Thursday, FebrCiary 24, 1 9 7 2 rHE MICHIGAN DAILY rage five ........................ _... "I Thursday, February '24, 1912 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY ,-,696 F-fV461 Pershing Rifles: ROTC's real life tin soldiers "I guess we are just a bunch of frustrated jocks," says Pershing Rifles commnander Richard (ray, '72. But to a campus afflicted with anti-militarisn, the PRIs, as they call themselves, look more insidious than that. With their gung-ho "shut-p and straighten-up" attitude towards life in general and precision drilling in particular, the least you can say is that they stand apart ,... I By MARTY PORTER A BELLOWING SHOUT echoed in the. wet night air as I spotted a band of khaki-colored men parade in formation across the Diag. My eyes discovered !t rifles carried against shoulders belong- ing to tight-lipped, muddied faces of ten to fifteen soldiers. "Halt " Pictures of Kent State played with my thoughts as I tucked my hair un- der my collar. No it couldn't be, the campuses are quiet this year - at least that is what Time magazine said. Be- sides. there was no demonstration, no trouble that would warrant a visit by the National Guard. I moved to the periphery - something was going on. "Are you tired soldier . .. straight- en up ... you are a sorry bunch." Perhaps they were a guerilla thea- tre troupe. The theatre of protest, the- atre of the streets, they were bringing the reality of the Vietnam war back home. But what were they doing on the Diag at midnight? Where was the sacrificial blood to brighten up their performance; where was the killing and the rape, where was the audience par- ticipation? I was disappointed, there was no show. The soldiers stood stoic- ally against the insults hurled at them by their superiors. Has the University, the bastion of liberalism in the Midwest, resorted to hiring military mercenaries to protect THE PERSHING RIFLE'S insignia, tis wooden plaque, occupies its place of honor in ROTC's North Hall. It hangs on a coat hook. itself from further troubles? This would keep the students in their place. But there had been no trouble, no issue besides Attica; and the student activ- ists had simply reacted with the mun- dane prank of painting neat slogans on prominent walls. "All right, bend over and start to rub . . . I mean rub . .. put some el- bow grease into it soldier . .. I want to see it shine." The unarmed soldiers proceeded to shine the giant "M" that greets thou- sands daily on their traipse through central campus. "Start rubbing already . . . you have another minute to make that "M" shine." As the crowd gathered, the officers seemed to become edgy. I checked my collar for any extraneous buttons that a member of the armed forces would find objectionable, swallowed a few times and approached an officer who was mingling with the crowd. "Excuse me . . . sir - I had watched enough Sgt. Bilko in my time to realize that this precautionary title would be effective could you tell me what is going on? "THEY ARE SHINING the "M" on the Diag," he replied. I was surpris- ed by his youthful smile. "Yes, I know, but what for?" I was not going to be satisfied with a rhetori- cal answer. "This is the Pershing Rifles' annual service to the University." He blew a whistle, and the soldiers snapped into formation. A scream, another whistle, and some incomprehensible order was shouted as the troops started to run towards South State St. I had a great urge to follow but realized that I had had enough for one night. For the past couple of months I ask- ed who exactly were those men in khaki, those Pershing Rifles? I have been greeted with innumerable replies. "They are just a bunch of fascists," said'a decrepit radical who still haunts the campus about the 1969 ROTC dis- orders. "They 'are the sharpshooters from ROTC, watch out for them;" replied some cock-robinish character. "They are an elite fighting corps," exclaimed a comic-book addict friend. It took me a while to -discover that the Pershing Rifles are nothing more than a group of twenty to twenty-five members of the three services of ROTC who specialize in "military exhibition drill." They are the Busby Berkeleys of the armed forces. They are men who exercise elaborate, mechanical marching. THREE EVENINGS A WEEK, faces expressionless, eyes staring blindly in space, they unfold routines that would make Gower Champion shudder with envy routines of "Queen Anne sa- lutes," "Single-spins," and "cross- rank - rifle - tosses." They hurl ten pound plugged 1903 Springfields - the kind your grandpa used to shoot in the i BERETS PERCHED NATTILY atop their closely cropped heads, the men of the Pershing Rifles stand stoically as they clutch their plugged, 1903 Springfields-the kind your grandpa used to shoot in the big war-like tennis balls. sor says, "that teaches the future offi- cer leadership and the art of control- ling people." "According to Richard Gray '72, com- manding officer of the "PR", the Per- shing Rifles is a practical application of many of the principles that are taught in the ROTC program. "It is "Excuse me .. . sir," I say. I have watched enough Sgt. Bilko in my time to realize that this precautionary title would be effective. "Could you tell me what is going on?" "They are shining the 'M' on the diag," he replies. I was surprised by his youthful smile. "This is the Pershing Rifles' annual serv- ice to tie University." .. sim ssasssii.. . *. .> .::: . *.::.. *. .......... big war - like tennis balls. They ex- tend bent arms like carpenters' tri- squares. They mesh and march like precision gears. They are not entertain- ers, they are soldiers who entertain. The Pershing -Rifles, although they participate in three to four competi- tions a year, and march with orna- mented motions and steps, are not a theatrical organization. Rather, "It is a military fraternity," as ROTC Capt. Philip Shoemaker, their faculty spon- THREE EVENINGS A WEEK, faces expressionless, they unfold routines that would make Gower Champion shuddder with envy. closer to the real military organization than ROTC. Here we learn a lot about human nature," he says. Many mem- bers agree that the most important as- pect of being a part of "PR" is that it teaches them to work as a group, as a single unit. Commander Gray is amazingly cool and unofficious as he describes another function of the Pershing Rifles. "PR" builds up self-confidence, you learn the principles of leadership, especially the idea of purveying your confidence to the group, and you learn how to take and deliver orders effectively," he says. Although there is a great difference between an exhibition drill and battle, many of the men feel the training is still applicable. Another officer says, "there is nothing harder than being a leader to a group of peers." He explains that it is much more difficult to give orders to a group of friends than to en- listed men. The fact that the armed forces is primarily composed of enlist- ed men who are draftees and not career men is insignificant. He explains: "In the service we have military law to back up our orders, here we have noth- ing but faith." THE PERSHING RIFLES is organ- ized with its own mini-military bu- reaucracy, with its Commander, of- ficers, and enlisted men. It is this bu- reaucracy that gives its members the sense of achievement which is import- ant to the morale of the organization. Gray says, "PR is a place where I can achieve. I have worked my way up from enlisted man to Commander.' One enlisted man believes that this bureaucracy teaches the soldier how to take an order. "You learn that there are only two ways of answering an ,or- der: yes, sir, and no excuse sir." When asked how he could be sure that his orders will be correct and his officer always competent he replied, "he wouldn't be a leader if he wasn't good." To many of the members "PR" gives a chance to achieve a goal, a chance The sense of pride is exemplified by the fact, that the members of PR foot almost all of their $3000 budget from their own pockets. The organization only receives a $190 annual subsidy from the three services. Recently, de- spite the enthusiasm of its members, there has been a rapid decline in mem- bership. Capt. Shoemaker says that this decline reflects the lessening in- terest in military careers in general. Most of the men in PR do not believe that they are isolated from the rest of the campus. But that doesn't mean that many people are not antagonistic towards them. This antagonism reach-' ed its peak during the big-bang-bang- ROTC-disorders of 1969. During this period PR continued to march through campus three times weekly with their green berets, ominous formationand inactivated rifles. Attempts were made upon the lives of the members, says Gray, and at one point an accusation of assault was brought against the or- ganization. Commander Gray, a sophomore at the time said, "I could understand how they must have felt seeing us march- ing through campus . . . probably the same way I would feel if I saw a guy walk down the street burning an American flag." Even though the Pershing Rifles were called "a'group of hoodlums," by a student writing in The Daily, they were never found guilty In court of any improper actions. But today PR men do not march across campus to drill practice anymore, and their rifles are brought down to practice in a pri- vate car. "We never try to make trou- ble and we always try to avoid it," says Shoemaker. ALTHOUGH THEIR drills are not discreetly hidden, in some barren base- ment of North Hall, but in Yost Field- house, the group does not, go out of their way to be noticed. As Gray says, "We don't need publicity." Members of the Pershing Rifles ad- mit that they experience some pres- "WE NEVER TRY TO make trouble and we always try to avoid it." sure on campus, because of their af4 \filiation, but as one enlisted man says, 'it is nothing that we can't handle." "We are going to meet people who are automatically antagonistic to us throughout our future career." "You were slow, we had fifteen slaps instead of sixteen, get it right. The rifle is to be held at a forty-fiye de gree angle ... don't duck your head." Photography by James Judkis .*f.s.. .. . . *. ***..*...