Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Electronic us Warfaro: Brought to by te ssoc.f Old Crows 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY16, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT SCHREINER On studentizing the Union MICHIGAN IS one of the few major universities in the country which does not have its own student union, and hopes for such a structure here in the near future are slim. Yet things at the Michigan Union are slowly changing. Demands have surfaced in the last few years calling for more student input in the Union governance system and for, more student use of the available Union space. The idea of a student union is most appealing. Students on this campus need a single, centrally located spot where they can go for meetings, conferences or just to talk. At present there is a proposal before the Union Board of Directors which would entirely change the administra- tive organization of the Union. If passed, the proposal would create a student- dominated policy board to replace the current Board of Directors - composed of an equal number of students, faculty and alumni. There is little chance that the pro- posal will be passed by the Board of Directors, since it in effect would make them obsolete. However the board should take a close look at what the proposal would accomplish before they consider throwing it away. The major achievement of the pro- posal would be to create a policy board with a student majority. The policy board would be in charge of all Union functions, including allocating space within the Union. This would be one of the first steps towards creating a true "student" union. IDEA of 'a student center appar- ently strikes fear within the hearts of the alumni. They feel that student control of the Union would men a loss of their own right to use the building. But student use and control are not incompatible with alumni rights. The present proposal has a safeguard built in to protect alumni interests in that any change in the alumni offices must be ap- proved by both the policy board and the Board of Directors. The major aspect of students' demand for more Union space is for more meet- ing rooms and conference space. This same space would also be available for use by the alumni. If and when the Board of Directors' refuses to approve the proposal--as ap- pears likely - a petition drive will start to have the issue placed on the ballot of this spring's Student Government Coun- cil elections. An archaic feature of the election will be that only male students - as mem- bers of the Union, which technically bars females,-will be permitted to vote on tne issue. The males-only clause is be- ing dropped from the Union's constitu- tion, but not in time to effect the next election. IF THE BOARD of Directors refuses to approve the proposal, they should at least try to incorporate some of its ideas into their present structure. Perhaps a student majority on the Board of Di- rectors would be a partial solution. In any event, students have proven themselves responsible in other areas of policy making within the University. There is no reason for the alumni not to trust them now. -JUDY RUSKIN Brain Mistrust is a radical research/action group based in Ann Arbor and working with progressive groups in the Midwest. This article is re- printed from the Feb. 11 is- sue of the American Report. By BRAIN MISTRUST WITH THE RECENT govern- ment emphasis on research and development (R and D), re- miniscent of the 1957 Sputnik-gen- erated beat-the-Russians sience race, we may all be hearing more from the boys who brought us the electronic battlefied as they seek support for continued development and long-range planning of the field known to the military/in- dustry as Electronic Warfare (EW). The chief proponents of EW are the members of the Association of Old Crows (AOC), a quasi-gov- ernment engineering society that numbers among its aims and pur- poses those of "fostering and pre- serving the art of EW" and "pro- moting the exchange of ideas and information in this field." The official publication of the AOC is the quarterly magazine Electronic Warfare, which seeks to keep AOC members "informed about pertinent EW projetes, peo- ple, and companies." Electronic Warfarenrecently in- cluded an article entitled "T h e Continuing Role of Universities in Electronic Warfare" by P r o f. Thomas Butler, director of the University's Cooley Electronics Laboratory, which was presented at the 1970 AOC symposium. If an organization with members called "Crows" and chapters with names like "Patriots Roost" and the "Mugu Crows Club" reminds you of the Elks or Masons, you are only partly right. Currently there are about 40 chapters in the Unit-' ed States, Canada and Austrailia, with additional EW groups in the Armed Forces elsewhere. THE AOC began formally in 1964, but the Crows date their his- tory as a group to World War II when they engaged in a common secret drive to thwart the achieve- ments of German communications and radar technology. The name of "Old Crow" is a derivative of the wartime c o de word RAVEN used for EW work. At least in the beginning, pe use of code names and acronyms (ECM, ESM, ECCM) was radly motivated by the secretive nature of EW, but at this stage :n the development of the pushbutton battlefield they seem often to func- tion as euphemisms for the deadly serious game they describe. Deciding just what EW en- compasses is a major activity of the AOC because, as they pu it, "one of its purposes is to see that an adequate amount of the na- tion's resources are put into EW so that it may take its rightful place in the nation's arsenal" But at least as a point of reference we can start with the Department of the Army's list of EW defin- itions. The language is meant to imply that EW is a "defensive action" to be thought of as 'countering an enemy threat." In a more comprehensive frame of mind, one of the editors of Electronic Warfare proposed that EW be defined as "any and all utilization of electromagnetic radiation for the purpose of mak- ing war and the denial of same to any and all enemies, real or potential." PERHAPS THE definitions will be more meaningful in the context of a brief look at the history of EW technology asrit began in the early days of World War II. The most important new electronic de- velopment of the time was radar -the use of high frequency radio waves that travel in a straight line and bounce off of targets in the path, the reflected waves bear- ing an image of the object out there. With the United States in the air, Allied efforts with Electronic C o u n t e r Measures (ECM), and Electromagnetic Support Measures (ESM) continued, and though tech- niques were often ad hoc, the re- sults were, as often, significant in the tide of battle. With the end of World War II, interest and support for EW eva- porated except within the military establishment. As one Old Crow put it, "it was only the tenacity of a very few people that prevented the technology from being lost, and then, of course, the Korean War re-established the need, and t h e field grew." AFTER KOREA the same thing happened and Old Crows every- where were forced to tighten their belts in the game of boom and bust shared also by members of the aerospace industry. The rest of the history of EW you might guess; compare yours with that offered by the Association of Old Crows: "Now along comes our Viet Nam involvement. In 1965, when t h e real escalation began, we had vir- tually no Electronic Warfare cap- ability in Southeast Asia. Our aircraft losses were very high and someone finally realized that we had better start reacting, "Arid re- act is just what we did. We resur- rected every piece of Electronic Warfare equipment we could fird and within a short time tie air- craft losses dropped and everyone said 'ECM is Good!' "ECM is good, and it's getting better every day, and some of the companies that suffered through- out the 'lean' days are starting to make money. There is a lot of politicking going on in government to see who will get to administer the major share of almost one billion dollars in funding which is the new and ever popular Elec- tornic Warfare pie." ONE SYSTEM that these funds have developed in Viet Nam de- 'serves special mention as the current counterpart to the radar jammers of World War II bomb- ers. It is the "Wild Weasel" fam- ily of "passive ECM equipment de- veloped to protect tactical a i r- craft in Viet Nam." The parallel is one of technol- ogy, but also of the euphemism of "protecting". aircraft w h o s e mission is clearly that of destroy- ing the "enemy" with laser, in- frared, and TV-guided bombs and antipersonnel weapons, all called in for a strike by the electronic sensors and other fruits of EW technology. The "Advanced Wild Weasel equipment" (the weasel is known for its agility in killing birds and vermin) is an integrated systemn of devices to help the pilot foil surface-to-air 'missiles (SAM's) and antiaircraft. NOW THAT THE electronic bat- tlefield is taking over the war, the role of Old Crows and EW seems at least~ secure. But still the public needs to be assured that -continued spending for EW is essential to the defense of our country even in peacetime. For- tunately for the members, the AOC draws support from the Govern- CORPORATIONS INVOLVED in Electronic Warfare are quick to tell trade magazine subscribers about it, as this advertise- ment from Slyvania shows. End ing pot penalties; IN A LAUDABLE move, the National or ingester tends t Commission on Marijuana and Drug ing, male liberal Abuse has unanimously recommended an affiliation." end to criminal penalties for the posses- The report blow sion and use of marijuana. myths about why But, the commission inconsistently dope. Johnny smo recommends the retention of penalties friend Bill smokes for sale and growing of marijuana, adolescent rebellio In the commission's view, ending the society.m criminal penalties would take the marl- the stereotypedha juana user out of a drug-using subcul- destronypid hn ture labelled as criminal, and thereby, crime due to the n sever the tie of illegality between heroin crimeness and te and marijuana, reducing heroin addic- sedbynsmong tion. caused by smoking The commission will present its re- fiThe report also commendations to President Nixon and least once a wee] Congress by March 22. Though the com- eastyonbe by19e mission has worked under the illusion easily double by 19 that Nixon will listen to its, conclusions, THE COMMISSIO they should realize that the majority of criminal penall reports made by past commissions have must be recognize been either ignored or rejected. necessity. But the Nixon seems to have no use for recom- go far enough. nendations that go against his expec- Eliminating pena tations or personal opinions. retaining penalties of marijuana is il THE REPORT will, in addition, present and use cease to b a number of worthy conclusions, in- next step should be cluding the unique finding that mar- But none of it ma juana use does not lead to heroin addic- March 23, Nixon tion or violent crime. nounce that the Na Other general findings, based on the Marijuana and Dru many extensive research studies con- to common sense a ducted over the past years on marijuana, rejected. show that the typical marijuana smoker- almost o be a cigarette-smok- with "weak religious vs up more cherished Johnny is driven to kes because his best , not as a symbol of n against insensitive user, far from being phead bent on violent fact deterred from ecrease of physical as- emporal coordination predicts that while icans now smoke at k, that number may 76. N'S call for an end to ties for marijuana use d as a long-overdue commission does not alties for use, while for sale and growing llogical. If possession e crimes, the obvious complete legalization. ay matter anyway. On may very well an- ational Commission on g stands in oppisition nd is, therefore to be -JAN BENEDETTI ment, the military, and industry, so at least they start with a broad base. Besides the publication of the magazine, the main activity of the AOC is the national convention, which for the past several years has consisted of a technical ,sym- posium (for which you need secur- ity clearance - presumed of most members -- to attend) sponsored jointly by the Department of De- fense (DD) and the AOC, and a banquet at which appropriate pub- lic figures (e.g. Senators Robert Byrd; Barry Goldwater, himself an Old Crow; and Secretary of De- fense Melvin Laird) affirm the ten- ets of the AOC. THE ONE GROUP least men- tioned so far, but in many ways most important, is the corpora- tions. They are the source of most EW production, if not also de- velopment, and-if you oelieve their ads, they are eager to take credit for the results. Textron says we have "RHAW power" (radar homing acquisition warning - the Wild Weasel scheme). Litton Systems advertises, "We've been making a it of noise lately" with "adaptive iammers." With the General Instrument Corp., it's "There's no business- like Crow business/That's cno busi- ness we know." And General Electric brags, "Noise or Deception? Whlichever you choose, wecanhelp you meet your specific mission r-equire- ments." About its airborne and ground- based radars " a bigplus in home-safe ECM," Westinghouse says, of course, "You can be sure . . . if it's Westinghouse." But GTE Sylvania outdoes them all with its claim that "Electronic Warfare is our business," a n d explains it all for you with a draw- ing of the battlefield (see above). Warfare is important to - these companies and many more like them in the electronics ,industry. As recent industry surveys put it, 'The military budget exercises an important influence over the fortunes of the electronics indus- try, since almost a half of the Industry's output goes to the de- fense sector. For a few companies, over 80 per cent of sales goes to the DOD. In such cases, every time the Pen- tagon sneezes, the companies, in- volved catch pneumonia:" BUT NEVER worry. The O1d Crows have it figured out that even without a war there is a place for' them. First, one pro- posed, change the name from EW to "Electromagnetic Defene" like changing the name of the War Department to the Department of Defense) and then find continuing uses for the technology. As this Crow continued in an AOC editorial: "We must join to- gether and collectively sell the ur- gent and continuing peacetime needs for our Crow talents. The layman must be 7 made aware of the never-ending requirement for reconnaissance and surveillance. "He must be alerted to the ne- cessity of. developing new and up- to-date active protective systems, and he must be made to recog- nize the need for versatile and consistent training. And most of all, he must be made to believe that these things are sll vital to the adefense of this country. AI 4 THE OLD CROW'S symbol is used here in an advertisement for Litten Systems. The "noise" refers to Litton's work with "adap- tive jammers," part of the Electronic Countermeasures technol- ogy. superscription Feminist House:. Envisioning the revolution by, lyrn ginner Out of the frying pan .. HE RESIGNATION of Atty. Gen. John Mitchell yesterday was almost an occasion for rejoicing. Almost, but not quite. For, on the heels of the resignation an- nouncement came the nomination of beputy Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindiest as his successor, and if you liked Mitchell, you'll love Kleindiest. As soon as the nomination became public, Senate liberals announced their intention to fight the appointment from the floor, and well they might. The question of who's politics are worse, Mitchell's or Kleindiest's, is almost irrelevant and there are conflicting re- ports on the subject. Let it suffice that Kleindiest is the spiritual son of Mitchell dencies towards ignoring civil and hu- man rights. It was Kleindiest who stood with Mit- chell in a Justice Department window, looking down on the mass arrest of sev- eral hundred anti-war protesters during the May Day actions. And it was Kleindiest who helped mas- termind the roundup and arrests of 12,- 000 protesters that week, showing not the least concern that police were not even stopping to book their catches before herding them onto buses to jails and de- tention camps. Kleindiest's potential elevation, and Mitchell's announced intention of head- ing Nixon's Presidential campaign this IN THIS TIME of political apathy, 1,500 people meeting here on a political issue is a rarity, a throwback to the 60's. It seems that usually only sports events, or entertainment, can draw large crowds now. Monday night at the Power Center saw the exception. Two feminist speakers drew a sell-out audience, where 1,400 paid $2,100 to jam the auditorium, and at least a hundred more stormed the guards to sit in the aisles. The occasion? Activists Gloria Steinem and Margaret Sloan speaking on sexism and racism, in a benefit lecture for the founding of a feminist house in Ann Ar- bor. The crowd heard Steinem and Sloan speak on women's history and the link- age of racism and sexism. There was also an hour of dialogue between the audience and speakers MOST IMPORTANTLY, there was a sense of excitement in the audience - a sense unfelt here since the peak of the anti- war movement in 1969, or the Black Ac- tion Movement of 1970. Here was an issue with potential - one not yet stifled by the frustrations and apathy which have choked so many of * -D~aly-S'ara rrulwi~h, To see such a crowd now during a time of minimal activism is a sign that there is -yet a movement which has not been smothered by failure. Sloan and Steinem are both good speak- ers, informal speakers who established an immediate and warm rapport with a mas- sive group. Their time was donated to fund what frmnvivi c4 hn,P s~ n~nvn-te~vrm "not, ni a more open and humane society for both men and women. If the spontaneous applause and ovations to the speakers, both on the stage and in the audience, indicates political potential, then there is a strong base for the growth of the feminist movement here. And we - both women and men - must not let it slip. The enthusiasm expressed law repeal, and a new approach to women's courses must be supported. So must what Steinem called 'remedial studies" - until ' we can approach our studies from the total human - not only white male - perspective. 1,500 people have not gathered for a long time on a-political issues of such sweeping implications in a long time here. The