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February 23, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-23

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In the wake of last month's con-
troversialwdecision by Michigan
State University to publicize fac-
ulty salaries, concern over the pos-
sible ramifications of that policy
still exists.
According to a trustee, an ad-
ministrator, and a professor from
MSU involved in the decision,
some disclosure of salary should
have been made.
Yet all three objected to the way
the matter was handled.
Possible questions engendered by
by the decision, such as faculty
unionization and the matter of
who within the university will set
future salary policy, is yet to be
Here at the University thus far,
no steps have been taken to make
'public faculty salaries, although
,h- several campus groups have ex-
of pressed- interestin doing so.
Robert Perrin, MSU Vice Presi-




dent for University Relations, saw
"no objections to faculty salary
disclosures if they were treated
right." -
"Since MSU is a public institu-
tion," he said, "the people have a
right to know how public funds
are being used. However, I feel
that the faculty has a right to
privacy in their salaries."
Perrin said the administration
had proposed that salary informa-
tion be disclosed by department,
listing high, low, median and av-
erage salaries by rank, rather than
profs' names. Listing differences
in average pay between men and
women by department was also
MSU Prof. Robert Repas, how-
ever, chairman of the Committee
for a Rational Pay Policy, whic
began the controversy, felt that
this adminisration plan was not
"Averages would not do any

good," he said. "Nobody receives
the average." .
"Furthermore, this would be like
awarding a contract to Company
X to build an all-events building,
but not telling who the company
is or how much it will cost," Re-
pas said.
MSU Trustee Patricia Carrigan:
who introduced the disclosure
measure to the Board of Trustees,
agreed with Repas that names
should be published.
"Since public funds are being
spent, the people have auright to
see how they are being used. We
should not be in the position of
legislating p u b1Iic information,"
she said.
The controversy over publication
began when Repas' committee pro-
cured salary information and sub-
sequently sent a salary list to a
members of the MSU faculty.
The MSU Board of Trustees had
taken initial action on the matter

before the information was distri-
buted by the committee.
The trustees had asked the ad-
ministration to disclose the in-
formation. The administration in
turn asked for a delay so that it
could consult the faculty to dis-
cover their feelings on the matter.
The action by Repas' committee
made this unnecessary. Soon after
the salary lists had been mailed.
the trustees met and voted for full
disclosure of salaries.
This procedure caused consider-
able controversy.
"The administration didn't want
to justify its crazy pay system,"
said Repas. "They might have
been embarrassed by the low sal-
aries they paid."
"The university contended that
if the salaries were made available
our faculty would be raided by
other schools," Repas continued.
"I only saw this as an admission
that our salaries are less than at

other schools."
"The administration also said
that salaries are determined by
market demand," he said. "But
since there are far fewer women.
the market would demand their
receiving a higher salary. The op-
posite is really true," he added. "I
saw no need to withhold the in-
Perrin, however, disagreed, say-
ing that the decision was pre-
mature. "We were not opposed to
releasing the salaries," he said
"We wanted, however, to handle
the policy in an orderly manner.
We wanted to see how the faculty
felt before we took action."
Carrigan also feels that the ac-
tion by Repay' committee came too
"If any damage was done, it was
because the report was released
befoe the Board of Trustees had
acted. We agreed to wait for a
faculty recommendation before we
would make a decision. I disagree

more with the way the matter was
handled by Repas than the idea
behind it," she said.
Now that the salary disclosure
has been made, the central ques-
tion is what will be the effects.
Carrigan said, "It may be a co-
incidence, but a faculty association
now has enough signatures to go
to the Michigan Employment Re-
lations Commission" as the first
step towards unionization.
Repas said, "We (the faculty)
will eventually have to have col-
lective bargaining."
There are a number of issues
that would be resolved by collec-
tive bargaining, according to Re-
"The result would be that we
would come up with a rational
criteria on which to base salaries."
"We would discuss minimum
salaries by.rank, discrepancies by
See FACULTY, Page 10

MSU Trustee Patricia Carrigan, who original
proposed the controversial plan to publish fa
ulty salaries at that school, addresses a lunc
time gathering here yesterday on the future
university education.

See Editorial Page




snow flurries likely

Vol. LXXXII, No. 113 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 23, 1972 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Nixon-Chou parley

7 die in IRA
air base blast




ALDERSHOT, England (M -
five women and a chaplain died;

Seven persons including
at Britain's biggest army

base yesterday in a bombing aimed at avenging London-
derry's "Bloody Sunday."
Officials of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) in Dublin
claimed credit for the blast, which took place only forty
miles from London. This makes the bombing the most serious
incident in the Irish conflict that has taken place outside of
"Bloody Sunday" took place Jan. 30, when thirteen
civilians were killed in a confrontation with British troops.
Catholics have charged that the shootings were unpro-
voked, while British spokesmen claim that the troops were

HRP asks
can didate
The Human Rights Party of
Ann Arbor (HRP) filed suit yes-
terday in Detroit Federal District
Court to insure a ballot spot for
its 4th Ward city council candi-
date, David Black.
Black, a political science teach-
ing fellow was nominated along
with four other HRP City Coun-
cil candidates at a party caucus
on February 6. The other four
candidates, Jerry DeGrieck (1st
Ward), Nancy Wechsler (2nd
Ward), Genie Plamondon (3rd
Ward), and Nancy Romer Burg-
hardt (5th Ward), were certified
by City Clerk Harold Saunders.
No certification was given to
Black, however, since he fails to
meet a city charter requirement
that candidates be registered to
vote in Ann Arbor for one year
prior to the date they would as-
sume city office.
Although Black has resided at
825 S. Main Street in the 4th
Ward for more than a year, he
has only been a registered voter
See HRP, Page 6

merely defending themselvesI
against sniper fire.I
The bomb yesterday was thrown
into the officer's mess hall. For-
tunately, the huge crowd that
generally congregates t h e r e at
lunchtime had not yet arrived.
The building was completely lev-
elled by the explosion. Nineteen
persons were wounded, four of
them critically.
The five women killed in the
blast were employes at the base,
and the chaplain was a Roman
Catholic priest who had been dec-
orated for his peace-making ef-
forts in Ireland.
Reaction to the bombing in Bri-
tain was swift and angry.
In the House of Commons, Home
Secretary Reginald Maulding de-
scribed the bombings as "an out-
rage" and vowed to conduct a
massive search for the bombers.
Elsewhere in Northern Ireland,
troops clashed with rioting mour-
ners at the Belfast funeral of a
14-year-old IRA junior guerrilla,
David McCauley, victim of an ap-
parent training mishap.
The trouble began when thel
soldiers tried to arrest about forty
uniformed junior IRA men, after
shots were fired over the boy's
head in a traditional IRA salute
to its dead.
Troops were trampled in the en-
suing melee. A community worker
said at least three women were

PEKING (R)-After attend-
ing a ballet on a revolution-
ary theme last night in his
latest experience in the Peo- .
ple's Republic of C h i n a
President Nixon and Premier
Chou En-Lai plan to meet at
Nixon's guest residence this
afternoon for more top level
Chou, displaying the courtsy
of his Mandarin ancestors, may be
making a concession to the Chi-
nese quality of face by going to
see Nixon rather than having the
President call on him.
Apparently deep into discussions
to span the gulf left by 22 years
of abrasive hostility the talks be-
tween the leaders have so far
been longer than anticipat-d.
Nixon said before he arrived
that he expected his meetings with
the Chinese premier to last two
hours. But yesterday's session
went on for nearly four. Only
their close advisers were present.
The Chinese left little doubt
they attach great importance to
Nixon's mission. On Monday. he
met unexpectedly with the usually
remote Mao Tse-tung. Then the
Chinese press broke its silence on
Nixon's visit and splashed the
story with pictures of Nixon with
Mao and Chou.
At last night's ballet, Chiang
Ching. firebrand of the Cultural
revolution in the late 1960s. sat at
Nixon's left. On his right was CHOU EN-LAI, President Nixon and C]
Chou, who has expressed hope a show in Peking last night. Not shor
that the presidential visit could of State William Rogers is in the backg
lead to normalization of relations. - -- - -
On Monday. Nixon and Chou RE NT HIKE CHECK:
held a laraelyceremonia eet
ing in the Great Hall of the Peo-I
ple. Yesterday the meeting room
was small. Chou and Nixon faced
each other across a rectangular
table only a few feet wide.

PRESIDENT NIXON meets with Premier Chou En-lai yesterday (above) and later attends a
tural program with Chou, Chiany Ching-the wife of Mao Tse-tung-and Pat Nixon.


Civil rights panel plans
study of black housing

-Associated Press
hiang Ching applaud during
wn is Pat Nixon. Secretary

The Michigan Civil Rights
Commission (MCRC) agreed at
a meeting yesterday to send a
staff of commission members to
Ann Arbor for the purpose of
questioning University students
about a proposed black housing
Milton Robinson, MCRC
chairman, told The Daily yes-
terday that the inquiry will in-
vestigate conditions underlying

student demands for separate
Last week the University's
Housing Policy Committee ap-
proved the establishment of
separte black housing after
black students from Stockwell
and South Quadrangle residence
halls requested it.
Robinson said the staff mem-
bers will be assigned next week.
On the basis of their report, the
commissioners will make recom-

He was jilted .,..so
Haven Hall burned

To most residents of the Uni-
versity community, the current
rash of probably deliberate fires
is a startlingly and unprecedented
development. But old-timers and
memorabilia buffs may just be
reminded of the historic after-
noon of June 6, 1950.
It was on that summer day that
Alvin Kaplan, a University stu-
dent, walked into the journalism
office in Haven Hall and in a
classic understatement c a 1 m l y
said, "I think your building is
burning down."
Kaplan's astute analysis proved
to be correct. Unfortunately,
though, it came a little too late.
By the time fire officials arrived
on the scene, the building was
well on its way to being totally
No one was injured in the blaze,
but damage estimates ranged up
to $600,000. In a statement to the
press shortly thereafter Ann Ar-
bor's fire chief said. "We'll prob-

by dropping a match on a pile of
old maps in a deserted class-
The story became even more bi-
zarre when the details of the con-
fession and arrest were announc-
ed several days later.
Stacy, it seems, admitted light-
ing the fire to a former girl-
friend, Zelda Clarkson - at thef
time a nurse at the University
Clarkson had broken off her
relationship with Stacy when he
had threatened to kill her. The
combination of these two admis-
sions led Clarkson to press for
Stacy's committal to a mental in-
The police learned of her move
and the arrest was made soon aft-
erwards. When confronted with
this evidence, Stacy said that the
excitement of setting the fire had
given him relief from the tension
brought about by Clarkson's re-
Stacy's unbalanced mental pic-
1.._.La........... .. . ....... .,, {...L~ .

mendations to the Regents be-
fore they meet to review the is-
sue next month.
Citing the Black Action
Movement's (BAM) demand for
a black cultural center two
years ago, Robinson said, "we
are interested in the atmos-
phere that precipitates these
actions and makes black stu-
dents want to withdraw."
If the civil rights commission
disapproves of the housing unit,
they may take legal action.
Robinson said that University
attorneys may decide the hous-
ing unit is illegal, and request
that the Regents overturn it.
The commission will explore
the "legal ramifications" of the
proposed housing' with state
Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley and pos-
sibly the federal Department of
Housing and Urban Develop-
ment (HUD), Robinson said.
Equal housing laws could pre-
vent the establishment of black
housing, Robinson indicated.
"There is a thin line between
self - separation and imposed
segregation," he explained.
Although Robinson emphasiz-
ed that the commission has tak-
en no stand on the issue, he did
reveal his own reservations
about separate housing.
He said "separation helps
breed fear, exploitation, control,.
domination, and lack of under-
standing," and for these reasons
the issue "deserves our close at-
Robinson called the Univer-
sity a "microcosm of the
world" in which students should
be exposed to a setting reflec-
tive of the world they will live
in. He emphasized that "no all-
black. floors could be found in

friendly before yesterday's met- In an effort to crack down on alleged rent freeze viola-
ing. They laughed while posing tions in Washtenaw County, State Representative Ray Smith
for photographers. Then the doors (R-Ypsi.) has requested Gov. William Milliken and Atty.
closed behind them. Gen. Frank Kelley to "use the power of their offices" to
No statement came out of the investigate 19 local landlords and companies.
nouncemcnt th e t Nixon and Chou In a Feb. 18 letter sent to both state officials, Smith
were continuing th'ir discussions charges that "massive increases in rent have occurred in
today. Washtenaw county during Phase I of the Rent Freeze."
The ballet was held in the Smith also says that the Internal Revenue Service has
third - floor auditorium of the been "unable or unwilling" to investigate the alleged Eco-
See NIXON, Page 10 nomic Stabilization Act vio-
The compahies and landlords
Smith wants investigated are:
Hall Management Co., Ambassa-
dor Co., Ann Arbor Trust, Arbor
Forest, C a m p u s Management,
Charter Realty, Dahlmann Apart-
ments, Hamilton Apartments, Sum-
::?mit Associates, Walden Manage.
ment, Wilson White Co. Bell De-
:"velopment, Student Inns Inc. Post
S Realty, McKinley Associates; Rob-
?, erts Management, Art Carpenter,
Raymond Harary, and Sara 11
k ' '"kSteingold.
Smith says he has received
h f ;numerous complaints of rent freeze
tiLi' . ~violations from Rusty Lavelle a
member of the Ann Arbor Tenants
2 In order to facilitate. the.in
h Kavestigation, Smith is sponsoring?

Nixon was accompanied only by
a translator and Henry Kissinger.
presidential adviser on national
security. Secretary of State Wil-
liam Rogers held a separate con-
ference with China's foreign min-
ister, Chi Pen-fei.

landlord probe

's local


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