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January 15, 1972 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-01-15

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Page Eight


Saturday, January 15, 197L

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 15, 1 97L

Suit over funds
to print coopt
go befre- CSJ
A suit by Student Government Council seeking to regain a $1,500
allocation made to the Student Print Co-op will be heard Monday
night by the Central Student Judiciary.
SGC claims in its suit that actions taken by the print co-op's
board have violated an agreement on the use of the funds.
The money is presently held in a student print co-op fund under
joint receivership of CSJ vice-chairman Mark Goldsmith and former
print co-op board and former SGC member Barbara Goldman. Sig-
natures of both Goldsmith and Goldman are required for with-


Excerpts from Assembly
committee research report

(Continued from Page 1)
would affect their quality and/or
close them to regular students was
countered by PESC's assertion
that students registering for PESC
courses are fully aware of their
access to community members.
PESC pointed to the University's
"terrible relationship" with the
community and the expansion of
University curriculum, brought
about by the new PESC courses,
as further justifications for its ac-
CharlestThomas, who is presi-
dent of the Black Economic De-
velopment League and plans to in-
struct a PESC course entitled
"'The Socio-Economic and Politicall
Foundations of County Politics,"
said that the qualifications of non-
professors in PESC should not be
challenged by the University.
His statement apparently antici-
pated a debate over whether
courses such as . his could grant
credit hours to University students.

drawal of funds from the ac-
Goldman was an SGC member
who initiated the print co-op
board's request for the money to
buy printing equipment for the
When the board later allocated
the funds to the Washtenaw
County Black Economic Develop-
ment League (WCBEDL), SGC
SGC claimed thq agreement ac-
companying the grant of $1,500
specified . that the print co-op
should provide for student as well
as community involvement and
include students on its governing
body. The agreement stated that
printing equipment must be pur-
chased with the SGC grant by
"winter '71".
Goldsmith said that this dead-
line was too vague to terminate
the joint receivership account at
present. CSJ has yet to rule on
the meaning of "winter '71".
Goldsmith added that the court
is still unclear as to what SGC is
contending and what its original
agreement with the print co-op
board was. "I'm as confused as
anybody," Goldsmith said. "A lot
of members of the court are really
up in the air. The case hasn't been
presented in the most orderly

(Continued from Page 4)
University community who pro-
pose or plan to carry out the re-
For the purpose of administer-
ing this policy, the term "limits"
shall not be construed as apply-
ing to the following types of
agreements, contracts, or grants:
(a) Those classified or other-
wise restricted solely for purposes
of providing access for the re-
searcher to classified or other re-
stricted documents, equipment, or
(b) Those which restrict only
the publication of certain items of
information, such as numerical
constants or equipment paramet-
ers or settings, that are identified
Sheriff to
institute new
The program will be previewed'
by Sheriff Doug Harvey and other
top aids in the Sheriff's Depart-
ment, but according to those de-
signing the program, the program
will not be altered in any way.
The main emphasis of the'
training is the interaction of the'
police with "the 97 per cent of us
who are not hardened criminals
and have very little contact with
the police", says Braden. "Those
are the people we don't want to
The same training program was
turned down by the Ann Arbor
Police Department, which recently
has come under attack for alleged
misconduct in the stopping and
frisking of a black Washtenaw
County Commissioner.
Commissioner D a v i d Byrd
charges that during the search
and questioning, the officer con-
ducted himself in a way that
could have served to provoke black
"I've never been so humiliated
in my life," Byrd said.
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter
Krasny explains that lack of
funds blocked the Ann Arbor Po-
lice Department from joining in
on the training program.
According to Krasny it would
cost over $5,000 to send the de-
partment's street officers to at-
tend the sessions.

by the researcher in the course
of his investigations but are ines-
sential for open publication of the
(c) Those which -merely require
a review of reports of the research
prior to open publication to insure
that (i) classified or otherwise re-
stricted information to which the
researcher has access as in (a)
above, and/or (ii) items of infor-
mation as specified in* (b) above
will not be compromised by the
publication of such reports.
The clarity of Policy II would
benefit from certain interpretive
comments, as follows:
II. The University will not enter
into or renew any agreement or

contract or accept any grant the
specific purpose or clearly foresee-
able results of which are to de-
stroy human life or to incapaci-
tate human beings.
There are two additional sec-
tions in the resolution adopted by
Senate Assembly. Since these two
sections of the resolution are brief
descriptions of the procedures pre-
ferred by Senate Assembly for im-
plementing the four policies, this
Committee recommends that Sec-
tions V and VI be stated more
fully and precisely in instructions
from the Assembly to its Classified
Research Committee rather than
be submitted for Regental ap-

Until recently, we did not charge U-M students buying books and
supplies the four per cent Michigan sales tax because of a loophole
in the State law.
But while you were home for the holidays, eating the Christmas
goose and just generally whooping it up, the Michigan Legislature
CHANGED THE LAW. Now we are REQUIRED to charge everyone
the four per cent.
We wish we didn't have to, and we felt you deserved an explana-
tion .
But we still discount school supplies a phenomenal FIFTEEN PER
CENT, and we knock five per cent off all new, books, plus we have
thousands of used course books, cheap.

Prof. Withe named as
new dean of curriculum


Subscribe to The Michigan Daily

(Continued from Page 1)
at the University.
On this campus, while praising'
experiments like Course Mart and1
Pilot Programs, he finds fault
with standardized departmental
"I would encourage criticism of
the departments," says the spe-
cialist in Latin. "The advantage of
Course mart is that it doesn't
float a course within any depart-
ment and can create a 'micro-
climate'-areas which may not fit
in any department.
"It often seems that as soon as
you get a (departmental) course,
it stays there regardless of its
merit," says Witke. "If students
have had an interesting exchange
of ideas and the course has been
profitable it is automatically
thought it should be kept.
Still head of the Comparative
Languages program, Witke sees
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particular promise in expanding
inter - departmental programs.
"The exciting things now are be-
tween the old majors - things
like religious studies."
Beyond trying to find new
ideas for courses from students
and faculty, Witke offers no for-
mulated plans for his loosely-de-
fined post. But he willingly admits
that he is "still learning"-which
complements what he sees as his
basic problem.
"Our problem is that we have
a very bad record in predicting-
we respond to crises in education,
but don"t forsee them very well."
It's about time!
A calendar of men
for women.
Start the New Year with the most un-
usual calendar you've ever seen. The
1972 Calendar of Men for Women. A
photographic, not pornographic study of
12 unique men.
This is a large hanging calendar (13" x
19"), 13 pages (including cover). It's the
first of its kind and will surely become a
collector's item.
Isn't it about time men became objects
for hanging?
Special student price $2.50. Nationally
advertised at $3.95.
Calendar, P.O. Box 827
Farmingdale, N.Y.11735
Please rush-calendars at $2.50 ea. (plus
50 cents postage and handling). Enclosed
is my check/money order for



Vets spark war protests


(Continued from Page 1)
"The air war is escalating,"
explains Mike Lewis. "In the
Air Force I was involved in tar-
get selection and I'm aware of
what the air war does. It's the
mass killer. It's more important
to drop a certain amount of
bomb than to find out that you're
firing on Laotians who live in
caves and who could care less
about the war."
Lewis says he feels that the
withdrawal -of ground troops by
the President is relatively un-
important. "It will be interest-
ing to see how much of the Air
Force, which is mostly stationed
in Thailand, is brought home.
It only takes a few men to drop
alot of bombs."
In Ann Arbor, the VVAW has
The Daily incorrectly report-
ed yesterday that the 13 Uni-
versity professors that are di-
recting the Program for Edu-
cational and Social Change
(PESC) "represent" the Pilot
Program, the residential col-
lege, and the literary college.
The 13 professors are affiliated
with these units, but the units
themselves are not involved in
PESC. The Daily regrets the
TV & Stereo Rentals
$10.00 per month
For the Student Body:
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expressed anger that the anti-
war halftime was not allowed
at the Rose Bowl. Reade was
suspicious saying that the band's
215-0 vote against the show
"looked fishy, kind of like Gen-
eral Thieu's mandate."
The veterans plan mostly edu-
cational action for the winter,
with speaking engagements and
perhaps some guerrilla theatre.
One member discussed the pos-
sibility that they would join the
Detroit group's' 'Tet offensive"
against local corporations.
The "offensive" began late
last month with a demonstration
against GM war production and
a mock trial and execution of
the chairman of the board, Rich-
ard Gerstenberg, for war crimes.


- -- -- - - w w W W W W



Michigan Union

10:10-5:30 514 E. William 761-6207

print name
(make c


,eck/M.O. payable to Calendar)


Program for Educational& Social Change
"A community of students, teachers and workers within
and outside the University of Michigan. We invite others
to join our efforts to study social and educational change
and provide flexible opportunities to facilitate that
makes it possible for you to:
e define your major interest as educational and social change
* create an interdisciplinary problem-oriented course of study
* form a group within a course to work on specific topics
* through talking to an instructor, create an independent reading
course for yourself
" expand the scope of learning to encompass community action
STUDY: COMMUNITY CONTROL in Washtenaw County, course
led by Charles Thomas and Hank Bryant of Black Economic De-
velopment League, and other community leaders
Community Control of Prisons led by John Sinclair-or any of 50





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