City voters to decide By CHARLES STEIN An advisoryi referendum calling for institution of a city-wide income tax will face Ann Arbor voters in a special election next Monday. The tax issue has developed into a bitter political struggle between Democratic Mayor Robert Harris's administration and its critics, left as well as right. The efficiency of city government now has been questioned, particularly by fiscally conservative Republicans. A n d, those to the left of Harris question the entire nature of the present tax system. - The controversial measure would establish a one per cent tax on the income of all Ann Arbor resi- dents and a one-half per cent tax on commuters who earn their liv- ing in the city. In addition, the city's current property tax of 14.85 mills, or $14.85 per every thousand dollars of assessed property value, would be reduced by 7.5 mills. Estimates of additional revenue the .new tax package would gener- ate vary, with most city officials predicting it would be approximate- ly $850,000. Proponents of the tax claim it provides the best available means to alleviate the city's "severe" fiscal problems. City Public In- formation Officer Jack Mack pro- jects this fiscal year's deficit at $400,000 and warns that next fiscal year's deficit may reach twice that sum, if the new tax structure is not adopted. In explaining the city's rising gap between revenues and expendi- income tures, officials often cite the re- lationship between the city and the University. In the past, the University has paid 18 per cent of the city's po- lice budget-which last year was $1.1 million. But Gov. William Mil- liken last year ordered that these payments be phased out, calling Ann Arbor the only city in Mich- igan which exacted such payments from a locally-based university. Thus, the University last year paid $350,000 to the city for police services, and this year it will prob- ably pay nothing. Additional increased expenditures beyond the police budget, according to Harris, are needed to compen- sate for inflation, rising salaries, increasing population and problem areas-like garbage collection and tax issue I'on day crime-that grow faster than pop- ulation. Even if the, tax measure is ap- proved, officials say city services will be reduced somewhat, but a rejection of the proposed package, they claim, will result in "sub- stantial" service cutbacks. Officials are hesitant to pinpoint the threatened service cuts, but it appears, that nearly all city de- partments could be affected. Harris lists the police, the city's largest department, with a budget exceeding $2.5 million, as a prob- able source for cuts, however. Police spokesmen predict a budget cut would mean a reduction in po- lice personnel and hence in police protection, since the departmental budget comprises mostly salaries. The city's already minimal bus service might be another prime target for cutbacks, and this could have an adverse effect upon the city's lower income residents who rely most heavily on public trans- portation. Closing the fire station' on North Campus, plus large cuts in fund- ing for parks, recreation and hu- man r e s o u r c e s including drug programs are other possible areas where money might be lost, ac- cording to Harris. "If we are forced to lay off per- sonnel," Harris adds, "a larger percentage of minority group em- ployes will be hit, because they have generally been the ones hired most recently." Harris's opposition on the left, the Human Rights Party (HRP) opposes the income tax passage, calling it regressive. HRP argues that a flat-rate tax discriminates against poor people to the benefit of landlords, large property owners and corporations. Party spokespersons say the city should be lobbying for a steeply graduated tax instead, a tax that is illegal under present state law. Landlords and corporations will indeed get a large tax break if the mayor's tax package passes, be- cause the reduction in property tax will amount to about $2 mil- lion. HRP people suspect that not only will this savings not be trans- ferred to consumers by lower prices and rents, but that con- sumers will bear the primary burden created by the income tax. Another area of the package they See CITY, Page 7 Mayor Harris ENDING CLASSIFIED RESEARCH See Editorial Page 1flwbi!3an A& 4bp i 9 :43atl PROFOUND High-35 Low-25 Cloudy and warmer Vol. LXXXII, No. 108 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 17, 1972 Ten Cents Ten Pages - 1 Ten Pace *State Senate Milliken expected to sign measure into law shortly LANSING (I)-The State Senate by a vote of 34-1 yester- day gave final approval to a proposal calling for a presidential primary in the spring. The measure, approved by the House on Tuesday, provides ' for, a May 15 primary election, and will combine the presiden- tial primary with precinct elections. The bill now goes to Gov. William Milliken, who is ex- pec ed to quickly sign the measure into law. Milliken's office issued the following statement on the bill yesterday: "Legislature passage of the presidential primary bill today writes the final chapter in one of the most im- portant reform measures to be passed by the legislature. This > will allow all eligible voters, including the newly-enfranchised passes primary Prisoners file suit against county jail; cite. overcrowAding Regents to' hold open. di seussion Meeting today in only their sec- ond open Thursday a f t e r n o o n meeting, the Regents will discuss classified research, the Public In- terest Research Group in Michi- gan (PIRGIM) and plans for the University's Flint branch. Commenting on the open meet- ing format, Secretary of the Uni- versity Richard Kennedy said, "We felt the topics in that part of the agenda were appropriate for pub- lic discussion." "It's part of an evolutionary process," Kennedy added, "whereI we bring issues into public dis- cussion when there isn't any need for private sessions. Kennedy also said that future young voters, to have a direct influence in the selection of presidential candidates. This bi-partisan effort is clearly a victory for the people, and a tribute to both parties." The Michigan primary will be the 16th in a series of preference ballots starting March 7 with the New Hampshire primary. Michigan has 48 votes at the Republican National Convention and 132 Democratic votes at Miami Beach, making the Michigan pri- mary important to all major con- tenders. President Richard Nixon is as- sured of Michigan's Republican support, while Sen. Edward Mus- kie appears to be the top Demo- crat because ofbprobable backing by the powerful United Auto Workers union. However, last-minute legislative changes in the primary bill im- prove prospects for less-prominent contenders. To be eligible for a share of party convention delegates, a can- didate would need only 5 per cent of the total vote in either party. Earlier versions of the bill called for figures as high as 10 or 15 per cent. Waiting for action Wheelchairs await some University administrators today as they prepare to carry out their daily routines in them. As a response to invitations by Student Government Council's committee on problems of the handicapped, four of the Regents-Gertrude Huebner (R-Bloomfield Hills), Robert Nederlander (D-Birmingham), James Waters (D-Muskegon) and Paul Brown (D-Petoskey)-as well as several administrators will participate in the demonstration to dramatize the problems of the handicapped on campus. GRADE-SCHOOL 'PAIRING': School board defeats plan for racial balance' By WILLIAM LILLVIS On behalf of the approxi- mately 125 prisoners in Wash- tenaw County Jail, t h r e e inmates now awaiting trial yesterday filed suit in Circuit Court charging illegal and un- constitutional administration of the jail facility. Named as defendants in the suit, which! will receive a prelimi- nary examination before Circuit Judge William Ager next Thursday morning, are Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey, Captain and Chief Turnkey K e n n e t h Shultz, the County Commissioners and the County Board of Auditors. The suit cites, among other things. "illegal overcrowding," "unlawful restrictions on com- munication and privacy," "grossly inadequate medical care" and "the total lack of an exercise facility." Some of these conditions were crit- icized last year by the State In- spector. At a press conference held by the plaintiffs' legal counsel and supporting organizations, N e a 1 Bush, an attorney with the Ann Arbor Lawyer's Guild, noted that the large majority of prisoners have not been convicted of a crime. He called the conditions in which they must live "intolerable." The suit contends that the in- adequate sanitary facilities and overcrowding violate both the Ann Arbor Building Code and the Mich- igan Correctional Institution Code. A cell in which prisoners are placed for punishment called by inmates the "hole" is cited in par- ticular by the suit as unlawful. According to Bush, inmates are sometimes placed there with no clean clothes, and the cell is not furnished with running water. Bush also 'noted that prisoners, are given but 'one change of clean1 clothes a week. Toilets and cells often overflow and backup causing unhealthy, conditions and foul odors which the ventilation system cannot al- leviate, the suit alleges. According to Bush, representa- tives for the plaintiffs wantaccess to the jail "at reasonable hours" See INMATES, Page 6 Thursday meetings may be open "depending on the issues to be discussed." In a typical monthly round of' meetings, the publicly elected Re- This provision could be an en- gents meet for about 14 hours, in- couragement to hopefuls such as cluding a two-hour long Friday Rep. Shirley Chisolm (D-N.Y.),. chiinga to-hur ongFriayNew York Mayor John Lindsay morning meeting which is open to:ndwAYarkmayov.JorgL day- those who request passes in d and Alabama Gov. George Wal- vance. Additionally, the Regents meet in closed session most of Thurs- day, Thursday evening and early Friday morning. Today's discussion on classified research will mostly involve ques- tioning faculty and student rep- resentatives on various plans to restrict such research on campus, Representatives of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs will speak about the Sen- See REGENTS', Page 6 lace. The bill also provides for. simul- taneous election of party pre- cinct delegates. Precinct contend- ers would run uncommitted or pledged to certain hopefuls. Suc- cessful precinct - delegate candi- dates would choose county dele- gates, who would in turn select national convention delegates. The Senate vote came after an- other serious roadblock had been t h r o w n in front of the long- delayed measure. I By SUE STEPHENSON The Ann Arbor Board of Educa- tion yesterday voted 5-4 not to accept Superintendent R. Bruce McPherson's pairing plan for ele- mentary schools. The decision was reached after the members of the board had listened to hours of various com- munity members' opinions. McPherson's "p air in g" plan through second grade students, now attending the overcrowded though racially balanced Clinton school, would be bused to the new Southeast elementary school. All third to fifth grade students would be bused to Clinton school. The Clinton school district includes both elementary schools, divided by In- terstate 94. Students in thedistrict now attend the Clinton school. i would involve the busing of stu-I dents between two of the city's ele- Board Trustees Charles Good, mentary s c h o o 1 s. Kindergarten Henry Johnson, Ron Bishop, and WOMEN'S, MINORITIES' UNITS U' may end commissions Paul Carrington voted in support of the pairing plan. Trustee Johnson commented be- fore the vote that he saw "no other way for the board to act but in support of the pairing plan," and he added that he felt that "failure to do so would result in regression from positive thinking." Bishop, also in favor of the pair- ing plan, commented that he was in favor of the "neighborhood school concept" but he added that he felt "we have a problem which supercedes this one," and that only the passage of the pairing problem will solve it. One of the three non-voting stu- dent members of the board com- mented that he felt there was a "need for segregation in the lower schools in order to alleviate the racial problems encountered in the high schools." Ann Arbor Board of Education President Cecil Warner, Vice Pres- ident Ted Heusel, and trustees Robert Conn, Ralph Bolhouse and Duane Renken rejected and thus defeated McPherson's pairing plan. Trustee Bolhouse, in commenting before the vote, said that he felt "the neighborhood concept was a great value in helping a child de- velop an identity," and he ccn- tinued questioning how any child could "prefer a system of pahing as opposed to the security of home. HP2,gPIcc'1caihP v,'p.8 -rn A oavt the By MARY KRAMER Special To The Daily CHICAGO - The University is con- sidering phasing out' its women's and ninorities' commissions as coordina- tors of its affirmative action plans to end job discrimination. At a conference on equal employ- ment opportunities for women here yes- terday. The Daily learned from Univer- sity officials that the commissions may be replaced by a single administrator. The conference discussed the impli- cations of the Department of Labor's JOHN FELDKAMP, director of housing, and South Quad Minor- ity Council member Lee Gill, attend a meeting last night on the proposal for an Afro-American and African Culture Residence Unit in South Quad. About 25 dorm residents attended the session. Residents discuL blaclVig A unit By HOWARD BRICK The objections of some South Quad residents to an Afro- American and African Cultural living unit proposed' for the dormitory next term may be overcome by the relocation of returning residents in other houses of that dorm. The possibility of relocating returning residents of Gom- berg and Bush Houses, the houses proposed for the unit, in South Quad's Huber and Thronson Houses is seen as a viable solution to the problem by both South Quad residents and Director of Housing John Feldkamp. Approximately 25 residents of the dormitory met with Feldkamp last night. Though no official compromise was worked out, r presentatives of Gomberg and Bush house gov- ---- _------- - - Iernments admitted that relo- cation would be an acceptable solution. The cultural living unit was approved "in principle" by the Housing Policy Committee Feb. 10. Though the committee must re- affirm its decision in a "second reading" tomorrow, the Housing Office has already begun plans for implementing the plan. - ' Bush and Gomberg houses, adja- cent houses on the fifth and sixth floors of South Quad, have been proposed as specific sites for the cultural living unit. This proposal, -. however, has initially met unfav- orable response from present resi- dents in those houses. The living unit, though it will consist predominantly of black students, will be open to any stu- dents "who have an interest in Afro-American and African cul- ture without regard to race, color and religion," according to the applies to the University only in "spirit", not the "letter of the law." HEW is currently reviewing the Uni- versity's affirmative action plan, which was drawn up after HEW withheld several University contracts in Nov. 1970. In addition, University Attorney William Lemmer said that the phasing out of the women's commission was only "a possibility." President Robben Fleming has ap- pointed Lemmer to explore the applic- ability of the order to the University. G f f r L P m:..3