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February 18, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-18

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A proposal which could seriously
undercut the proposed Senate Assem-
bly campus research policy was pri-
vately recommended to the Regents
yesterday by the University executive
Opfficers, The Daily has learned.
The plan, drafted by President Rob-
ben Fleming and the University's vice
presidents, calls for the following
changes in the faculty representative
body's plan:
-Projects at Willow Run Labora-
4ories, which account for 90 per cent
of the classified projects performed at
the University, will coitinue to be re-
viewed under the present weaker re-
strictions on classified research until
the University can end its ties with
the labs;
-Any unit of the University which

finds Assembly's research policy "un-
duly restrictive of activities which it
regards as essential to the pursuit of
knowledge in its area of competence"
can petition the Regents for a re-
viewe of the policy; and
-The present Classified Research
Committee will continue to act on
classified research proposals "until a
substitute mechanism can be devised."
In the past, the executive officers'
recommendations have been routinely
accepted with very few changes by the
However, the Regents indicated yes-
terday they are still split on the sen-
sitive issue. It is still uncertain whether
they will approve the amended plan at
today's public session.
Fleming and the Regents were in
closed session last night and could not

be reached for comment.
The proposal also calls for the ex-
ecutive officers to "pursue diligently"
arrangements which will end the Uni-
versity's ties to the Willow Run Lab-
oratories by the end of 1972.
Fleming stated in December that the
University was attempting to reach
such an arrangement-with the labs
going under the control of a state-
controlled agency or private corpora-
If the University does not end its
ties with the labs by the end of the
year, the administration proposal calls
upon the Regents to consider extend-
ing the new research policy to Willow
Run activities.
The proposal states that the Re-
gents "will seek the advice of Senate
Assembly before taking action" to

extend the policy to the labs.
Until the labs leave the University,
or the year ends, its grants and pro-
posals would be put under the juris-
diction of University Vice President for
Research A. Geoffrey Norman.
Norman, who has been criticized for
his reluctance to reject war-related
classified research proposals, will be re-
quired to submit a monthly record of
his actions to Fleming and to the
Senate Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs (SACUA)-the faculty
executive body.
Other provisions of Assembly's meas-
ure would remain unchanged .
The Assembly plan calls for the Uni-
versity to "not enter into any contract
or grant which limits the open publi-
cation of the results of the research
beyond approximately one year."

One of the key provisions in the ad-
ministration's plan is the continued
operation of the Classified Research
Committee (CRC), designed to review
all classified research projects.
Assembly did not specify the nature
of the proposed new research com-
mittee. However, a preliminary version
of the proposed Assembly policy called
for the formation of a 12-member re-
view committee, to be composed of
two members "philosophically opposed''
to classified research, two members
engaged in classified research at the
time of their appointments, and two
student members.
Persons opposed to all classified re-
search, or those in favor of all research
are not eligible for appointment to the
current CRC.
See REVISED, Page 10

President Fleming VP Norman

See Editorial Page

lfliri gau


Cloudy, high
probability of snow.

Vol. LXXXII, No. 109

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 18, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Dept. postpones
black proposals
The political science department voted yesterday to post-
pone proposals submitted by its Committee on Black Matters
*o admit 40 new minority graduate students next fall and to
add a new curriculum in political economy.
The committee and its supporters within the department,
however, declared that they would ignore the decision and
try to implement the proposals on their own.
The plan specified that all 40 of the new graduate stu-
. ents come from a working class background. It also provided
that 10 be black men, 10, black women, 10, non-black men
from other minority or disadvantaged groups, and 10, women

Black housing unit
approved by board

from the same categories. It
.PESC gets
9of c lasses
Several courses offered by the
Program for Educational and So-
cial Change (PESC) have been
approved by the executive com-
mittees of the literary college de-
partments in which the courses
dre =taught.
The courses, which include sec-
tions of History 576 and Political
Science 101 as well as Political
Science 495, have been under fire
because of the PESC policy of
offering the classes free to mem-
bers of the community.
All three make use of lectures
y non-University personnel, such
as John Sinclair of the Rainbow
People's Party and local black
leaders Hank Bryant and Charles
Thomas. This policy was also ques-
tioned because of University regu-
lations which stipulate that al-
hough guest lecturers are permis-
' ble, they are not to serve as
substitutes for entire courses.
The review by the executive
committes found that the regular
instructors of the courses would be
taking the actual responsibility for
the grading and conduct of the
#ourses, and that students would
still be studying the same course
material under the sections taught
by outside personnel.
At the outset of the PESC con-
troversy, PESC spokesmen claim-
ed that while the University out-
wardly sought educational inno-
&vation, its policy of craking down
on the PESC courses violated this.
However, after initially claim-
ing the PESC courses would vio-
late University regulations, Vice
President for Academic Affairs
Allan Smith later said he would
allow the courses to continue, sub-
Oct to the credit review.

was estimated that at least 30
would require full financial
The second part of the proposal
would add a political economy
sub-field to the political science
department. The purpose of the
curriculum would be to "focus on
the identity and nature of oppres-
sion in the modern world, as well
as the achievements in reactions
and response of those peoples who
have been subjected to it," accord-
ing to its proponents.
The committee considered an
immediate decision on the propo-
sals vital, for they hoped that
work could begin soon towards
implementation of the plans in the
fall. Most committee members
feel the four-week postponement of
a decision on proposals has dealt
the project a death blow.
Many political science profes-
sors claimed that although they
considered the thrust of the pro-
sposals of importance to the de-
partment, they did not think there
had been sufficient dialogue on
the proposals.
Political science Prof. Archie
Singham responded, "In 1968, the
dialogue begins. In 1972, it con-
tinues. I believe that it is the in-
tention of those here that this
dialogue continue for the next ten
After the departmental meet-
ing, the committee along with
members of the department's Wo-
men's Caucus, third world faculty
and students, expressed alarm at
"the failure of the department to
implement their commitments to
blacks and third world peoples,
women, and working class people
in general."
The committee composed of
three black professors and all the
black graduate students in the po-
litical science department, has re-
ceived wide support for their pro-
Graduate students in the depart-
ment last month voted overwhelm-
ingly to support the plan.

-Daily-David Margolick
REGENT GERTRUDE HUEBNER (R-Bloomfield Hills) listens to a discussion of the problems of
the handicapped while she experiences them herself. Huebner, three other Regents and several Uni-
versity administrators spent the day in wheelchairs as part of Student Government Council's Sen-
sitivity Day, designed to publicize the problems of the handicapped. In the background are Vice
President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith and Regent Poul Brown (D-Petoskey), who also par-
ticipated in the activities.

The Housing Policy Commit-
tee of the Office of Student
Services (OSS) yesterday gave
its final approval to the con-
cept of a black housing unit.
The question now faces re-
gental review.
The motion, approved by an 8-0
vote, does not specifytthe location
of such housing. After meeting
with students from both South
Quad and Stockwell-the proposed
sites-Housing Director John Feld-
kamp will attempt to make more
detailed plans acceptable to all
The proposed housing stimulated
debate between blacks and whites
when representatives from Stock-
well and South Quad appeared at
last week's meeting.
Lee Gill, chairman of South
Quad's Minority Council, request-
ed the establishment of an Afro-
American and African Cultural
unit on the fifth and sixth floors
of Bush and Gomberg houses.
Stockwell's Gayle Nelson also
asked the committee for a separate
corridor and governing unit for
black women in that dorm.
Many whites opposed to the
housing charged it would promote
separation between the races. Bush
House President Barbara Myer
read a statement at last week's
meeting which criticized the Afro-
American unit for the following
-The unit would be "extremely
detrimental" to race relations;
-The function of dorms to pro-
vide contact between people with
varying backgrounds would be de-
-The housing should be in a
"self-contained unit" such as Betsy
Barbour or Helen Newberry;
-South Quad white women have
perhaps unjustifiably expressed
fear of passing through the pro-
posed unit; and
-Bush House women don't want
to lose their room priority.
Although a possible solution to
the last point would be to relocate
Bush and Gomberg residents in
Huber and Thronson Houses in
South Quad, the latter houses have
not yet agreed to the suggestion.
Geography Prof. John Kolars, a
committee member, introduced a
substitute motion yesterday which
would apply to all groups request-
ing separate housing.
However, other committee mem-
bers voted down the motion after
See BLACK, Page 10


open meeting:

-Daily-Robert wargo.
LEE GILL, chairman of South Quad's Minority Council, addresses
the Housing Policy Committee, which yesterday gave its final
approval to the establishment of an Afro-American residence
hall unit.
Lloyd-Co uSOzens
extension vetoed

Face-off on research

"I am skeptical of everything
that has been proposed. The
present classified research policy
is working and it is not hurting
anyone," Regent Robert Brown
(R-Kalamazoo) s a i d yesterday
during an exchange with Senate
Assembly C h a i r m a n Warren
The facing-off was the most
pointed exchanges at yesterday's
\open Regents meeting on Senate
Assembly's proposal to limit Uni-
versity classified research.
Although Brown was the only
Regent to state his position
clearly, several other Regents
generally expressed doubts over
the proposal.
Members of the Senate Assem-
bly, the faculty representative
body, the Faculty Reform Coal-
ition, a group of moderate fac-

ulty and Student Government
Council spoke to the Regents on
issues ranging from academic
freedom, the Willow Run labora-
tories, and the effect approval
of. a new policy would have on
the University.
The Regents are expected to
act today on a revised Senate
Assembly proposal which calls
for the University to "not enter
into or renew any contract or
grant which limits the publica-
tion of the results of research
for more than approximately one
Indicating his disapproval of
the entire research proposal,
Regent Robert Brown said,
"With all this consideration I'm
still reluctant to come to the
conclusion that a change of
policy is advisable."
"With respect to the need for
change," Norman responded Sen-
ate Assembly has acted in due
deliberation and overwhelmingly
recommends these proposals to
Brown then asked, "What if
we were invaded, and in dire
need to keep the enemy from
swarming over us?"
"It is clearly indicated," Nor-
man answered, "that in case of
a declared national emergency
many University policies would
be abrogated."
"Why take one Vietnam and
t r a n s 1 a t e it. into University
policy," Brown countered. "We
are letting a political issue
thwart the purpose of the Uni-
I rets

tried to address itself to the
general issue independent of
the war," Norman explained.
"The proposal ought to-and I
think it can-stand on its own
Norman, in his discussion of
the need for changing the pres-
ent policy told the Regents,
"There are kinds of research
activities that are inappropri-
ate in a university that make
no substantial contribution to our
knowledge base."
When asked by Regent Gerald
Dunn (D-Flushing) whether the
University has much involve-.
ment with this type of research,
Norman said, "In my personal
,opinion we do. I would be re-
luctant to serve as defense coun-
cil for this University at a trial
like Nuremburg."

Despite Housing Director John
Feldkamp's assertion that the
two dorms "cannot operate in
the future without the connec-
tion," the Housing Policy Com-
mittee yesterday voted 5-1 to
drop plans to build combined
kitchen and dining faciilties for
Alice Lloyd and Couzens Halls.
The decision came after a
wave of protests from students
in both dorms-especially those
in Alice Lloyd's Pilot Program.
The p r o p o s e d construction,
which also called for the build-
ing of a passageway between
the two dormitories, was origi-
nally approved last spring. It
was estimated that the $400,000
project would save $55,000 in
operating costs for the Univer-
sity Housing Office.
However, Pilot Program stu-

dents felt the plans would in-
terfere with the social and aca-
demic atmosphere they had es-
tablished at Lloyd. For example,
they thought it would be difficult
to hold classes at mealtimes in
a large dining hall.
After students appeared at
December Housing Policy Com-
mittee meetings to express their
complaints, the committee ap-
pointed a subcommittee to dis-
cuss alternatives with the archi-
Although the architect said he
could separate the dining hall
into smaller areas for Lloyd stu-
dents, a spokesman for the Pilot
Program said "folding parti-
tions" were not acceptable.
The housing committee voted
to continue construction plans at
See LLOYD, Page 10

Spring demonstrations planned
to protest Indochina bombings

N ess: A man 's view of sex bias

Both national and local dem-
onstrations have been planned
for this spring in protest of the
air war in Indochina.
The actions were endorsed by
'an international conference on
the war held in Versailles,
France, last week. Arlene Grif-
fin, a member of Student Gov-
ernnftent Council, attended the

On the national level, demon-
strations are planned during the
week of April 1 in Harrisburg,
Pa., the site of the trial of anti-
war leader Philip Berrigan and
seven others, and San Jose,
Calif., where black Communist
Angela Davis is charged with in-
volvement in a 1970 shootout in
that state.
TheDre ill alsn ~hP nnftctsf

Three years ago, Sociology Prof. Gayl
Ness told his students he was optimistic
about the race issue because racism was
being actively combatted.
But, he said at the time, "we haven't
even begun to fight the next revolution."

tant constituency," he says.
Action Movement (BAM) is
example of what you can get
ized protest."

"The Black
a beautiful
with organ-

"They showed they could bring the Uni-
versity to a halt," he says, referring to
the BAM strike of spring, 1970, which
saw the University commit itself to achiev-
ing a 10 per cent black enrollment by
The Commission for Women, nn the

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