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February 20, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-20

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High - 20
Low - 10
Sunny, cold, windy

Vol. LXXXIi, No. 111

Ann Arbor, Michigan Sunday, February 20, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Dock men
vote end
to strike
SAN FRANCISCO (P) - The long West
Coast dock strike ended last night, as long-
shoremen voted overwhelmingly for ratifi-
cation of a new, 18-month contract, accord-
ing to an unofficial count.
The work stoppage has closed 24 ports
in California, Oregon and Washington for
136 days, the longest dock tieup on the
U.S. mainland in history.
The new contract provides a 16 per cent
pay boost to $5 an hour retroactive to Dec.
26, and an 8 per cent increase starting
July 1.
Only military goods and passenger ships
were loaded or unloaded during the strike
which cost an estimated $2 billion in eco-
nomic losses.
For the first time, longshoremen have won
a guarantee of 36 hours weekly pay for full-
time men and 18 hours weekly pay for part-
timers. The pay guarantee was to be fi-
nanced by a $1-a-ton tax on container cargo
not handled by the longshoremen's union in
a 50-mile offdock radius. That allowance has
been protested by the Teamster Union, which
has contracts covering work in the off-dock
areas. The Teamsters and the union have
been holding separate talks on the container
Ratification was approved by 71 per cent
of those voting; according to William Ward
of the labor relations committee of the
International Longshoremen's -and Ware-
housemen's Union. Final figures will not be
known until an official count is completed.
Fred Hcntsinger, a member of the union's
labor relations committee, said some men
will start work today getting dockside ma-
chinery back into operation. Loading and
unloading probably will begin, tomorrow, he
said, and full-scale operations "as soon as
physically possible."
Margins of 8-3 in favor were reported in
both Los Angeles-Long Beach and San Fran-
cisco-Oakland. In Portland, the new contract
reportedly won a 5-3 approval and in San
Diego it reportedly was favored by almost
a 5-1 margin.
The union voted in eight separate units
with a simple majority required in each
unit. If any unit failed to give the contract
a majority approval, ratification would re-
quire a two-thirds approval coastwide in a
second balloting.
The employers' Pacific Maritime Associa-
tion had voted earlier yesterday to approve
the contract, but with the condition that
the so-called "steady man" issue be settled.
This issue involves a dispute between the
employers-who want to keep the same
crews operating complicated machinery-
and the union, which seeks to maintain the
traditional practice of rotating through hr
ing hall lists in order to spread jobs through-
out the membership.
Negotiators representing both the union
and the employers agreed to submit the
question to binding arbitration by Sam Ka-
gel, the mediator who helped produce the
overall settlement. He is expected to an-
nounce his arbitration decision today.
Dockworkers first walked off the job last
July 1. They were ordered back by Presi-
dent Nixon for an 80-day period under a
Taft-Hartley injunction. About three weeks
after the injunction expired on Christmas
Day, longshoremen called another walkout
as negotiators wrangled at the bargaining
Negotiators reached the agreement on Feb.
8, one day before Congress approved legis-

lation asked for by President Nixon, giving
him authority to end the strike and order
binding arbitration.
If the federal Pay Board refuses to ap-
prove the contract's wage boost, the lcng-
shoremen would be free to resume their
strike, a union official has said. The em-
ployer's Pacific Maritime Association said
it would ask for Pay Board approval of the

Tax referendum
set; two city wards
to face primaries

-Daily-Rolfe Tessem

Rock 'n roll
Delaney and Bonnie and Friends kick out the jams for the crowd at last night's concert in Hill Auditorium. The enthusiastic c
cheered rock-and-roll organist Billy Preston, who rounded out the evening of music.


Minority enrollment rises, but
lack of funds may halt progress

The University announced this week that
it is halfway towards its stated goal of, ten
percent black student enrollment.
In spite of satisfaction at being on sched-
ule, officials are worrying about the future.
Although Gov. William Milliken's budget
proposal for the University inclu'ded a $12
million increase, concern has been express-
ed by University officials that funds given
to financial aid programs are insufficient to
reach the ten percent goal.
Based on the self-identification process in
registration, 1708 black students were en-
rolled, approximately 5.2 percent of the stu-
dent population of this campus.
Because of the inaccuracy of the proce-
dure, William Cash, assistant to the presi-
dent for human relations affairs, believes

this figure is a conservative count. About 4,-
000 students failed to volunteer racial or
ethnic identification, Cash said. "We esti-
mate there are perhaps 200 more black stu-
dents," than the figures show.
The enrollment goal was set by the Re-
gents in the Spring of 1970 following a class
strike by students. The resolution establish-
ing the goal also asked for "substantially
increased numbers of other minority and
disadvantaged groups."
The registration identification figures
show 649 Orientals, a growth of 31 percent,
176 Spanish surnamed, a growth of 11 per-
cent, and 46 Indians, a decrease of 25 per-
cent. Cash also calls these figures conserva-
tive estimates.
The chief responsibility for reaching the
ten percent goal lies with the Opportunity

Local radical scholars join
delegation for China visit

Program which is under Cash's jurisdiction.
The program provides both financial aid
and supportive services to minority stu-
dents. Presently 70 percent of all minority
students receive aid through the program
while 80 percent of black students receive,
Supportive services provided by the pro-
gram include tutoring, academic counseling
and personal guidance. Cash emphasizes
the need to improve this part of the Op-
portunity Progam. "We are losing almost a
third of each class of opportunity students
for one reason or another." Cash said.
"While this compares favorably with the
University as a whole," he continued, "we
must try to minimize the loss of that po-
tential, as well as to increase the number
of entering students, in order to reach the
goals the Regents set."
The budgetary problem looms as a pos-
sible block to the achievement of that goal.
While the latest budget request by Gov.
Milliken gave a huge increase, the incre-
ment in financial aid requested by the Uni-
versity was much less than desired.
The University listed a $2.6 million in-
crease as essential if the goal of ten percent
enrollment was to be reached on schedule.
However. Milliken only proposed a $900,-
000 increase in the budget statement. In
addition, further budget slashes may occur
before the bill leaves the legislature.
Rep. Ray Smit (R-Ann Arbor) noted that
difficulties lie ahead for the University.
"There is pressure to increase welfare pay-
ments in the state. Many legislators feel
that cuts will have to come from higher
education." He quoted 25 per cent as the
possible cutback figure.
Fedele Fauri, vice president for state re-
lations and planning, said that increased
financial aid for students was "the' big
pitch" when he spoke to legislators.
"They have a great deal of interest," he
said. "Now its a question of revenues. It
will be six to eight weeks before we will

The fate of seven local politicians and an
advisory vote on a proposed city income tax
wil be decided in tomorrow's city primary
The city-wide ballot will include a propo-
sal for a one per cent flat rate city income
tax. There are also Democratic and Re-
publican city council primaries in the fourth
ward, and a Democratic primary in the.
fifth ward.
The income tax vote is an advisory one,
and is not binding on the city council.
The proposed tax, in addition to taxing
city residents one percent of their income
after legal exemptions, would levy one-half
percent tax on commuters.
Under the proposal, property taxes would
be cut from the present 14.85 mills-$14.85
per thousand dollars of assessed property
value-to 7.5 mills.
Democratic Mayor Robert Harris and oth-
er city officials support the tax, claiming
that without it, the city would assume a
debt of around $800,000 for the next fiscal
year-twice that of the present year.
City officials are anticipating service cuts
even if the tax is approved, but say that
more substantial slashes will be necessary
if the tax is rejected.
Opposition to the tax has come from both
the left and right of the political spectrum.
The Human Rights Party of Ann Arbor
(HRP) has attacked the measure as dis-
criminatory against the poor and a boon
to landlords. HRP considers the flat rate
levy to be regressive, and supports the in-
stitution of a steeply graduated income tax.
City Republicans oppose the tax on dif-
ferent grounds. They claim the city could
cut expenses and increase efficiency to ease
the fiscal burden. Councilman James Ste-
phenson (R.-Fourth Ward) also expresses
concern about passing a city income tax
when a higher state income tax for educa-
tion is being considered.
Aside from the income tax, fourth and
fifth ward voters will cast ballots tomorrow
in Democratic and Republican Primaries.
Four Democrats and three Republicans
are vying for their party's nomination to
run in the April 3 election.
HRP nominated its council candidates in
an open convention earlier this month.
For a map of the city's voting wards
and a list of polling places, see Page 10.
In the fourth ward Democratic primary
Mona Walz, a liberal, faces William Everett
who has declared his support for the radical
HRP candidates. The winner will face the
victor in the Republican primary and HRP
candidate David Black.
The Fourth Ward Republican primary
candidates are Sarah Steingold, a moderate
liberal, Bruce Benner, Jr., a moderate con-
servative and Charles "Rusty" Frank a
In the city's Fifth Ward, Augustine Lalonde
and Franz Mogdis are running for the Dem-
ocratic April ballot spot against incumbent
Republican Lloyd Fairbanks and HRP can-
didate Nancy Romer Burghardt.
Both Lalonde and Mogdis are considered
to be moderate liberals.
Ann Arbor City Clerk Harold Saunders
said polls will open at 7 a.m. and will close
at 8 p.m. tomorrow.
As the voter enters his polling place,
Saunders said, there will be a table inside
the door. On the table are yellow colored
voting applications 'and salmon colored
change of address affidavits. The first must
be filled out by everyone who votes. The
second is required only of those voters who
changed their ward or precinct address after
the registration deadline of January 21, and
failed to notify the city clerk's office of the

Grist for ENACT's mill

Recycling of
gass begins,
on campus
As part of an effort to briin about a full-
scale campus waste recycling system, the
local chapter of Environmental Action for
Survival (ENACT) has begun a pilot pro-
gram to recycle glass containers from the
Originally planned to run during the
month of February, the project las now
been extended through spring break and
has received $200 in University funding.
According to ENACT director John Rich-
ter, the project has been "a nearly total
success so far."
Utilizing two trucks loaned by the natural
resources school and a number of 45-gallon
barrels donated by an industrial company,
ENACT volunteers are currently collecting
thousands of brown and clear glass contain-
ers from nearly every major student hous-
ing unit. The glass,, which also originates
from such facilities as the medical science
and chemistry buildings, is shipped weekly
to the University's North Campus dump site.
From there it is carried by a private
.trucking contractor to the Owens-Illinois
Glass Co. in Charlotte, Mich., where it is
The project, which is being conducted with
the cooperation of the University and the
assistance of the University Plant Depart-
ment, is a first attempt towards attaining
ENACT's desired goal of creating a perma-
nent campus-wide recycling program. Such
a program would handle paper and metal
waste as well as all types of glass con-
According to Richter, such a program can
start relatively soon.
"ENACT now has the money, the frame-
work, and the potential" to expand to a
full-scale campus-wide program, he says.
"All that is needed is some more sustained
student energy."
Richter sees the only major roadblock
to be campus indifference to ecology issues.
and the absence of "the kind of activism
that is able to transcend the immediate re-
sponse of a thing like Earth Day."
The expanded program, which would op-
erate cn University money, must first re-
ceive administration approval.

Four local Asia scholars will follow hot on
the heels of President Nixon to the People's
Republic of China next month.
The group is part of the midwestern dele-
gation of the Committee of Concerned Asian
Scholars (CCAS), which will send a total of
30 representatives to China.
The delegates hope to visit areas of China
that generally have not been seen by other
foreigners. In adidtion to viewing large
cities, the CCAS has requested permission
to visit rural regions, as well as schools,
hospitals, factories communes prisons and
The Ann Arbor segment of the group is
composed of Jane Barrett, a master's can-
didate in Chinese studies; Louise Bennett,
editor of the American Friends Service Un-
derstanding China Newsletter; Chad Han-
sen, research associate in Chinese philoso-

phy; and Leith Kagan, a graduate student
in modern Chinese history.
The CCAS members hope that their knowl-
edge of the language and expertise on China
will allow them to assemble a more com-
prehensive picture of the daily life and in-
stitutions of the People's Republic of China
than is normal for American visitors.
"Our familiarity with China and the fact
that we are very well informed on Chinese
affairs will give us a unique kind of credi-
bility," said Kagan.
CCAS is composed of a number of Asia
scholars who describe themselves as "radi-
cals in their own profession." The organi-
zation was founded in 1969 in reaction to the
refusal of the Association of Asian Studies
(AAS) to take a stand against the Indo-
china war.
Referring to the growing significance of
Asia scholars as advisors to the state de-
partment and government officials, Kagan
said, "CCAS was formed in opposition to
the complicity of Asia .experts in the Viet-
nam war. CCAS is a political organization,
but, not in the traditional sense as in the
case of a political group with a constituency.
CCAS is political because the entire field
of Asian studies is now of a political nature."
CCAS now claims from 500 to 800 active
members throughout the country, as well as
approximately 5,000 subscribers to the CCAS
CCAS describes its China trip as a "friend-
ship delegation" which has as its long
term objective maintaining a stable China-
U.S. understanding. "We have no single
nuir'nse.We wxxish to nprmotefrie'ndshinp and

ROTC: Different image

Responding to attacks for its
militaristic curriculum, the Re-
serve Officers Training Corps
(ROTC) has changed its course
requirements somewhat over the
last few years.
However. ROTC's basic features
remain the same. ROTC's 269 stu-
dents are still encouraged to join
extracuricular paramilitary groups
most still have short hair, and

tion for ROTC activities, which
may amount to as many as 4
hours of class a week.
Other colleges at the University
grant varying amounts of credit
for ROTC courses.
Engineering students, the ma-
jority of ROTC participants, can
receive four credits toward their
degrees after completion of the
ROTC program. The College of
Architecture and Design grants

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