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:4Ia itl
Occasional snowflurries,
windy and colder
Vol LXX0, No. 110
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 19, 1972
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Daily News Analysis
Although scores of critics have termed the University's
present classified research guidelines "vague and unenforce-
able," the resolution adopted by the Regents yesterday
amounts to a major vote of confidence in that policy.
In their action, the body tacitly re-affirmed the present
policy and asked that student and faculty representative
bodies work together to present a revised proposal for their
However, yest'erday's actions cast doubt on whether the
$ Regents are genuinely interested in changing the University's
policy on research.
Rather than acting directly on Senate Assembly's pro-
posed research policy-which was approved by an overwhelm-
ing vote last fall after months
Ro nof debate-the Regents simply
eg asserted that the present pol-
icy would be adequate if a
"simpler administrative mech-
anism" to enforce it were
A target of student and faculty
dissent in recent years, the pres-
1 ent research guidelines prohibit
the acceptance of contracts "whose
specific purpose is to destroy hu-,
The State W a t e r Resources man life or to incapacitate human
Commission (WRC) gave final ap- beings."
proval Thursday to a regional sew- The Assembly plan calls for the
age treatment plan which would University "not to enter any con-
inhibit the expansion of Ann Ar- tract or grant which limits the
bor's own local plant. open publication of the results of
The regional plan will tie Ann the research beyond approximately
Arbor into a giant plant at the one year."
mouth of the Huron River and The present guidelines have re-
would provide only secondary sulted in the rejection of only al
treatment for, sewage from large few contracts since its adoption in
portions of Wayne, Oakland and 1968.
Washtenaw counties. The guidelines are enforced by
Expansion of the city's local the Classified Research Commit-
plant, on the other hand, would tee, 12-member group appointed
provide tertiary (better) treatment, by Assembly.
according to city officials. The votes of seven committee
The city must now turn its re- members are needed to officially
quest for local plant expansion to approve a classified research pro-
the Environmental P r o t e c t i o n! ject.
Agency (EPA). Without the EPA's But in practice, Vice President
approval the regional sewage planfoRearhAGofeyNmn
cannot be implemented. has several times superseded the
committee - approving contracts
If the PA yrules agaist te that did not receive the needed
local plan, Mayor Robert Harris seven votes. Norman has long
says as a last resort he will go maintained that the committee's,
to court. w actions are only in an advisory
A bill which has passed the capacity.
state Senate and is in a state 1 However, no Regent yesterday
House of Representatives commit- would specify exactly what would
tee may render the sewage plan constitute a "simpler administra-
economically unfeasible. tive mechanism," or how the 1968
The bill would require the Wayne policy might 'be enforced more to
County plant to provide higher the satisfaction of the University
treatment of the sewage and community.
would add millions to the sys- Under the terms of the resolu-
tem's cost. tion the Regents also state that
The cost of returning treated they support the concept of end-
The Regents yesterday rejected Senate Assembly's pro-
posals for revised University classified researchrestrictions,
calling instead for continued operation of the current poli-
The action represented a major rebuff to the faculty body,
which said it had overwhelming support for its proposal from
the University community.
The Regents voted 7-1 to call for revision in the applica-
tion of the current 'policies, instead of for a new set of restric-
tions; with the only dissenting vote coming from Regent
Gertrude Huebner (R-Bloomfield Hills), who was in favor of
stricter restrictions on classi-
fied research.
The regental action was in di-
rect opposition to all of he pro-
nosed policies presented to the
board - policies from Assembly.
Student Government Council and
th" Faculty Reform Coalition.
The Regents also rejected a plan
submitted by the University's ex-
e-11Hve officers.
The Assembly proposal called for
the University not to enter into or
rcnpw any contract or grant which
'U' faculty
Faculty reaction to the Regents'
would restrict open publication of overwhelming rejection of Senate
the results of research beyond ap- Assembly's research proposals yes-
-Daily-Rolfe Tessem
THE REGENTS QUESTION psychology Prof. Warren Norman at Thursday's open meeting about the Senate Assembly proposal to
restrict classified research. At yesterday's session the Regents rejected Assembly's proposal, voting to keep the University's present
Wom-en group favors one
head for rights commissions
proximately one year._
The Regents also rejected a
watered-down version of Assem-
bly's proposal, prepared by Presi-
dent Robben Fleming and the
other executive officers.
The action may force Assembly
to once again begin the slow pro-
cess of evaluating the University's
research policies, as it effectively
nullifies the faculty representa-
tive body's actions on the research
issue over the past year.
The regental action, in the form
of a statement drafted yesterday
morning, includes the following
four points:
The principal objections to
the 1968 policies relate to'the dif-
ficulty of administering them, and
not to the policies themselves
"The Regents believe that changes
ought to be made in the direction
of a simpler administrative mech-
anism," the statement reads.
" Willow Run Laboratories, the
site of 90 per cent of the Univer-
sity's classified research, will be
placed under control of a separate
agency by the end of the year;
" Any policy restricting research
should pertain to only federally-
sponsored classified .research, not
to industrially-contracted proprie-
tary research, the results of which
are often also kept secret.
This is a direct\ reversal of the
Regents' earlier stand, as last De-
cember they returned a previous
Assembly proposal because it dealt
only with federal classified re-
" The executive officers - in-
cluding Fleming and the vice pres-
See RESEARCH, Page 8
terday was one of disappointment
and confusion.
Psychology Prof. Warren Nor-
man, Assembly's chairman, called
the move a "ploy," saying that
the Regents "expected the whole
issue to blow away."
"The Regents offered a counter-
proposal that is massively empty,"
he said. He said the Regents' state-
ment contained "no substance
The statement directs Assem-
bly, the Senate Advisory Commit-
tee on University Affairs-the fac-
ulty executive body-and Student
Government Council to work to-
gether to formulate research poli-
cies acceptable to the Regents.
However, Norman said, "They
haven't seen fit to tell us what
they want."
He said the groups would prob-
ably have to wait until the Re-
gents m a k e substantive recom-
mendations and then take definite
The issue is on the agenda for
Monday's Assembly meeting. "I
imagine the Assembly will be
pretty upset," Norman said.
Norman said he disagreed with
the Regents, and thought there
should be a change in the research
policy itself.
Assembly member Frederic Sch-
erer, a backer of Assembly's re-
search proposals, said of the
Regents' action, "If it isn't out-
right rejection it comes as close
as possible."
Scherer expressed doubts as to
whether or not the issues involved
See 'U', Page 8
The University's Commission
for Women yesterday recom-
mended that the University ap-
point a single affirmative action
officer to encompass the present
roles of both the minority and
women's commission.
H o w e v e r, the Commission,
formed last year to aid in the
implementation of University
efforts to end sex discrimina-
tion, urged that the Commission
continue to exist in its present
Women's commission chair-
woman Virginia Davis Nordin
had said earlier this week that
the impact of the termination of
the commission would be "dis-
However, Davis said yesterday
that from information gleaned
at a conference on equal em-
ployment opportunities for wo-
men in Chicago, she felt it would
be advisable to have an affir-
mative action officer appointed.
The possibility of the con-
solidation of the functions of
both commissions arose with the
advent of the Department of La-
bor's recent Revised Order No. 4,
which requires a single officer
to implement an affirmative ac-
tion program.
However, this week at the
Chicago conference the Univer-
sity learned it was, as a public
rather than private institution,
subject to the "spirit" and not
the "letter" of the law.
N o r d i n, in advocating the
move, made several stipulations.
Because "industry is light
years ahead of the University in
programs for women and minor-
ities," she recommends that the
University recruit its single en-
forcement officer from private
Such an appointee, according
to Nordin, because of experience
in an "organized supervisory
structure," would be familiar
with "the organization and re-
quirements of an Affirmative
Action enforcement office."
Because the University lacks
industry's "monolithic struc-
water to the Huron River could ing the University's ties to the
run as high as $18 million, offi- Willow Run laboratories-where 90
cials say. They also point out that per cent of the campus classified
if the water is not returned the projects are performed.
Huron would experience low-flow If this is not accomplished by
problems. See REGENTS', Page 8
Free beer 'n pizza bash
draws crowd. for GOP
ture," the Commission recom-
mended that it continue its own
existence since University prob-
lems have traditionally been
approached in a committee for-
President Robben Fleming ap-
pointed University attorney Wil-
liam Lemmer to investigate and
interpret the effect of the labor
department's order.
Lemmer, who attended the
conference in Chicago, said the
consolidation of the two com-
missions was "a possibility."
Edward Hayes, University per-
sonnel information manager,
came away from the conference
with the impression that the of-
ficer described in the order is
"highly placed with the author-
ity to accomplish the goals."
"They're talking about, at the
very least, a vice-president," he
said yesterday.
An alternative would be an
appointment made by a Univer-
sity executiye officer but with
the "complete backing of that
Nordin suggested the Com-
mission confine itself in the
future to one specific problem at
a time in order to increase its
She suggested two areas--the
grievance procedure and concen-
tration on the file review until
its completion-as major focal
Nordin emphasized the import-
ance of the improvement of the
grievance procedure citing the
surprise of Dep artment of
Health, Education and Welfare
(HEW) officials that only two
complaints have reached the
grievance procedure.
The University last summerI
Hundreds of students guzzled beer and
wolfed down pizza yesterday afternoon
while local Republicans picked up the tab
for the "politician booze bust" at Bimbo's.
Party luminaries like State Sen. Gil-
bert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) and Rep.
Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor) mingled
among the diverse crowd, drinking, eat-
ing and rapping.
Hundreds of free pizzas and kegs of
beer were consumed by those in attend-
ance who ranged from Mark Reussman,
former Young Americans for Freedom
chairman to Nancy Weschler, Human
Rights Party candidate in the second
Students expressed a variety of mo-
Smith (R-Ann Arbor) was barely heard
above the alcoholic din.
Trying to speak on a number of issues
relating to the environment, Smith was
met, after each phrase, with shouts of
"right on", "far out" and enthusiastic
pounding of beer mugs on wooden tables.
The party, according to its major spon-
sor, Republican second ward candidate
Tom Burnham, a law student, was for
Republicans and students "to get together
and have a good time."
"Politics" says Burnham, "should be
As the afternoon wore on and the beer
ran low, support for the Republican cause
seemed to climb. By 3:45, a Democratic
precinct captain in the crowd was pledg-