Saturday, January 15, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poae Five Saturday, January 1 5, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAiLY - _ .. _ Kids, Donald Bouma, KIDS AND COPS, Eerdmans, $2.95. By GEORGE SANTOS The first cops I met in a semi-personal encounter w e r e those men in blue who came to buy their blues from my father. Selling uniform shirts cheaply to most of the suburban police, my father, and by extension; his good friends, had few worries about s p e e d i n g and parking tickets for many years. The sec- ond group of cops I came to know on a first name basis were the men who dragged into the emergency room of the city hos- pital in which I worked the vic- tims of auto accidents, muggings, and cheap wine. Though a num- ber of greasy-haired, over-ebul- lient youths ("racks" we called them in those days) emerged from the police vans with split skulls that obviously did not come from falling on the sandy beaches where the police pa- trolled, the Florence Nightingale cops were as gentle and solici- tious as the local rare stamp dealer. One assumed at that time that these men accepted under-the-table gratuities in no different fashion than d.j.'s took payola, secretaries swiped pens, and my father fixed parking tickets. , Today, ten- years later, these cops are no longer merely typi- cal petty thieves like the rest of us, but suddenly made to bear the burden of a schizophrenic society searching for a cohesive anarchy, cops are considered "fascist pigs," and brutal tools of the Satanic power structure. There have been many excellent studies recently of the American police officer, and almost all have revealed the insufficient training, the racial animosity, and the bourgeoise deification of security of the average cop. Don- ald Bouma's book Kids and Cops does not extend the findings or suggestions for improvement of other more major reference tomes, but it does lucidly -and succinctly reveal the not too sur- prising fact that secondary school children no longer think of the flat-foot as a friend and further- more, the paranoid police feel they are more hated than they really are. cops ai Bcuma. a sociolcgist at West- ern Michigan University, ques- tirned some 10 000 students in ten Michigan cities and over 300 police officers in three cities: his present study represents the re- sults If such surveys in three Michigan cities: Grand Rapids, Kalamazo", and M u s k e g o n Heights. Happily enough, at least for the purposes of Bouma's study. Grand Rapids had a five day "race riot" in 1967 that helped p o 1 a r i z e citizen-police feelings. Before presenting his findings, however, Bouma first presents some results of other research- nd conflicting views ers' surveys following the terrible Detroit riots. The main point ;earned from interviewing De- aroit police was that white cops and black cops disagreed on the causes and effects of the riot, especially the latter. Only 15 per cent of the white officers. but 47 per cent of the black officers, thought long-range effects would be positive; this fact perhaps does not surprise. One figure. however, w h i c h does reveal shockingly the depth of the "po- lice problem" emerged from po- lice perceptions of how Negroes are treated. Eighty per cent of the black officers polled felt black kids were treated unfairly in -their schooling: - the 'percent- age of sympathetic white officers was zero. For all of the sociological riga- marole in which Bouma involves himself as a good academic, the results of his surveys are easily summarized. As students grow older, they become less sympa- Photos ... Today's photos were selected from Shots: Photographs From The Underground, introduction by Ericka Huggins and Bobby Seale, edited by David Fenton and the Liberation News Serv- ice. (Douglas, $2.95). David Fenton of the Rain- bow Peoples Party has done an extraordinary job in putting together t h is composite of photos and news captiong which together form a living chronicle of our most recent and violent American past. As Bobby Seale points out "Shots is a histori- cal marker by which people can reflect back upon what had gone down in the past few y e a r s, and possibly realize what's in store in the future..." thetic to police, the most notice- able shift in feeling taking place between 7th and 9th grade. Stu- dents from families of higher income brackets place greater faith and trust in police than do students from poorer families. Positive attitudes toward police quickly changed when students had first-hand contact with police in a disciplinary situation. Black students feel markedly less posi- tive toward police, with only 3 per cent willing to consider the potentiality of the job, against 8 per cent of the white popula- tion. Parochial school students have consistently more positive attitudes toward police and are more willing to cooperate with police than are public school students. Finally, a dismal tes- timony to the American high school, a greater percentage of students opted for the fairness of police over the fairness of school personnel. Bouma furthermore found that despite the above profile. of stu- dent attitudes, police considered themselves more maligned by inner-city youth than statistics actually indicated. In accordance with this paranoia, police testi- fied that city disturbances were more the fault of communists and "agitators" than of inherent urban conditions. Although Bouma rightfully com- miserates with the terribly awk- ward position police must occupy as professionals and as human beings, he perhaps is simplis- tically over-optimistic about the future political state: "The prob- lem of police brutality remains a difficult one. Bogged down by problems of definition and judg- ment, the actual situation .lefies accurate assessment. . . With experience and especially with improved training programs to increase the professionalism of the police, it is not unrealistic to expect a diminution of the problem." Many would answer that pro- fessionalism will only produce more efficient repression unless there is a revolution in global morality. San Francisco, 1960 B 0 0 K S B 0 00 ,K S B 0 0 S Oscar Wilde's critical Washington, D.C., July 4, 1970 Johnny Sample's confessions Johnny Sample. CONFES- SIONS OF A DIRTY BALL- PLAYER. Foreword by Joe Na- math. Dell Paperback, $1.25. By ROBERT BERNARD In the past several years a whole new genre of sports books has sprung up to fill the vacu- um in American 'belleslettres.' First Jerry Kramer gave us a blow-by-blow 'instant replay,' then the 'splendid splinter' Ted Williams with almost childish naivete whined about his con- flicts with the toads of the ath- letic world - Boston sports writers. Two years ago Joe Na- math (I Can't Wait Until To- morrow - Because I Get Better Looking Every Day) treated his public to whole chapters ex- plaining why he can get into blondes and brunettes but not red-heads, and why calves are more important than breasts. Now Johnny Sample, one of the greatest corner-backs of all time, has published. This book will never be on a professorial read- ing list. Johnny Sample fought for his rights as a man and as a black- man years before anyone else in the professional sporting world had the courage to stand up and demand that he not be treated as a 'hunk of meat.' This book is fun and revealing and im- portant. Born in a self-respecting, hard-working, lower middle class black family in Cape Charles, Virginia in 1937, Sam- ple somehow managed to keep a distance from the ever-domi- nating white supremacist so- ciety. He loved to fight and he loved to compete. With a hot temperament and a huge frame to accompany it, Sample gravi- tated naturally to sports. In 1954, he won a scholarship to the dirt-poor Negro college, Maryland State. It was surprising, really, that the student body had the kind of enthusiasm it did. The school was so poor it scarcely had enough money to equip the teams. Things were so tough that in football, for example, we didn't have an equipment manager. Every player had to take care of his own gear. We washed our own jerseys, socks, T-shirts, jocks, and pants. But nobody com- plained about it because we understood that the school himself into a first-string post- tion as a corner-back and ac- tually played a key role in the 1959 Championship Game be- tween the Baltimore Colts and the New York Giants. He earned his position. Evening after eve- ning he would remain on the field with Johnny Unitas and Raymond Berry learning his profession. Very early in his career Sam- ple gained his reputation as the meanest, dirtiest ballplayer in the game. Sample never let up for a minute. Like Mike Curtis of the present-day Baltimore Colts (who graduated from a competitor high school of mine and made a shambles out of our team), he knocked the hell out of his own team-mates in prac- tice. "All's fair." Sample also quickly developed the reputa- tion as an 'uppity nigger.' Sam- ple simply had never learned why he should not be treated with dignity by Coaches and Owners. As a result he was traded from Baltimore to Pitts- burgh to Washington and final- ly black-balled from the Na- tional Football League. Needless to say, that cowardly swine Pete Rozelle (the League Com- missioner) did not even give Sample the courtesy of return- ing his phone call. In 1965 Sample signed on with the struggling New York Jets of the struggling American Football League. Sample, as he tells it, signed on with one pri- mary goal-to knock hell out of the National Football League. The second third of the book tells the heroic tale of how Broadway Joe and his gang built toward 1968, when the American Football League es- tablished itself with the New York Jets decisively defeating the NFL representatives (the Colts) in the Super Bowl. Sam- ple, a co-captain, relates with relish how he snubbed Pete Ro- zelle on national television after the victory and the very next summer turned the trick against another old enemy, Otto Gra- ham, in the Jets-College All- Star Game by punching Gra- ham in the nose. Sample sus- tained a back injury in that game and subsequently retired from football. Sample devotes the last third of the book to a serious discus- sion of how the black man is discriminated against and abus- ed in professional athletics and why this situation continues to a guy's goat. I test him by hitting him a'fter the ball's been thrown over his head, or after he catches it and runs out of bounds, or falls down after catching it. Then when he gets up I say something to him like: 'Wait till you come out here next time-I'll kill you. I'll break you in half.' I want him to think that every time he comes my way he's going to get it. This has been one of the things that has made me as successful as I have been. Sample is disarmingly honest and uncannily observant. He ranks Lance Alworth of the San Diego Chargers as the best pass receiver and Johnny Unitas as the greatest quarterback. He has more than a few choice words about some over - rated ball- players. My favorite observa- tion, however, was of an en- counter with Jimmy Brown. "One play I came up to make a tackle when Jim got through. I hit him good, but my helmet went one way, the chin strap the other, and I got a bloody nose. That was one time I real- ly saw. stars." Today's Writers . .. George Santos is a frtee-lance writer whose articles have ap- peared in a variety of periodi- cals. Howard Rontal w r o t e his senior honors thesis on Wilde and the Victorians entitled: "The Green Camelia in the Yellow Ninettes." Robert Bernard is a gradu- ate student in American Intel- lectual History. THE ARTIST AS CRITIC; THE CRITICAL WRITING OF OSCAR WILDE. Edited by Richard E I I m a n. Vantage, $2.45. By HOWARD RONTAL Reading Oscar Wilde is won- derfully enjoyable, yet no one ever reads him anymore. Oscar Wilde is infinitely quotable, yet no one quotes him anymore. True, most of us have read The Picture of Dorian Gray and seen at least one revival of The Importance of Being Earn- est by a second rate dramatic company, but beyond this, few people know that he wrote ser- ious and even scholarly essays. Even fewer people can name one. This dearth of interest in Wilde, and in particular, his es- says, can no longer be blamed on his homosexuality. H o m o- sexuality may still be practiced on the quiet, but it is always discussed in front of an aud- ience. No, Wilde's more serious work remains largely ignored because he is remembered as one of the great immortalizers of the trivia. (The Importance of Being Earnest is his supreme success along this line.) Wilde once wrote in a letter, "as ser- ious of manner is the disguise of the fool, so triviality . . . Is the robe of the wise man In so vulgar an age as this we all need masks." It is a tribute to Wilde's skill as an artist that seventy-one years after his death most people who should know better still consider him England's greatest master of the unimportant. Fortunately Richard Ellmann has not been fooled. He has col- lected, under the title of The Artist As Critic, Wilde's best book reviews and more import- ant, his serious essays and dia- logues. Before I go on in praise of Oscar Wilde I want to make it clear that although he w a s brilliant, he was neither a Hegal or a Darwin. He did not, as the truly great thinkers must, argue the world from the creation. As many of Wilde's thoughtful contemporaries accepted G o d without much critical hesita- tion, Wilde denied His without much discussion, accepting in- stead the subjectivity of aI11 human existance and the com- plete individuality of human life. Yet Wilde was not a potpourri of half-baked philosophies and undigested arguments. It is in following the consequences of these premises out in art and life that Wilde was brilliant. The effect of Wilde's subjec- tivity on his artistic philosophy is fascinating. Art no longer follows Nature, it preceeds it. Wilde wrote in "The Decay of Lying;" Nature is no great mother who has borne us. She is our own creation. It is in our brains that she quickens to life. Things are because we see them and what we see de- pends on the arts that have influenced us. Creation is in the mind of the creator and the best art, the truest art, is that which is most completely an expression of the artist's personality, whether or not it corresponds to objective reality or the current morality. The more uninhibitedly the ar- tist develops his personality the better will be his art. Because life is the ultimate medium through which the in- dividual expresses himself, Wilde's art criticism was also social criticism. For a man who claimed to be above morality, Wilde's utopia was surprising- ly humane. He begins his es- say, "The Soul of Man Under Socialism," with the line, The c h i e f advantage that would result from the estab- lishment of Socialismi is, un- doubtedly, the fact that So- cialism would relieve us from the sordid necessity of living for others. Capitalism has shackled half the population to poverty and worse, tethered the other half to the insidious carrot and stick of material wealth and social recognition. The. recognition of private property has really harmed individualism and obscured it by confusing man with what he possesses . .. The true per- fection of man liesrnot in what man has, but what he is[ Socialism would free men from the curses of the rat race and poverty. Like Marx, Wilde felt that the State, which should be strictly voluntary, should make only wvhat is useful, while man nakes what is beautiful. Wilde was at heart an anarchist. All modes of government are failures . . . Democracy means simply the blugeoning of the people, by the people, for the people . . . All authority is quite degrading. It degrades. those who exercise it and those over whom it is exercis- ed. If Wilde should be remember- ed for what he said, he should b? beatified for the way he said it. In an age where our social critics are unbearably solemn and our vice-president's speech wri ers range from illiterate to not quite camp, Wilde's re- en tings marks are a blessing. Just a short sampling should suffice to show the great merits of a great wit. Yet the best we can say of (Joseph Knight's book on Dante Gabriel Rossette) is that it is just the sort of biography Guildensterntmight have written of Hamlet. It takes a thoroughly selfish age like our own, to diefy self- sacrifice. Every great man has his dici- ples and it is always Judas who writesithe biography. It is not only by paying one's bills that one can hope to live in the memory of the com- mercial classes. It is ironic that a man whose contemporaries thought h i s books should be banned from the library shelves and his soul from heaven, should suffer our benign indifference. Wilde was anything but ignored in his own time. Whatever he wrote was reviewed profusely in every- thing from the half-penny dail- ies to the more prestigious Lon- don Times. If Wilde s o u n d s surprisingly contemporary, so do his many critics. In Wilde's denial of God, traditional mor- ality, capitalism, in his homo- sexuality, he was the embodi- ment of everything the Victor- ians feared and hated. To study the exchanges between W i 1 d e and his critics is to take a long look at ourselves. This collection of essays is a fine place to be- gin that study. I Traffic I@ The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys z , - - - e Y_ -. ._ . I Gilbert & Sullivan Society ANNOUNCES MASS MEETING for PATIENCE j . i' i II, 77,