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March 02, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-02

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City voter

registration deadline

tornorro wINFORMATION,

See Editorial Page


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Windy, with snow diminishing
to flurries

Vol. LXXXI , No. 120 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 2, 1972 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Daily News Analysis
A long and arduous series of presiden-
tial primaries begins next week as five
Democrats and three Republicans vie
for their respective nominations.
The New Hampshire presidential pri-
mary, the site of Eugene McCarthy's
moral victory over President Lyndon
Johnson four years ago leading to the
incumbent's withdrawal from the race,
will take place Tuesday.

Sens. Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota
and Henry Jackson of Washington, New
York Rep. Shirley Chisholm and Ala-
bama Governor George Wallace all
chose to skip the nation's first primary.
Furthermore, there is no concrete fo-
cus to the campaign as there was in
1968. Then, the choice was clear and
simple-either one supported the Presi-
dent's Vietnam war policy, or one didn't.
This year, however, a plethora of rel-
ative unknowns crowds the Democratic
field while Republicans from liberal and
conservative wings of the GOP struggle
futilely against President Nixon's non-
partisan image.
The Democratic side of the ballot lists
Sens. George McGovern of South. Da-
kota Edmund Muskie of Maine, and.
Vance Hartke of Indiana as well as Los
Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty and Edward
Coll, a Connecticut social worker. Ar-
kansas Rep. Wilbur Mills is running as
a write-in candidate.


Students challenge

Every candidate, with the exception
of Yorty, has conceded a numerical vic-
tory to Muskie. The question has there-
fore become, "How big will the victory
margin be?"
Many observers have seen the primary
as a defeat for Muskie unless the Maine
Senator can garner over 50 per cent
of the vote.
The margin between a "victory" and
"a defeat" for Muskie could be as small
as five per cent of the vote which would
amount to perhaps 3,500 votes.
It is obvious that no one could pin a
national trend on such a small number
of votes either way, so it is not unlike-
ly that the primary will become a mean-
ngless numbers game.
What really matters, though, is not
so much whether New Hampshire is a
major victory for one candidate or an-
other, but if the people think it is
No matter what the outcome of the
See N. HAMPSHIRE, Page 8





the primaries
However, this major feature of the
American political landscape may not
be so earthshaking this time around.
To begin with, many candidates in
the race for the Democratic nomination
are missing from the New Hampshire
ballot. New York Mayor John Lindsay,

Sen. Muskie

Police hold
suspect in

Six students filed for an in-
junction against the Univer-
sity yesterday aimed at end-
ing the University's policy of
charging out-of-state tuition
to students registered to vote
in the state.
The plaintiffs - Brian Hays,
Law, David Alden, Law, Caryn
Miller, ('73), Larry Mills grad.,
Timothry Whitsitt, grad, and Gary
G. Stevens, Law, have asked for
a temporary injunction against
the University in the case, for
which a show-cause hearing has
been set for March 23.
The suit, filed with the county
Circuit Court yesterday, has been
made on a "class action" basis.
which means that it is on behalf
of the plaintiffs and other Uni-
versity students in the same situ-
If the plaintiffs are successful
in the case. the University could
lose over $11 million from those
students who now pay out-of-state
tuition. Over 7.500, or almost 19
per cent of the student body now
pay non-resident fees.
Technically, both students regis-
tered and those qualified to regis-
ter would be exempt from paying
)ut-of-state tuition.
In a similar suit filed by a stu-
dent at a Kansas junior college:
last year. the district judge ruled
chat students registering to vote
in college townstdo not have to
pay out-of-state tuition.-
The judge in the case based his
decision on the theory that the
enfranchisement of the 18-year-
old ends his legal subservience to
his parents, including the view
that their home is his residence.
At the time of the ruling, Max
Bickford, executive secretary of
the Kansas Board of Regents, pre-
dicted 'that the question would



Detectives investigating the recent wave of campus fires
announced last night the arrest on a charge of arson of a 19-
year-old University student.
Taken into custody by investigators from the city and
state police was Randall Caswell, LSA '75, of Northville, Mich.,
Police Chief. Walter Krasny told reporters. Caswell is a resi-
dent of South Quadrangle.
Caswell is scheduled to be arraigned in District Court this
morning on a felony warrant issued by County Prosecutor
William Delhey last yesterday afternoon, Krasny said.
The warrant charged that Caswell set a fire in room 401
of the General Library Feb. 3. A number of books were de-

-Associated Press
Air academy nominee
Terry Hausner, 17, a high school senior, has been nominated by
her congressman for admission to the all-male Air Force Acad-
emy in Colorado Springs, Colo. Hausner, from Philadelphia, is
the second women and the first black woman to be nominated
to the academy. She would be the first of the ten children in
her family to attend college.
Bi1 on education


City spernm1
banki to be
A New York based sperm bank
firm recently announced they will
open a branch here in early May.
The sperm bank will serve men
interested in preserving, a speci-
men of their sperm for possible
later use in artificial insemina-
tion -- the science of inducing
pregnancy through the use of
frozen sperm.
Morton David, president of
New York's Idant Corp., says that
the firm will be able to process 30
patients a day, although market
research indicates initial demand
may reach only 3-5 patients a
However, strong warning against
dependence on the potency and
adequacy of frozen sperm as
fatherhood insurance was issued
last week by the American Public
Health Association.
It warned men not to rely on
the fertility of frozen sperm
longer than 16 months.

stroyed in t
was among f
fires that d
called arson.


blaze, which
other campus
which police

Caswell' was arrested at hisE
room, at 5912 Gomberg House, in
South Quad.
Police were let into Caswell's
room by University officials "on
or about the time of the arrest"
to execute a search warrant, Chief
Kransy said.
Residents of Caswell's corrridor
were questioned, and in some cases
fingerprinted by investigating of-
ficers, who sealed off the corridor
from the rest of the dormitory and
refused to allow non-residents to
Late last night, police were still
questioning students in Gomberg
House and making a detailed
search of Caswell's room.
Helping police in their search
were several University security
officers, including chief housing
security officer David Foulke.
The announcement of the arrest
came shortly before 9 p.m. last
night when Chief Krasny read a
brief statement to reporters in
the lobby of city hall on behalf
of the city police, the University,
the fire department and the state
Chief Krasny declined last night
to connect Caswell to any other
of the over 60 suspected cases of
arson that have hit University
buildings since late January.

--Daily-Jim Judkis
Cabin for sale
Phil Wendall looks out the door of his homemade log cabin as he watches passers-by change classes
across the street. The cabin is built atop a yellow 1946 Dodge truck. Wendall built the cabin him-
self, saying, "I'm into a building trip, man. It's been winter and too cold to do shit. Now it's spring-
time and I've just got the itch to build another one." He plans to sell the cabin in Ann Arbor.
Sitting on the porch is a friend, Kathy Vernon.
Abortion reform plan

soon come before courts in every
state and ultimately would be de-
cided by federal courts.
While the state Supreme Court
ruled last year that students may
register to vote in the city where WASHINGTON (N) - The Senate turned down by one
they attend classes, the Univer- vote yesterday a last-ditch effort to pass a stringent anti-
sity has continued its traditional busing amendment and then passed 88-6 the $23 billion high-
classifications of in-state and out- er-education-school desegregation bill.
of-state students on past criteria. A controversial proposal of Republican Whip Robert Grif-
Generally, an out-of-state stu-
dent can acquire residency only fin of Michigan to strip federal courts of power to order bus-
by working in the state for six ing in school desegregation cases was brought up again by
months prior to enrolling in class Sen. Robert Dole of Kansas, the Republican national chair-
or by becoming a graduate teach- man, just before the passage vote.
ing fellow.
Outof-tat tuiThis time it was beaten 48-47
Out-of-state tuition was also with every senator present voting
eliminated in California for stu- just as he did when it was reject-
dents registered as voters last C t seek ' S ed 50-47 Tuesday.
month. The California State Leg-
islature passed an age of majority YoTen ds o.-
bill that adopted the definition tn IJilon aonents, Gale McGee (D-Wyo.)
that one must be physically pres- X and Robert Stafford (R-Vt.), were
ent in the state for three months
to become a resident. The city of Ann Arbor yester- Vice President Spiro Agnew sat
However, the loss of out-of-state day asked the Michigan State in the presiding officer's chair for
tuition fees in California was com- Tax Commission to place the the third vote on the Griffin rider
pensated for by the fact that 18- Michigan Union and the Board in just as he did when it was up pre.
year-olds will become ineligible for Control of Intercollegiate Athletics viously. There was speculation he
aid to families with dependent on the tax rolls, a move which would have put it over had there
children. could cost the two organizations been a tie. However, the Nixon ad-
Michigan also passed an age of over $11%2 million in taxes. ministration did not take a public
majority bill last summer, but City Assessor Wayne Johnson, position on the amendment.
state officials maintain it does not in a letter to the tax commission, On the first test last Friday,
apply in the way it does in Cal- claimed that the property is not Griffin's proposal was adopted
ifornia. A spokesman for the gov- owned by the University and tentatively 43-40, but the Senate
ernor has said that the difference should therefore not be tax- reversed itself Tuesday. Senate
lies in the fact that California has exempt. passage of the mammoth educa-
a state board of education, the Johnson said that the Union tion bill, which covers many sub-
jurisdiction of which extends to and the athletic board, whose jects besides busing, sent it to
all state-supported colleges. assets top $9 million, are corpora- lonference with the House.
In Michigan, however, each ma- tions that do not fall under any The congressional stand on bus-
jor university has its own govern- of the classifications which are ing finally will be decided in that
ing board which determines re'si- permitted exemptions from state conference since the House did in-
dency requirements. taxes. See EDUCATION, Page 8

may be on Nov.


Due to a successful petition
drive, an abortion reform proposal
will appear on the November state
Supporters of the abortion re-
form drive filed with state election
officials yesterday 218,000 signa-
tures petitioning to place the pro-
posal on the ballot. Only 213,000
signatures were needed.
The referendum, originally for-
mulated by the Michigan Co-ordi-

City Dems ask more spending
in spite of increasing defi cit

nating Committee on Abortion Re-I
form, states that a "licensed med-1
ical or osteopathetic physician mayt
perform an abortion at the request
of the patient if the period of
gestation has not exceeded 20
The abortion must be performed
at a licensed hospital or other fa-
cility approved by the Department
of Public Health.,
The current state abortion law,
dating from 1846, permits an abor-
tion only if the mother's life is
endangered byhthe pregnancy.
If the referendum is approved
by a majority of state voters, the
proposal goes directly into law.
Though only 213,000 signatures
are needed, the petition drive will
continue through March to reach
a goal of 250,000 signatures due to
the expected number of invali-
dated signatures.
Several bills to liberalize the
abortion law have been rejected
by the legislature.
The petition drive began last
fall, led by several organizations
and state legislators including Sen.
Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor).
A U.S. District Court panel of

present law deprives women of a
constitutional right to govern their
own bodies.
In the New Jersey case, the
panel of three judges ruled, using
similar arguments that the law
violates a woman's r i g h t to
The judges declined to enjoin
New Jersey from enforcing the
current law, but said that they
would issue an injunction in the
future if the state did not post-
pone any pending prosecution un-
der the law.



Regents receive research plan

The city's Democratic Party has completed
work on its 1972 party platform. However, serious
doubts have been raised as to the Democrats'
abilities to enact their policies.
The platform's planning plank supports the "es-
tablishment of a growth policy" which would in-
clude "data proving our ability to build services
such as roads, schools, mass transit, and sewage
treatment. and the fundingi of these service. " The

University administrators, faculty mem-
bers and student representatives yesterday
sent a compromise plan on University classi-
fied research policies to the Regents.
The proposed plan follows the rejection of
a faculty research plan last month by the
Regents. At that time, the Regents' directed
+hP nr ilty to +nrkm1 whnamiic.+rafrr.

jority of University classified. research-
continue to operate under current research
It also separates the two issues of indus-
trially-sponsored proprietary research and
federally-sponsored classified research. The
two types of research were both included
in the faculty plan.

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