Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, March 2, 1972 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY sign of the times ... Man of many mantles" From the Briti s By HARRY HAMMITT England has been the starting p 1-a c e for a disportionate amount of fine music. While bands of the stature of the Bea- ties and the Stones are not com- mon, other English bands, such as Cream, Traffic, Jethro Tull, Mayall, The Who, and the irre- placeable Bonzo Dog Band, has been nearly as enchanting in their own way. There are, how- ever, many more bands deserv- ing of recognition in the United States. Two of these bands - Family and King Crimson - have recently released albums.. Family, while being ones of the most highly praised bands.. in England, have rarely played in the United States, and be- cause of contractual difficul- ties,. have not even had all of their records released here. They have now changed from Warner brothers to United Ar- tists who are willing to give them a little of the attention they deserve. Their newest al- bum, FEARLESS (United Ar- tists UAS-5562), may well be their best yet. The group is based around singer Roger Chapman, who, along with guitarist Charlie Whitney, writes most of their sprgs. Family is worth listening to Just to hear Chapman's gruff inexhaustible vibrato. The first song, "Between Blue and Me," starts off sounding like an innocent enough folk song, but after the first verse is led into rock( spotlighted by Chapman's typically frenzied vocal. "Sat'd'y .Barfly," about a pick-up in a bar, is a typical rocker with excellent use of horns' fortsupport. "Larfsand Sing," is noteworthy for its use of the vocal round and harmony singing in the. chorus. "Span- ish Tide" is nothing short of fantastic. It begins with a trio of two acoustic guitars and harpischord, which become pro- gressively more aggressive, with Whitney playing a few well- emphasized flamingo lines. The song then ploughs on into a rock section which is kept to- gether by some really nice Mo- town rhythm guitar, with a highly effective vibes solo by Palmer., The-p. l ayin g is flaw- less throughout the entire re- cord. Rob Townsend on drums is always inventive and never bothersome, while bassist John Wetton provides a steady. bot- torm. Whitney is normally con tent to stay in the background, although undoubtedly a terrific rhythm guitarist, short and to the point when he does step in for a solo. Palmer is the ever- present madman, lurking in the background and making weird sounds on the moog and organ, both- exciting and adventurous when he solos. Finally, there is Chapman, whose voice is hard to get accustomed to, but well worth the effort. Fearless is cer- tainly one of the premier al- bums of the year. King Crimson just released their fourth album, Islands (At- lantic SD 7212). While contain- ing no instant classics like "21st Century Schizoid Man," from their first album, it indicates some possible new directions for the band's music. The group is now a far cry from the original King Crim- son. Through its stormy career,. King Crimson has managed to hold on, often by a shoestring, thanks mainly to guitarist- songwriter Robert Fripp and ly- ricist Peter Sinfield. All the or- iginal members except for Fripp have left the band, most not- ably Greg Lake, who has finally found fame with Emerson, Lake & Palmer. As on their past two albums, The Sea Train concert origin- ally scheduled for Saturday at Eastern Michigan University has been cancelled. Fripp wrote all the music and Sinfield wrote all the words. The sound is familiar, some rock with an occasional soft song, contrasted with long instru- mentals that until now have been experimental and abstract on the border of tedium. The album commences with a very deliberate soft piece en- titled "Formentera Lady." Its melody line is immediately es- tablished on the cello and is picked up by a voice sometimes accompanied by the sparcest guitar and piano. The flute en- ters and picks up the melody, soon relinquished to a solo voice. The song fades out on :a saxo- phone solo whose rhythm is picked up by the drums and carried right into the next num- ber which is the instrumental, "Sailor's Tale." Here, the sax plays a steady riff over which Fripp darts in and out with his guitar, giving way to Collins who goes into some jazz. As the song progresses, Fripp is constantly on top, laying down a wall of chords, one on top of another, and finally ending with the mellotron. This is the first consistent album by King Crimson and whereas many fans may not find it his most satisfying, it is a good introduction. Family and King Crimson both stand out above the general level of music and both are struggling for much-deserved recognition. By DONALD SOSIN Leonard Bernstein wears a va- riety of mantles, and can be heard in practically all of them on a number of recent Colum- bia releases. As conductor, com- poser, pianist and even film pro- ducer he has created an im- pressive place for himself in the international music world, not withequal ,success in all areas, to be sure, but hitting the bulls- eye enough of the time to make listening to him worthwhile. One of the most worthwhile is his collaboration with Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau in a recital of Mahler songs.n ( t 30942)g The dikec co n t a >i n s four songs on poems of Rueckert, which also exist in orchestral versions, and seven songs from "Lieder und Gesaenge aus der Jugendzeit." Fisch'er - Dieskau, who has re- corded. more than anybody, is a continuing wonder. His voice is, matchless today, and he brings to each song an endless rain- bow of colors that are applied with master strokes of phrasing. "Nicht Wiedersehen," "Abloesung im Sommer" and "Selbstgefuehl" stand out in the "Jugendzeit" group. The: depth of feeling in the first, particularly, is awe- some. In the Rueckert group, both artists-paint delicate shades in "-Ich arnet' einen linden Duft." Bernstein is totally suc- cessful in capturing the orches- tral qualities of his part, re- duced from the original by Mah- ler. "Um Mitternacht," which ends the series, ties for perfec- tion with "Nicht Wiedersehen." In all, this is a sublime album; Fischer - Dieskau is so over- whelming that one has to com- pletely overlook an occasional forced high note, and simply glory in his genius. Bernstein's Mass (M 31108) re- reived enormous publicity, prob- ably more than it was due. It containsserious elements, yet is basically a theater work, but doesn't make it on either count. The idea of creating a large piece based on the Mass with interpolations of contemporary- flavored poetry is a good one, but the poetry is too often hack work, and the music descends to this level frequently. One hears snatches that sound startlingly like On the Town, Chichester Psalms and West Side Story, but no prolonged inspiration such as that found in those works. Some of the Mass makes a powerful first impression - the Gloria Tibi, the Credo, the Agnus Dei, but one looks in vain for any- thing behind the slick facade of each section. One of the singers, in a different context, says, "Don't look for content beneath the style," and this seems to ap- ply to the work as a whole. Bernstein, it must be granted, has all the styles down pat- early Stravinsky, pseudo-rock, neo - classic chorales - but it amounts to very little. I must add, though, that the album is well-produced, the singing by Alan Titus is extraordinary, and there are a few spots that re- fused to get out of my head for a while. Perhaps the lack of visual stimulation accounts for my disaffection, yet the Credo was presented on TV and I didn't like it any better. Well, the listener is his own judge. "On the Town" sounds very good by comparison. Not that it needs one, with its catchy rhy- thms and genuinely first-rate tunes. The show was a hit in the 40's, and was successfully re- vived last fall on Broadway. Bernstein did some reorchestrat- ing, and members of the original cast, including Betty Comden and Adolphe Greene, a g a i n joined in recreating the original magic of the score. The results are on (S 31005), and are very entertaining. The singing is great, and Bernstein is at his best in songs like "New York, New York," and "Carried Away," and the ballet music from "Fancy Free" that was the basis of the musical. Bernstein is in his most famil- iar territory with a selection of orchestral LPs with the New York Philharmonic. There are mostly lighter works, short and punchy, and he brings them off with a lot of style. (M 31013) Offenbach - Gaite Parisienne; Bizet - L'Arlesienne Suites No. 1 & 2. There are sub- tle and lively performances, the Bizet make up in tranquility what the Offenbach lacks. That Bernstein can make the latter still sound fresh and witty is testimony to his spirit as a con- ductor. (M3X 31068) Even more testi- mony is given on this three-for- the-price-of-two set of Favorite Light Classics. Columbia hasn't missed much in assembling this selection from old and new Phil- harmonic recordings. There are Americans - G r o f e, Bernstein (you remember him), Ives; Rus- sians - Borodin, Tschaikowsky, Gliere; Frenchmen - Chabrier, Saint-Saens; Germans -- Wag- ner, Beethoven; Austrians - J. Strauss, Jr., Mozart, Mahler. Mahler? Since when is "Urlicht" from "Des Knaben Wunder- horn" a light classic? This must be an underhanded attempt to put some actual Musicke into the set. Or possibly it isn't a light classic yet, but has prom- ise. I also hadn't expected to see Ives' Circus Band March in the set, either; it is a relative new- comer among such standbys as the "Ritual Fire Dance" and the "Ride of the Valkyries." Actu- ally, though, some of the pieces were at one time so overworked that one really doesn't hear them much anymore With the exception of the Mahler, Beethoven's "Leonore Overture No. 3," and a couple more, the twenty-five pieces are primarily fast and motorhyth- mic, which can get tiring, but the orchestra never flags, and at the end is still dancing away to Copland's "Hoedown." For the Student Body: SALE * Jeans " Bells " Flares reg. to $24.00 CHECKMATE State Street at liberty RAGTIME COWBOY JEW Stefan Grossman March 7-8:30 pm $1.50 at THE ARK, 1421 Hill Street a Folklore Society production This Guy Saw "Chamber of Horrors" 41 I I I CINEMA, GUILD Benefit for Skip Taube FRIDAY, MARCH 3 Outstanding Double Feature George Manupelli's DR. CHICAGO The First in the Chicago Series. 7:00 P.M. Only AND CHARLIE CHAPLIN SHORTS Program at 9:05 only ARCH ITECTURE AUDITORIUM I At State and Liberty Program Information 662-6264 NOW SHOWING! OPEN 12:45 SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M. Feature 10 min. later 'p 4 DO YOU DARE See This Horror F lic Along with a LITTLE RASCALS SHORT TONIGHT at 7 and 9:30 p.m. ARCHITECTURE AUD. ONLY 50c REMEMBER "A Man Called Horse"? Now Richard Harris Is Back In The Wilderness Again! 75c Sponsored by ENACT zoota-zoot-zoot VI_ wb Pb COMING SOON! it DIAL 665-6290 HELD OVER! "Dustin Hoffman's finest per- formance since 'Midnight Cow- boy!'" National Observer "A brilliant feat of movie mak- ing!" Time Magazine Box office open 10a.m. until curtain Ann Arbor Civic Theatre Presents t SHOP TONIGHT AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M. I NEVER SANG FOR MY FATHER By ROBERT ANDERSON March 1-5, Mendelssohn Theatre SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M. 0~ Sat Sold out. Sun performance 7 p.m. at 8 p.m. Tickets $2-2.75. TICKETS Stanger's. Other shows available at I "THE GODFATHER" is now a movie COMING SOON Il ILI e,,,,." /I i t. " /. -f s -LI, f7e 9a ttA jtick4 I slipper-sandals by Gustave lead a duuble life They can easily leave the home scene and go cruising. Kid-grain vinyl in sizes SMML.LXL. A Dint-l n rAnn/llrn1 wwith littlP hPPI $A I - __ma- I l i I IVIL . un event ... ur imunc.e unu "iviuururTlu . . . I I I