Paae Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, February 25, 1972 ___-- LOCAL FIRM: Workers may face injunction for strikel House OKs i )AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN BeSuperBig i1 The Commission on Professional and Hospital Activities (CPH A) may file an injunction against 170 of its employes, who walked off their jobs Wednesday in a contract dispute. No meetings have been held yet between company officials and Local 157 of the United Auto Work- ers, which represents the k e y punch operators, mailroom a n d clerical workers employed by the CPHA. Negotiations have stalemated over whether the company should have a union shop. Under the pro- visions supported by the union, all employes eligible for membership would have to join the union. The company's position is that no one should have to join the union. Workers have cited poor treat- ment by managers, low wages, in- adequate sick leave and poor fa- cilities as reasons for the strike. Workers have also expressed their disapproval of CPHA's in- centive system of wages -which they claim discriminates against older employes who can no long- er perform the extra duties. gas tax increase LANSING (A') - The State House of Representatives yester- day approved atwo-cent-a-gallon increase in the gasoline tax to fund Gov. William Milliken's con- troversial transportation pack- age. The 57-42 vote in favor of the measure offset an earlier defeat for the program.' Earlier in the day, the House approved 59-43 Milliken's program for mass transit construction in urban areas and highway con- struction out-state. Both measures must still go through the Senate. In addition, the House will hold a reconsiderationvote on the tax increase this afternoon. When first presented, the mea- sure was clogged with a long list of priorities for highway rebuild- ing, extension or improvement. Many legislators thought the priority list didn't belong in the package. Some said in debate that the list was added "just to buy votes for the package." FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Day Calendar Astronomy Colloquium: C. Cowley. "Nucleosynthesis on the Surfaces of Stars," P&A Colloq. Rm., 4 pm. Mathematics Lecture: F. Beutler, "As- pects of Randomly Timed Sampling of Signals, 4208 Angell Hall, 4 pm. Residential College Creative Arts Fair: Free Foon Fair, three original plays, E. Quad Aud., 7 pm. Ctr. for Chinese Studies: "A Look at China." 3 short films; slides of scholars' recent visit to China; panel discussion, Ann Arbor Public Library, 7:30 pm. International Folk Dance: Barbour Gym, 8 pm. Musical Society: East Asian Series, P' Ansori, Rackham Aud., 8:30 pm. Rive Gauche: International Variety Show, 1024 Hill St., 8 pm. School of Music: E. Derr, "Keyboard Continuo Practice in the Maroque and Classical Periods," Sch. of Mus. Re- cital Hall, 8 pm. Slavic Lang. & Lit., and Univ. Polish Club: J. Skorupka, "Polish Poetry," Rackham Assembly Hall, 8 pm. General Notices Vaughan, "Skin Homeostasis and Pos- sible Relation to Cancer Etiology," Mon., Feb. 28, Sch. of Pub. Hlth. Aud., 1 pm. Attention All Faculty of Computer- oriented Courses: Please schedule due- dates for course problems so as to avoid end-of-term "crunch;" to assist instructors, we have public file, DUE- DATES, which lists all due-dates we are aware of; please call Mrs. K. Dy- mond, 764-2121 immediately, and give her your tentative list of due-dates. Gay Liberation Coffee House, Feb. 25, 7:00 PM, Canterbury. Dept. of Slavic Language & Litera- ture and University Polish Student Club-"Polish Poetry", Jozef Skorupka, Feb. 25, 8:00 PM, Rackham Assembly Hall. Baha'i Student Group, Feb. 25, 8:00 PM, Law Club Lounge. "Slides of Vene- zuela and the Mah'i World Center, with. South American Music". ON CAMPUI Turn 'em on with a smoking Super Poster. Ideal for student cam- paigns, rallies, room decorations, gifts or gags. Send ANY b&w, color, polaroid or mag- azine print, slide, neg- ative, cartoon or draw- ing to be SUPER-IZED. Better originals make better posters. Super sized bw poster mail- ed in protective tube. Original returned un- damaged. I Exploe Yu esnality FOLK FESTIVAL for BANGLADESH FEATURING SUE GERGER and STEVE NEWHOUSE on Friday, Feb. 25th at 8 p.m. at 331 Thompson DONATION: $1.25 Sponsored by NEWMAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION 2 ft x 3 ft $350 12 ft x 2 ft $2.50 3 ft x 4 ft $6.50 ADD $.50 for postage & handling for EACH poster ordered. 24 hr. rush service-add $2 for EACH poster ordered. In N.Y. add sales tax. No C.D.D. Send cash, check or MO. to: DEPT. C. S: SEPT. in..18-36 PARSONS BLVD. Super Poster If n. FLUSHING, N.Y.11366 PRO- HILLEL PRESENTS A DEBATE ON "Internationalizing the Latke and the Hamentash" Dr. Marvin Felheim Prof. of English and Prof. Gerda Seligson Classical Studies Dr. Harriet Mills Angela Davis calls bail, decision 'people's victory' r I i Environmental Health Seminar: F. (Continued from Page 1) tional would not have been pos- sible without the struggles sur- rounding the prison movement, the "massacre at Attica and the mur- der of George Jackson." "We have to intensify the effort to free all political prisoners," she said, and singled out the Sole- dad Brothers among others. Two Soledad Brothers, accused of help- ing Jackson kill a prison guard, are on trial in San Francisco. Davis answered only two ques- tions from newsmen. To one about her health, she responded: "I feel fine. I feel better than I have in 16 months. The real reason I feel better now is that I can give more of myself to help my brothers and sisters." She applauded as attorneys Doris Brin Walker and Margaret Burnham were introduced. When her chief counsel, Howard Moore . Jr., was introduced she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Moore said it was significant that Davis was freed on Feb. 23 because that was the birthday of Dr. W.E.B. DuBois, whom he call- ed a great fighter for freedom of black people. Davis' sister, Fania Davis Jor- dan, who flew here from Iowa to celebrate her sister's release, told the crowd: "I'm really overjoyed. All of the members of my familyj are very happy." Davis said she regretted net be- ing able to thank all her support- ers personally because of a court order banning her participation in public gathei'ings. She is also prohibited from traveling outside the six counties of San Francisco Bay area with- out permission and from traveling by airplane. j i J 1 S r _1 e I I Rent your Roommate with a Classified Ad I I ALL WORK, ALL PLAY. The TC-60, S o n y' s lowest- priced Cassette-Corder, is per- fect for budget-minded students and housewives, for personal correspondence, or just for fun. FEATURES: 0 AC/DC Operation 9 Push-Button Operation 0 Locking Fast-Forward and Rewind Buttons 0 Sonymatic Recording Control * Microphone and Auxiliary Inputs Toneand Volume Controls * Built-In Speaker * Record Interlock Operates in Any Carrying Position Remote Stop/Start Microphone $49.95 SSUPERSCOPE You never heard it so good I 314 Detroit St. DeLong's Pit Barbecue FEATURES THESE DINNERS: Bar-B-Q Ribs Shrimp Bar-BQ Chicken Scallops Bar-B-Q Beef Fried Chicken Bar-B-Q Pork Fried Fish Fried Oysters AllDinners Include Fries, Slaw, and Bread CARRY OUT FREE DELI VERY OPEN: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Sun.-1 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. Fri., Sat.-1 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. 11 11 I r -1 I CREATIVE SHABBAT SERVICE Every Friday-6:15 p.m. HILLEL-1429 Hill For the Student Body: SALE " Jeans it's ANOTHER 9 Bel is HUGE PARTY! Music by The Guardian Angel Beer by the keg make it to ATO Friday, Feb. 25 at 9:00! guys-brnga"buck girls-bring yourselves ALPHA TArdOMEGA 1415 Cambrid e BENEFIT CONCERT FOR IRISH RELIEF FUND TOM MacINTYRE, Irish Poet TREASA O'DRISCOLL, Irish Singer BARRY O'NEILL, Irish-American Ballad Singer j THE ARK COFFEE HOUSE SUNDAY, FEB. 27-8 P.M.-Donation $1.00 Donations may be mailed to: Irish Relief Fund, 2729 Hampshire, Ann Arbor, c/o Desmond Ryan " Flares 1/2 off CHECKMATE state Street at Liberty HI-Fl BUYS Ann Arbor-East Lansing 618 S. Main 769-4700 Comprehensive'Repair Service Available >:: :; ;: ;r: ,;; ;r:s;:;; !a :}i I I BOTH ON SALE AT 89 each RITA COOLIDGE- "Nice Feelin"' C 4 OVER 25,000 LP'S, OVER 300 LABELS IN STOCK s WATCH FOR SPECIAL SALE ITEMS CHANGING WEEKLY iscount records 1235 S. UNIVERSITY " 300 S. STATE 0 ANN ARBOR, 668-9866 665-3679 MICH. HOURS- S. UNIV.-MON.-FRI., 10 - 10 Both Stores- SAT. 9:30-6 S. STATE-MON.-FRI., 9:30-9 SUN.-12-5 I Ii~,F#4%* ~ * ~ ~... .........~ i