5 .t'. ..#.. . x c.. t 11 94e Sfiduian DaUgj Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Omens from Peking: Serious business afoot 420 Maynard St.;Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: GENE ROBINSON Black housing unit: In: favor WITH THE BEST of liberal intentions, University. officials are heading straight toward flat rejection of a stu- dent proposal for a black housing unit in South Quad. This rejection would once again sadly reflect the University's simplistic, outmoded views on race relations. The housing proposal, which is up for regental review at next month's meet- ing, calls for the establishment of Afro- American and African Cultural Residence Halls within South Quad.' The proposal states that the housing unit would be open to any "student who has an interest in Afro-American and African culture, without regard to race, color and religion." Regardless of its open-door clause, the Regents are sure to shoot down this pro- posal as they did a plan for a black stu- dent center. That plan was submitted to them last summer by Journalism Prof. Gilbert Maddox, then head of the Op- portunity Program, which oversees black enrollment and support. M Maddox's report, rejected for its "sepa- ratist goals," stated that the black stu- dent is viewed from an institutional standpoint, admittedly a wiite stand- point and is often faced with (experi- ences) which create or enhances feelings of inferiority, atypicality and depend- ency." Yet, even the University's highest of- ficials are not aware or willing to deal with these problems. HAS tONG been the administra- tion's hope that with the University's minority enrollment commitment to a ten per cent black enrollment by 1973, the increased numbers of black students would become integrated into the Univer- sity community. 'We think of our students as students, Ve don't think of their color," says Presi- dent Robben Fleming. "We think of black students' problems, but not as wholly different problems from other en- tering freshmen," he adds. , But the problems are different. Any- one who lives in South Quad, for exam- ple, knows that color barriers pervade the hall. Black students room together, eat together and relax together-a micro- cosmic society within a dorm with a 90 per cent white population. These students are now asking the University to recognize that racial inte- gration is not a reality in the dormitory system-and that the establishment of a separate black unit is the first positive step towards relieving racial tensions. YET THE ADMINISTRATION'S yearn- ing for a peaceful, integrated com- munity, underlined with a subtle fear of blacks congregating in large groups, blinds the administration to the des- perate need which black underclassmen have to live together. It is not difficult to trace the origins of this need. Interestingly, the University takes elaborate pains to identify a stu- dents' color before he enters the school. Fabricated euphemisms like "socio-aca- demically disadvantaged," "culturally distinct," nd "economic instability" all total up to a student who is poor, black and will need more academic and finan- cial support than his average white peer. Yet, once enrolled, a student's "cul- tural distinction" is no longer recognized by the University - with the exception of periodic checks and skeletal programs for academic aid. Coming from a community totally dis- tinct from this one and from some of the poorest school districts in the state, these students are given every opporunity by the color-blind administration--every opportunity for frustration and uneasi- ness. INDEED, FUNDING patterns reflect this blindness. While University funding for the black financial aid program was increased this year by a whopping 130 per cent, counselling and academic servicesf were granted only a 25 per cent increase in funding.. This disparity has angered a large number of black students, who find the lack of supportive services crippling to their academic standing. Certainly the establishment of a black housing unit within South Quad is an imposing threat to the concept of fra- ternal dorm living. It also appears as a harmful precedent which could perhaps result in the dormitory system someday consisting of a network of splintered, segregated housing cells for every ideo- logical minority. UGLY NAMES like "separatism" and "segregation" can be attached to this proposal-and that makes its rejection seem imminent. Yet the tense situation in South Quad these days is by far the ugliest part of the affair, and it's time for the adminis- tration to realize it. -CARLA RAPOPORT Executive Editor By EDWARD LIU BASED ON MEDIA reports from the corps of 87 newsmen accompanying the presiden- tial party, two signs have emerged which in- dicate the seriousness with which Chinese offic- ialdom view§ the visit of the American presi- dent. Less than four hours after the arrival, there was a meeting between Chairman Mao and President Nixon - a virtually unprecedented move of immediate confrontation with issues. In addition, the omission of pomp and pageantry at the Peking airport is a sign. that the Chinese consider it a working visit rather than a cere-, monial one. Educated hunches are that 'aside from the simple amenities, Nixon and Mao did in fact have an exchange of fundamental philosophi- cal principles which set the tone and direction of the detailed discussions between Nixon and Chou EnlIM this week. The press releases 'by both the Chinese and American press officers describing'the talks as "frank and serious" indicate there were serious differences ,of principle, but also that both part- ies-the leader of the world's most powerful country and the leader of the world's most populous country-met and laid down their first cards on the table. MAO'S FORTE, though, has never been in the area of negotiation and diplomacy. It has been in formulating principles and policies which Premier Chou could utilize as head of the State Council and policies which Premier Chou could utilize as head of the State Council in the day to day affairs of the state. Mao may come off as a country bumpkin com- pared to Chou - suave, cosmopolitan, and cool -but like the Yin and the Yang, their personali- ties and work styles compliment each other. SOME OBSERVERS were struck by the ab- sence of both the Chairman and Madame Mao (Chiang Ching) at the airport receiving line. Chairman's Mao's age excuses him from ex- posure to the chiliing February cold at the air- port. Furthermore, Mao has never been a stick- ler for protocol - and in this instance, as chair- man of the Communist Party rather than titular head of state, the question of protocol should not have involved Mao. Madame Mao's absence from the airport stir- red speculation for a while, but she has since attended a Peking ballet opera performance sitting between Pat and Richard Nixon, leav- ing to the gdssip columns what Madame Mao and Pat could possibly have to talk about. A SECOND SIGN that apparently indicates the Chinese consider the Nixon visit an import- ant one is the breadth, of coverage by the Chinese daily organ, the Jenmin Ripao (Peo- ple's Daily). On the second day of Nixon's visit, the paper had both full front and inside page coverage of the Nixon visit including the texts of Nixon's and Chou's banquet messages and photo- graphs of the meeting between Mao and Nixon. Earlier, American sommentators had noted the absence of visit coverage on Chinese television. The Chinese press does not operate the same way the American press does. It is an organ for the dissemination of important state policies from the top to the bottom levels of society with subsequent feedbacks and discussions by small groups that include virtually all adult Chinese. THE EXTENT of coverage devoted to the Nix- on visit by the Jenmin Ripao is therefore a firm indication from the Chinese authorities that the masses of China will have direct involvement in China's move to reformulate policies toward the United States in accordance with whatever concessions Nixon has to offer. Edward Liu is a graduate student in Chinese Studies at the University. -Associated Press Meanwhile .. at, the Great Wall of China By SARA FITZGERALD IT WAS ALMOST like the first moon landing - except Wal- ter Cronkite didn't say "golly gee." But the nation's top television newscasters said just about every- thing else. It was an historic moment. President Nixon came swooping in on the "Spirit of '76". A Peking band swung into a spritely march version of our national anthem. And the President lingeringly shook the hand of Chou En-lai, Letters: On the Afro-American units To The Daily: WHY 'SHOULD Blacks always bear the load of integration? Whenever some one speaks of in- tegrating it is almost always inte- grating Black people into the white form. Whenever the problem of "bus- ing" is discussed it is in the con- text of Black-to-white culture. Even at this institution (which is supposed to be ultra-liberal) one is still confronted with the same basic pattern of integration - black to white. One often hears, "Blacks and whites should live together so they can get to know one another bet- ter." How can a person know what a forest looks like when he has only seen one tall pine tree in the mid- dle of a desert. The same principle applies to housing. How can the whites learn about blacks if they only encount- er them one at a time out of their natural environment. How can one Black person really exemplify his true self among 50-60 whites? Therefore, I feel it is necessary for the cause of integration and for a better understanding of the black community and its people for a black cultural living unit to be established on this campus. This unit will make it possible for a more accurate picture f. Black culture to be portrayed. -James Blanks, Educ. '74 Feb. 23 Facing fear To The Daily: WHEN I first read of those stu- dents fearful of walking down a corridor of the Afro-American Cul- tural Living Unit and their expec- tations why, my response was one of surprise. Surprise, not from the someone's fear of the corridor walk but that the true feelings of the open-minded, non-minority stu- dents have reached the surface. It is my belief that t h e r e are those among us who as college students who are either afraid to voice their true attitudes or bring forth attitudes which are b o t h naive and insulting. There is nothing wrong w it h fear. Fear is a common and neces- sary emotion. The problem arises when the mask of open-minded lib- eralism is used in attempt to hide fear. At early childhood, each of us are taught certain cultural norms. These norms are our guide- lines. It does not matter how we try to deviate or break away from these norms, in a dire emergency these are what we follow. The situation confronting living conditions at this time, on this particular campus dictates emer- gency. The slender tree-trunk structure of minority students has been bent to the breaking point. It is' not possible for the gale winds of the majority characters of this campus to be eased in favor of relieving stress? This problem is always an after- effect of the flooding of minority students to relieve the grossly un- just student composition of a fig- ure-head university. Therefore, let us all face our true feelings, express them, and be ready to respond not by saying "why don't you?" but rather "maybe we can." -Roy Jones Feb. 23 Shining lights To The Daily: HAVE YOU ever approached a door and opened it to a dark room whose contents were unknown to you? I'm sure many of us have en- countered such situations and I'm sure many of us have reacted to such, situations in panic and fear, but realizing behind these sensa- tions is a control which assures us that there is a light,, the prob- lem is only finding the .:witch which would enable your fear and panic to subside. My reason for writing this let- ter is not to make everyone aware that light can make a dark room more visible. My objective is to respond to the many people who have reacted strongly against the idea of the Black Cultural Living Unit at the University of Michi- gan. I am asking that the residents of Ann Arbor in opposition to the idea turn on the light to the situa- tion that exists at the University, and realize that you are standing in the dark and you cannot pos- sibly see anything. Come to the realization that behind those Black faces that you fear are lights that shine bright enough to en- lighten the whole world. Why can't those of you who op- pose this idea understand and see the harm that you are doing to some 400 Black students who see a need for such a unit to be es- tablished? Ann Arbor, I am very tired of reading about the "moves toward segregation" and the idea being "unconstitu- tional". Do you realize that whites have been segregated here consist- antly and no mention ,)f such se- gregation has never been up for discussion? Why is it that complaints have been lodged when Blacks eat to- gether but no complaints ;are lod- ged when the table right next to them is all white? Why the emo- tion over, a Black Cultui al Corri- dor when there are many all white corridors and houses? Ann Arborites (in opposition) why don't you go out and ihvesti- gate before you make accusations? Don't you realize that people stum- ble and hurt themselves and oth- ers in the dark!!! -Debbie Anthony, Grad. Feb. 23 leader of the world's largest coun- try. But when the preliminary hoop- la was over, there was time to fill. Like during the long periods of time when the astronauts are sleeping, the newscasters had to find something to stick into the periods when Air Force One was going through its llanding pat- terns - and the President was winding his way down the "Road that leads to the Airport." WE HEARD ABOUT the Chi- nese limousines- "almost, like little Checker cabs," according to one well-known correspondent. It was nice to know that Harry Reasoner managed to arouse the curiosity of the Chinese people. (After all, they'd never seen a television cameraman, had they?) They told us about "the story going around" that the "Chinese Communists are asking their wealthy Hong Kong friends for Cadillacs like the Americans." Like children, we were treated gingerly, and were told that "when the light comes up in America," we would have more coverage of the President's trip, The Chinese were treated worse. "They are a people of bi- cycles . . ." said one commenta- tor. "Open trucks cart them to work." BUT FROM THE land of the "quasi - savages" also came a note of reassurance. While Barbara Walters showfd us around the house where the Nixons stayea, she commented, "Mrs. Nixon will have all the comforts of home-including cos- metics and face creams." And with relief, Reasoner told his colleagues in New York, "The Americans who've been here a' week seem to be happy and com- fortable." History was in the'making and we were told that the ChIxese had "wine that tasted like Mani- chewitz." SO I WISH there had been moon-men. For then the condescending stripe of America's liberal Eastetn press wouldn't have come as such a surprise. 4' And an alternative view ALL PARTIES involved in the current controversy over establishing a "black cultural living unit" seem to assume that only two options 'are available -- either establish a virtually 100 per cent black dormitory, or leave things the way they are now where any given house is at least 90 per cent white. This is an extremely narrow view of the subject, since any number of other black-white ratios are possible. For ex- ample, a "black cultural living unit" which had a quota of 30 per cent white students would provide for both . racial integration and a base for development of black awareness. The principle arguments in favor of the black housing unit involve the alien- ation blacks often feel when placed in an overwhelmingly white environment. Business Staff ANDY GOLDING Business Manager BILL ABBOTT...........Associate Business Manager HARRY HIRSCH..............Advertising Manager FRANCINE HYMEN..............Personnel Manager DIANE CARNE9VALE................. Sales Manager PAUL W VNLOF'F...........Promotions Maager STEVEN EVSEEFF.......... ..Circulation Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS AND ASSOCIATES: Classi- fie4: Judy Cassel, Jim Dykema, Dave Lawson; Cir- culation: William Blackford; Display: Sherry Kastle, Alan Klein, Karen Laakko; National: Patti Wilkin- son; Layout: Bob Davidoff; Billing: L'Tanya Haith. ASSISTANT MANAGERS: Debbie Alcott, Maryellen Battaglia, Ray Catalino. Linda Coleman, Pankaj Ku- mer Das, Sandy Fienberg, Jan Lang, Nelson Leavitt, One black student summed it up as follows: "One often hears how 'blacks and whites should live together so they can get to know one another better.' But how can a person know what a forest looks like when he has only seen one tall pine tree in the middle of a desert?" IS STUDENT and others like him m a i n t a i n they cannot "be them- selves" when isolated among 40 or 50 whites. However, those in favor of the black housing have never maintained that it must be 100 per cent black, and it is reasonable to assume that a housing unit 70 per cent black would satisfactorily accomplish the desired end of black unity. The argument against a black living unit stems from a commitment to the principle of racial integration. The in- creased understanding, enlightenment, tolerance and so forth that result from racial mixing have all been amply ex- pounded before, and cannot be denied. These opponents fear that a housing unit designed for blacks, with only a half-hearted invitation to whites, will be- come all black. This probably is true, and racially-motivated animosities and suspicions resulting from such a situation are likely. However, racial integration can be achieved, by establishing a 30 per cent white quota for the black living unit. Although this is not the usual 90 per cent white and 10 ner cent black tvne Regents' research ac tion: Nothing new By MARTY SCOTT NO ONE should be shocked by what the Regents did last Fri- day. Their action in rejecting all of the proposed new policieson research was totally consistent with a long series of past actions. None the less, the action was dramatic; does bring at least two vital issues to the center of cam- pus attention; and will, hopefully, provide the impetus necessary to get the, University community working toward solutions. Rarely has the whole range of deficiencies which characterize the system of regental rule over the University been more starkly ob- vious than in this incident. Through a lengthy, careful and deliberate process, the last stage of which took over a year and a half, the University community made its decision.- Eight people, whose only claim to authority is that they were able to convince the leaders of their political party to nominate them in a year when that party carried the state, came to town for their usual two days out of the entire month, spent only a few hours of that time discussing the matter, and rejected the community's de- ciinn culty policy board to run, it, the Regents blocked it for well over a year and finally approved a great- ly weakened version. THE PRESENT ACTION is clearly not a first; but rather a relatively small part of an exten- sive pattern. The Regents v i e w students and faculty merely as special interest groups which can formulate and advocate policies before them, but it is only they. the Regents, who have actual de- cision-making power. The action of the Regents must also be seen in the special con- text of the moment. This, the lat- est example of the Regents' insist- ence upon sole decision-making power, comes at a time of rapidly growing sentiment for self-deter- mination on the part of all seg- ments of the University commun- ity. With the recent advent of policy boards, students hold more decis- ion-making positions yet feel more alienated from the decision mak- ing process, than at any other time in recent memory. IT MUST HAVE been a r u d e awakening for many faculty mem- bers to find that the Regents had problem goes far beyond that. x It is not true that we happen to have a particularly bad set of Regents at present. We will continue to have prob- -Ims similar to the one we now face until the structure of t h e Board of Regents is changed. The Regents are not members of the University community,, thus they can have neither the sensi- tivity to the issues which face the campus to intelligently consider thema, nor the right to make de- cisions about those issues,. parti- cularly when their decisions would be in .contradiction to that of the community itself. Students, faculty, and other in- terested people and groups both inside and outside the Univarsity should immediately begin working on the development of a proposal for major reforms in the structure of the Board of Regents. Electing the entire Board at large from the campus, or having a six-member board with two stu- dents elected by the student body, two faculty elected By the faculty, and two public members appoint- ed by the. Governor are only two of many possible proposals which could be discussed. are the majority of the faculty. We have succeeded in persuading our representative bodies, Stu- dent Government Council and Senate Assembly, to stand with us. The University community has made its decision, and we m u s t now work together in all ways that are necesary and consistent with our personal beliefs to insure the implementation of that decis- ion. -Daily-Rolfe Tessem grievious than other actions of re- cent memory. They continue refusing to allow students and faculty to jointly pass rules regulating their own con- duct without regental approval. Not only did the Regents forbid students and faculty to create a judicial system for themselves without substantial regentally Im- posed amendments, but they cur- rently insist upon approving all of 4