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February 24, 1972 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-24

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Page Ten


Thursday, February 24, 1972

Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 24, 1972

U' offers summer abroad study trips

The University, in conjunction
with Sarah Lawrence College, will
co-sponsor its first summer study
abroad program this year.
The program offers six-weekI
courses in four European cities:
Paris, London, Lacoste - a small
Medieval town in the French Alps
-and Florence. The courses will
be taught by faculty members
from the University and Sarah
Courses offered in Florence en-
compass Renaissance art and cul-
ture, Italian history and Italian
art. Art history Prof. Marvin Eis-
enberg, history Prof. Raymond
Grew, and history Prof. Charles
Trinkaus will teach courses in
these subjects.
Eisenberg, who will be teaching
an "on the spot" course in Renais-
sance art, plans to conduct his
lectures in the presence of the
masterpieces which he is describ-
Another course will focus on
various Florentine sculptures such
as Ghiberti, Donatello, and Mi-
Trinkaus will discuss the emer-
gence of Florence as a leading
Medieval economic 'and cultural

center and will examine the ma-
jor new attitudes in the humani-
ties which have their roots'in this
small Tuscan town.
The program in Paris is spe-
cifically designed to meet the
needs of individual students, ac-
cording to its director, French
Prof. Guy Mermier. Mermier said
opportunities which enterprising
students might have including a
chance to obtain a private tour of
the Louvre, to speak with mem-
bers of the French Communist
Party or to take a course at the
The Paris program also offers
courses in French language and
literature, art history, and modern
French thought.
The London program aims to
"demonstrate the diversity and
richness of Britain's achieve-
ment," according to the official
program catalogue. Courses are
offered in the fields of British art,
literature, and theatre, highlight-

ed by a student production of an1
English play.
The Lacoste program differsI
from the other three in that it of-
fers studio courses in sculpture,
poetry, painting, drawing, print-.
making and photography. The lo-
cation is well suited to sculpture+
and painting, with local stone pro-
viding excellent material for
sculptures and local scenery fas-
cinating enough to have attracted
such masters as Cezanne, Van
Gogh, Gauguin, Picasso as well
as many lesser known artists.
Trinkaus hopes that local resi-
dents friendly to visiting artists
will render the atmosphere con-
ducive to the integration of his
students into community life.
The cost of the London, Flor-
ence, and Paris programs is $800
plus transportation to Europe. The
Lacoste program costs $1,000 plus
transportation. No scholarships
are available this year, but Train-

kus hopes that if the program is
successful, scholarship m o n e y
might be found in future years.
Applications are processed at
Sarah Lawrence, but University
students can obtain and submit
applications at the Study Abroad
Office, 1058 L.S.A.
The program is geared mainly
for undergraduates, who can re-
ceive up to six credits, but this
year there will also be room in
Florence for four or five gradu-
ate students who read Latin or
Italian. Graduate students will
participate in individual research,
utilizing various manuscripts or
archival materials.
Trinkaus, who came to Michi-
gan from Sarah Lawrence this
year, claims that the summer pro-
gram has been very successful
there since its inception in 1957.
He says that students find the
program an "absolutely fantastic

New busing
bill proposed.
(Continued from Page 1)
Even if such a request were
made, no funds could be used for
busing "when the time of dis-
tance of travel is so great as to
risk the health of the children or
significantly impinge on the edu-
cational process."
Under the amendment, federal
officials would be prohibited from
inducing local officials to use bus-
ing where students will be moved
to schools which are "substantial-
ly inferior to those opportunities#
offered at the school to which
such student would otherwise be
Furthermore, any court order
requiring that school districts be
consolidated or that students be
bused from one district to another
would not take effect until all ap#
peals have been exhausted.
The busing issue has become
more intense in the Senate in the
wake of a federal court decision
in Richmond, Va., combining that
city's schools with those of two
adjoining counties.
In addition, the issue has prove
ed a hot potato in the presidential
primary campaigns now under
The Mansfield - Scott amend-
ment is expected to be a rallying
point in the Senate for liberals
anxious to stave off much more
restrictive anti-busing measures.
The Senate is confronted with
more than a dozen amendments
designed to ban or cut down on
busing of school children to
achieve racial desegregation.


P'an-son to perform

-Daily-Robert Wargo
Is everything ducky?
Campus ducks yesterday discuss striking, upon hearing' that University dormitories plan to start
serving duck soup in an effort to cut costs. Other duck grievances include charges that the Univer-
sity poisons their friends, the pigeons. Activist Drake Mallard (center) had this comment for The
Daily: "Quack!"
_ Ye
Prisoners await trials as local
courts face overload of. cases

(Continued from Page 1)
variety of conseqeunces. If found
guilty, the time they have spent
in jail is credited to their sen-
tence. Often, though, they are
sentenced to a lesser term than
they have already spent behind
bars. They are then immediate-
ly released, but with nothing to
show for weeks and often months
of wasted time.
If found innocent, as many of
them are, individuals often lose
their jobs and their friends, and
too frequently witness the break-up
of their families as well.
In their struggle to alleviate the
burden created by the backlog of
cases, the courts have witnessed
the widespread adoption of "plea-
bargaining" or "plea copping."
In plea copping, the defendant
agrees to plead guilty to a charge
less serious than that under which
he or she was originally arrested.
In return for the guilty plea,
prosecuting attorneys will often
agree to ask the judge for leniency.
In many cases, however, defend-
ants will cop pleas simply for the
sake of getting out of jail-even
if they are innocent.

As one local attorney argues,
"If a guy is going to get a $1001
fine and probation in a ten minute
hearing the day after he is arrest-
ed if he pleads guilty to a mis-
demeanor, why should he wait in
jail a year and a half for his case
to come to trial, even if he's
"If you didn't have plea-bar-
gaining you would be so far be-
hind you would never be ahead,"
explains Judge Conlin.
"I don't know what you would
do without it," agrees attorney
Thomas Woods.
These men, and many others,
believe that plea-copping, al-
though not an ideal method for
achieving justice, is better than
nothing. Other attorneys do not
David Goldstein, a lawyer with
the Office of Economic Opportun-
ity funded county legal aid so-
ciety, and some of his colleagues
will not bargain with prosecutors.
Goldstein says he will take a case
to trial "if there is any chance at
But it is perhaps the police who
have the strongest objections. Of-
ficers are bitter at many sen-

tence reductions, and feel that
their efforts to build a "good fel-
ony case" are thwarted when
charges are reduced to misde-
meanors and criminals are re-
leased into society, "just to go and
do it again."
Attorney Don Koster's views
might confirm police fears: "Any
good defense attorney will tell you
that the longer a case takes the
easier it is to win."
City Police Chief Walter Krasny
concurs. "Witnesses' memories be-
come fuzzy when they must wait
months to testify," he says. "A
slow court docket puts attorneys
in a position to bargain with the
Despite the objections of some
to plea-copping, it seems that it
may be the only practicable me-
chanism to clear the docket. Of
the 194 criminal cases disposed
of during December, 186 did not
come to trial. Most of these were
the result of plea copping.
Meanwhile, cases on file at the
years' end as being over two years
old jumped from 69 in 1970 to
102 last year.

Strike over
(Continued from Page 1)
driving repeatedly through the
picket lines.
The striking workers said they
needed union affiliation to deal
with the commission's manage-
ment. One worker said she was
opposed to "everything" at the
Workers cited poor treatment by
managers, low wages, inadequate
sick leave and poor facilities as
reasons for the strike.
Workers were also opposed to
CPHA's incentive system of wages,
which they. claim discriminates
against older employes who can
no longer perform extra duties.
CPHA officials said the key issue
involved was union security, with
management insisting on an open
shop. No talks are currently sched-
uled between management and
Frank Dovell, representative for
the UAW, said the CPHA was a
"20th century operation with an
18th century mind."
Dovell said it was "ridiculous"
that the company would not allow
union affiliation. He said no agree-
ments had been discussed, and
that "It's hard to say how long
the strike will last."
Forest fires burs
more than tres

(Continued from Page 2)
Ch'ung-Ga." Excerpts from both
this and a second tale, dealing
with two brothers, will be seen
in the Ann Arbor performance.
In her presentation, the p'an-
sori singer employs one fan, a
flowing gown, and a very few
stylized dance movements. No
props, sets, or even attendant
actors are present save for a
single drum accompaniment.
Stress is on artful and con-
trolled use of the text and voice,
Davis now
free on ball
(Continued from Page 1)
said "I was ready to go." Spara-
cino said his fee was $10,000-10
per cent of the bond.
Asked whether he was worried
about posting such a large bond,
he said, "I have no fears."
Davis' attorneys brought the
cash bail of $2,500 with them and
posted it at the North Santa Clara
County jail in Palo Alto where she
was released.
D e f e n s e attorney Doris Brin
Walker said Davis remarked as
she walked out the door, "I can
hardly believe it." Walker said
that yesterday morning Davis was
"hopeful but not confident" of
getting bail.
Moore said Davis was "elated
and very happy to be out." He said
she would be staying in a "nice,
clean, safe place designated by the
court" in Santa Clara County.
/an u3 fewele
In Ann Arbor Since. 1952
719 N. University-665-4355

the working together of soloist
and drummer, their choice of
tempo, and the portrayal of
every emotion by means of all
these factors.,
Vocal capability is perhaps the
most obvious requisite of the
p'an-sori artist since the poetic
text, besides its range of char-
acter and emotional portrayal,
may last up to eight hours Itl
performance. The result is often
a strong, husky voice found in
female as well as male singers.
Women, however, have not al-
ways been part of the p'an-sori
tradition. Shin, Jae-hyo, a 19th-
century reformist and codifier
of the art, broke the sex barrier
himself by training a woman
singer. Since its probable begin-
nings around 1700, p'an-sori had
been a male art, like some Eliza-
bethan or Japanese theatricals.
For the Student Body:
* Jeans
* Bells
" Flares


toni ht
Ritual deremonies are believed
to have given birth to the p'an-
sori, and ike the Japanese Shinto
festival'drama 86en here last
fall, the 4Corea form seems' to
have grkwn from specifically.
shamanist' practices. Musicians
performing the rituals eventually
found themselves, in a more sec-
ular context, providing enter-
tainment for villagers instead of
for the gods and spirits.

Michigan Union
For Info Call 76-GUIDE



V2 off


State Street at liberty




Multipurpose Rz
roch, "Integral
jIes Type withA
pendent Populi
gell Hail, 4 pm
History Under
spectives in His

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24 panel discussion
Day Calendar "Designing To
Aud. A, Angell
Physics Seminar: J. Stern, Orsay, Russian and
France, "Light Cone Property of Cur- Hough, "The E
rent Commutators," 2038 Randall Lab, ism or Institu
11 am. Lane" Hall, 4:10
Continuing Education of Women:
"The Child and the Working Mother," History of Ar
330 Thompson, 1 pm. Univ., "Visual'
Computing Center: "Advanced Use gell Hall, 4:10
of Magnetic Tapes in MTS," 110 Phys- Speech Dept.
ics-Astron. Bldg., 3 pm. "Iphigenia in
English Dept. - Extension Service: "Turcaret," A
poetry readings by Ted Berrigan, UGLI Bldg., 4:10 pm.

,m., 4 pm.
Lecture: H. McClam-
Equations of the Stielt-
Applications to Age De-
ation Growth," 3201 An-
rgrad. Assoc.: "New Per-
tory: Focus on Women,"
n, 429 Mason Hall, 4 pm.
and Design: G. Crane,
morrow's City Today,"
Hall, 4 pm.
E. European Studies: J.
Brezhnev Era: Immobil-
utional Pluralism?" 200
rt: R. Arnhelm, Harvard
Thinking," Aud. B, An-
Performance: Euripides'
Aulis," and Lesage's
Arena Theatre, Frieze

International Tea: 603 E. Madison,
4:30 pm.
International Night: Rumanian and
Hungarian food, Mich. League cafe-
teria, 5 pm.
Intramural Program: Open House fea-
turing 18 activities and special exhibi-
tion matches, I.M. Sports Bldg., 6:30-
11 pm.
Residential College Creative Arts
Fair: Free Foon Fair, three original
plays, East Quad. Aud., 7 pm.



11[_ ' III
Air Force ROTC has scholarship funds
available for flight-qualified men. These
scholarships pay full tuition and most fees,
provide an allowance for books and $100 a
month stipend while school it. in session.
Freshmen need not hove been enrolled in
AFROTC the first semester to be eligible.
PHONE 764-2403

EUROPE-May Flights
(See Classified Ad for Complete List)

Michigan Union
Barbers and Hairstylists
W ashington:,x"4 .}t'+.t

Air seats Air Flight
Craft Carrier

Routing Depart/ Cost Admin. Total
Return Charges


186 Cal 515
186 Cal 517


Cal 555
Cal 523
Cal 525


5/2.6/2 150 19 $169
5/3-6/24 150 19 $169
5/22-6/27 150 19 $169
5/16-8/15 180 19 $199
5/31-8/16 170 19 $189

The FORE-VER Community
Benefit Coneert
Feb. 26-8:30-Sat. Nite


per seat price is pro-rota share of the total charter cost, subject to
increase or decrease depending on the total number of participants.
Open only to faculty, staff, students, & immediate families of this
university. Alumni eligible for certain flights.
Contact: University Activities Center
Second Floor, Student Union, State Street: 763-2147
Administrative and Travel Services by:
Students International, 621 Church St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104



Happy Anniversary
R.F.D. BOYS!!!

- U

$1.50 (donation) -at least 2 groups
for the Panther Commune in Selma, Alabama that
farms and delivers food to ghettos (Bobby Seale's)
open meeting Thurs., Feb. 24, 8 P.M.
Union, 3rd floor, SGC workroom
"Politics in 1972: Report from Chicago
Convention & Rap with Human Rights
Party Candidates"
Info: Jim Toy, 338 Union, 763-4186
Lt)0.. C C '

Specializing in Afro cuts
& styling. Cleve will be
with us every Monday
8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m.
for appt. call 662-4431











Don't Miss Out on
the Big Skiing This Winter!
From Friday noon through Monday noon rent
a new Ford or Chevy for the low rate of:


We Are Proud To Announce
The R.F.D. Boys Are Starting
Their Second Successful Year



Music by The Guardian Angel
Beer by the keg

Box office open 1 0 a.m. until curtain.
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre

make it to ATO Friday, Feb. 25 at 9:00!
%T 1.uaa'~4

$17.50 and only
8c a mile

Com'on out an' hear Pure Bluegrass
at its finest.
Every Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m.
-DOOR CHARGE $1.00 (50c after 11:30)-


guys-bring a buck


1 _








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