gihe lJtf an mailj Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan grassroots 150 families, falling behind by mark dillen 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exprecs the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in oil reprints. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1972 NIGHT EDITORc PAT BAUER Busing and the Senate THE SENATE VOTED yesterday to re- move from federal courts the juris- diction and authority to order busing to achieve racial balance. But the 43-40 vote, which came on a rider to an amend- ment to a higher education bill, is of nebulous constitutionality and must be reconfirmed by the Senate at least twice before it can become law. The amendment, sponsored by Sen. Ro- bert Griffin (R-Mich.), provides that "no court of the United States shall have the jurisdiction to make any decision ..-. or issue any order" requiring busing of students "on the basis of their age, color, religion, or national origin." But even if the action receives final Senate approval and is passed in the House, it may still have the same fate as a 1964 Civil Rights Act provision pro- hibiting federal officials from issuing or- ders to achieve "a racial balance in any school by requiring the transportation of students from one school to any other." In ordering busing to provide equal educa- tional opportunities, federal Judges have either ignored that provision, or dismis- sed it as unconstitutional. In 'effect, all Senate attempts to re- strict judges' ability to order busing will end up in the Supreme Court, along with local challenges to the busing orders themselves. THlEVOTE followed Senate approval Thursday of three compromise amendments on the busing issue. B u t these three, described by Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.) as "moderate, middle-of-the-road," are so weak and full of holes that their effect will be neg- ligible. One of them forbids the expenditure of federal funds for busing unless local officials request it. However, once busing is ordered, it is doubtful whether any local school officials would refuse to re- quest available federal money to finance it and then go broke paying for it them- selves. A second provision approved Thursday bars federal officials from inducing local officials to finance busing "unless con- stitutionally required." But each federal judge who has ordered busing has done so precisely because he ruled it was "con- stitutionally required." Other provisions approved block busing when it is harmful to the health of the transported students or when it forces them into inferior schools. But both of these well-intentioned provisos only lock into the books what judges have already been careful to consider. QNE INDICATION of the attitude which senators hold toward the busing con- troversy was revealed by Sen. John Sten- nis (P-Miss.) when he remarked that Thursday's legislation "doesn't clear up anything." It is time though that Congress learned that legislators should not even try to "clear up anything" in Congress. Better they should clear up a whole range of problems in Detroit, Los Angeles, and Newark. -ARTHUR LERNER Editorial Page Editor SUPPORTERS OF the Ann Arbor Tenants Union drove north toward the city limits yesterday, some with long, thin signs say- ing "Unfair." They passed the subdivisions of those $20,000 private homes that seem to encircle the campus area and then, pass- ing a clearing, saw a sign that announced that they had reached their destination: Pontiac Heights. They got out, milled around a bit, and then started to picket the 350 plain, dull- colored co-operative housing units. Rumor had it that residents here were being evicted without notice and the visitors- most of whom were students-wanted to express their support for the lower income families that lived there. what the students were presented with was a far less clear situation than they had imagined, and in that, an instructive lesson in how most low-cost housing units are run. Not only was it hard to verify who had been evicted, there were disagree- ments over why, and whether those evicted knew what was coming when washtenaw County Sheriff's Deputies came and told them to move out. IN FACT, the only persons the tenants union people had to confront there were two secretaries and a building manager, all of whom disclaimed any responsibility for what was going on and told the tenants and students to take their complaints to bureaucratic higher-ups. About the only thing certain 'was that somehow this "modern" housing co-opera- tive for low income familiesstill shared with its urban predecessors certain prob- lems-one of them being that the institu- tions which are supposed to respond to the needs of. lower income people just don't. "Consumer Systems, the managing agents for the co-op," a tenant announced to 30 4 I 0 -Daily-Terry McCarthy onlookers, "is following a deliberate policy of evicting welfare families and the fami- lies of those who have been laid off due to the unemployment situation which exists in Ann Arbor. "In many cases, families which have been evicted have been denied welfare. The tenants unions of Pontiac Heights feels thaC poor people who are victimized by the in- ability of the local and national government to provide jobs for them either directly- or indirectly should not be thrown out in the streets when there is adequate money in Ann Arbor and in Washtenaw County to help them out in this crisis." BUT CONSUMER Systems, a virtual one-man operation personified in one Joel welty. a Detroit businessman, was not there to answer the charges. And the five- man board-comprised primarily of tenants -which seems to have the power to set policy for Consumer Systems,defers to Welty. "Ninety per cent of the people here," said one tenant, "don't know who's on the board and don't know about this managing company." AND SO the tenants, with their new- found student support, crowded into a small hall and confronted the building manager. "Tell us who's on the list to be evicted, we heard there's 150 on the list," they said. "I have no such list," said the man. Another shouted, "Answer us this: Are you giving people a chance to catch up?" No response. To another question .the man- ager replies that the group should take the matter to court. It seems that the situation reached an impasse just about then. The tenants and students left, marched around a bit more, had some coffee and vowed to find out who was on the list. One tenant announced that they "were definitely considering a rent strike." THE STUDENTS got in their cars left, promising continuedsupport. the tenants r'eturned to their homes, part of the consumer system. Many laid off or have no jobs. Some are on fare, others can't get it. And about the population there is black. and And still Are wel- half " Dorms: When the heat's on A5 THE ARSON total on campus nears the 50 mark, dorm residents, espec- tally, have experienced growing feelings of apprehension. And well they might. For, while police; and fire officials have stepped up efforts to find the arsonists and prevent fur- ther fires, nobody seems to be doing much to protect the dlormitories just in case the preventive measures fail. It is shocking to consider that fire pre- cautions, basics to any minimum housing code, are so lax in a dormitory system that houses some 7,000 students. In one South Quad house, for example, a student official reported that fully one- third of the fire extinguishers of that house are empty. And one of the full ex- tinguishers is placed, neatly and safely, in a closet with the door jammed shut. FTHERE IS a serious fire in South Quad, the constructive step to take after finding several empty fire extin- guishers would be to pull a . fire alarm, right? Wrong. It might be the logical step, especially since the Quad had a new alarm system installed in September. But, logi- cal or not, pulling a fire alarm would be totally worthless. After the installation of the new sys- tem, there were so many false alarms that officials decided to turn off the sys- tem. Now, in case of fire, one is to call the person at the main desk, who first acti- vates the alarm system and then pulls the alarm. At that point, theoretically, the dorm would be emptied. According to the fire department, there should be some 10 fire alarms per year to prepare dorm residents for a possible emergency. However, according to South Quad resi- dents past and present, there has not been an effective fire drill in recent mem- ory - and during Thursday night's fires, when dorm officials tried to clear t h e halls in earnest, they had a hard and for the most part unsuccessful time of it. South Quad may be the most blatant example of insufficient precautions, but it's certainly not the only one. PROPER AND efficient fire precautions should have been provided in the dorms long before the present rash of arson. Surely it is imperative that such precautions be instituted now. -TAMMY JACOBS Editorial Director /I -Daily-Terry McCarthy -Daly-Rolfe Tessem etters: Landlords respond to criicism To The Daily: STATE REP. Roy Smith (R- Ypsilanti) named me as one of the landlords he wants investigat- ed for alleged rent-freeze viola- tions (Daily, Feb. 23). I take strong exception to his crude at- tempts at intimidation. As a landlord's agent (hired to manage an eight-unit apartment building), I have encountered the same frustrations as the tenants in obtaining reliable information from the federal government about the rent freeze. Smith as- sumes that all landlords named in his statements have sought to circumvent the law. He is either grossly misinformed or intention- ally malicious. A telephone call to me, beside being courteous, would have re- vealed that I. have scrupulously sought interpretations from the appropriate federal authorities re- garding proper application of the rent - freeze guidelines. Apparently Smith has some shabby political motivation for his actions. If he were sincerely in- terested in solving the rent-freeze problem, he 'would work together with landlords and tenants to ob- tain valid interpretations from the federal government. -Sarah Steingold Feb. 24 AttackingSmith To The Daily: AS ONE of the three landlords personally named in State Rep. Roy Smith's recent attack on landlords, I should like to point out that I own only five rental units situated in two houses at 502 and 514 S. First St., Ann Ar- bor. The rent on only one unit has been increased since the August 15, 1971 freeze. This is on the ground floor apartment at 514 S. First. The apartment consists of 2 bedrooms, living room, tiled bath, large kitchen, full basement, ga- rApvp avid rguiroun sThe rent un- apartment was leased for $170 per month. The increase was wholly justi- fied under the law and all stand- ards of decency. The attack on me is another example of the sub- standard politics of Roy Smith and the collection of black Uncle Toms who congregate in the Re- publican party and do it no credit. I trust no student will° be taken in by his phoney news releases. --Arthur Carpenter Feb. 23 PIRGIM defended To The Daily: AS WAS mentioned in an edi- tonial by Tammy Jacobs (Daily, Feb. 12), the Public Interest Re- search Group in Michigan (PIR-. GIM) is an organization trying to become established at the Univer- sity. She also cited it to be a non-profit, student controlled group, investigating such issues as pollution, sex and racial discrini- ination, and violations of wage- price controls. Up to this point she has been properly informed. However, M,. Jacobs then began to expound upon several PIRGIM objectives. She referred to a PIRGIM article which was "pledging" to remove the "bugs in your telephone." To this she suggested that PIRGIM should investigate the whole ra e structure of the Michigan B e li monopoly. Ms. Jacobs has brought up 'a good suggestion for PIRGIM re- searchers if they intend t) act upon the rate structure of t h e Michigan Bell system. However, PIRGIM hasn't "pledged" to any specific projects as yet. PIRGIM hasn't even been established yet, let alone made decisions as to which public interest 1,roject.s they will pursue. PIRGIM has simply cited a few prospective projects to arouse student awareness and con- cern with their organization. It is the elected student board of direc- ever, this has not proved to be the case in other existing PIRG's. The University of Minnesota has hired an established lawyer for $11,000, who had previously been making $24,000. This is the kind of work that most "good lawyers" would like to participate in. They can see the effects of their work reaching a greater number of people.- One other comment that Ms. Jacobs made was that PIRGIM was acting legally "within t h e system," but that picketing and sit-ins were needed for it to be "effective'. Probably one of the main reasons behind organizuig PIRG was the "ineffectiveness" of student demonstrations. Stu- dent motivation and energy seems to slack off during exams a n d over summer vacation. To reAdly bring about changes there w i 1 have force to be a full time, year-round working on the problems. -Ruth Pilditch, '73 Feb. 15 '' The Editorial Page of the Michigan Daily is open to any- one -who wishes to submit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1,000 words. 'Ce lebrating' Iranian tyranny 4' This article was written by the Concerned Iranian Stu- dents of Ann Arbor, rFHE "2500 YEAR celebration" of Iranian monarchy ended last October at a total cost of nearly $1 billion and 69 heads of state returned to their respective homes. But many of the 2500 political prisoners, arrested as a precau- tionary measure by Shah Moham- med Reza Pahlevi before the la- vish festivities began, remain im- prisoned - either for "actions against the state," or not even formally charged. And the number of prisoners grows daily with new arrests by Savak, the Shah's secret police.. SINCE THE SHAII came to power in 1953 with the assistance of the CIA, he has outlawed criticism of his regime, abolished freedom of assembly and put stringent clamps on the press. So- cial protest has been brutally sup- pressed through use of 'show trials and even mass executions. Savak is believed to number some 60,000 men, and its build- ings are well-known in Tehran, the capital. And, possibly as part of the Shah's crash economic growth rest of 120 intellectuals -- many have been tortured and 10 con-, demned to death. Lawyers and ob- servers from Amnesty Interna- tional, the National Lawyers Guild, and the League for the Rights of Men, a UN affiliate, have been denied, information on the prisoners. AS A RESULT of conditions within Iran, much active opposi- tion comes from Iranian students abroad, who comprise the Con- federation of Iranian Students. That group is presently organiz- ing a drive to protest the intern- ment of political prisoners by the Shah and the recent death sen- tences. The confederation called an extended hunger strike in Wash- ington, D.C. and Paris which be- gan last week to call world at- tention to the repression in Iran,* It is unclear exactly what in- fluence the exiled students will have on the Shah, but their own "celebration" is far more worthy than the extravagant public re- lations job the Shah created last fall. .; ;; t