a special feature the Sunday daily on Nixon's trip Number.57 Night Editor: Pat Bauer Sunday, February 20, 1972 Nixon By RHOADES1MURPHEY rn E NIXON VISIT to Peking is being treated in this country like a television spectacular, roughly equivalent to the moon landing of July, 1989. The advance ballyhoo for the Nixon trip has, however, been on a _much larger scale, and the couple of weeks leading up to D-day are increasingly filled on the tube with various "specials" on China at backdrops for the Presidential junket, complete with shots of Kissinger walking the great Wall. Tiresome as this may ie to some, it may not be wholly inappropriate, since the ma- jor and maybe the only significance of Nix- on's visit is symbolic. And, this may be equally true from the Chinese point of view. Is is certainly important that an American president is going to China, especially after the history of the past 23 years. The United States now officially acknow- ledges not only China's existence, but the legitimacy, permanence, and major import- ance of the People's Republic, important in Peking }, 0 '4 Ever since President Nixon announced last August that he would visit the People's Republic of China, attention has fo- cused on the novelty of the event. Here five University schol ars debate what concrete results of the trip might be. enough that the President himself must make a state visit. The public relations bal- lyhoo in this country is one way to make up for lost time-23 years of it-during which all of these things were true but few people here knew or recognized them. Suddenly the American people have to be educated, if not up to the level of most of the rest of the world in this respect, then at least subjected to a crash course. Nixon too is reportedly being given special instruction; presumably he knows where China is, but is being coached in a few phrases of the lan- guage and provided with some elementary. information. IT IS EASY to make fun of all these things, and there is no reason to dignify the absurdities inherent in the effort somehow to reconcile what America wants to think now with what it wanted to think, or not Rhoades geography, Center for Murphey, professor of Chinese is Director of the University's Chinese Studies. to think, before. But eleventh-hour recogni- tion of reality is better than none at all, and may require as well as deserve special notice. What is significant is the recognition it- self, and its symbolic manifestation in the much-buzzed-about visit. It does not detract from the genuine importance of this event to say that one should expect very little if any specific or immediate results from it. All the Americans and the Chinese have agreed to do is to meet and to talk, now on the highest and most public level with full benefit of television, as opposed to the pri- vate but nevertheless official talks which have taken place off and on at Warsaw and elsewhere for years. It is not easy to see more than a very few things about which they could talk with much hope of quick agreement. The Chinese have made clear on repeated occasions their fundamental objection to the ring of U.S. bases and military establishments surround- ing them to the east and southeast, from Korea through Japan and Okinawa to For- mosa, Indochina, and Thailand. Although some adjustments may more or less easily be made in the U.S. military es- tablishment in Formosa, it seems at best un- likely that Nixon is prepared to discuss for the present comparable shifts in the rest of the grand American military design in the western Pacific and Southeast Asia. It is equally unlikely that the Chinese can ac- cept American blandishments about the "peaceful" purpose of this vast array of military power on China's doorstep. *A t Realism to replace U. -Japanese chill There is little basis for bargaining, since China has no troops or bases outside its own territory, and can hardly be expected to take an indifferent position (short of armed in- tervention) on the outcome of political or military struggles in areas adjacent or close to its borders: Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cam- bodia, and Thailand, where American forces' and equipment are involved on a vast scale. HOWEVER, ONE MUST begin somewhere, and the talks in Peking will doubtless in- clude some mention of all of these matters. It would hardly be possible for Nixon to go there without at least going through the mo- tions of discussing concrete issues, which is what Kissinger tried to work out with the Chinese on his previous visits. These preparations have, one hopes, laid' things out in such a way as to minimize the chances that Nixon will blow it, or that dis- ruptive or unforseen issues will come up which could allow the talks to degenerate into a slanging match. They will probably not be genuine negotiating sessions except perhaps on small matters, but opportunities for what is usually referred to as "exchange of views", which is no doubt what the com-, muniques will say. Their real importance will lie in the fact that the American president has come to, Peking, recognizing that he can no longer sweep China under the rug or deal with it simply as a faceless "enemy". From such a symbolic beginning, concrete results may la- ter come. They will be slow, given the well-estab- lished American posture in Asia and its in compatibility with the Chinese interest,. but it is likely that they will ultimately include mutual diplomatic recognition, perhaps some relatively small-scale trade agreements, and special provisions for cultural exchanges. Cultural exchange is primarily symbolic, in- volves few major commitments or conces- sions, is certain to be popular, and is seen by each side as helping its image. It is possible that some such exchanges may be announced before Nixon leaves Pe- king, including perhaps the date for the re- See THE TRIP, Page 7 4 By ERNEST YOUNG 'F' VAT ARE NixoNS reasons for going to China? Andre Malraux, among others, has attributed the trip to a "dream of his- torie destiny." Whatever visions of bronze monunents to his statesmanship that have sustained Nixon in his project, hard political 'need for the trip--what makes the Adminis- tration willing to accept risks and pay costa -arises from the Indochina War. It is the resistance of popular movements in Indo- china to U.S. power and the inability of U.S. policies to defeat them that make the trip so crucial to Nixon. According to my reading of the situation, he wishes to create an at- mosphere in East Asia, via talks in Peking, that would be conducive to an Indochinese settlement on his terms. As a minimum, he hopes to distract Americans from his Indo- chinese failures as we get deeper into the election year, But criticism of Nixon's trip by leading foreign affairs pundits, like George Ball, William Bundy, and Edwin Reischauer, have focused not on the Indochinese heart of the matter, but on passible damage to U.S. rela- tions with Japan. Surely Nixon's China trip, ilong with his economic policies, has been a grievous blow to the Japanese government. The resulting resentment and possible changes in Japanese policy are some of the costs that Nixon seems willing to pay in or- der to reap the calculated gains from the trip. Ball, Bundy, Reischauer, et al., are hor- rified. Are there good reasons why Ameri- cans generally should share their distress? I would argue that there are not. The main point to bear in mind is that the policy of the Japanese government to- ward China (in brief, favoring Taipei over Peking), does not reflect the preferences of the Japanese population. Nor has it for the last twenty years. There may have been some short-lived irritation at the way the Nixon trip was announced (the Japanese government heard only minutes before it was public) but the response in virtually all parts of the society except the government Ernest Young, professor of Chinese his- tory, is a specialist in Sino-Japanese relations. Indochina: Nixon's tri4will solve nothing Kissinger and Chou has ranged from mildly favorable to enthu- siastic. THE CHINA POLICY of the Japanese government was written for it by John Fos- ter Dulles in the early fifties and then bur- eaucratically and politically internalized in conservative government circles. Elections were won and lost on other issues. In any case, the Japanese government could justify its unpopular China policy on grounds that America, Japan's senior ally, insisted. The present Prime Minister, Sato Eisaku, actu- ally needed no pushing from the U.S. He went further in political involvement with the Taipei government than any of his pre- decessors. Nixon's turn-about was profound- ly embarrassing. In effect, Sato's cover was blown. For the first time he had to defend See JAPAN, Page 5 By RICHARD LEVY and LES ROSS PRESIDENT NIXON has continually sought to project the image of a great innovator in foreign policy, claiming to have taken the initiative in several problem areas. In particular, he emphasizes the warming of relations with China as the principal "break- through" of his adminstration's foreign pol- icy. In the 1968 presidential campaign, Nixon pledged to end the Vietnam War-a feat accomplished by enlarging it into an Indo- china War. Throughout his administration, Nixon has deemphasized the importance of the Paris talks, meaning he has put a low value on direct negotiations with the Viet- namese to end the conflict. Now in the last month we have learned that secret negotiations have actually been occuring throughout the period. But by blow- ing Kissinger's cover, Nixon has again ex- ploded chances for direct negotiations. Is he seeking to end the War through the media- tion of a third party which has been a prin- cipal supporter of the Indochinese peoples, namely China? If so, how does the China trip fit into this? Furthermore, what is the Chinese response likely to be? In 1954 China was a participant in the Geneva Conference on Indochina which was supposed to settle the Indochina War by temporarily splitting Vietnam and guaran- teeing elections to unify Vietnam within two years. U.S. support for the Diem government in the South, however, prevented such elec- tions from taking place with at least the Rich Levy and Les Ross are Political Sci- ence teaching fellows and members of the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars. S500 saw talks for a period of months. The Chi- nese reaction to the invasion would seem to indicate that at this point the Chinese con- sidered support of the Indochinese peoples to have a higher priority than improving re- lations with the United States. In addition, the Chinese probably interpreted the blatant expansion of the war beyond the borders of Vietnam by the United States as a new threat to their own territory. The net effect of the invasion of Cam- bodia and the switch in emphasis from a ground war to an air war together with in- creasing political dissent in the United States probably convinced the Chinese that the U.S. could only hope to postpone eventual defeat in Indochina at the hands of the Indochi- nese peoples themselves. The Nixon Administration's Vietnamiza- tion policy also apparently posed no threat to China's southern provinces. Thus, an im- provement in Sino-American relations would increase the security of China's territory from American attacks without, in their view, jeopardizing the final victory of the Indochinese peoples. At this point a series of small steps were taken by the two governments to improve relations between the two countries. Among these were the Chinese invitation to the U.S. ping-pong team to visit China and the lift- ing by the United States of variousk restric- tions on travel and trade with China. This favorable response by the U.S. government was in marked contrast to its behavior in See INDOCHINA, Page 5 4 U. S. S. R.d MONGOLIA T okyo KOR EA e PRESIDENT'S CHINA TRIP\ ki. KASHMIRA Arrives Peking Feb. 21 Then Visits Shanghai andwShanghai and Han gchow I tacit agreement of the U.S. government. In addition, the Soviet Union in early 1967 offered to serve as a go-between in, ar- ranging a settlement of the war. As the Pentagon ' Papers have disclosed, however, this country wasn't very interested in a ne- gotiated settlement of the war at the time. U.S. actions, including bombing Hanoi dur- ing Kosygin's visit, doomed the Soviet effort to failure and led instead to increased So- viet aid and support for the Vietnamese. THE CHINESE HAVE NOT, however, pub- licly indicated any willingness to serve in the role of U.S. errand boy. In fact, in an inter- view last summer, Premier Chou En-lai dis- avowed the possibility of the Chinese acting in a capacity similar to their role in Geneva in 1954. If we can rule out any likelihood of the Chinese pressuring the Vietnamese on behalf of the U.S., what led the Chinese to invite Nixon? What 'common interests do the United States and China share? In January 1969, as the Cultural Revolu- tion drew to a close, Nixon's inauguration was greeted by a Chinese government state- ment suggesting the possibility of an im- provement in Sino-American relations. This Chinese initiative was subsequently reaf- firmed at the joint ambassadorial talks in Warsaw. In the period extending from early 1969 to May 1970, the ambassadors contin- ued with low-level publicity to discuss im- provements in relations between the two countries. The Chinese initiatives may well be seen as a result of internal Chinese developments. The Cultural Revolution enabled the Chinese to make a thorough reevaluation of their foreign nolicy. As- the Cultural Revolution brouaht the Chinese a greater understanding of the anals of their own revolution and its WHITING INTERVIEW Taiwan stance normalie -Associated Press flicts over the demarcation of China's nor- thern border and disagreements over ob- jectives in the Vietnam War. The Chinese have, however, vehemently denied the valid- ity of this theory. These denials notwith- standing, the Chinese continue at present to build air raid shelters as protection against a possible Soviet attack. THE CHINESE, HOWEVER, as a reaction to the joint U.S.-South Vietnamese inva- sion of Cambodia, put an end to the growing U.S-China dialogue by cancelling the War- '0 The following are exerpis from a Daily interview with political science Prof. Allen Whiting, long a well-known China scholar who will be doing network television com- nentary on Nixon's trip. Here Whiting com- ments on U.S.-Taiwanese relations. DAILY: You have said that only if we cease all hostile operations involving t h e Chinese Nationalists, whether from Taiwan and the off-shore islands or elsewhere in Asia, can there be real hope for a successful "journey of peace." Specifically, what U.S. involvement would have to stop, andi how far will Nixon, in view of his past state- ments,, go toward meeting these require- ments? WHITING: If normalization of relations is to be achieved and the U.S. is genuinely innere in its statement that the future dis- where in the arc of Asia extending from the Republic of Korea to/India. Such activities have continued from the early years of the Korean War at least until 1971, although newspaper reports claim they are being discontinued piecemeal in the past year. President Nixon seems determin- ed to achieve his main objective of norm- alized relations with the People's Republic and therefore is likely to phase these other activities, overt and covert, out of operation in the foreseeable future . . The Taiwan question is central to U.S.- Chinese relations and therefore is certain to be discussed in Peking. In fact it is the only major problem which does not involve third countries and therefore has the least re- striction on either side. DAILY: How popular is the Chigng re- gime among Taiwanese and mainlanders on Formosa"? Would there be lasting onnosition