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March 03, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-03

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See Editorial Page


Sfri i6w


Sunny and warm in Florida;
cloudy and cold here

Vol. LXXXiI, No. 121 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 3, 1972 Ten Cents
arsonist to
be tested
Caswell will get_
forensic exams
S.Iat Y psi hospital j-o
WandteJIMCounty OBICircuit
riCourt Judge Ross Campbell : '''
> u , jyesterday o rde r ed Randall~

Eight Pages

-Daily-Rolfe Tessem
The registration routine
Several students yesterday register to vote as time runs out on voter registration. Deputy voter
registrars at temporary registration sites have attempted to register all eligible students in the city,
and today is their very last chance to do so before the city election April 3.

experiment in

Do you want to organize a "Nix-
on for President" campaign? Or
argue the merits of modern sci-
ence fiction as opposed to the mer-
its of Faulkner? How about learn-
ing about what makes a revolu-
In several introductory level
courses in the literary college this

term, these are the topics of dis-
Instead of merely offering a tra-
ditional lecture and recitation
combination, Political Science 111,
English 123 and Psychology 171
are among the large courses of-
fering special sections.
Students taking Political Sci-
ence 111, an introduction to Amer-

SGC candidates file to
G " M
~run in March election
Five presidential slates and 15 at-large candidates rep-
resenting five party groupings have filed to run in the all-
campus Student Government Council election March 20-21.
Running for President and Executive Vice President of
SGC are Lee Gill, '72, and Paula Kendrick, '75, on the Integ-
rity party ticket, Bill Jacobs, '73 and Lou Glazer, Grad., with
GROUP, Greg Kateff, '74 and Aime Ruessman, '72, of the
Responsible Alternative Party, (RAP), Chris Rodgers, '74 and
Jeff Sollinger, '75, independents, and Scott Seligman, '73 and
Richard Steinberg, '74, representing the Student Tenants
Union Ticket (STUT).
Candidates for the five at-large Ave atque vale!
Council vacancies include in-
dependents Jim Bloom, and Al- Hail and farewell !
lison Steiber, '74, STUT candi- In a dramatic escape from
dates Bill Dobbs, '75, Patrick King. the confines of academia, the
'74, Maureen McCloskey, '74 and staff of The Michigan Daily
Steve Reiber, '72. Running on the early this morning leaped from
GROUP ticket are David '2Klein, the Student Publications Bldg.
'74E, David Smith, Grad. and to join the thousands of other
Mela Wyeth, '73, Wendy McGow- students in flight from the Uni-
an, '75, and Henry Younger, '75, v.xrsity for the rites of Spring.
are the Integrity party candidates. Barring unforeseen subversion
RAP candidates include Valda in Indianapolis, The Daily will
McClain, '75 and Keith Murphy, be back to grace your doorstep
'74. Jeff Doan, '74 and Rusty ' esay, Mrch 15. Rst
Kimmel '75 are running on a tic- Tuesday, March 15. Rest in
ket called Gain. _ea__.

scan politics, are currently con-
ducting a game simulation of the
1972 Presidential election.
Class members were chosen sev-
eral weeks ago to represent six
of the candidates including Demo-
,ratic Senators Edmund Muskie,
Hubert Humphrey, George Mc-
Govern, Henry Jackson, John
Lindsay and President Nixon.
Each "candidate" was allowed
four staff members. Students also
portrayed network TV representa-
tives and newspaper reporters. All
other students in the course have
portrayed voters in primary elec-
tions and delegates for the simu-
lated Democratic convention.
The candidates have so far pro-
gressed through five primary elec-
tions, and the Democratic con-
vention. After Spring break, the
class will simulate the final elec-
One student, who portrays a
Humphrey staffer, said, "It's an
enjoyable and rewarding course.
We did well in the primaries, prob-
ably better than the real Humph-
rey will do. It's a good feeling to
put a lot of work into something,
even if it's just make-believe, and
to get results."
The ten discussion sections of
the course concentrate on various
topics including consumer politics,
minority politics and ideology. In
addition, 'a weekly lab using video
tapes and movies examines the
role of the mass media in politics
and bias in the media.
Two special sections of English
123 focus on science fiction,
Don Palumbo, the instructor of
the sections, says the primary "ob-
jective of the course is to get stu-
dents to write good papers," while
letting them write about books
;hey enjoy.
According to Palumbo, the ex-
See COURSE, Page 8

Caswell to undergo psychiat-
ric examination at Ypsilanti
State Hospital to determine
whether he is mentally fit to
stand trial for alleged arson.
A 19-year-old student from
Northville, Caswell is charged with
"destroying real property" in
starting a fire Feb. 3 on the
fourth floor of the General Li-
Ross made the ruling yesterday
afternoon at the request of Cas-
well's attorney, Raymond Cleven-
ger, who had originally asked the
court for an immediate psychia-
tric examination at Lafayette
Clinic in Detroit.
In requesting a psychiatric ex-
amination Clevenger said that
Caswell had been under treat-
ment, which raised a "serious .
question as to his medical candi-
Campbell denied the specific re-
quest. saying state law requires
that the evaluation be performed tudents yesterday
at a facility certified by the State buses for the long
Board of Health,summer resort the
Since the Lafayette Clinic is abiding.
the examination be held at Ypsi-
lanti State Hospital's Center for
Forensic Psychiatry.
At arraignment proceedings
yesterday morning, District Court 4TT1
Judge Sandorf Elden set Cas-
well's bail at $50,000, denying
Clevenger's request that Caswell
be released into the custody of his
father until psychiatric examina-
tions begin. I
The case was transferred to the
circuit court by Elden, because it
has the power to order such a
psychiatric evaluation.
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter By HOWARD B
Krasny. present at the arraign- University officials
ment, said of the examination re- to the creation of
quest. "We figured this was com- committee composed
in-a." and faculty members
He said he was not outimistic a future outlet for gri
that Caswell's arrest would mean operation of the ne
the Pnd to the recent rash of over campus police unit be
60 fires that have plagued the No vote was taken
caous since Jan. 27. ing earlier this week
Krasny added that the fire in- University Council (U
vestigation would continue. He Robben Fleming, sa.
recommended that such security Frederick Davids, and
measures as locking up University Pont, vice presidentda
dormitories at night be continued. nt, oicers
Security measures across the nancial officer.
campus have been tightened in re- But Pierpont says,
snonse to the past five weeks of I'm concerned, we'r
fires. In University libraries, for ahead with the advis
instance, stacks are patrolled con- tee." He added th
tinually, and hours have been ab- Fleming, Davids, a
breviated. agreed to the commi

-Daily-Rolfe Tessem
We're on our way back home
purchase bus tickets in the Michigan Union, th en hobble outside, wearied from mid-terms and papers, to board the
road home. As more and more students threw in the books and took off, the campus area bore a resemblance to a
day after Labor Day. But officially, the spring break begins today at 5, for those who are faithful and rule

officials agree





advisory uni't,



BRICK ther approval would be needed to
have agreed initiate it.
an advisory UC, a tri-partite unit comprising
of students three students, three faculty mem-
, to provide bers, and three administrators,
evances when was established in 1970 by the Re-
wly-proposed gents. Though its main function
egins. is to devise a set of conduct rules
for the new University judiciary,,
at a meet- it is also empowered to advise
'Cbe enthon University police and security
C), President afis
fety directoraffairs.
Wilbur Pier- The campus police unit, which{
and chief fi- will be created some time this
summeir, will be assigned on a
full-time basis to the University
"As far as as a separate unit of the Ann
e set to go Arbor police force.
sory commit- Police Chief Walter Krasny will
hat because direct the operation of the unit,
nd he had which will be entirely financed by
ttee, no fur- the University.


advisory committee

work in conjunction with Da vids,
who in turn will advise Krasny
on the operation of the unit.
Members of UC say the Univer-
sity community should have com-
plete control over the activities of
the police unit, but add they are
willing to compromise with an ad-
visory committee for now.
"If we have a campus police
force, we should control it," says
Law Prof. Robert Burt, a member
of UC. He says that negotiations
between the University and the
city have progressed too far al-
ready for this issue to be con-
The contract between the Uni-
versity and the city will last for
only one year, according to Pier-
point. After the contract expires,
he said, the University will have
a chance to evaluate the force
and make recommendations for
changes in its' operation.
Both Burt and UC chairman Bob
Nelson, '74L, agree that the issue
of University control over the
force should be brought up at that
The proposal for a, committee
advisory to Davids is a "fairly
weak proposal in my opinion,"
Nelson said. "But it's a step in
the right direction," he added.
"At least it's a way for people
to voice their opinions and griev-
ances through channels separate
from the decision-making struc-
ture," he said.
Nelson said, however, that the
consensus of UC now is that the


University community should have
greater decision-making powers in
the police unit. He said he would
eventually like to see decisions
made by a board of students and
faculty members.
University Council will begin
discussing the composition and
methods of selection for the ad-
visory committee after spring
break, Nelson said. The. committee
See 'U', Page 8
now; vote
You'll miss out on the April 3
election if you aren't registered by
the close of business today. From
8 to 8 today City Hall will accept
registrants who were born by Ap-
ril 3, 1954 and who have resided
in the state at least six months
and in the city at least 30 days.
You must not, however, have reg-
istered or voted in another state
since last Oct. 3.
Besides City Hall - at the cor-
ner of Fifth and Huron - you
may register at the Michigan
Union (in the ballroom, where
a band will entertain you,) as
well as at assorted "temporary"
voter registration sites around

S mit bill proposes prescribed,
use of hard drugs by addicts

Special To The Daily
LANSING - Rep. Raymond
Smit (R-Ann Arbor) is co-spon-
soring a bill, introduced yester-
day in the state House, which
would allow medical practition-
ers to prescribe hard drugs to
drug addicts.
According to Smit, enactment
of this legislation would make it
no longer necessary for addicts
to resort to crime and theft to
support their illness.
The bill calls for the creation
of a state agency to deal with
drug addiction and provide for
the distribution of prescribed
hard drugs to addicts under the
care of the agency.
The bill also outlines the
establishment of "therapeutic
communities" for persons over
18 in geographic areas where
high concentrations of drug ab-
use exist. Probate court could
assign persons under 18 to such
The "therapeutic community"
would be a communal living fa-
cility where persons could live
and work with others who are
fighting off drug addiction in a

Most of these treatment cen-
ters, however, differ from those
envisioned by Smit's bill in that
they were privately founded and
maintain a private status al-
though some receive state aid.
The idea of prescribing hard
drugs to addicts follows current
practice in Qreat Britain.
The bill proposed yesterday is
unusual in that it does not fol-
low strictly either the British

model-of prescribing drugs to
addicts-or the Synanon model
-of using the g r o u p living
structure to reinforce the former
addict's complete withdrawal
from drugs. Instead, it combines
the two approaches.
Smit said yesterday he rea-
lizes the bill would be "one of
the most controversial ever in-
troduced" in the state legisla-

County jail inmate

The deputy sheriff stared coldly through
the bullet-proof glass barrier at the recep-
tion room in the Washtenaw County Jail.
He bent down to the microphone, smiled
and announced, "Ralph Rollins doesn't
want to be bailed out."
That statement yesterday ended a local
bail fund coalitio~n's first Qtternt to fvD-z

ized outside the jail in an attempt to free
Rollins. Jim Florey, a legal-aid attorney
acting as spokesperson for the group, in-
formed the sheriff's department that the
coalition had the money needed to bail out
Moments later, however, Florey was in-
formed that Rollins did not wish to leave.
TH yrp,'t..in of Whgf har 1.nn. arl .,..

efuses bal
The three organizations involved have a
fund totaling about $1,000, which is enough
to meet the requirements of most mis-
demeanor bails. Of this amount, SGC has
contributed $750.
Under state law, only ten per cent of
the actual bail must be raised for a. mis-
demeanor. The majority, of such bail

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