NO LIMIT LIMIT 2 Expires 3/31/72 LIMIT 2 Expires 3/31/72 5COUPON ICOUPON ICOUPON 1CUO COPN100 Count U50 Count BATH ZEST I PAK ~kVIfDC - ~ k~~~_ SIZE "ec